- 17.632
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg, oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem Gerät!
Sie wird entwickelt von Anderson Aragão und ist aktuell nur über Google+ zu finden.
Es sind schon ein paar nette Sachen enthalten...
* Based on AOSP sources
* Full Nexus Experience from Google Factory images
* Permissive Kernel (Just flash Latest Chainfire SuperSU to get Root)
* Ambient Display Option in Settings > Display
* Reboot, Airplane mode and Sound options in Power menu
* Quick Settings panel pull down with one finger on Status bar
* Native battery percentage in >Display > Status bar
* Network traffic in Settings > Display > Status bar
* Navigation bar height in Settings > Display > Navigation bar
* Status bar Clock and date customization in Settings > Display > Status bar
* Timeout and instant lock options in Swipe screen lock
* 0.75 and 0.25 animation transition modes
* Show application's package name in the "App info" screen
* SuperSU in Settings if SuperSU is installed
* Filter spam notifications in Settings > Battery > Battery saver
* Advanced options for Input methods in Settings > Language and input
* Volume rocker wake up in Settings > Display
* Wake up device if charger is plugged/unplugged in Settings > Display
* Safe headset volume, Less annoying sound notification and Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime in Settings > Sound > Advanced options
* Advanced reboot options in Settings > Developer options
* Long press back to kill app option in Settings > Developer options
* Trusted Places
* Backup scripts: Support Backup script of GAPPS, SuperSU and custom scripts
* Clear All Recents button
* Battery and Notification lights control
* Double-tap to sleep on Status bar
* Status bar brightness control
* Improve scrolling cache
* Volume key adjust sound
* Superuser is built-in in Settings
* FAB clear all recents with Fade in and Fade out effect
* Navigation bar clear all recents
* Option to disable Search widget on Recents screen
* Recents screen settings on Settings > Display where you can manage these options
* Both Clear all recents now close only visible apps (Foreground and non visible cards still open)
* Per app controls for lock screen notifications
* AppOps in Settings > Security
* Option to disable Heads up notifications
* Option to enable Heads up notifications for all apps
* Option to enable Notification Ticker
* Option to disable Quick settings on secure Lock screen
* Option to add weather in Status bar header
* etc
Ein Nandroid Backup ist immer zu empfehlen!
Erste Installation:
- Wipe system/dalvik/cache (Factory Reset empfohlen, also auch wipe data)
- Rom und Gapps flashen
- Reboot
- Zum Rooten SuperSU flashen
- Rom und Gapps (falls neue Version) flashen
Wenn ihr einen Custom Kernel verwenden wollt, solltet ihr den ersten Start mit dem Stock Kernel machen, damit der Backup Service stabil läuft. Anschliessend könnt ihr einen Kernel eurer Wahl flashen.

Sie wird entwickelt von Anderson Aragão und ist aktuell nur über Google+ zu finden.
Es sind schon ein paar nette Sachen enthalten...
* Based on AOSP sources
* Full Nexus Experience from Google Factory images
* Permissive Kernel (Just flash Latest Chainfire SuperSU to get Root)
* Ambient Display Option in Settings > Display
* Reboot, Airplane mode and Sound options in Power menu
* Quick Settings panel pull down with one finger on Status bar
* Native battery percentage in >Display > Status bar
* Network traffic in Settings > Display > Status bar
* Navigation bar height in Settings > Display > Navigation bar
* Status bar Clock and date customization in Settings > Display > Status bar
* Timeout and instant lock options in Swipe screen lock
* 0.75 and 0.25 animation transition modes
* Show application's package name in the "App info" screen
* SuperSU in Settings if SuperSU is installed
* Filter spam notifications in Settings > Battery > Battery saver
* Advanced options for Input methods in Settings > Language and input
* Volume rocker wake up in Settings > Display
* Wake up device if charger is plugged/unplugged in Settings > Display
* Safe headset volume, Less annoying sound notification and Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime in Settings > Sound > Advanced options
* Advanced reboot options in Settings > Developer options
* Long press back to kill app option in Settings > Developer options
* Trusted Places
* Backup scripts: Support Backup script of GAPPS, SuperSU and custom scripts
* Clear All Recents button
* Battery and Notification lights control
* Double-tap to sleep on Status bar
* Status bar brightness control
* Improve scrolling cache
* Volume key adjust sound
* Superuser is built-in in Settings
* FAB clear all recents with Fade in and Fade out effect
* Navigation bar clear all recents
* Option to disable Search widget on Recents screen
* Recents screen settings on Settings > Display where you can manage these options
* Both Clear all recents now close only visible apps (Foreground and non visible cards still open)
* Per app controls for lock screen notifications
* AppOps in Settings > Security
* Option to disable Heads up notifications
* Option to enable Heads up notifications for all apps
* Option to enable Notification Ticker
* Option to disable Quick settings on secure Lock screen
* Option to add weather in Status bar header
* etc
Ein Nandroid Backup ist immer zu empfehlen!
Erste Installation:
- Wipe system/dalvik/cache (Factory Reset empfohlen, also auch wipe data)
- Rom und Gapps flashen
- Reboot
- Zum Rooten SuperSU flashen
- Rom und Gapps (falls neue Version) flashen
Wenn ihr einen Custom Kernel verwenden wollt, solltet ihr den ersten Start mit dem Stock Kernel machen, damit der Backup Service stabil läuft. Anschliessend könnt ihr einen Kernel eurer Wahl flashen.
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