Fortgeschrittenes Mitglied
- 208
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Zunächst einmal die üblichen Sachen:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Weder Android-Hilfe.de noch ich bin verantwortlich für jegliche Schäden, die an oder in eurem Nexus 5 durch aufspielen dieses ROMs enstehen könnten![/FONT]
- 29.12.2014: Stable 9 (letztes 4.4.4 release)
- 09.12.2014: Neues Weekly 8.20
- 02.12.2014: Neues Weekly 8.18
- 25.11.2014: Neues Weekly sowie aktuelle Gapps (385)
- 21.11.2014: Neue Gapps (383)
- 19.11.2014: Neue Gapps (379)
- 18.11.2014: Neues Weekly 8.14
- 14.11.2014: Neue Gapps (372)
- 12.11.2014: Neue Gapps (367)
- 11.11.2014: Weekly 8.12.1, neue Gapps (365) hinzugefügt
- 06.11.2014: Neue Gapps (362)
- 04.11.2014: Neues Weekly 8.10 sowie aktuelle Gapps (352)
- 28.10.2014: Neues Weekly 8.9 sowie aktuelle Gapps (344)
- 26.10.2014: Neue Gapps (334)
- 21.10.2014: Neues Weekly 8.8
- 15.10.2014: Neues Weekly 8.6.1 sowie Gapps (310)
- 14.10.2014: Neues Weekly 8.6 sowie Gapps (308)
- 11.10.2014: Neue Gapps (305) sowie neuer Playstore.
- 07.10.2014: Neue Weekly 8.4 sowie neue Gapps (297).
- 02.10.2014: Neue Gapps (296)
- 30.09.2014: Neues Weekly 8.2 eingefügt.
- 24.09.2014: Neue Gapps (292)
- 22.09.2014: Stable 8.0 hinzugefügt.
- Settings revamp
- Heads up transparency and colour
- Added SlimLauncher [remove nova launcher]
- Proximity Wake: Add support for checking proximity when waking device (for specific devices)
- Volume panel time out
- Status bar ticker
- Automatic Proximity Speaker
- Fix notification icons overlapping with centre clock
- frameworks/av updates aosp caf
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- frameworks/native updates aosp caf
- APN updates
- Translations
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Weekly 8.20:
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
Features: [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
- SystemUI: Ensure that the Clock is actually enabled in IconMerger
- More Translations
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- package_apps_Settings updates
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
- frameworks/native updates aospcaf
- frameworks/av updates aospcaf
- More Translations
- hardware_qcom_display-caf-new updates
- hardware_qcom_media-
- More Translations
- SlimLauncher:New icons,Add ability to change folder icon text color,Add App Drawer Gesture to go back to homescreen,Add smart folder,Add home as up in launcher settings,Folder preview color
- Telephony: Speaker proximity only while in call
- Volume panel timeout (Merged)
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- frameworks_opt_telephony updates
- frameworks/av updates aosp caf
- hardware_qcom_media-caf-new updates
- hardware_qcom_audio-caf updates
- stagefright-plugins updates
- frameworks/native updates aosp caf
- external_chromium_org updates
- external_okhttp updates
- external_chromium_org_third_party_openssl updates
- platform_libcore updates
- system_core updates
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- More Translations
Features: [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
- SlimLauncher:
- Add permission for widgets, hide dock, more gestures, last app, Hide home screen indicator
- Automatic Proximity Speaker (disabled on mako)
- frameworks/av updates aosp caf
- stagefright-plugins updates
- hardware_qcom_media-caf-new updates
- hardware_qcom_display-caf-new updates
- hardware_qcom_audio-caf updates
- system_core updates
- Fix a FC while BT music streaming
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- frameworks/native updates aosp caf
- More Translations
- APN Updates
- SlimLauncher: Added Icon Pack Support,Hidden Apps Settings,Multi-Language update
- Status Bar Ticker
- Camera2 Enable 10MP and nHD pictures modes (Ghost related)
- More Translations
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- Add device overlay for proximity wake
- Add SlimLauncher Please note this is a brand new and in early stages more to come"
- Remove Nova launcher "Make sure to backup your nova setup before updating"
- Smart Cover Support for HLTE
- Proximity Wake: Add support for checking proximity when waking device for select devices LG G2,Bacon, and M8 more to come .
- wpa_supplicant_8 updates
- hardware_qcom_bt updates
- openssl updates
- bluetooth_bluedroid updates
- package_apps_Bluetooth updates
- hardware_libhardware updates
- package_apps_BluetoothExt updates
- hardware_qcom_fm updates
- frameworks/av updates aosp caf
- Superuser updates
- hardware_qcom_audio-caf updates
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- frameworks/av updates aosp caf
- frameworks/native updates
- hardware_qcom_audio-caf updates
- hardware_qcom_display-caf-new updates
- hardware_libhardware_legacy updates
- hardware_samsung updates
- external_stagefright-plugins updates
- external_libnfc-nci updates "fixes NFC for some HLTE and Bacon devices"
- hardware_qcom_media-caf updates
- hardware_qcom_display-caf updates
- Frameworks_base: Update ringtons, notification sounds and alarms
- Frameworks_av caf: MatroskaExtractor: Letting the error be correctly handled
- Translations Updates
- Updates for APN's and SPN's
- Heads up color and transparency
- Moved heads up to settings to Interface
- New Bluetooth stack for caf branch
- frameworks/base updates aosp caf
- packages/apps/Settings updates aosp caf
- libhardware updates
- build updates
- packages/apps/Camera2 updates
- hardware_qcom_fm updates
- frameworks/av updates aosp caf
- frameworks/native updates
- hardware_qcom_audio-caf updates
- hardware_libhardware_legacy updates
- system_core updates
- hardware_qcom_display-caf-new updates
- hardware_qcom_media-caf-new updates
- hardware_samsung updates
- apn updates
- more translations
- updated apns
- more translations
- SlimCenter "Fix OTA on unified builds"
- Volume panel background colour & transparency
- Slimrecents: card/text colour
- Slimrecents: background colour & transparence
- Add hlteusc
- Add taoshan
- Add Amami
- Add hltevzw developer edition
- Add hltespr
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Aktuelles Stable: [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Build 9[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif] (26.12.2014)[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif] 157,43 MB[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Aktuelle [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Slim mini Gapps [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif](02.12.2014)[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif] 64,01 MB[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Aktuelle Slim normal Gapps (02.12.2014) 179,61 MB[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Aktuelle Slim full Gapps (02.12.2014) 247,91 MB [/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Aktuelle 4.4.4 BETA Gapps von Dankoman
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Die Standart DPI in dieser ROM sind ziemlich klein gewählt (370) anstelle der originalen DPI (480).[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Man kann die DPI sehr einfach problemlos ändern mit der kleinen APP Textdroider[/FONT][/FONT]
SlimKat Merkmale:
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The real dark Slim (Umkehren der kompletten ROM inklusive Gapps)[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Slim Recents (Kompletter Austausch der AOSP Recents für besseres Multitasking sowie markieren der Lieblings-Apps)[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Benachrichtigungen sowie Lockscreen Shortcuts[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]SlimPIE[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Das erste, was zu tun ist, stellt sicher, dass ihr die neueste Recovery installiert habt.[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Download der neusten Stable / Weekly sowie der aktuellen Gapps (siehe unten).[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Reboot ins Recovery.[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Im Recovery macht ihr ein Full Wipe nach folgender Anleitung:
- In CWM macht ihr ein data/factory reset und in mounts and storage section einmal format system
- In TWRP auf wipe, dann Advanced und dort folgendes auswählen:
- Dalvik Cache; Cache; System; Data
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Flash SlimKat Rom[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Flash SlimKat Gapps[/FONT]
- [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Reboot[/FONT]
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