[ROM 4.4.4][AOSP] MAHDI Rom v2.9 [25.10.2014]

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Es gibt ein neues Test Build.

Mahdi786 schrieb:
New test build is up, I haven't got time to do a full release and I want to test some stuff before hand as the next release build will be the final.
I'll push everything to github later today.
-For those having issues with emoticons, test if its fixed
-Sprint users, test if you still have data issues
-Test if Puzzle and Dragon game now works


-Theme chooser: Let ThemeService handle all theme processing
-Immersive mode: options to disable navbar or statusbar gesture
-WiFi: show devices behind a firewall that are connected to the WiFi hotspot
-Fixed keyboard emoticons issue
-APNs updates
-Other stuff, read the detailed changelog

-Tanslation updates thanks to [MENTION=4487065]stmay30[/MENTION], [MENTION=5574921]blazze11[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1621200]bankai03[/MENTION]

Hammerhead kernel
-Added backlight dimmer option
-reverted some i2c commits and fastcharge

Detailed changelog
Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_vendor_mahdi
- black - Update APNs for b-mobile (440,10,Japan)
- Merudo - added Truphone UK apn
- Merudo - added TeleCable/Truphone/Mtel, fixed Lyca/Orange
- Merudo - added Voiceworks Mobile BV / MVNO NL APNs
- Merudo - Added missing line for Verizon APN (mcc 311 mnc 480)
- black - Update APNs for docomo and SoftBank (MCC:440 Japan)
- Tony Layher - Stop allowing other APNs overriding Sprint LTE.
- Merudo - added 13 Lycamobile APNs, combined TMI APN, added 48months APN
- Merudo - corrected Smarts RU APNs

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_camera
- Tom Marshall - camera: Use project pathmap

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_gps
- Ethan Chen - gps: Expect build system to always have a default QCOM variant
- Tom Marshall - gps: Use project pathmap

Project name: android_bionic
- Pracheer - libc: Add cortex-a53 bionic code

Project name: android_build
- Ethan Chen - build: Set QCOM variants for non-QCOM_HARDWARE defined targets
- Steve Kondik - build: Add "dtbs" target when building the kernel
- Tom Marshall - build: Introduce project pathmap and use it for qcom variants

Project name: android_kernel_lge_hammerhead
- franciscofranco - backlight: scale max current when the brightness level is below 15 instead of using always 0.
- franciscofranco - backlight: add minimum backlight brightness module param.
- franciscofranco - backlight: clean the code.
- franciscofranco - backlight: fix a bug where the screen would be completely dark or near darkness with backlight_dimmer enabled when the display dimmed. The brightness level can't be any lower than dev->min_brightness and previous code allowed that to happen, so fix it.
- flar2 - Backlight dimmer mod: more gradual transitions
- flar2 - More gradual levels for backlight dimmer mod (based on [MENTION=340133]MZH[/MENTION]ou module)
- flar2 - Add backlight dimmer option
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "fastcharge: initial Nexus 5 adaptation"
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "defconfig: add force fast charge"
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "i2c-qup: Verify that mem resource exists prior to redirection"
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "qup_i2c: Handle scenario if runtime PM is disable"
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "i2c_qup: Improve implementation of PM callbacks"
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "qup_i2c: export qup_i2c_init_driver"
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "i2c_qup: Fix for unhandled IRQ"
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "qup_i2c: Initialize I2C resource before registering."

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_frameworks_base
- Ricardo Cerqueira - Add a HAF access permission
- Matthias Yzusqui - wifi: show devices behind a firewall that are connected to the WiFi hotspot
- Abhisek Devkota - Revert "SystemUI: Fix missing top task in recent panel."
- Mahdi-Rom - Disable forced navbar: reworked
- Clark Scheff - Themes: Let ThemeService handle all theme processing [1/3]
- Danny Baumann - Code cleanup.
- Mahdi-Rom - [1/2] Immersive mode: options to disable navbar or statusbar gesture

Project name: android_frameworks_opt_telephony
- Adnan - Telephony: Scrub debug messages for identifiable information.

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_apps_TouchControl
- Renaud - TouchControl: update French translations
- blazze11 - TouchControl: update German translations

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_apps_ThemeChooser
- Clark Scheff - Themes: Let ThemeService handle all theme processing [2/3]
- Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
- Michael Bestas - ThemeChooser: Remove unused string

Mahdi-Rom Project name: packages_apps_Settings
- Xacom - Updated Italian traslations
- Altaf-Mahdi - Disable forced navbar: reworked
- Adnan - Settings: Update button backlight summary always.
- Altaf-Mahdi - [2/2] Immersive mode: options to disable navbar or statusbar gesture
- Altaf-Mahdi - Button settings: add enabled/disabled summaries for all navigation options
- Altaf-Mahdi - Settings: update Spanish translations thanks to [MENTION=500756]Senses[/MENTION]Xda
- blazze11 - Settings: update German translations
- Renaud - Settings: update French translations

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_apps_Dialer
- Andrea Fagiani - Add reverse lookup provider "PagineBianche" (IT).
- Adnan - Dialer: Scrub debug logging for identifiable information.

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_apps_Mms
- Adnan - Mms: Scrub debug logging for identifiable information, fix codestyle.

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_apps_MahdiCenter
- Renaud - MahdiCenter: update French translations

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_providers_ThemesProvider
- Clark Scheff - Themes: Let ThemeService handle all theme processing [3/3]
- Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_services_Telephony
- Andrea Fagiani - Add reverse lookup provider "PagineBianche" (IT).

Project name: android_external_sqlite
- arter97 - Upgrade to SQLite 3.8.6
- Steve Kondik - Revert "Fix world-readable permissions due to sqlite race condition"
- arter97 - Regenerate Android.patch

Project name: android_external_stagefright-plugins
- Steve Kondik - stagefright-plugins: Handle 32-bit floating point sample formats

Mahdi-Rom Project name: external_cyanogen_cmhomeapi
- Matt Garnes - Synchronize access to pending updates to Cards.
- Matt Garnes - Add null check for CardDataImage on insert.
- Matt Garnes - Add documentation for sort order of published cards.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bless
Hallöchen zusammen,

hab da noch ma 'ne Frage :rolleyes2:
ich hab die neueste Mahdi ROM 2.8 (vom 01/10) erfolgreich auf mein Nexus 5 geflashed :thumbsup:
allerdings finde ich die Einstellungen für das erweiterte Reboot Menü nicht mehr.
also das wo man einstellen kann ob man in die Recovery booten will anstatt einen
ordinären Reboot zu machen. weiß da jemand was?
ach ja und noch was: ich konnte den neuesten hellscore Kernel (b58) nicht drüber flashen,
obwohl das bei meinem Nexus 4 immer prima geklappt hat.
bin (wie immer) dankbar für Antworten :biggrin:
Guck mal in den entwickleroptionen rein, da kannste erweiterte reboot menü auswaehlen
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bless
super, danke!
zwecks dem Kernel hab ich grad auf der ersten Seite von diesem Thread
das hier gefunden > Kernel (AOSP, kein CAF!)
kann es daran liegen, dass der hellscore kernel nicht funzt? lg, Bless
Der aktuelle hells core ist 6.1 und läuft richtig gut
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bless
freakout schrieb:
Der aktuelle hells core ist 6.1 und läuft richtig gut

cool, haste da grad mal den download link dazu? :thumbup:
Habt ihr seit dem letzen Update auch das Problem, dass z.B. bei Whatsapp die Tastatur nicht automatisch verschwindet, wenn man einen Smiley bzw. Symbol verschicken will?
D.h. unten ist die Tastatur, darüber die Auswahl der Smiley und deswegen ist vom Chatfenster nichts mehr erkennbar :(
Bei mir geht es ganz normal. Benutze SwiftKey.
Ich habe auch die Tastatur gewechselt, hat nicht geholfen. Und es tritt auch bei allen Messengern auf, die ich installiert habe. Sehr seltsam...
New build is up, Sprint users report back if your issues are still present, those who felt charging was slow can you test and let me know if its fixed.
Have fun guys.


-Screen Recorder: increase max screen recording time to 1 hour
-External/skia updates
-APNs updates
-Other stuff, read the detailed changelog

-Reverted "Upgrade to SQLite 3.8.6" - Breaks some apps
-Reverted "Contacts provider: add fb sync"

-Tanslation updates thanks to [MENTION=4487065]stmay30[/MENTION], [MENTION=5574921]blazze11[/MENTION], [MENTION=1621200]bankai03[/MENTION], [MENTION=5307616]michaelz93[/MENTION]

-Added Tinted system bars by Yanuar Harry and Omni
**Note: this is only for testing at the moment and might not make it into the release builds,
it works well for me overall but I havent tested battery life or overall performance so test it out for yourself.
The settings are in 'UI settings > Tinted system bars', actionbar option doesnt work well so stick to screen color option

Detailed changelog
Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_vendor_mahdi
- Merudo - corrected Beeline UA apn
- Merudo - added Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Kuwait apns
- Merudo - corrected Yota APN
- Merudo - updated NOS/MEO apn names
- Merudo - cleanup: Spain APNs
- Merudo - added Africell APNs, moved Movistar PA APN
- Merudo - fixed Bouygues APNs
- Merudo - add/cleaned apn for Moldova/Poland
- sssemil - Remove duplicate <!-- Azerbaijan -->

Project name: android_system_vold
- arter97 - f2fs: disable fsck check

Project name: android_system_core
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert " healthd: increase healthd fast timer to 10mins instead of 1min"

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_frameworks_base
- LorDClockaN - Tinted: Speed up with compromise
- Mahdi-Rom - Tinted system bars: fix coloring some more navbar icons
- LorDClockaN - Tinted system bars: Fix Themes FC and reboots
- Mahdi-Rom - Tinted system bars: add color switching ability to carrier label
- Yanuar Harry - Tinted system bars: add color switching ability for battery
- Mahdi-Rom - PhoneWindowManager: fix derps
- Yanuar Harry - Base: allow to determine dominant color for notifications icon
- Yanuar Harry - Base: fix and improve tinted system bar
- Yanuar Harry - Base: respect layout changes before sending color broadcast
- Yanuar Harry - Base: improve color fetch calculation
- Yanuar Harry - Base: fix logic tinted system bar
- maxwen - base: fix init handling of tinted system bar
- Yanuar Harry - [1/2] Base: add support Tinted System bar
- Renaud - Base: update French translations
- stmay30 - Base: update Japanese translations
- Phil Tunstall - AudioService: Reduce volume to safe level when headset is connected (2/2)
- Jorge Ruesga - base: display live wallpaper settings instead of wallpaper picker
- Jorge Ruesga - quiethours: fix vibration logic
- Mahdi-Rom - Screen Recorder: increase max screen recording time to 1 hour
- michaelz93 - SystemUI: Updated Spanish Translation
- blazze11 - Keyguard: Updated german translations

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_apps_TouchControl
- michaelz93 - TouchControl: update Spanish translations

Mahdi-Rom Project name: packages_apps_Settings
- Squadzone - Settings: add support Tinted System bar
- Renaud - Settings: update French translations
- Altaf-Mahdi - fix de and fr translations for 'disable force navbar'
- stmay30 - Settings: update Japanese translations
- michaelz93 - Settings: update Spanish translations
- Phil Tunstall - Settings: Reduce volume to safe level when headset is connected (1/2)
- Michael Bestas - cmhw: Use hardware's default value for display features
- Adam77Root - Open app when clicking on icon in App Info screen
- netlars - tablet mode for settings
- Alex Cruz - Settings: Comment out Google's bug report
- Agontuk - Settings: Fix summary display of increasing ring preference
- Yanuar Harry - Settings: Location enabler follow our changes
- blazze11 - Settings: Updated german translations

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_apps_DSPManager
- Mahdi-Rom - Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm11/cm-11.0' into kk-4.4.3
- Andrew Dodd - audio_effects.conf - Add loudness enhancer

Mahdi-Rom Project name: android_packages_apps_MahdiCenter
- Renaud - update French translations

Mahdi-Rom Project name: ContactsProvider
- Mahdi-Rom - Revert "Contacts provider: add fb sync"

Project name: android_external_sqlite
- Steve Kondik - Revert "Upgrade to SQLite 3.8.6"

Project name: android_external_skia
- Henrik Smiding - Modify sample buffer size for larger displays
- Henrik Smiding - Add optimized S32A_D565_Opaque_Dither blitter.
- Henrik Smiding - Add optimization of Skia S32A_Blend blitter
- Henrik Smiding - Add optimization of Skia S32A_Opaque blitter
- george - Fix SkBlitRow_opts_arm so that it works on ARM v4t. Original Mozilla bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=901208
- commit-bot@chromium.org - Always inline Filter_32_*_neon functions
- commit-bot@chromium.org - Remove the unused SkCachePreload_arm
- commit-bot@chromium.org - ARM Skia NEON patches - 36 - Color32
- commit-bot@chromium.org - ARM Skia NEON patches - 22 - S32_D565_Blend
- commit-bot@chromium.org - ARM Skia NEON patches - 25 - S32A_D565_Opaque_Dither clean/bugfix/speed
- commit-bot@chromium.org - ARM Skia NEON patches - 12 - S32_Blend
- commit-bot@chromium.org - ARM Skia NEON patches - 20bis - BitmapProcState accurracy
- commit-bot@chromium.org - ARM Skia NEON patches - 27 - S32A_D565_Blend
- commit-bot@chromium.org - ARM Skia NEON patches - 20 - New improved BitmapProcState code
- Paramanand SINGH - Support for HW JPEG Decoder in SKIA

Project name: android_external_exfat
- Tom Marshall - exfat: Fix symlink generation

Vielleicht behebt das die Fehler :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
Kommt das auch per ota Update ?
Kann man das einfach drüber ziehen? Habe aber noch xposed und Code blue drauf!
Den Code blue einfach mit flashen.
Okay werde es mal Probieren hoffe mal das ich nicht alles neu machen muss:winki:
Davor n Backup machen, falls was schief läuft ;)
Ist aber kein Test build oder? Wieder dirty Flash machbar?
Ist ein Test Build, sonst würde es ja angezeigt werden. Dirty geflasht. Läuft wunderbar.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: SoniQ

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