[ROM][KK][KTU84M][4.4.3] ParanoidSaberDroid - AOSPAL - Remix

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ParanoidSaberDroid - AOSPAL - Remix

Es handelt sich bei ParanoidSaberDroid Remix, von Team AOSPAL, um eine Sabermod Linaro optimierte Paranoid Android (AOSPA) Version mit zusätzlichen Features.
Ehemals bekannt als ModdedPA. Die Devs, David und MrCool, setzen ihre Arbeit nun beim Team AOSPAL fort.

Remix Features:
SaberMod 4.8.3 toolchain loaded on kernel & ROM
-O3 (highest GCC optimization level)
Strict-aliasing enabled
Graphite enabled

Custom battery icons (circle, circle w/ percent, etc) in (Battery > top right-hand corner)
Quick Setting Tiles (V3.1)
Rotation, lightbulb, LTE, network, sleep, and NFC quick tiles
App ops (Settings -> App privacy)
Advanced power menu
Volume button wake (Settings -> Sound)
Notification LED (Settings -> Display)

LOCKSCREEN NOTIFICATIONS [AOSPAL] (Settings -> Security -> Lockscreen Notifications)
Pocket Mode
Wake on notification
Hide low priority
Hide non clearable
Allow dismissing all notifications
Excluded applications
Offset to the too of the screen
Notification count
Notification background color
Privacy mode
Expanded notification view
Force expanded view

More lockscreen pattern size (4x4, 5x5 and 6x6)
Pin keypad shuffler, this is to further prevent people using the tablet guessing your pin based on fingerprints left on the screen
Lockscreen blur & See through (AOSPAL) (Settings > Security)
Menu & Home button unlock (Certain devices) - (Settings -> Security)
Enable/disable lockscreen camera widget (Settings > Security > Widgets)
Enable portrait lockscreen widget carousel (Settings > Security > Widgets)
Disable initial lockscreen page hints (Settings > Security > Widgets)
Start lockscreen maximized (Settings > Security > Widgets)
Battery level around unlock ring (Omnirom) - (Settings -> Additional Settings)
Disable/enable power menu (Settings -> Additional Settings)
Custom wallpaper (Settings -> Additional Settings)
Theme style (Change colors of the lock icon, the dots and the frame. As well as change the unlock icon with a custom image) - (Settings -> Additional Settings)

Trebuchet Laucher (CM)
cLock Widget (CM)
Performance Control (AOKP)
Calculator (CM)

Improved font size control (Settings -> Display)
Reverse default app picker (AOSPAL) - (Settings > Additional Settings)
Double tap to sleep on statusbar (Settings -> Additional Settings)
Statusbar brightness control (CM) - (Settings > Additional Settings)
Statusbar network traffic meter (Chameleon OS) (Settings > Additional Settings)
Custom carrier label (Settings > Additional Settings)
Force dual-panel for Settings (Settings > Additional Settings)
Recents RAM Bar (kufikugel and christianomatos) - (Settings > Additional Settings)
ListView animations (Omni & AOKP) - (Settings > Additional Settings)
Custom System Animations (AOKP) - (Settings > Additional Settings)
Navigation bar enable/disable (CM) - (Settings > Additional Settings)
Navigation Bar shortcuts (CM) - (Settings > Additional Settings)
Navbar height (Settings > Additional Settings)
Navbar buttons and layout (CM) - (Settings -> Additonal Settings)
Quick statusbar pulldown (CM) - (Settings > Additional Settings)
Smart statusbar pulldown (Settings > Additional Settings)
CRT animation options (Settings > Display)

SMS QuickReply (CM)
Button Settings (CM) - (Settings -> Buttons)
NFC Polling (CM) - (Settings -> More... -> NFC Polling mode)
Wake on plug/unplug (Settings -> Display)
Instant led test (Settings -> Display)
Hardware-framework support for tap-to-wake (Certain devices) - (Settings -> Display)
Power connectivity alert (Settings -> Sound)
Safe headset volume toggle (Settings > Sound)
Increasing Ringtone (Settings -> Sounds)
Gesture Anywhere (ChameleonOS) - (Settings -> Additonal Settings)
Headset voice launch option (Settings > Additional Settings)
ConnectionManager (Telekang ROM, idea was taken from Cataclysm ROM) - Only available on phones.
IME switcher notification (CM) - (Settings -> Language & Input -> Advanced)
Fullscreen disable on landscape (SlimRoms) - (Settings -> Language & Input -> Advanced)
Force autorotation on IME (SlimRoms) - (Settings -> Language & Input -> Advanced)
volume button control for navigate in the message (CM) - (Settings -> Language & Input -> Advanced)
Force to show always enter key (SlimRoms) - (Settings -> Language & Input -> Advanced)
Show CPU info - (Settings -> Developer Options)
Allow to change device hostname - (Settings -> Developer Options)
ADB paranoia mode - (Settings -> Developer Options)
ADB over network - (Settings -> Developer Options)
ADB over network QS tile - (Settings -> Developer Options)
Performance Control (Settings -> Performance)



Remix Video:

Remix Changelog:
April 4th, 2014 | PA 4.2 BETA-3 | Remix V3
Built in Superuser.
Quicksettings: Upgrade immersive drawables with more polish ones.
Fix: SystemUI crash on Pie recents.
Fix: onBoot brightness
PIE: Fix random showing of navbar when swiping from top.
Show live wallpapers in the recents view on high-end devices
Fix: Graphics error when switching to recents using Pie controls
Reverted PA's lockscreen wallpaper, back to the old one we had before.
Replace LockClock from CM with DashClock from Omnirom, also it's been set as the default clock widget.
Removed features:
Option to enable/disable lockscreen power menu
Always show battery status on lockscreen
Sound packs
Allow hiding notification icons in statusbar (By holding on the notification on the drawer and select "Hide notification Icon")
Modified KernelTweaker from Mahdi-Rom.
Graphite (this is the first ROM get a fully functioning graphite implemented properly in gcc 4.8/4.9) Also, with this the ROM size gets lower. :)
framework: Allow specifying max wallpaper width
Seperate the option for double tap to sleep among status bar and lockscreen.
Remix Settings: new icons on Blacklist, Kernel Tweaker and Screen Recorder feature (Thanks to Enrico!)
Remix Settings: There's an icon on the top right side which directs you to the Bug report form.
New ROM default wallpaper (Thanks to Blin!)
Disabled "-O3" flag due to some issues that happened on qcom devices, but even without it, performance will be the same.

March 26th, 2014 | PA 4.2 BETA-2
PA (Updated to the latest 4.2-BETA-2)
Pie had finally come to AOSPALI! To enable it, pull the quick settings and tap on immersive mode. You'll be given an option to either use pie or immersive to navigate. It can be reset through Settings -> Backup & Reset -> Reset Preferences just like PA's style
AppOps: Improve listing of apps
DownloadNotifier: Normal notification for singles
Custom lockscreen background
Quick Settings: Sound tile
SystemUI: Set Status bar opaque during drawer pulldown on tablets only
Lockscreen Widgets: Disable keyguard widget frame (Security -> Widgets)
More Lockscreen Colors (Remix Setttings -> Lockscreen -> Lockscreen Style)
Removed Quiet Hours.
Sound pack feature is currently been removed from the Sound Settings due to a problem
Enabled memory optimization flag
New Remix Settings icon
Reverted additional white colors commits, will stay on stock Google style.
ROM file name method had been changed
Lockscreen Blur: Disable if music is playing
Moved screen record settings to Remix Settings
Added PSD version, SaberMod toolchain version (Both ROM and Kernel) into About Device
Modified AOSP's Browser from CM

March 12th, 2014 | PA 4.1 BETA-2
Updated to 4.1-BETA2 . Pie still had bugs that are currently being worked on, hence that's why not open sourced yet.
Switch quick settings drag to long click
Quicksettings: Bump dual switch icon(s).
Lightbulb lockscreen widget
Quicksettings: Better switch effect.
bring original volume panel expand icon back
Native screen recorder (Settings -> Display) . Start screen recording by going to the power menu.
Notification Reminder Interval (Remix Settings -> Notification Drawer)
Open sourced Kernel Tweaker app, replacing Performance Control from Omnirom. (Remix Settings -> System)
Removed "disable headset volume warning" from Sound Settings. It's now hardcoded and can be reset on Settings -> Backup & Reset -> Reset preferences, like PA does.
Removed Quiet Hours
Fix slider shortcuts layout, now it's been centered.
Decrease volume panel transparency.
Move CPU info to the top left / add transparency, previously it was on top right.

March 2nd, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA-6
Speed up booting for multi core devices.
VolumePanel: Don't force to show navigation bar on immersive mode.
All in one animation control (AOKP). Consists from ListView, System. Scrolling and Keyboard. (Remix Settings -> Animations)
Return: Always show battery status on Keyguard (SlimRoms) - (Remix Settings -> Lockscreen)
Toast Animations from XuiMod xposed framework. (Remix Settings -> Animations)
SmoothProgressBar + Custom ProgressBar Settings (Dokdo project) (Remix Settings -> System)
Notification Reminders (SlimRoms) - (Remix Settings -> Notification Drawer)
Statusbar clock font style (Remix Settings -> Statusbar -> Clock and date)
Double tap either on Lockscreen PIN, password, pattern or GlowPad to sleep other than statusbar.
Partition information menu (MiniCM) - (Settings -> Storage)
-Displays the current used space on certain partitions
DSP Manager (Omnirom)
ADB Paranoid: Dont show pref if RSA verification is disabled
Lockscreen shortcuts: Fix icon pack usage
Fix Connection Manager crash when dual panel is activated
Settings: Moved Performance, Gesture Anywhere, Wakelock blocker into Remix Settings, on System.
Frameworks: Add support for translucent volume panel
Theme data chart to white in Data Usage menu.

February 22th, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA-6
- Merged AOSP's latest changes (android-4.4.2_r2)
Just some changes in LatinIME
- Quicksettings: Immersive: Make last active state a system variable.
- Removed PA beans, back to PA's kitkat easter egg.
- Renamed "Additional Settings" to "Remix Settings", also includes layout revamp by me. NOTE: Using Dual Panel will cause issues with it. We'll wait for the new Hybrid feature and currently it's beeing worked by aaron.
- Lockscreen: Slider Shortcuts (CM) (Remix Settings -> Lockscreen -> Slider Shortcuts)
- Wakelock Blocker (Chamaleon OS)
- ADB Paranoia mode (Settings -> Developer Options)
- Immersive: Fix Left handed navbar during landscape mode
- Settings: fix QuietHour start time - when user decide when quiethour will start/stop using time preference
alarm manager will setup the time, and call stop service in many times
before starting the service

this add some check to prevent call stop service before time to start

February 17th, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA-6
- Duplicate SMS bug fixed
- Merge with PA BETA6

February 9th, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA-4
- Lots of minor changes in frameworks, can't tell every of them.
- Quicksettings: Remove edit mode button flip animation.
- Double tap on status bar to sleep from CM (Additional Settings -> Double tap to sleep gesture)
- Captive Detection toggle (Settings -> More -> Captive Portal detection)
Lockscreen Notifications:
- Fix FC when an expanded notification gets reposted without bigContentView
- fix number picker blue line and highlight
- frameworks/base: Fix for the race in Wallpaperservice
- keyguard: fix delay lock screen sound
- PerformanceControl: Fix FC.
- fix size of "hide ime" button in landscape mode
- fix bad lockscreen wallpaper quality after reboot
- Update prebuilt su (v1.9.3)

February 3rd, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA4
- Lockscreen Notifications: custom notification background color
- Try to fix occasional SystemUI FC on boot
- Trebuchet launcher included
- Hopefully the final lockscreen handle to small fix (battery around unlock ring radius still to small on custom handle)

February 1st, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA4
- Lockscreen Notifs: improve animations, add dismiss all button and hide show all button when there's no notification
- Custom lockscreen wallpaper
- StatusBar brightness
- Connection manager (thanks TeloKang ROM)
- Fix:small lockscreen handle

January 26th, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA 3
- PA - Beta 4: QuickSettings 3.1
- Feature: Add settings for network indicators (Settings -> Additional Settings -> StatusBar Traffic -> Network Indicators)
- Fix: Translucent navbar goes opaque when statusbar is hidden

January 20th, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA3
PA Beta 3 Changes:
- New PA-4.0 Bootanimation
- Quick Settings 3.0
- Make immersive tile a dual tile (introduced in QS3.0 - click the upper right icon to switch between front and back tile) - the front tile always switches between immersive mode on and off, the back tile switches between the states (hide nav/status/both)
Lockscreen Notifications:
- add button to navigation bar to show all notificationsAdd switch to last app as navigation ring target (Credit: OmniRom)
- Statusbar clock and date mods such as center clock, custom date etc. (Credit: SlimRoms)
- Custom carrier label - to disable use a space as text
- Smart pulldown - always open quicksettings when no notification is present

January 17th, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA
Bug Fixes:
- Fix navigation bar buttons icon in landscape mode
- Fix navbar settings FC when saving configuration in landscape mode
- Try to fix the reboot on power button issue - at least I'm no more able to reproduce it but because the problem appears almost randomly I can't promise that it's fixed.
- Try to fix some bluetooth issues by using the AOSP bluetooth app without our modifications - again, I can't promise it's fixed because I was never able to reproduce any issues
- Add patch to AOSP dialer which allows to use caller ID and nearby places like in stock dialer. This is basically an opensource variant of the google stock dialer known from N5 - thanks to Xiao-Long Chen and kufikugel and whoever might be involved in this!

January 13th, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA
Bug fixes:
Lockscreen Notifications:
- Fix "wake on notification" default setting
- Fix phone waking in pocket when wake on notification enabled
- Fix default app picker FC when selecting profile picture in whatsapp
- Add lightbulb, tether and network tile
Lockscreen Notifications:
- Add blacklist - credits to ChameleonOS for the original implementation for Active Display and Der-Schubi for bringing it to lockscreen notifications
- Use horn3t's performance settings instead of omnis (Omni's are based on them)
- Add swipe2switch gesture in navigation panel (credits CM)
- When blur radius is set to 0, use the old see through effect
- Add CMs navigation bar customizations
- Add minimum vibration duration setting
- Add NFC polling setting

January 07, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA
Lockscreen Notifications:
- Disable dynamic width again (on devices < xxhdpi, including Nexus 4)
- Add OmniRom performance settings
- QuickSettings ADB over network tile now have to be enabled via developer settings and got a new icon - thanks @SchmeeForce
- Option to only hide nav/statusbar in immersive mode (credits to CM)- to cycle between nav/status bar hidden longpress immersive tile
- Option to change navigation bar height - if you're using a pie app set navigation bar height to 0% to disable it
- Bring back the old network indicators (credits to CM)
- Option for reversed default app picker - if enabled instead of the last used app the last used option (always/just once) is marked
- Option to hide USB-Debugging notifications

January 03rd, 2014 | PA 4.0 BETA
Bug Fixes:
- AppOps: fix misaligned switches
- Lockscreen Notifications:
- Fix NPE on setup wizard after clean flash
- fix notifications sometimes not responding (e.g. gravity screen notification)
- fix screen staying awake when "Wake on notifications" is enabled and a countdown or download is running
Lockscreen Notifications:
- Add option to change the offset to the top of the screen
- ASD privacy mode which disables showing the notification content. Just the icon is visible when enabled
- Make notification width dynamic to save screen space
- Add quick reply to SMS app (Credits to CM)
- Add CM performance settings
- Add NFC and ADB over network tile
- Make tile spans in landscape mode more dynamic - before the first row always contained just 3 tiles. Now, before adding a new row, the first row is made to a 6 tile row.

December 27th, 2013 | PA 4.0 BETA
- QuickSettings network tile: click to toggle mobile data, long click open mobile data summary (PA feature)
- Lockscreen Notifications: setting to change notification count displayed at once
- Move quiethours setting to sound settings
Bug fixes:
- Lockscreen Notifications: try to fix notifications sometimes not responding and fix a systemui fc on some "evil" notifications
- Fix listview animation setting not sticking
- Fix ime switcher setting not sticking on reboot
- Fix systemui fc when using kill app navigation bar shortcut

December 25th, 2013 | PA 4.0 BETA
- Initial PA 4.0 Release

Aktueller PSD Remix Build - Juni 18ter 2014

PA GApps

- Make a NANDROID backup
- Wipe System, Data, Cache, and Dalvik Cache
- Flash ROM
- Flash official PA GAPPS (link available in OP)
- Reboot system

- Make a NANDROID backup
- Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache (optionally wipe Data)
- Flash ROM
- Flash official PA GAPPS (link available in OP)
- Reboot system


XDA Remix Thread

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: droidjam, Predo, chaosnr1 und 3 andere
Der download Link führt leider nur auf einen leeren Ordner.
Edit: der sollte richtig sein: http://d-h.st/PbJ
Sollte nun alles richtig verlinkt sein.
Root bzw SU dabei oder extra flashen?
Mit an Board, läuft seid dem 27sten bei mir sehr gut in Kombi mit Hells b43!
Habe die mir auch gerade geflasht. Übersehe ich die Einstellung oder kann man die navbar dort nicht einstellen also kleiner machen etc und die schnell Einstellungen kann man in der statusleiste auch nicht einfügen oder?

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Mir gehts genauso: In den Einstellungen fehlt der Eintrag "System", ich kann also etliche wichtige Einstellungen nicht machen.

Ist das vielleicht an anderer Stelle?
raymann schrieb:
Habe die mir auch gerade geflasht. Übersehe ich die Einstellung oder kann man die navbar dort nicht einstellen also kleiner machen etc und die schnell Einstellungen kann man in der statusleiste auch nicht einfügen oder?

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App

Navbar einstellungen sind noch nicht drin.
Welche schnell einstellungen meinst du?

Nexus4Rom schrieb:
Mir gehts genauso: In den Einstellungen fehlt der Eintrag "System", ich kann also etliche wichtige Einstellungen nicht machen.

Ist das vielleicht an anderer Stelle?

Welchen Eintrag meinst du?
Bei mir sieht es so aus:


  • uploadfromtaptalk1388657737413.jpg
    70,3 KB · Aufrufe: 888
Ich hab heute Morgen auch mal bei mir geflasht. War noch auf PA 3.99.

Ich bin begeistert, sicher fehlen noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten. Aber vorerst TOP!

Vor allem der Pocket Mode ist der Hammer, endlich hört das blöde An-Ausschalten des Displays auf wenn man nur mal auf die Uhr sehen will.

Ein Problem hab ich allerdings noch mit der Benachrichtigung-LED.
Habe "Standard" auf blau gesetzt und "Verpasster Anruf" auf gelb. Wenn eine SMS kommt, blinkt es schön blau, aber beim verpassten Anruf blinkt es auch blau und nicht gelb.

Funktioniert das noch nicht richtig oder habe ich vielleicht etwas falsch eingestellt?

Habe auch schon "Benutze angepasste Werte" aktiviert und den "Dialer" hinzugefügt mit anderer Farbe, es blinkt immer blau.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Der Pocket Mode funtkioniert bei mir leider nicht. Custom-Tiles scheint es auch noch nicht zu geben oder?
David macht gerade Änderungen an den lockscreen notifications.
Quick tiles sind bis jetzt nur die von pa.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Leute,

hab mir das Rom auch drauf gemacht und den Hells-Core b43-t2.
Bis jetzt ist alles sehr smooth.
Einzig die überdimensionierten Softkeys stören mich. Kann man die irgendwie verkleinern? Habe nichts gefunden.
Also als ich die Version vom 27.12 geflasht habe, hat mich nicht wirklich viel an pa erinnert.. Habe jetzt auch wieder 3.99 rc2 David build laufen. Ich hoffe die nächsten Versionen werden etwas mehr pa like...

Nur meine Meinung... :p
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pinguin37
Müssen halt noch auf pa warten, bis die mal die ganzen features eingebaut haben.
Funktioniert denn die Benachrichtigungs-LED bei euch soweit?

Bei mir klappt das nach wie vor nicht richtig, bei jeder Benachrichtigung wird die Farbe der "Standard" Einstellung benutzt.
Bei mir funktioniert das mit der Status-LED
Neuer Build ist da. Siehe op
immersive mode mit statusbar aktiv wäre die perfekte rom für mich...bitte (gertade statusbar notification...top)
Habe jetzt auch viele ROMs durchgetestet, diese gefällt mir bis auf paar Kleinigkeiten (blaue Häkchen und Texte) sehr gut, werde mal dabei bleiben und sehen wie es sich weiter entwickelt. :

Sind eigentlich die MotoX Libraries enthalten oder soll man einfach nachflashen wenn man diese möchte?
Kannst bionic und dalvik nachflashen, ist nicht mit drin.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: zill

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