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- 48
Könnte einer vielleicht ein oder 2 Bilder von der SMS-App posten?
Mich würde es interessieren wie die aussieht bevor ich die ROM flashe.
Mich würde es interessieren wie die aussieht bevor ich die ROM flashe.
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
- frameworks/base - packages/apps/settings:
.User Interface: Multi pane preference settings User Interface
- frameworks/base:
.Quick launch shortcuts: update search panel on userSwitch to recreate targets
.keyguard: enable magnetic target if no custom targets defined
.Adapt navigation bar's long press behaviour for pie controls
.SystemUI: fix memory leaks
- packages/apps/settings:
.Improve dual pane preferences summary
.Move quick lunch shortcuts to build tweaks
.Expose User interface only on selected devices
.It is a Nexus, not simply a phone/tablet
.Update kill_app_longpress_back_summary
- dalvik:
.Remove dead instruction in common_exceptionThrown (commit to aosp)
.Fix a tracked reference leak in dvmGenerateProxyClass (commit to aosp)
.Remove stray references to non-existent opcodes (commit to aosp)
.Fix a Field.isAnnotationPresent crash (commit to aosp)
.Dump native stacks for all threads in native code (commit to aosp)
.Fix a minor leak in handleVM_CreateString (commit to aosp)
.Fix a minor leaks caused by failed initializations.(typo) (commit to aosp)
.Fix a leak in Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFile (commit to aosp)
.Tiny optimization for complier templates for arm (commit to aosp)
increpidix schrieb:@TechX - die Frage wurde dir doch soeben schon im Matr1x-Thread beantwortet!!
merge release
merge tag android-4.2.2_r1.2
- frameworks/base:
.Don't start keyguard in an attempt to exit it.
.PowerMenu : Improve keyguard filtered actions
- packages/apps/settings:
.Led Settings : Hex input for colorpicker
- packages/inputmethods/LatinIME:
SummerTime: restore some white icons and textviews