[ROM][JB][JDQ39E][4.2.2][CM10.1] JellyBeer - v4.32 [29.Jun]

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nach dem neuen Update sind die Icons und Ordner ziemlich klein geworden. Lässt sich auch in den einstellungen nicht ändern .... wie krieg ich die jetzt wieder grösser??? ansonsten läuft es super ;)
JellyBeer v4.0.0 Beta 5 ist online


+ Per App Layout
+ Clock Mods
+ Notification Background
+ Circle Battery Tweaks
+ Krait
+ Wake up when device is plugged or no
+ Fixed Hiding clock and it going from top of notifications
+ CRT Off Animations
+ Notification Behaviours
+ Latest CM10.1 Merges
+ and maybe more.
Möchte jemand den Thread übernehmen? Dann bitte eine PN an mich.

Möge die Macht mit dir sein.
Versendet von meinem N4
Hi leude
Ich mache den Thread weiter. Steinigt mich nicht wenn ich mal ein update der Rom zu spät mit bekomme. Ich werde den opener dann so schnell wie es geht bearbeiten.

Gruß Ronnsen

Getippt von meinem zivi
New version up 4.1.1

It includes a fully working GooUpdater made by beerbong :)
TabUI fixes, no FC's and Custom Tile layouts now accepted in TabUI too, again beerbong covered this. My derps :(
Lockscreen rotation's in as I saw some 'moaning' posts ;) not here :)
Notification Trans Rows for Notification Drawer is in. I fixed this just before my release so you guys have it.
As always latest CM10 merges and updates.

Check OP for links. There is also a drive dl folder link now - for those Goo haters. :)

Navbar I will start looking at again, but finding the time is hard. The IT department at work has halved so I now have to double ;)


Getippt von meinem zivi
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Now for the good stuff.

. Firstly we have a Google Community now; a place for you to bitch, moan, rant or plain enjoy beery goodness.G+ Community

. New version is up.
+ AOKP Navbar is back so that includes; Statusbar and Navbar transparency, Long press actions, Navrings, Navbar color, Last App was brought too, Changing icons on the fly, Navbar Button colours.
+ RAMbar in Recents - I brought this as I personally use this a lot so it made it official.
+ Long press clear all in recents, clears cache.
+ Bug fixes (superusers duplicates, color picker etc).
+ Latest CM10 merges inc. their PIE implementation.
+ Some more stuff too but I can't honestly remember.

NB: Longpress home for some reason jumps to recents, I haven't worked out why yet so just set the longpress home action to something else i.e. Home and you are fine.


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Reaktionen: ronnsen
4.15 ist draußen changelog folgt!

Getippt von meinem zivi
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4.17 ist draußen
Changelog habe ich nur etwas auf Google+ gefunden.
Version 4.17 will start rolling out today.

What's new:
Stock launcher has been slightly reworked. The homescreen grid and dock sizes has now the aosp stock values so, if you upgrade and things get moved, just go into launcher settings (long pressing the homescreen or through the menu button if available) and change the grid/dock size.
GooUpdater also has a few new improvements.
Navbar rings should work better now on phablet ant tablet UIs (all the navrings thing is AOKP's work, big thanks to them).
There's also two patches more from AOKP. One is for avoiding possible memory leaks in SystemUI and the other takes care of not clearing wallpaper when systemui is restarted.
TerminalEmulator and CMWallpapers have been removed from the ROM. TerminalEmulator can be installed from the PlayStore.

Getippt von meinem zivi
4.18 ist draußen
changelog 2.5.2013

Nitish Saxena has been busy bumping the toolchain and you will see JellyBeer being compiled with 4.7 now, with which I have definitely seen some improvements.
PIE has had some work; colour tweaks, trigger tweaks and some activation changes.
You can also pin PIE to two different sides.
We have also brought some tabUI fun with colour and transparency.
The brightness FC has been sorted and there's more I am sure.
4.20 ist draußen

So, what's new on 4.20?
- Navbar in tabletui is now fully customizable as in phone and phablet modes (thanks to AOKP)
- GooUpdater now is OTAPlatform, it has the same functionality but it has evolved to be a multi-server ota manager (now it supports goo.im and otaupdatemanager)
- Default launcher has received a couple of improvements in its layout. As you may know, it's based in the AOSPA one, not in Trebuchet
- Moar hybrid glitches solved thanks to AOSPA team. Calendar now works at 960p and the phone layout looks right when setting contacts layout to 580p or 680p
- And all the CM goodness, of course
- I hope i didn't forget anything :)

Getippt von meinem zivi
  • Danke
Reaktionen: xflowy
Für mich bei weitem die beste Rom. Fast Bug-frei, super flüssig und auch ziemlich gute Akkulaufzeit mit Semaphore. und im Endeffekt fast genauso anpassbar wie AOKP.
Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: ronnsen
4.30 ist draußen

So 4.30!!! What can you expect?! Have a little read and all should make sense.

+ Force Dual Pane option has been binned, why? Well with Per-App-Layout this is no longer required as it can be set here by selecting 720 as you layout option.
+ AutoHide Statusbar has also been binned, why? Well it was a little useless. Although you could get screen estate you couldn't access things like QuickSettings or your Notification Shade - it's useless so it's gone!
+ RC4 plus some CM extras have been merged, why? Well we are Cyanogenmod based that's why. ;)
+ CM PIE has gone, why? Well it was rather poor with the last merge and quite painful to use. So it has been reverted.
+ Navbar Modifier has been moved to Settings/System, why? Well CM has it in this place and it was messy having another option in the main settings area so it was removed.
+ QuickSettings layout has been fixed, this was broken with the latest merge on the last build so it's been revert and now you should have a nice layout again.
+ PA PIE has been implemented, why? It's the best PIE implementation out there. That's why.
+ Full screen keyboard, on of off has been added under Settings/System.
+ The Hybrid icon in settings has been resized also, thanks to +Dave Morgalla

+ New kernel, built from scratch. This should stop all the random reboots.

Hopefully you all enjoy the new release. It's been hard work getting it there and a long time too!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: donetasy
-- v4.31 --

+ PhoneUI layout bug is fixed (some devices may have had this fix already)
+ Floating Window v1 added. This will be built upon once we are back to full steam, but for now enjoy what is there. It can be turned off in Settings > Display
+ Latest CM merges for all our repo's.
+ Oppo Find 5 Official Support
+ Launcher2 now has updates thanks to +Yamil Ghazi PA commits ;)
+ +Nitish Saxena has jazzed up the Community page a little, so it's much better.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sebbla
Ich will eigentlich nur CM + die PA PIE. Da werde ich mal diese ROM testen!
Hab mein N4 ganz neu und probiere gerade ein paar Roms durch. Das hier starte leider bei mir gar nicht, bleibt ewig beim Google Schriftzug hängen.
Bei einer neuen ROM musst du immer System Data und Cache formatieren, nur bei einem Update ist das nicht nötig.
Ja, dass weiß ich. Das N4 ist nicht mein erstes Smartphone. Auf meinem Desire HD und Nexus7 laufen auch schon CRs.

Alle anderen CRs die ich probiert habe (PA, AOKP) laufen auch auf dem N4.
Ich habe das gleiche Problem. Rom startet nicht und hängt beim Google Schriftzug.
Benjamin hatte leider einige Kernelprobleme und es soll bald ein Updater der V4.31 kommen.

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