- 9.864
So stelle hier mal abseits der Mainstream AOKP ROMs ein ROM vor welches mit PUB daher kommt. PUB bedeutet (Project Unicorn Butter). Das bedeutet, dass dort intern einige Optimierungen des Systems von Statten gingen. Gerade die Linaro Sachen machen sich in der Performance bemerkbar.
PUB beinhaltet folgende Anpassungen/Optimierungen:
Nun zum ROM: Dieses kommt in 2 Ausführungen daher. Die Eine in der herkömmlichen Flash-Methode. Heißt:
- Zip und Gapps runterladen und per Recovery flashen
und als AROMA-Version. Damit wird es künftig möglich sein per AROMA-Installer den Flashvorgang zu beinflussen. Man kann dann aus Gapps, Launchern und Kerneln wählen die geflasht werden sollen.
General Information:
Stephen.k.spear Orig PUB Builds Thread
Um die volle Funktionalität der DarkUI nebst Gapps genießen zu können, müsst ihr die Slim Gapps flashen.
This is an Aroma installer that adds features and options to the normal ROM install. If you use this you do not need to download the ROM separately above as it is included.
AROMA Version
Current Aroma Installer Features & Options:
Thanks to
PS: Ein
tut nicht weh.
PUB beinhaltet folgende Anpassungen/Optimierungen:
Google GCC 4.8 Toolchain
Strict-Aliasing (Linaro)
C++11 Mode
Optimized String Handling Routines (Linaro/Sony)
Misc other Linaro and Code Aurora Optimaztions
Nun zum ROM: Dieses kommt in 2 Ausführungen daher. Die Eine in der herkömmlichen Flash-Methode. Heißt:
- Zip und Gapps runterladen und per Recovery flashen
und als AROMA-Version. Damit wird es künftig möglich sein per AROMA-Installer den Flashvorgang zu beinflussen. Man kann dann aus Gapps, Launchern und Kerneln wählen die geflasht werden sollen.
General Information:
The original thread for reference:This is my continuation of doing AOKP PUB Builds for the Nexus 10. PUB (Project Unicorn Butter) aimed to bring Linaro toolchain and other optimizations to the normal AOKP build. My goal is to simply continue these builds providing releases based off current code.
Stephen.k.spear Orig PUB Builds Thread
More than likely any middle of the week builds will not get rolled into the Aroma.The target will be weekly builds on the weekend with a build during the week only where needed for bug fixes to be merged or some major change we just can't wait for
There are two Release TypesTYPE 1 is your traditional ROM Flashable zip.
You must flash gapps after flashing this ROM as it can not be included in the ROM zip.
Current Gapps: gapps-jb-20130813
Slim Gapps(needed for full Dark UI functionality): Slim_AIO_gapps.4.3.build.1
Um die volle Funktionalität der DarkUI nebst Gapps genießen zu können, müsst ihr die Slim Gapps flashen.
Kernel:Slim Gapps(needed for full Dark UI functionality): Slim_AIO_gapps.4.3.build.1
TYPE 2 is an Aroma Installer that includes the ROM, latest gapps, and many other options. See Post 2 below for further details.
Installation:I am currently building the AOKP manta kernel from source (stock). It is the kernel that will be installed if you just flash this as is. This is a perfectly fine daily driver, should be stable and safe across all devices.
If you are looking for better battery life, better performance during gaming, or even just more control over various settings at the kernel level then feel free to try one of the other great kernels offered for this device. I will not recommend one, I will recommend you try them all and see which works best for you.
- Download rom zip and gapps
- Reboot to recovery
- Wipe cache/dalvik (full wipe when needed)
- Flash rom
- Flash gapps
- Reboot
Changelog:Buttered AOKP Manta -- 2013-10-25 :: :: Main Download ::
-- Improve multi user support in ThemeManager
-- recents: turn Kill All and Google Now into normal buttons
-- Remove DarkUI from settings
-- DarkUI switch in RC
-- SystemUI: Toggle Vibrate Duration
-- ROMControl: Minimum Vibration Duration
-- Settings: Add link to AppOps
-- Multiple Gallery2 camera updates and fixes
-- Add ActiveDisplay to AOKP
-- flo and mako CAF cleaning
-- Active Display PORTRAIT fix (cherry-picked)
-- Lockscreen Lock Icon Color (cherry-picked)
-- Lockscreen Theme Color (cherry-picked)[B][U]
-- Settings: Bypass Alert Improvement
-- ROMControl: Fix isSW600DPScreen
-- Include mGerrit as prebuilt apk
-- Unembed mGerrit from ROMControl
-- ROMControl: Remove Signal From Tablets
-- frameworks: Custom System Animations
-- Fix clock AM/PM error. Some countries time format is [ah:mm] or [a h:mm].
-- ROMControl: Fix Notification Landscape
-- Bluetooth updates
-- KeyguardViewMediator: Play lock screen sound sooner
-- Custom Vibrations, Contacts part
-- Fix App Ops permission mapping structure.
-- Regenerate all the OpenGL stubs
-- Switch to Android 4.3.1
-- Remove the landscape rtl version of navigation_bar.xml
-- RC: don't show navbar locations for battery bar if navbar is disabled
-- New 4.3 pngs for TRDS
-- Proper security labeling of multi-user data directories.
-- Option to hide Camera widget from lockscreen
-- Remove increasing ring option on devices that doesn't support it
-- RC: Fix capitalization [B][SIZE=2]
[/SIZE][/B]-- Fixed Live Wallpapers crash
-- Should have fixed random stability issues
-- RC: don't show navbar locations for battery bar if navbar is disabled
-- New 4.3 pngs for TRDS[B][SIZE=2]
[/SIZE] 2013-10-01[/B]
-- First AOKP Buttered 4.3 drop
AROMA Version
Current Aroma Installer Features & Options:
- Wipe Caches
- Install Busybox (this also installs latest Supersu and su binary)
- Install Latest Gapps
- Choose Inverted Applications
- Choose New Kernel
- Choose Launchers
- Download Aroma zip
- Reboot to recovery
- Flash zip
- Choose options
- Reboot
Changelog:Buttered Manta Aroma -- v3.2 :: :: Main Download :: :: Mirror
[B]v3.2 Changes[/B]
-- Includes buttered_manta_2013-10-25 ROM
-- Updated SlimGapps to 10-20 release
[B]v3.1 Changes[/B]
Includes buttered_manta_2013-10-13 ROM
-- Updated Slim Gapps to build 1.x
-- Updated Adaway to 2.8[B]
v3.0 Changes[/B]
-- Includes buttered_manta_2013-10-05 ROM
-- First release with AOKP 4.3 base
-Entire AOKP team for all their contributions. Any Donations direct to them.
-stephen.k.spear for PUB and pushing optimizations for an already great ROM.
To the following for allowing their hard work to be included in this aroma:
morfic - [DER KERNEL] Trinity Ten
franciscofranco - franco.Kernel
ktoonsez - KTManta kernel
camblue for the themed google now, google drive, and dropbox.
Thanks to MyLifeRocks10 for the Multi-DPI Google Play and Rujelus22
Rujelus22 for some other cherry picked inverts.
B-boy for a couple cherry picks as well.
BaNkS gapps
of course to amarullz for creating the aroma installer.
-stephen.k.spear for PUB and pushing optimizations for an already great ROM.
To the following for allowing their hard work to be included in this aroma:
morfic - [DER KERNEL] Trinity Ten
franciscofranco - franco.Kernel
ktoonsez - KTManta kernel
camblue for the themed google now, google drive, and dropbox.
Thanks to MyLifeRocks10 for the Multi-DPI Google Play and Rujelus22
Rujelus22 for some other cherry picked inverts.
B-boy for a couple cherry picks as well.
BaNkS gapps
of course to amarullz for creating the aroma installer.
PS: Ein
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