[ROM-ICS] AOSP Android Open Kang Project - Milestone 6 (Beta Build 40 - 24.06.12)

  • 3.731 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum



  • ROM Eigenschaften
  • Android 4.0.4 - IMM76I
  • Unsecure boot.img (stock AOSP kernel)
  • Superuser & Busybox preinstalled
  • Deodexed
  • 180 Degree rotation
  • Built in performance/init.d configuration (Thanks Kejar & company)
  • CM Launcher/ Power Menu
  • CM Brightness slider
  • Custom color for anything in RC
  • Clock Color/Location: Right, Center, Disable
  • Battery Icon/ Color Picker: CircleMod, Bar, Text Only, Icon Only, Icon+Text or None
  • Battery Bar in Status Bar or Nav Bar, Bar Thickness, Charging animation
  • Nav Bar Transparency
  • Nav Bar Button Reorder: Back-Home-Search-Menu
  • Nav Bar Color Picker
  • Nav Bar Button Glow Duration: Off, Fast, Slow
  • Nav Bar: Long press to Search button
  • Nav Bar Hide on Lockscreen
  • Toggles in Pull Down Menu: Auto rotate, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, Aiplane mode, Vibrate, Silent, Sync, Data, 4G, Tethering, Torch, Brightness
  • LCD Density (Careful with this)
  • Menu Button location: Right, Left, both, Remove
  • Menu Button Visability: Always show, Always show Invisible Icons
  • Lockscreen Style: Quad, Octo, Stock
  • Lockscreen SMS customizable shortcut
  • Lockscreen Horizontal Option
  • Performance Menu: (Use With Caution) Max/ Min CPU, Scaling Governor
  • Unlock Sceen with Legacy Menu Icon
  • Volume Key to Wake Screen
  • Volume Key to Skip Tracks
  • Long-press back button to kill process
  • Disable CRT off animation
  • LED pulse settings (time on/off)
  • ICS ringtones/notification sounds
  • Customize carrier text to whatever.
  • Power Menu options: Boot to recovery/ Boot loader, Reboot, Screenshot
  • Facebook contact sync integration (must wipe to get this)
  • Disable Boot animation
  • Keyboard: Volume keys act as a cursor while typing -- disable in keyboard options
  • Long press home for recent apps (thanks brucekey)

  1. Stelle sicher das du die neuste CWM Version installiert hast
  2. Mache eine NANDROID Sicherung (zu deiner eigenen Sicherheit)
  3. wipe data/factory reset in recovery
  4. flash ROM
  5. flash Gapps
  6. reboot

Letzte Stabile Version - Milestone 6:

Hier geht's zum Download vom Milestone 6 bei World of Nexus
Download der Google Apps bei World of Nexus

Hier geht es zum Download von Milestone 6 auf der Seite des Entwicklers

Achtung: Du benötigst den maguro Download (GSM Galaxy Nexus),
Google Apps findest du ganz unten auf der Seite des Entwicklers.

Letzte Beta Version - b40 (24.06.2012):

Hier geht's zum Download von Beta 40 bei World of Nexus
Download der Google Apps bei World of Nexus

Hier geht es zum Download von Beta 40 auf der Seite des Entwicklers

Falls du keine Gmail und/oder Musik Applikation nach den Flashen hast einfach die Datei im Anhang herunterladen.
Danach mit einem Root explorer nach /system/app verschieben!
Hier bekommst du Gmail - Hier bekommst du Play Musik


Der Entwickler von AOKP haben auch eine eigene Homepage, hier kannst du die Seite besuchen: AOKP | News

Das folgende ist ein Zitat von XDA:

We spend countless of hours doing this for next to nothing. Posts, views, and donations encourage me, and everyone else who helps out.

Donate to me
Donate to Whitehawkx
Donate to Jonathan Grigg
Donate to Zaphod-Beeble
Donate to ProTekk

Donate to CyanogenMod

Every donation is cherished and loved.

If you'd like to help contribute by writing code, feel free to stop by IRC and talk to us!

Check out the ROM source on github. Open source, in the spirit of community kangage.

If you'd like to help with AOKP, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to get as many developers in on this as possible!


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Dirk64, AnySniper, benutzer1903 und 7 andere

[B][U]MILESTONE 6 - 08. Juli[/U][/B]

Removed FB sync
Added ability to hide sender and/or message body in notifications (Mms)
Added CM9 T-Mobile theme manager
Added Sense 4 style Task switcher (you have the option of choosing from stock/web os/sense 4 now)
Added ability to play boot sound (disabled by default) -- read instructions in ROM Control > General > Boot sound
added delayed ring feature to Phone
added Emoji to Mms (enable in Mms settings)
added AOKP wallpapers app
added USB tether toggle,
added AOKP clock widgets
added notification counters
new boot animation
added nav bar widgets (must add nav bar widgets button/long press button in nav bar settings and add some widgets to play with!)
added AOKP stats (www.stats.aokp.co) -- you can opt out
added bluewall firewall - RC > General UI > Less Notification Sounds -- limits the number of notification sounds an app can play per X seconds, so like 1 GTalk ping/30s, but notifications will still be coming in
improved weather code
added "copy to clipboard" option in "Share" dialogs throughout Android
added hardware info in about screen
added new music layout to lockscreen (you can choose between old and new)
added nfc toggle
added nfc polling settings (Settings > More > NFC polling mode)
made lockscreen weather prettier
fixed DRM issues

[B][U]Beta 39 - 15. Juni[/U][/B]
- added ability to change host name (settings > dev > device hostname)
- added ad-hoc network support
- added adb over network
- added AOKP stats (you can opt out, Settings > About > AOKP Statistics) www.stats.aokp.co
- added bluewall firewall - RC > General UI > Less Notification Sounds
--- limits the number of notification sounds an app can play per X seconds
--- so like 1 GTalk ping/30s, but notifications will still be coming in
- added "Device options" link in Settings for devices that have an app to tweak device-specific settings
--- right now I believe only tuna/aries/p1c have these, all credit goes to CM trees where these apps came from
- improved weather code, shouldn't bother you everytime it updates weather now
- added "copy to clipboard" option in "Share" dialogs throughout ANdroid
- added ability to toggle to "new" and "original" music controls on the lockscreen
- as always, tons of other device-specific and internal changes, find them all at http://gerrit.sudose...atus:merged,n,z

[B][U]Beta 38 - 04. Juni[/U][/B]
reverted tablet nav bar button padding change (back to stock ics padding now)
fix SMS/BT crash bug when no msgs exist
reworked lockscreen music layout to be cleaner
fix ugly gradient on dark holo background
added AOKP Tips widget
added statusbar autohide for tablets (for apps that need full screen)
added support for more lockscreen targets (2-8 options, your choice)
cleaned up octo lockscreen layout
fixed certain FCs with RC related to weather
Mms: fixed stripping certain Polish characters
decreased size of custom lockscreen apps to match other icons
statusbar brightness enabled by default after you wipe (sliding thumb across statusbar to change brightness)
added statusbar notification counter (RC > Statusbar General > Notification Counter)
new AOKP boot animation from @rascarlo
Out of range Bluetooth devices won't show up anymore in Settings
Browser: added option to close all other tabs (besides current)
Fixed data toggle
Removed requirement to reboot when toggling keyboard switcher (IME switcher) in statusbar
added nav bar widgets (to enable, go to nav bar settings > add toggle widgets as one of your nav bar actions/ long press actions, then add widgets -- be sure to add at least 2 for best experience)
as always, tons of fixes for devices and other backend fixes!

Remember: builds are considered "nightlies"!

[B][U]Beta 37 - 24. Mai[/U][/B]
fixed navbar glow resetting on reboot
fixed hide navbar for tablets
fixed back button disappearing on tablets
auto-brightness fixes
added more SwagPapers
added volume adjust sound preference
fixed memory leak with lockscreen code
fixed auto-rotate toggle
systemui will not restart on changing themes to avoid any potential errors
navbar background is now set through XML to allow theming
added aokp clock widgets
reverted sd/emmc switch for Galaxy S devices
fixed otter build
navigation bar app icons now scale better
fixed bug in native Email app that would cause wakelocks
Support GSM AT commands for SMS over bluetooth
raised volume level on maguro/tuna
updated nova to 1.1.4
as always, tons of framework/device fixes

[B][U]Beta 36 - 15. Mai[/U][/B]
fixed MTP not being enabled by default (yet once more)
added Galaxy Tab 2 7" (espressowifi)
moved tablet clock to the far right of the statusbar
updated tuna kernel to faux 17m
added Transformer Prime (tf201)
updated Nova Launcher to 1.1.2
fixed potential weather service FC
updated p4 devices
added more padding to statusbar buttons
updated Mms emoji code from CM
added delayed ring feature to Phone
fixed a bug when hiding sender information, photo would still show
default ICS wallpapers have returned
added SwagPapers (AOKP Wallpapers)
updated theme engine from CM
wifi icon cut off has been fixed on tablets
fixed volume slider showing incorrect volume in a voice call (making it look like it wasn't full)
added USB Tether toggle to devices that support it

[B][U]Beta 35 - 09. Mai[/U][/B]
removed Facebook sync (this had to happen. it was a hack and breaking Picasa sync. FB needs to fix this, not ROMs)
Added ability to hide sender and/or message body in notification'
Added dock battery display for tablets
Added Browser tab settings (max tab limit/whether to restore tabs on browser restart)
Added CM9 T-Mobile theme manager
Added Sense 4 style Task switcher (you have the option of choosing from stock/web os/sense 4 now)
Added ability to play boot sound (disabled by default)
increased default nav bar glow speeds for better user experience out of the box
tons of device specific updates and fixes. check here to see all of the latest code we've merged
updated p5/p5wifi device trees from GalaxianSoup.
added toroplus (data will not work after flashing, just flash ANY other kernel after flashing b35. we're working on it
Goo Manager won't be able to detect an upgrade this build

[B][U]Milestone 5 - 28. April[/U][/B]
updated to IMM76I
differences between IMM76D and IMM76I are ALL in the Galaxy Nexus kernel
we updated the Galaxy Nexus kernel to Faux’s 16m kernel by default, which incorporates the fixes from IMM76I
fixed long press home on navbar being on by default
fixed volume zoom playing sounds with video camera
made flash-off indicator visible in camera
AVRCP: fixed soft reboots with certain players
fixed brightness slider jumping when toggling auto-brightness
sped up opening of init.d tweaks in RC
added description to LED setting on RC to be clearer on what it does
it only changes the DEFAULT LED color. Apps may override it, and most do.
attempted to fix freezing clock yet again
fixed wifi icon being cut off
fixed color multipliers being doubled
new gamma ranges from -100 to 100 defaulting to 0
your kernel (if it supports gamma tuning) might have a different default, so just keep that in mind (60 was the previous default)
fixed small icons when airplane mode & wifi are enabled
added shortcuts to toggle torch & toggle navbar
that means you can add these to nav bar as regular actions or long press actions, click “Custom app”, scroll down to “System UI”, toggle nav bar & torch should be there.
You can also add these shortcuts to your desktop. They do NOT work correctly from the lockscreen, yet.
Fixed decrease lights in custom backlight settings
a500 renamed to picasso and updated
everything should work now except slow GPS lock times

[B][U]Build 34 - 24. April[/U][/B]

fixed mobile data toggle not updating for serious
fix navigation buttons for tablets
long press home options added to General Interface for phones that have hardware buttons
fix icon transparency being applied to right-side buttons (BT, etc)
updated NovaLauncher to 1.1.1
Add BT MAP Profile
fix font sizing in statusbar
fixed volume sliders not updating when volumes are linked
many fixes for ColorPicker in ROM Control
gradient showing properly
color picker should fit in all screens now
show color preview before opening dialog (in-line)
fixed sound playing when volume zoom is enabled in camera
last.fm AVRCP crash fixed
contact pictures now displaying properly in notifications when receiving new sms
many other things!

[B][U]20.04.12 Build 33[/U][/B]
Bug fixes:[/U]

[*]Bluetooth: Fixed memory leak  and file handles leak
[*]Nav bar & tablet status bar FCs fixed
[*]Fixed some init.d scripts not running due to lack of bash
[*]Changing brightness by sliding on the top of the statusbar (if  enabled) shouldn’t FC anymore
[*]Fixed Data toggle not updating properly
[*]Torch should be acting normally again
[*]ROM Control: Fixed scrolling cache not setting properly
[*]Weather will refresh whenever SystemUI starts instead of when the  phone boots (so if it gets restarted, it should fetch weather again, it  didn’t before)
[*]Lockscrens: Added lockscreen wallpapers to pin & pattern unlock  screens
[*]Settings: fixed link mute states always being checked
[*]supersonic: Updated files (thanks to evervolv), should boot! I’ve also  included a “camera hack” so it should work, Video camera will FC, so  will panorama mode. It is what it is Bild
  [U]New features:[/U]

[*]Added another ROM Control shortcut that opens ROM Control
[*]Added ability to translate weather conditions (only German is  translated for now I think)
[*]Mms: added ability to strip unicode (CM)
[*]Mms: added emoji icons (CM)
[*]Mms: added quick emoji button to left of input (option you must  enable)
[*]Added warnings to fast charge (will notify you if it’s enabled on  boot)
[*]Hide navbar feature for tablets
[*]More music players supported for AVRCP 1.3
[B][U]16.04.12 Build 32[/U][/B]

 [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][U][B][FONT=Arial]Fixes:[/FONT][/B][/U]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Fix NavBar showing up in  landscape lockscreen[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Fix long-press resetting custom  NavBar icons[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Fix incorrect bluetooth address  on some devices[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Fix lockscreen events showing  up 1 day before[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Fix quickunlock not allowing  passwords longer than 8 chars[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Fix centered clock not showing  the correct time[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Other small fixes[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
         [U][B][FONT=Arial]New  Features:[/FONT][/B][/U]

[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Camera: Pinch and Volume Zoom  (CyanogenMod, Whitehawkx)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]General UI: Customizable  rotation delay is back! (roman)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Bluetooth: AVRCP 1.3+ support  (CyanogenMod, MarcLandis)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Lockscreen/NavBar: Allow  shortcuts to specify their own icons[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]NavBar: Allow tablets to use  “hide NavBar” feature (Zaphod-Beeble)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]NavBar: Custom NavBar is now  available for tablets as well! (Zaphod-Beeble)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]NavBar: Customizable glow color  (roman)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Quiet Hours: Configure the  hours your device should be quiet and/or still (sethyx and thanks to  CyanogenMod)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Statusbar: Added ability to  WeatherPanel to start a custom app (MarcLandis)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Statusbar: Added ability to  hide signal bars (hillbillyhacker)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Statusbar: Customizable font  size (Zaphod-Beeble)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[*][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial]Statusbar: Customizable icon  transparency (sethyx)[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
09.04.12 Build 31[/U][/B]

[*]Fixed long pressing home button not working on capacitive buttons
[*]Fixed FC when clearing market data through the LCD density changer in RC
[*]Fixed lockscreen icons not setting properly
[*]Fixed devices not having MTP checked by default (for Galaxy Nexus amongst others)
[*]Fixed battery bar showing incorrect battery percentages and not showing in the proper orientation
[*]Fixed Calendar FC in ROM Control
[*]Added donate link for Khas Mek (you should really click this)
[*]Changed back to stock framework animation speed as the faster ones weren't properly configured and made things "stutter"

[B][U] 07.04.12 Build 30[/U][/B]
[*]Fixed T9 Dialer
[*]Fixed ROM Control issues with saving images (should be fixed for ALL devices)
[*]Navigation bar overhaul (ability to set custom actions/icons and long-press actions)
[*]Sped up default animation speeds
[*]Removed OpenWnn from builds (Japanese IME)
[*]Added option to disable camera sounds (Settings -> Sound)
[*]toro/maguro: including faux 14m(ainline) kernel by default
[B][U]29.03.12 Build 29[/U][/B]
[*]Updated to Android 4.0.4 (IMM76D)
[*]Added Honeycomb lockscreen
[*]Mediascanner improvements
[*]Lockscreen calendar improvements
[*]Probably tons of other stuff I didn't see because of the merge
[U][B]20.03.12 Build 28[/B][/U]

[*]Added lockscreen color  changer
[*]Added 'traditional' toggle layout [where the toggles  are on the very top] (Stevepear426) -- find in RC > Statusbar  General > Layout
[*]Added AOSP lockscreen style (Whitehawkx)
[*]Added  extra volume slider options (Stevepear426, tmoskowite on gummy)
[*]Added  lockscreen calendar options (!!!) (sethyx)
[*]Removed any  trackball support the ROM had, was only throwing errors, not properly  implemented
[*]Improved brightness slider under toggles,  doesn't jump anymore
[*]Improved brightness slider (when  sliding your finger across the statusbar if enabled). MUCH more  responsive now
[*]Added fast charge toggle for maguro/toro for  kernels that support it (Zaphod-Beeble)
[*]Added ability to set  custom lockscreen image for targets. Click picture in RC to set.
[*]Also  increased size of custom lockscreen images to more match the normal  icons
[*]Including AppWidgetPicker to help  organize widgets
[*]Added digital clock widget to desk clock
[*]battery  bar should no longer disappear when in the navigation bar
[U][B]08.03.12 Milestone 4[/B][/U]

[*] new more compact layout that fits at the top of your screen
[*] Weather panel updates (sethyx, Zaph, tgwaste, and many more!)
[*]ability to hide it in your statusbar
[*]added lockscreen weather to tablets

[*] Added statusbar transparency (rob43)
[*]Added alternate notification drawer layout (toggles/date on bottom instead of top)
[*]Added day of the week before clock style option  (rob43)
[*]Signal text reading improvements (Zaph)
[*]Added option to show lockscreen before secure unlock
[*]Simplified nav bar hide/show code => should be working on all devices properly
[*]Added PhaseBeam alongside UnicornPorn
[*]Fixed all weird tablet FCs (was caused by that messy nav bar code [IMG]http://forum.aokp.co/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png[/IMG])

[*][B]p4: [/B]3G should now be working on the 3G 10.1" tab samsung tab
[*][B]stingray[/B]: Data should be working now! Thanks travp for helping me debug this
[*]added [B]fascinatemtd[/B]
[*]added [B]a500[/B]
[*][B]vzwtab [/B]renamed to [B]galaxytab7c[/B], also now using MTD instead of BML. No m4 for it yet.
[U][B]29.2.12 Build 27[/B][/U]

[*]New weather panel in dropdown! (Zaphod the beast)
[*]Shows  more info.
[*]Click to refresh.
[*]You have a choice of that  one, or the text above the carrier
[*]Next   release you'll be  able to hide both (so you can still have lockscreen   weather, impossible  to only have it right now I think)
[*]New power menu  navigation bar controls when hidden (Zaphod the beast)
[*]so you can  still control your phone when it's hidden
[*]Added  ability to show navigation bar on devices that don't have it on by  default
[*]Added ability to change navigation bar sizes
[*]Fixed  boot animation sizes on xhdpi devices
[*]If you don't have music  controls enabled AND you have volume wake enabled, your device will now  wake when playing music
[*]Fixed faceunlock and music control  layouts on lockscreens
[*][B]Themers:[/B]  toggles use on/off state  images, so you can theme them and have them  be different in off/on  states. By default they're the same
[*]Swagger toggle will make  your device leak  butter. Exclusive on certain devices for now.
[U] [B]26.2.12 Build 26[/B][/U]

[*]Added weather information to lockscreen (sethyx)
[*]the weather information is now pulled from Yahoo! and should provide information for more cities
[*]Re-added boot animation for devices that didn't have it from b25 [IMG]http://forum.aokp.co/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/IMG]
[*][B]should've fixed all incompatibility issues with Chrome with all devices supported[/B]
[*]cleaner RC images & signal icon
[*]fixed setting alarm from voice not activating properly
[B][URL="http://forum.aokp.co/page/releases/_/build-25-r6"]21.2.12 Build 25[/URL][/B]

[*]added optional dBm text display which will replace your signal bars
[*][B]added hide nav bar option[/B] (be careful on devices that don't have a navbar, untested and may break stuff! more stability fixes for those devices later)
[*]added special unicorn porn (don't worry, SFW)
[*]added warning to weather when no location can be found
[*]added trackball alert
[*]torch code improvements
[*]small airplane mode visiblity improvement
[*][B]crespo/hdpi[/B]: should've fixed all issues causing reboots and such
[*][B]p4[/B]: 3G *should* be working as it was before. If it's not, please let me know
[B][URL="https://sites.google.com/site/androidopenkangproject/downloads-1/downloads"]19.2.12 Build 24[/URL][/B][URL="https://sites.google.com/site/androidopenkangproject/downloads-1/downloads"]
[*]Added lockscreen wallpapers
[*]It seems that there  is an interesting bug with  Lockscreen wallpapers. Every once in a blue  moon, your device may do a  'soft-reboot'. I can go into the technical  details of why this happens,  but basically it comes down to displaying a  large 'picture' and  Java/Android not correctly cleaning up the  references to it, thus  creating a memory leak. This is extremely rare  it happens, and I've only  noticed it happen while the device is NOT  being used. If you're  concerned, please just remove the lockscreen  wallpaper and it will never  happen to you. I'm trying to find a way to  make this 100% stable.
[*]Added torch toggle to power menu
[*]Added airplane mode toggle to power menu
[*]Added 'about' page in ROM Control
[*]Addd new LCD density wizard to help keep your device from being 'not supported' by certain market apps
[*]fixed music widget on octo lock
[*]fixed reboots happening when trying to show power dialog more than once
[*]fixed notification-unlink logic (won't toch other sound-volumes now)
[*]fixed MTP devices not being recognized by default (Gnex, etc)
[*]I believe that's it!
[*][B]toro: [/B]removed SDM.apk
[B][URL="https://sites.google.com/site/androidopenkangproject/home/build22"]13.2.12 Build 23[/URL][/B]

[*]Added a quick-torch! (Enable in RC > Lockscreen first!)
[*]While   your phone screen is off, you can long-press the power button and the   torch will automagically turn on. Let go and it will turn off :)
[*]Zaphod-Beeble is the man behind this one, thank him.
[*]Added end call button to notification bar while in call (Also Zaphod-Beeble!)
[*]Added ability to add ROM Control shortcuts to your desktop (Long press desktop > Shortcuts)
[*]Power Menu should update instantly now with the options of your choosing (sometimes it did not update instantly)
[*]Updated scrolling-cache code
[*]Should've fixed clock not updating for realz this time.
[*]Fixed weather location not being checked properly in RC
[*][B]tablets: [/B]Added weather display
[*][B]tablets: [/B]Added clock options
[*][B]tablets: [/B]should display "Reboot tablet" now instead of phone
[*][B]tablets: [/B]enabled more keys on keyboard
[B][URL="https://sites.google.com/site/androidopenkangproject/home/build22"]08.2.12 Build 22[/URL][/B]

[*]Toggles on by default, disabled auto-hide by default
[*]Added a hide USB debugging icon toggle
[*]Added power key shutter for camera (Daneesh)
[*]Added 'Always show lockscreen battery %' toggle (syaoran12)
[*]Added option to disable scrolling cache (pawitp, AndroidON)
[*]Added ability to slide statusbar to change brightness (Danesh)
[*]Removed off state of alternate toggles (they're always white now, so it's easier to see)
[*]Updated brightness slider code to be consistent with brightness changes
[*]Updated sync toggle to keep it's state updated
[*]Initial   implementation of weather display (currently ONLY available above your   carrier text in the drop down, more to come later)
[*]Added ability to set custom DPI
[*]Fixed weird phone layouts
[*]Long click on a link now allows you to choose between opening in incognito/regular tab (Danesh)
[*]Added   a "Link mute states" check box in volume settings in case you don't   want your notifications being muted when putting your phone in mute
[B][URL="https://sites.google.com/site/androidopenkangproject/home/milestone3"]Milestone 3[/URL][/B]
             posted an hour ago by Roman Birg                                                                                                      [               updated an hour ago ]                            
The  long awaited Milestone 3 is here! We tried to squash as many bugs  as we  could in this release and really give it that "Milestone" feel.  If any  bugs should be discovered that are semi-serious there will  likely be a  follow-up M3.1 release or something of the sort. 
There's also a bunch of goodies in M3 not available in build 21! Check out the change log:

[*]Added LCD density switcher to ROM Control
[*]Added quick pin unlock ([URL="http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#change,12306"]source[/URL])
[*]Added two new battery styles -- CircleMOD and Text (sethyx)
[*]Added a 'Reset Nav Bar' button to RC which will reset your color and opacity to default settings (as some of you requested)
[*]Added ability to change ROM Control language to English if you're using another language
[*]Added HDPI/MDPI toggle images, so they should show up correctly on tablets/Nexus S phones
[*]Added a toggle toggle for tablets (and removed a few redundant settings)
[*][B]Added ability to unlink ringtone and notification volumes (!!!)[/B]
[*]Added white SMS Icon back to lockscreen (goes to stock Mms for now, will be configurable later)
[*]Added link to T9 settings (so you can disable T9 if it freezes for you)
[*]Added new phone options - Zaphod-Beeble!
[*]Enable landscape
[*]Status bar while in call
[*]Exit to home (actually exists to most recent activity)
[*]Disable lights out on nav bar

[*]Removed hide nav bar function for now (it was causing unresponsive screen on incoming phone calls)
[*]Fixed RC icon sizes
[*]Fixed lockscreen icons not being set properly by default
[*]Fixed wrong string for Emergency dialer on setup screen (#intent blah blah)
[*]Fixed Power Saver being grayed on in RC even after enabling it
[*]Fixed volume music controls conflicting with apps that take over volume button
[*]Fixed landscape lockscreen layout
[*]Fixed default toggles having Data (removed for devices that don't have data)
[*]Fixed lockscreen rotation setting overriding system-wide rotation setting (system-rotation takes priority)
[B]build 21[/B]- January 26

[*]quad lockscreen now uses awesome layout from b19
[*] slight ROM Control overhaul -- new icons from kwesley snipes and included some descriptions
[*] added ability to change nav bar button transparency
[*] added ability to change nav bar glow animation time (quick glow mod as some people call it)
[*] added option for large menu button (originally seen in RootzBoat, thanks xoomdev!)
[*] you can also remove the original menu buttons on the left/right, be sure to do that, it's in Menu location
[*] nav buttons should space out better on higher LCD densities, while still looking good on stock (also sizes now same as stock)
[*] should have fixed the hide nav bar option (let me know if it's still broken, works great for me)
[*] lockscreen should be quick again
[*] lockscreen will have default camera/unlock shortcuts IF YOU HAVENT SET THEM BEFORE
[*]  fixed nasty volume bug some people were experiencing -- also improved   stability of hold to skip while screen off (won't wake your screen   anymore)
[*] horizontal task switcher layout updated
[*] Power Saver shouldn't touch anything while you're on a phone call now
[*] misc fixes (clock not updating, hopefully, battery bar disappearing in nav bar, etc)
[*] using CM squisher with build now, adds about 21024 the amount of butter we had previously
[*] optimizes all APKs/images
[*] enabled full hardware acceleration in galaxy nexus builds to fix quardrantlololololololol
[*] updated Contacts app (including all latest T9 fixes from CM)
[*] updated Nova Launcher to b13
[*] tablets: including Trebuchet launcher instead of Nova for you guys
[*] p4wifi: removed device assert when compiling from source (easier for me, easier for you)
[B]build 20[/B]- January 23

[*]new customizable lockscreen shortcuts
[*]pick your apps/shortcuts from ROM Control
[*]shows app icon on lockscreen
[*]long press on toggles to bring up settings menu (on the buttons, not text)
[*]new on/off icons for toggles/correctly spaced
[*]battery bar revamp
[*]animations while charging
[*]mirrored-center style for OCD folks
[*]ability to place it on your nav bar
[*]WebOS recents window toggle
[*]fixed volume wake and volume skip controls not playing to gether nicely
[*]ROM Control app revamped for tablets (no real affect for phones, but it looks nicer!)
[*]init.d scripts removed (init.d support still there)
[*]increased stock browser tab limit to 64
[*]added ability to disable boot animation
[*]added ability to disable bugmailer
[B]build 19[/B]- January 17 [OCD Edition]

[*]fix nav bar alignment with 4 buttons enabled
[*]really fix recents button sometimes not working
[*]init.d scripts disabled by default
[*]fixed octo/quad lockscreens not working with Lightflow
[*]don't show torch activity in recents window after using it
[B]build 18[/B][COLOR=#282828][FONT=Roboto] - January 17[/FONT][/COLOR]

[*]bug fix: recents key sometimes not working
[*]bug fix: toggles will restore original state on reboot (if they don't auto-hide)
[*]bug fix: torch revamp, works great now! (Zaphod-Beeble)
[*]bug fix: alternate layout will now center if there's nothing to scroll (Zaphod-Beeble)
[*]bug fix: added mdpi & hdpi images for lockscreens (should fix crespo reboots) (Whitehawkx)
[*]bug fix: nav bar not being spread apart like stock
[*]bug fix: volume wake not always working
[*]bug fix: camera effects should be working
[*]added: battery bar with charging animtation and color option (CM and a little me!)
[*]added: option to disable battery icon
[*]added: sync toggle
[*]added: octo lock screen (with 3 configurable apps) (Whitehawkx)
[*]added: option to enable 180 degree rotation (CM)
[*]added: ability to hide nav bar on lockscreen
[*]added: google dns servers by default
[*]added: built in performance/init.d configuration (thanks to Kejar & company)
[*]includes awesome init.d settings
[B]build 17[/B]- January 13

[*]fixed bluetooth drainage bug
[*]fixed lockscreen bootloop
[*][I]new long press home action in ROM Control currently does nothing![/I]
[*]disabled landscape to avoid FCs in ROM Control for now
[*]added some padding for toggles (layout was slightly off before, yw OCD people)
[*][B]updated gapps package (includes updated G+ and stops my keyboard from being overwritten with Google's)[/B] - be sure to use the updated one
[I]personal note[/I]:  Although I've  fixed the wakelock issue with bluetooth, it seems my  device is still  keeping a wake lock. I've narrowed it down to DRM  Content Provider. I'm  not sure if something on my SD is messed up  (which could be causing the  issue) or there's something else at play  here. Lots have reported proper  deep sleeping so I'm releasing this  anyways. Download [URL="https://market.android.com/details?id=com.bvalosek.cpuspy"]CpuSpy[/URL]   from the market and test it out for yourself. After disabling the DRM   Content Provider app my phone appears to be deep sleeping perfectly   again, but I'm sure there are some repercussions. I'll investigate. You   should too if you can [IMG]http://rootzwiki.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/IMG].
[B]build 16[/B] - January 12
[*]Freshly re-written navigation buttons, completely re-arranglable/toggle-able!
[*]New toggle-able quad lock screen option
[*]Lock screen's SMS shortcut can be customized to an app of your choice (defaults to stock sms app)
[*]Added volume wake option
[*]Added volume long press to skip option
[*]Added LED torch toggle
[*]shortened nav bar animations a little
[*]updated alternate toggle layout
[*]tons of butter butter butter yes!
[*][B]16a[/B]: include superuser
[*][B]16a[/B]: smaller size due to not including files that are being flashed with gapps
[B]milestone 2 [/B]- January 10
[*]Added toggle icons (thanks to MDJ & Virtuous)
[*]Added custom hex input when picking a color for anything in RC
[*]Added scrolling toggles for the alternate button style (thanks to ZB!)
[*]Changed the way the statusbar drag handle works slightly so it is still centered when you lower your LCD density
[*]Fixed init.d
[*]Fixed clock not being allowed to be pure white
[B]build 15[/B] - January 9
[*]Bug fix: Center clock should function just like the right clock now (ie be pretty when you get messages, etc)
[*]Bug fix: gps toggle not being updated on reboot
[*]update long-press back to kill code (no haptic feedback on the virtual button, maybe I'll add it later)
[*]Add a custom color tint picker for your nav bar buttons
[*]Add rotation animation delay options (how long it will take before it rotates)
[*]Add new toggle style - Zaphod-Beeble's  buttons!
[*]----   there are no toggle images included with the ROM at the moment, so in   ROM Control if you select image for the toggle style it will NOT show,   you need to flash his mod for now.
[*]new Power Saver icons in power menu, thanks to mdeejay and Virtuous
[*]ROM Control translations for many languages (thanks to all who submitted translations!)
[*]Added airplane mode toggle
[*]Added tethering toggle
[*]Added silent toggle
[*]Added vibrate toggle
[B]build 14[/B] - January 6
[*]Added Toggle Customziation (brightness location, enable/disable each toggle)
[*]Added 2G toggle
[*]Added init.d support (you need to create the folder yourself)
[*]Added a new nav bar layout >  Back - Home - Tasks - Search
[*]Bug fix: duplicate sounds should be gone
[*]Bug fix: fixed center clock not animating properly
[*]Bug fix: fixed phone not reading NFC tags
[*]Power Saver: should be more stable for CDMA (!!! needs testing, unconfirmed [IMG]http://rootzwiki.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png[/IMG])
[*]Crespo4G WiMax fix
[*]so much butt3r, it's sticky
[B]build 12[/B] - December 31
[*]Added clock options (hide clock, am/pm styles)
[*]Recoded how the system chooses navbar layouts and made it more "correct." Hopefully this fixes the disappearing buttons issue.
[*]Added screenshot & power menu options to the power menu. You can show/hide them from ROM control
[*]More code cleanup for the BT toggle (let me know if it still shows the incorrect state)
[B]build 11[/B] - December 29
[*]initial implementation of LED light picker (I plan on making it be ON while picking it to be able to see the color)
[*]Added   4.0.3 Tag.apk from Google. Let me know if this fixes reading NFC tags.  I  have no tags to test on so you guys have to let me know
[*]Keyboard: volume keys will act as a cursor while typing -- disable in keyboard options
[*]Power Saver: won't turn on if Google Music is playing, won't turn on if phone is charging
[*]Power Saver: added some checks to make sure it's switching to a proper network mode to help with CDMA devices
[*]Power   Saver: added 1x (CDMA) toggle for CDMA devices, now comes with a   warning when you turn it on! If you have time, please test this. Make a   nandroid before.
[*]Nav Bar: added new layout (thanks brucekey for the idea!) Back - Home - Search. Long press home to get recent apps
[*]Toro: attempted (!!) to disable VZW tethering and enable native tethering. Please let me know if this works.
[B]Milestone 1[/B] - December 27
Milestone releases are meant to be for those who don't want to flash   everyday. They are targetted towards fixing ALL the bugs we can fix and   making it as clean as possible. However, we are all human, some things   slip through and there may be a bug or two. In the rare event this DOES   happen expect a fix ASAP.
[*]Added Google Calendar 4.0.3
[*]Search navbar layout fixes (long press in landscape, spacing, new matching icon)
[*]Added adjusted autobrightness values back
[*]Fixed bluetooth toggle not showing proper states
[*]Fixed Google Earth FC
[B] build X[/B]

[*][B]I advise you wipe /data and start fresh on this build. Lots of changes, many room for errors without wiping! I did.[/B]
[*]Settings: added mod version in settings
[*]Settings: removed System Update
[*]Nav bar: fixed spacing for status buttons
[*]Nav   bar: added new option: stock menu button behavior/visibility, except   show invisible buttons when there are no menus to be shown
[*]Nav bar: fixed disappearing navigation buttons (I think, haven't been able to recreate it since modifying it)
[*]Nav bar: added long press to search button layout!
[*]Nav bar: search icon from people app
[*]Status bar: added center battery style
[*]Status bar: added GPS toggle in quick toggles
[*]Status bar: added Bluetooth toggle in quick toggles
[*]Status bar: fixed auto rotate toggle not updating
[*]Status bar: option to change behavior of setting button in dropdown (ie change quick toggles to longpress)
[*]Status bar: added toggle to not hide quick toggles after collapse
[*]Status bar: lowered brightness on brightness toggle
[*]Status bar: fixed autobrightness text not showing up
[*]Added Facebook contact sync integration ([B]must wipe to get this[/B])
[*]Power Saver: won't start if phone is charging
[*]Power Saver: fix CDMA data off setting
[*]Power Saver: will attempt to turn LTE off on 2G setting (experimental for now!)
[*]Crespo4G: Mms fix
[*][B]Included Gapps with ROM package [/B]- read new installation instructions!
[B]build 9[/B]
[*]Added T9 dialer from CM9
[*]add ability  to  change when/how the menu is visible -> always visible, always  visible  with invisible menu buttons, system controlled (default  behavior)
[*]screen  off (by user) timeout override -> by  default android only uses a  timeout when the screen times out by  itself. this lets you force android  to use the same timeout for when  you turn the screen off yourself
[*]added lock screen unlock by menu key toggle
[*]added option to customize carrier text (useful for you VZW people who don't have it showing properly!)
[*]Toro   only: added warning when selecting 2G screen-off toggle. This should   weed down the phone FCs people are getting and not knowing how they got   em.
[*]Toro only: attempted to fix 2G data off again!
[*]finally added proper ICS sounds. And they're glorious [IMG]http://rootzwiki.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/IMG]
[COLOR=Black][B][B]build 8[/B][/B][/COLOR]

[*]Added Team Kang boot animation, thanks to [URL="http://twitter.com/rascarlo"]@rascarlo[/URL] [IMG]http://rootzwiki.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png[/IMG]
[*]fixed video camera face effects FCing and such
[*]brand new (giant) gapps package. Should include all the Google goodies you need, including Google Wallet!
[*]Still no ICS sounds
[*]Fixed power saver bug that would turn data back on even if power saver was disabled ([COLOR=#006400]TORO   owners: 2G screen off in Power Saver is still untested, but might be   fixed! Please test and be ready to wipe if it doesn't work! Please   report me your results[/COLOR])
[*]adjusted autobrightness values (thanks to [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2432502"]Thyrus[/URL])
[*]TORO ONLY: updated a few  VZW specific APKs with signed versions (also thanks to pete!)
[B][B][COLOR=Black]build 7[/COLOR][/B][/B]
[*]fixed resetting data setting when it's not supposed to (for VZW/CDMA devices)
[*]added an alternate nav bar layout with a search button! (huge props to @kwes1020 for making the icon)
[*]removed old music app from compilation, included musicfx again
[*]added missing LWPs to build
[*]added initial LED pulse settings (can configure LED time on/off)
[*]color customization later
[*]added battery text option (shows over the battery icon)
[*]more color customization later
next on the agenda: get ICS sounds to be included with the build properly!
[B]NEMEA2012 : [URL="https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/themes-fuer-galaxy-nexus.534/mod-auto-brightness-patch-advanced-power-menu-update-19-12-fuer-iml74k.174417-page-6.html#post-2419721"]Autobright-Patches fuer die OpenKang von RomanBB Ver 7[/URL][/B]
(ab Build 8 enthalten)
 [B]build 6[/B]

[*]started fresh, rebased code to Android 4.0.3 (IML74K) now
[*]added IME switcher toggle
[*]added ics ringtones/notification sounds
[*]updated superuser apk/binary to work with 4.0.3
[*]updated market build id to 4.0.2
[*]quick toggles now hide after collapsing the statusbar
[*][B]gapps with google wallet[/B]
[*]removed CM9 launcher for now
[*]mostly a rebase to 4.0.3 [IMG]http://rootzwiki.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/IMG]
[B]build 5[/B]

[*]greatly improved stability/functionality of powersaver
[*]now attempts to restore your data state if your phone crashes or if you hard rebooton boot up
[*]by default, syncing will use the data state you had prior to turning the screen off (will be configurable later)
[*]wifi shouldn't be touched (yet, gain will be configurable)
[*]fixed error with scheduling screen-off data mode after turning screen off
[*]screen   on delay is set to 5 seconds for now (how long it will take for your   data to restore to it's previous value if it was changed) will be   configurable later as well
[*]improved layout of ROM Control
[*]added a CRT-Off Animation toggle (CRT on will NOT work for some reason, will dig more into it later)
[*]fixed Wifi toggle in drop down
[*][B]bugfix version[/B]: fixed power manager from turning WiFi on when it was off
[*][B]bugfix version[/B]: app navigation menu icons no longer disappear after unlocking phone
[COLOR=#0000cd][B]remember: always do a nandroid![/B][/COLOR] 
 [B]build 4[/B]
 [COLOR=#ffffff][B][B]build 4[/B] - December 13[/B][/COLOR]
Added initial implementation of power saver!
[*]only a few settings for now in ROM Control (now found through Settings)
[*]it likely does not work full YET, please keep in mind it's beta, don't rely on it.
[*]that said, I need you to find the bugs!
[*]from my personal experience, the options in ROM Control seem to work. let me know if otherwise
[*]modified   menu unlock code a little -- toggle it in RC to the  option you want,   then reboot. it should show/hide. I'll get this  toggling instantly  later
[*]some more code for crt on/off, no toggles for them yet though, look for them in build 5
[*]added spiffy ROM Control icons [IMG]http://rootzwiki.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/IMG]
[*]I highly recommend a /data [B]wipe [/B]for this build. I've changed core system services
 [B]build 3[/B]
[*]Fixed Bluetooth & GPS not turning on (other HW related issues should be fixed as well)
[*]changed settings button click to pull up my customization menu, long-press will open settings
[*]added auto rotation toggle to customization menu
[*]added wifi toggle to customization menu
[*]added an option to hide folder names in Launcher2
[*]added first implementation of ROM Control
[*]no icon yet, taking any help with this!
[*]new option to change position of legacy menu button - left/right/both
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Eay und boshot
Nach dem ich mit dem EaglesBlood noch nicht so zufrieden bin und mir das Villain ROM noch zu harmlos daherkommt (wird sich in nächster Zeit ändern), habe mit das Android Open Kang Project jetzt mal installiert.

Mein erster Eindruck: Wow! Das nenne ich mal schnelle Reaktionszeit nach dem Tippen auf irgendwelche Apps oder anderweitigen Dingen!

Beim Installieren gab es keinerlei Probleme. Market habe ich gleich mal auf Version 3.4.4 gebeamt. Ansonsten alles OK!

Jetzt habe ich erst einmal Ruhe. Bin sehr zufrieden mit diesen ROM.

Habt ihr die besagten Bugs auch?

* can't update maps in market (wrong signature error)
* I personally can't purchase apps through the market, however I was able to easily do it on my phone's browser, just a little more hassle, not sure what's causing this

Werde das ROM morgen Abend auch mal testen.
Ich habe vorhin mal probiert ohne ein full wipe von der stock deodexed Rom zu wechseln. Geht aber wirklich nicht :D.
Kalender fehlt dann usw. Die ROM option in den Einstellungen bekommt FC...

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk
Haben noch mehr Erfahrungen mit der rom?
Ich kann auch nur positives berichten. Das ROM lässt sich schon etwas mehr konfigurieren als andere. Hat gute Laufzeiten aber auch den beschrieben Buk. Ist im Moment mein HauptROM. Sehr schnell und wenig Ruckler.
Bei mir läuft seit 4 Tagen AOKP zusammen mit dem Samsung Stock[3.0.13]UV/GPU OC/CIFS/SLQB/BFQ(v0.0.3)-Kernel. Seit der Installation des Kernels sind keine FCs oder anderweitigen Probleme aufgetaucht.

Der Akkuverbrauch über Nacht (ca. 8 Stunden Daten deaktiviert), beträgt ca. 4%. Ist schon ein guter Wert wie ich finde. Mit Standard-Kernel hatte ich immer zischen 10% und 20% Akkuverbrauch über Nacht.

Akkuverbrauch aktuell:

66% - Entlädt
20h 41m 2s mit Akku
Bildschirm: 42% - 1h19m20s
Android OS 29% - 1h15m59s
Ruhezustand 18% - 19h21m42s
Mobilfunk-Standby 8% - 20h41m2s

  • Danke
Reaktionen: scimitar und androidwissen
Ist es möglich ein Fullwipe zu machen und dann nur die Daten per Restore einzuspielen?

Kommt es dann zu Problemen?
androidwissen schrieb:
Ist es möglich ein Fullwipe zu machen und dann nur die Daten per Restore einzuspielen?

Kommt es dann zu Problemen?

So mache ich das immer. Spiele die Daten MyBackupPro zurück.
Wo ist eigentlich der Unterschied von Kang zu CM Nightlies, kann das mal wer erklären, bitte? :)
CM Nightlies sind die offiziellen nächtlichen Builds vom CM Build Bot. Hier ist nur offizielles Zeug einkompiliert.

KANGs sind (nicht zwangweise, aber meistens von nicht-CM-Team Angehörigen) kompilierte ROMs basierend auf dem CM Quellcode. Hier werden oft zusätzliche Scripte, Anpassungen, Addons, o.a. eingebaut.
In diesem Fall basiert das KANG ROM noch nicht ein mal auf dem CM Quellcode :p

Kurz: CM Nightly = offiziell | KANG = inoffiziell
  • Danke
Reaktionen: agor
scimitar schrieb:
So mache ich das immer. Spiele die Daten MyBackupPro zurück.

Ich meine eigentlich die Daten von einem cwm backup?

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk
androidwissen schrieb:
Ich meine eigentlich die Daten von einem cwm backup?

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk
Unter Android 2.3.6 habe ich das des öfteren so gemacht. Lief hinterher auch alles sauber ohne FCs. Und wenn dann doch mal ein FC bei einer Anwendung auftauchte, dann habe ich über ClockworkMod ein "Fix Permissions" durchgeführ, der dann auch heilende Wirkung hatte.

Wie das ganze jetzt bei Android ICS aussieht, kann ich Dir leider nicht mitteilen. Habe ich noch nicht probiert. Einfach mal probieren und das Ergebnis hier Posten. Danke Dir schon mal für Deinen Testaufwand und wünsche Dir gutes gelingen.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: androidwissen
Okay, das mit dem fullwipe und danach die Daten wiederherstellen geht nicht ganz gut. Es gibt bei dem zusätzlichen Einstellungen ein FC (diese zusatzoption die der Entwickler hinzugefügt hat).

Hab jetzt ein fullwipe gemacht und alles nur mit titanium hergestellt. Die Rom rennt wie Sau und basiert ja auf 4.0.3 :)

Allerdings fehlt die Galerie App :-(. Woher bekomme ich die apk? Xda ist ja down, von da kann ich sie nicht laden..

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Alex.Sikes
OK! Ich habe mir so etwas schon gedacht. Mit TB geht das ja auch sehr schnell per Batchverarbeitung.

Ich habe ja zur Zeit noch AOKP-b5 drauf. Die basiert noch auf 4.0.1. Werde aber wohl im laufe des Tages auch auf AOKP-b6 wechseln. Google hat in die 4.0.3 ca. 250 Patche eingespielt. Vor allen soll wohl die Akkulaufzeit stark davon profitieren.

Die Galerie App will der Entwickler später hochladen. Ich füge sie dann im ersten Post ein.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: androidwissen
Die Galerie hätte ich gar nicht vermisst! :D

Grund: Ich nutze immer die App Quick Pic.

da fehlt noch mehr - die FX soundeffect etc. Leider schlampt der liebe Roman wieder mal.
250 patches? Das ist echt heftig. Ja das mit der Akkulaufzeit habe ich schon bei 4.0.2 stark gemerkt.

Was echt noch cool wäre, wenn der Entwickler dieser Rom in die Statusleiste noch ein GPS toggle zu den WLAN toggle gesellt. Und am besten gleich noch ein mobiles Internet toggle :p

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk

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