[ROM][4.4.4] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA 6

  • 102 Antworten
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4.44 STABLE und 4.5 ALPHA 2
sind verfügbar!

New Recents
- Reworked zoom animations
- Smoother animations
- Transparent background
- More visible shadows (not yet finished)
- Other small cleanup

Common Diff
- Merged Theme Engine upstream patches and bug fixes
- Fixed transparent navbar
- Possibility to hide battery in status bar (option stored in battery style settings chooser)

Download: Stay Paranoid

Release Post (mit kurzem Video zu den neuen Recents):
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und merhans
Ich kann die Batteriesymbolanzeigeoptionen bei der aktuellen alpha nicht finden.
Einfach in die Akku Ansicht und oben rechts ändern:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: knevil
Zur Info:
Die weekly ist diese Woche Urlaubs bedingt nicht erschienen. Keine Panik. Nächste Woche gehts wie gewohnt weiter ;)
Hey Leute,

Ich bin neu, und hab auch direkt meine erste Frage:biggrin:

Ich hab ein Galaxy Nexus mit Paranoid Android 4.44, aber ich will jetzt wohl gern auf Paranoid 4.5 Beta 2 umsprinegen. Alles von der App herunter geladen und auf installieren geklickt. Wenn sich dann CWM v6.0.4.9 öffnet (womit ich auch schon PA 4.44 installiert hab) und versucht die Beta zu installieren klappt auch erst alles, aber sobald ich das Handy neu starte, dann kommt er nur bis zum Google Logo. Mehrere Neuinstallationen helfen nicht, sowie wipe data/factory reset. Und wenn ich dann versuche PA 4.44 neu zu istallieren geht das auch nicht mehr. Ich muss dann immer auf restore gehen, damit es wieder geht. Hat jemand ne ahnung was ich machen muss um das zu beheben? Oder liegt es einfach an der Tatsache, dass es eine Beta ist?:confused2:

Vielen Dank im vorraus!
Gut, jetzt hast du den korrekten Thread erwischt...
Antwort ist jedoch gleich!
Wenn du die korrekten Dateien fürs Gnx hast (Rom und Gapps), einfach im Recovery einen factory reset und wipe system machen, Dateien flashen, wipe cache und dann sollte es keine Probleme geben...
Doch. Leider genau das Gleiche. Versuche grad von cwm auf twrp zu wechseln. Doch irgendie schaffe ich es nicht die .img mit fastboot zu flashen
Du kannst auch im cwm das twrp flashen... Mit entsprechender zip
Und genau diese konnte ich noch nie Finden

Okay.... Ich habs jetzt gefunden
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Neue PA 4.5 Beta 3 ist verfügbar:
As many of you might have heard, we are hard at work on the next big thing. However, good things come to those who wait. Since we’re hard at work on Dynamic status bar (more coming soon), this week’s release is a little light, containing only bug fixes for theme engine and card-style recents.



Fixed blank screen in recents

Fixed transparent status bar in recents

Misc fixes to theme engine.


Die aktuelle Beta hat in Verbindung mit einigen Themes große Probleme! Es gibt hot Reboots beim starten von Apps!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller
Mittlerweile ist 4.5 BETA 4 verfügbar...
Ein paar Fixes für verschiedene Geräte:
See previous post for changelog.

This one fixes beta 3 screw ups
- theme engine issues that caused reboots
- flashlight on hammerhead
- WiFi (due to improper kernel) on mako
4.6 BETA 1


Peeking into the colorful future
This week brings joy to many who like to have their system bars colored. As it was already revealed, we have been working on DSB for a while and we finally think it behaves well enough for a preview. We are also adding the swipe-up gesture to dismiss Hover quickly and simply while still allowing you to get back to the notification a bit later. There are still some bugs here and there for DSB with the most worrying ones being related to performance and in turn battery usage, but regardless of that this release should be rather solid and enjoyable by all. Feel free to try it out and #StayParanoid.

  • Introduce Dynamic System Bars
  • Introduce the swipe-up gesture to dismiss Hover
  • Get rid of possible slowness during I/O on the stock kernel for hammerhead
4.6 BETA 2 - Rainbow Smoothness.


The Summer development rush is sadly over and as you noticed during the last few weeks, we took a little break from doing actual releases. This was generally due to team members adapting to their packed timetables and heading off to well deserved holidays.

For this week's release, DSB has been cleaned up and other fixes have been added. There is still room for improvement at some places - especially for lower end devices - but there should be a noticeable improvement with more fluid and less jittery animations all around. The feature still includes a bit of unwanted battery drain but it should still be more conservative on the precious compared to the previous beta so #stayparanoid and try it out.

  • Clean up DSB animations
  • Reduce DSB screen polling
  • Correctly update the lock screen track information
  • Improve the general graphical performance
  • Update the OPO drivers and add other minor improvements
  • Follow CM's changes for TE
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Heart
4.6 BETA 3 - Release Solid Strawberry


A new week brings a new release. This week we are happy to present a sweet little beta release. We have made changes to our take on the recents menu and of course increased the smoothness of DSB animations as well. As with all beta releases, there is still room for improvement but #stayparanoid and don't hesitate to try it out.

Main changes introduced:

- Clean up DSB icon animations
- Crop thumbnails of portrait floating windows
- Dismiss the redesigned recents menu on touches outside of the thumbnails
- Tweak the design of the volume panel and Pie QS toggles
- Merge Theme Engine changes by CM.
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: merhans
Mag eigentlich jemand den Thread übernehmen? Ich hab kein Gnex mehr und werde ihn deswegen auch nicht aktuell halten.
Ich würde vorschlagen den Titel und OP etwas allgemeiner zu gestalten und dann alles so laufen zu lassen... Falls sich niemand finden sollte...
4.6 BETA 4 - Release Humble Huckleberry


We had to delay the release a bit this week due to some device specific mishaps that were discovered in the final review stage of the builds. As those issues have been resolved, we are happy to announce a pair of delightful changes.

We are making the edit mode of Quick Settings a bit more unified by getting rid of the split between the standard tiles and the temporary tiles such as the remote display/cast tile and the alarm tile. This means you can now hide those tiles and move them around to reorganize the screen just as you want it to be.

We are adding a new default AOSPA wallpaper. This is going to be most prominent for new users but you, experienced user, might be interested in checking it out as well. It is available as the first item on Google Now Launcher backgrounds list and also visible as a part of the "Backgrounds" app choice in other launchers such as Nova.

Please note: The default wallpaper is a bit special on the system and you might still see the old thumbnail. One way to resolve this is to do a clean flash with a factory reset (wiping of user data). A different, more clean approach is to ask the relevant files to be removed which can be done by either by
a) opening a terminal/command prompt on your computer, connecting your device up to it and running: adb shell su -c 'rm -f /data/data/com.android.wallpapercropper/files/default_thumb.jpg; rm -f /data/data/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/files/default_thumb2.jpg'
b) opening a terminal emulator on your device and running: su -c 'rm -f /data/data/com.android.wallpapercropper/files/default_thumb.jpg; rm -f /data/data/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/files/default_thumb2.jpg'

As usual - have fun and #stayparanoid !

Change log:
Make all Quick Settings tiles act similarly in edit mode
- Add a new default AOSPA wallpaper
- Improve speed and stability of the core
- Adapt to the Peek standalone application package name change
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und merhans
4.6 BETA 5 - Release Playful Pitaya


This week, PA team members have worked overtime to unravel the previously encountered DSB issues. The product is back to the usual stability, with a bunch of tweaks all around, but still deserving the beta tag.

Most of the work was put into hardening DSB, but an additional configuration option was also added as an experiment mainly for those interested in increased speed. This is more of a "power user" setting as it can have an influence on the battery life - you have been warned - and is not guaranteed to stay around for later releases. To mess around with the setting, just run _adb shell su -c 'settings put system experimental_dsb_frequency 2'_ on your computer, replacing the 2 with any other number of choice. If you find frequencies that seem to work fine for you and still provide solid battery life, feel free to share them.

*Quick pointers for the setting:*

- The default value for a newly set up device is 2.
- Lower numbers mean slower, higher numbers mean faster.
- You probably don't want to go into negative numbers. It's the ones that are lower than 0.
- The counter caps out at 20. That is CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL.
- Going above the maximum of 20 is not going to change anything... Trust us... Just don't try it at home.

*Changes new in this release:*

- Provide a better flow for bar transitions and DSB
- Add the _experimental_dsb_frequency_ setting (for now)
- Include a pair of themeability changes
- Tweak OPO device-specific code
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und merhans
So, mal zum testen gekommen: Läuft echt gut. Besser als CM, wobei das schon lange nicht mehr frisch gemacht wurde.
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pierro und motoroller

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