[4.3] KatKiss

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Läuft besser als je zuvor. Unbedingt probieren. Ihr braucht dann kein neues Tab mehr !!! :D

[ROM][JB 4.3.1] [ KatKiss-4.3.1 #029 ] [Stable] [MultiWindow]


KatKiss ROM - Asus TF101

JellyBean 4.3.1

Dieser Post wird immer aktuell gehalten. :cool2:

Features of KatKiss_4.3
High speed and responsive oriented (in its current state it's already faster than 4.2.2)
High performance and overclockable KatKernel included see dedicated KatKernel thread for more info
Compiled with the Linaro Toolchain with linaro optimizations
Full Dock keyboard Support with special keys with additional CTRL + Menu shortcut for recents apps
Global Shortcuts / KeyOverride Macro association (See post #2 for more info)
Battery Level Indicator & Dock Battery support + Mods (icon/Text/%)
HDMI out options: center, crop, scale
CIFS, ext4, NTFS & Exfat support
Native 4.3 FSTRIM + Manual scripts for Database optimization and fstrim (see post #2)
Media Scanner Filters
Advanced per application permission management (AppOps)
Default Android 4.3 Launcher + Trebuchet
Advanced power menu with reboot options.
Expanded Desktop with the option to hide only the NavBar
Choice between TabletUI and PhabletUI with left or middle aligned nav buttons, and multiple NavBar height.
Wifi channels regulatory domains
Integrated cpu & io performance settings panel
Custom Navbars buttons long press actions
Ethernet support with settings panel
Support for authenticated http download with default Browser
Clock Time+Date Mods
Custom Quick Settings tiles

Install Notes
These builds are designed to be installed from your favorite recovery. MAKE SURE TO INSTALL THE LATEST COMPATIBLE ANDROID 4.2/4.3 RECOVERY!
latest TWRP is recommended

Backup everything !
Go to recovery
Make a full wipe / factory reset (you can skip this step if you're already on KatKiss-4.3, if ever you encounter a problem do the full wipe and try again before reporting )
Format /system
Flash the rom
Flash optional kernel
Flash gapps
Wipe cache/dalvik

Updating from KatKiss 4.3.x #XX to #YY:
You can usually skip the full wipe step.
If ever you encounter an issue make sure you make a full wipe first before reporting though.

=11/XX/13 - V029=
- PhabletUI: fix new navbar icon not being hidden in portrait after changing settings
- PhabletUI: fix clock settings and navbar button hiding not being applied without restart
- NavBar: fix gap left when hiding new buttons
- NavBar: make Switch to SplitView Button follow rotation
- Action: sendKey send also keyUp
Fixes certain keys stopping to work
after sending a KeyCode that is normally repeating like Volume+/-

=11/23/13 - V028=
- MultiWindow: Allow to hide NavButtons + Recents icons
- Add Auto Expanded Desktop option when docked (UI Settings => Misc)
- SystemUI: Hide new Nav Buttons when needed (Lockscreen ... )
- Bar: remove DateView
- Actions: Add send key action
- Actions: Collapse Notification Panel if already showing
- KatKernel 109c: compile with linaro-4.8.2 + fix smartassV2 typo
=10/XX/13 - V027=
- MultiWindow: Add framework base WiP from Omni
- MultiWindow: Add clicking on app Icon in Recents will add to split view
(Faster than long press that way)
- MultiWindow: Add method to autoswitch TopApp between SplitView and FullScreen

- Add More Global Actions (Available for KeyOverride/Shorcuts + LongPress on NavButtons)
+ Switch Top Running App between MultiWindow/SplitView and FullScreenMode
+ Switch To Previous App (Allows to go back and forth between the 2 latest apps)
+ Display Recent applications screen
- KeyOverride/Shorcuts: Add More Special Keys:
+ Space, shift, ctrl, alt, move home, end, pgup, pgdown

- NavBar: Add Button to switch directly to Previous App
- NavBar: Add Button to autoswitch between SplitView and FullScreen

- Webkit/Browser: Change thread priority to improve response
- Webkit/Browser: Improve Scrolling response
- Webkit/Browser: Specific actions if DoubleTap on a known element
DoubleTap in empty space will zoom like before
DoubleTap on an image will save it
DoubleTap on a link will open it in a new background Tab
(Disable/Enable in Settings => Advanced => Double Tap Contextual Mode)
- Performance Settings: Fix CPU settings not being applied
( Update to KatKernel 108d : add permissions to cpu1 sysfs for system group (Take#2))

=10/18/13 - V026=
- Upgrade to Android 4.3.1 Release 1
- Add Global Key Override/Shorcut Mecanism
(Language & Input => Add Key Override Actions)
Allows to execute commands based on Key pressed + Meta Key(Shift,Ctrl...)
- Fix Croatian and Slovenian Hardware Keyboard C~ key
- Fix DateView memory leak when visibility changes, also speeds up Notification expands
- Fix potential leak in libpng
- Fix Performance cpu settings not applied to cpu1 until next reboot
- PhabletUI: Do not hide clock when expanding notifications
- PhabletUI: Log display flags only in debug mode (speeds up Notification expands)
- Update to KatKernel 108c : add permissions to cpu1 sysfs for system group + cleanup redundant perms for cpu0

=10/06/13 - V025=
- Upgrade to Android 4.3 Release 3.1
- Fix Bluetooth Tethering
- Add Custom QuickSettings
- Recents: Move KillAll Button Up
- Add HDMI out modes to display Settings: crop, scale, center options.
- Update to KatKernel 108b : mem tweak

=9/28/13 - V024=
- Fix SDCard/USBDisks not being remounted after forced eject or dock sleep
- TrafficStats: Add compatibility with older kernels
(Fixes the traffic stats for apps + traffic icons on signal cluster: wifi...)
- Fix Czech + German(Switzerland) Keyboard layout to qwertz
- Remove dock Keyboard layout option from Dock settings
(use Language&Input Settings, cf post #2)
- Fix NPE if an app sends a motion event without a proper deviceID
- Recents: Fix Mem Stats being cut in PhabletUI
- Update to KatKernel 108:
** Bring netfilter: xt_qtaguid from Kernel 3.4
** Add LIB802.11 + HostAP
** Restrict slave mountspace so Dalvik apps can mount system-wide volumes
(Fixes "empty folders" with CIFS and other mount apps)

=9/21/13 - V023=
- TabletUI + MultiUser : Do not display other users notifications
- Add Custom Battery show/hide options (icon,text,percent)
- Add Display Date feature in NavBar / StatusBar
- Add Clock/Date show/hide options
- Recents: Add Mem usage show/hide options
- Recents: Add KillAll show/hide options
- Add Support for HTTP basic authentication download in default Browser
=9/14/13 - V022=
- Add Ethernet Settings panel support
- Add option in UISettings to enable/disable ChooseInputMethod Notification (disabled by default)
- Update Bluetooth
- Fixes long press actions not being activated the first time if it was set to no action before.
- Fix NavBar Height being reset after UI Change

=9/08/13 - V021=
- Add LongPress NavButtons feature
- Fix wrong display state of Back /IME down Keyboard icons in NavBars
- Remove extra Input Method icon/panel in Tablet mode
- Disable recurrent "Choose Input Method" Notification
- Change Right TouchPad/Mouse Button to send Back command
- Update KatKernel to 107b

=8/27/13 - V020=
- Upgrade to new Android 4.3 release 2.2

=8/23/13 - V019=
- PhabletUI: Add Nav buttons align left or center UI setting (Settings => User Interface)
- Add NavBar size options (Settings => User Interface)
- Default resize & reorg of Nav buttons
- Update bootanimation by mgeniusm
- Fix Menu not showing in expanded desktop mode
- Cleanups (you'll need to set the touchpad mode again after switching to this version)

=8/21/13 - V018=
- Add Wifi Channels Regulatory Domain change (Settings => Wifi => Advanced)
- Add Performance settings (cpu governor & overclocking + ioschedulers..)
- Apply cpu governor & overclocking directly at boot start for speeding up boot time
- Remove dummy arBase app
- Add missing vpx encoder codec

=8/18/13 - V017=
- Fix OMX hardware video codecs (Fixes media player, youtube HD ... )
- Fix Camera

=8/11/13 - V016=
- Fix Location provider issue in 015

=8/11/13 - V015=
- Fix Bluetooth
- Misc 4.3 cleanups
- Add static rsync util

=8/10/13 - V014=
- Add TabletUI capability (choose in Settings => User Interface)
- Settings: Add UI Settings in menu
- Fix empty space left in notification after clearing up a service notification

=8/08/13 - V012=
- Add dual mode expanded desktop (hide both bars or keep status bar)
- Allow to clear SD removed notification
- Allow to clear services permanent notifications

=08/07/13 - V011=
- Fix screen capture + previews in Recents
- Fix missing KatKiss version in V010
- Fix Settings FC on About Tablet => Status

=08/06/13 - V010=
- Add Expanded Desktop
- Add Recents KillAll button
- Add new power menu options: Expanded desktop, reboot, recovery...
- Add MediaScanner Filters to Settings/System
=08/05/13 - V009=
- Fix error installing paid apps ("Error Cannot install on USB or SD" ..)
- Move Nav Buttons to bottom left
- Fix dock battery support
- Add dock battery icon + battery levels
- Settings: Add SuperSU link
- Settings: Show Development menu by default
- Settings: Add Application Advanced Permissions Management (AppOps)
- Settings: Add Dock Settings directly in menu
- Add more keyboard layouts for live switching in asusec + fix Polish layout
- Fix not rebooting issue on Keyboard layout change through Dock Settings
- Fix lock screen clock digit being cut
- Decrease default number of background apps
- Add Android 4.3 default Launcher
=08/04/13 - V008=
- Initial version




Gapps KatKiss 4.3 (Stand_14.09.13)

Gapps 4.2.2 für TF101 (Stand_04.06.13) share-online
Gapps 4.2.2 für TF101 (Stand_23.03.13) goo.im


KAT-Toolbox - App
KAT_V1.4.2 (4.3 kompatibel)


TWRP 2.6 für das TF101
TWRP share-online

TWRP 2.5 für das TF101
TWRP share-online

TWRP zippyshare



Tips & Tricks
Storage (fstrim) and Database optimization:
Fstrim is native in 4.3 and will happen in the background if your tablet is idle / sleeping and that your battery is > 70%
There is also a script to run it manually in the rom: /etc/kat/optimizestorage

To optimize the Database: /etc/kat/optimizedb

To run both, open a terminal and run:
Be warned that the optimize storage can take from a few minutes to hours.
But the speed / lag will be greatly improved afterward

TWRP Recovery - extra für das TF101 angepasst - thanks to josteink
verlinkt im Download Spoiler

für das TF101g
Das G funktioniert mit demm PPP WWidget aktuell nur mit der Version 024. Bitte beachten. Dank an muebu und balder !!!

KatKiss_4.3 Addon - Kernel für das TF101g
Für das Tf101g die Reboot Probleme haben. Dies ist kein KatKernel!
verlinkt im Download Spoiler

Thanks to Timduru for KatKiss


:scared: ein Danke ist immer gern gesehen :scared:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: wankacounty, Merlin8879, arnoli und 27 andere
Gleich mal saugen. Danke :)
aspire77 schrieb:
Gleich mal saugen. Danke :)

Berichte mal wie es läuft.

"in its current state it's already faster than 4.2.2" hört sich interessant an. "Currently not working: Hardware video codecs" hingegen lässt mich noch etwas warten :)

KatKiss_4.3_010 verfügbar

verlinkt in Post 1
Mittlerweile 11
Danke Dir.
Das geht ja wie´s Brezel backen.

Link eingefügt

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 21:28 Uhr wurde um 21:42 Uhr ergänzt:

KATApp V1.4.0 (4.3 kompatibel) eingefügt :drool:
Zur Info, was ich festgestellt habe:
Einstellen der WiFi Domain geht nicht -> ich kann den Kanal 13 nicht nutzen (unpraktisch, weil da mein WLAN drauf läuft ;) )
Tablet UI Modus nicht mehr unterstützt (mag ich auch nicht so sehr)
Overclocking geht momentan noch nicht über die Einstellungen.
KatKiss 012 in Post1 verlinkt
KatKiss 014 in Post1 verlinkt

Changelog Update

TabletUI Unterstützung in der 014 (Einstellungen - User Interface)

Und es ist sogar noch schneller als bisher mit der TabletUI.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Schtompi
Best Rom ever. Läuft richtig rund. Kaum zu glauben wie die Geschwindigkeit immer noch auf diesem Gerät gesteigert werden kann.
Leider immer noch kein Kanal 13, bei Wifi... Also zurück zu 4.2.2 :)
Hallo, wenn jetzt noch Bluethoot laufen würde wäre das super.:thumbup:
Gibt es einen Zeitplan?
Da habe ich doch promt eine Antwort darauf :D

V015 verfügbar -> verlinkt in Post1

- Fix Bluetooth
- Misc 4.3 cleanups
- Add static rsync util :D:thumbup:
V15 ist on
Zu spät
Belze schrieb:
Da habe ich doch promt eine Antwort darauf :D

V015 verfügbar -> verlinkt in Post1

- Fix Bluetooth
- Misc 4.3 cleanups
- Add static rsync util :D:thumbup:

schade das AOSP ständig beendet wird. Hast du eine Lösung
Mit Clean Install (Fullwipe) versuchen.
Hallo, danke funktioniert nach full Wipe.
V16 ist on.
Richtig. Aber nichts Weltbewegendes:

- Fix Location provider issue in 015
Kann ich die GAPPS von 4.2.2 auf der 4.3 benutzen?

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