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Wie im Topic beschrieben steht das neue Update Hybridroms zum Download bereit, wie Tim heute verkündet hat, sind noch einige Feinheiten bezüglich der Kamera zu korrigieren, und wartet auf einige Testergebnisse der Test-User,...
laut Tim, wird es aber bald zum Download bereitstehen.
http://public.timduru.org/Android/Flytouch3/ Tim V.5a

laut Tim, wird es aber bald zum Download bereitstehen.
http://public.timduru.org/Android/Flytouch3/ Tim V.5a
-Ende-SuperPad2 Flytouch3 Tim5a Rom Tips
Media scanning, not seeing your media files by default
To speed up things, media scanning is off by default. Otherwise it will scan your entire SD card for media on every boot or every time you insert your SD card.
I'd suggest that you leave it off and simply use:
- QuickPic for video and pics browsing
- ccplayer or another player for music
much faster than the sluggish "scan all the time" default behaviour.
However if you require the media scanning regular behaviour simply use the GScript to turn in back on:
- Launch the GScript Lite application
- click on Media scanning On-Off
It'll then take some time to scan everything, and will eat 100% cpu while it does so.
Sometime the media process will tend to get into a crazy loop, if that happens
turning media scanning back off or unmounting/remounting your SD should stop it![]()
Newer Models with 2Mp Camera
The default kernel is not compatible with these, in order to get these to work you need to do the following (once)
- Launch the GScript Lite application
- Scroll down in the list of scripts, and click on 2Mp Camera fix
- Reboot
MyPad application
The application is deactivated by default in the rom, because it has a few issues with mounting / unmounting medias & such.
If you really need it there is however a GScript to activate it back
- Launch the GScript Lite application
- Scroll down in the list of scripts, and click on Activate/Deactivate MyPad application
I would suggest to use another FileManager application though
If you're still missing apps in Market do the following:
- Connect at least once with Market & your account.
- Then go to settings => Applications => Manage Applications => All
- find Google Services Framework from the app list
- click on clear data + OK, then force stop
wait about 1 minute after you're back in.
Start Market again. (if it crashes, wait a bit and try again, it should go through)
Then you should see more apps after that, like google maps, Skype & such. Paid apps are still not available unfortunately.
Connecting to adhoc wifi network
The rom includes a driver for adhoc support, but it's not turned on by default, because while it works for most network it has been reported that it can not connect to certain type of other wifi networks (PEAP)
You can switch back and forth between the drivers through the dedicated GScripts:
click on the corresponding GScript to switch to the Ad-hoc, original rom wifi driver ( that one is the default when you boot)
If it doesn't seem to work, reboot or try this application
If your gps is stuck in Shangai or not updating, you need to reset the agps data with the gps status software
in the menu => tool => Manage A-GPS state
do reset + download
Plug in your gps antenna, and let it run until you get as many fixes as possible.
(it should reset when it grabs 3-4+ fixes, please note that the first time it might take up to 30 minutes - 1 hour to catch all the fixes, be patient)
3G / Telephony apps
To avoid unnecessary battery draining they are turned off by default in the rom.
You can reactivate them with the GScript: "3G Telephony apps On-Off"
It should work with most Huawei sticks
Sticks reported to work: E1750, E182E, E161, E160, k3765, 1752, 1752C , K3565, K3520, E1820, 1550e, B970b
For more information about 3G tips and how to get them to work if it doesn't work out of the box see in s0l's thread
Titanium backup
Internal SD card "local" free space is now at /mnt/sdcard and external SD1 is at /mnt/sdcard/sdcard1
/mnt/sdcard/sdcard1 is the default configured location in the rom, but if you restore your titanium backup options make sure you change it accordingly to the new SD location.
PPTP with or without encryption works by default with the rom.
There seems to still be issues with OpenVPN, please report if it works for you.
Shoutcast streaming
Android 2.2 doesn't support aac streaming, so with the default apps you won't be able to play the streams.
But there is currently a way around it, install the application 'TuneIn' from the market, and you'll be able to play all your streams with that app
HDMI output
The HDMI output work only while playing a video in the player.
- plug in your HDMI cable
- launch the player and play a video
- press the menu button on the side to activate HDMI
Hardware USB Keyboard
Shift key doesn't work with some applications if using Better Keyboard 8 or the Android Keyboard
=>Switch the input method temporarily to Swift key trial
To get "Caps-Lock" push the Shift key twice< br/>
Launcher Pro
While in the drawer rotating the screen causes the icons to pack up together on top of each others
=> swipe your finger on the screen as if you wanted to scroll to expand them back.
Soft Keyboard
Better Keyboard 8 is set as default, you can however switch back to the old keyboard if you like:
Just launch the settings => Language & Keyboard => uncheck the Better keyboard 8 check box
Different screen size / Screen offset if you have a 1024x576 screen
As a general rule Do not flash another bootloader onto your pad unless stated otherwise. It is not needed for regular updates.
If you have a x600 screen it should work out of the box with my roms
If you have a x576 screen you will see an "offset" for your screen, simply launch the GScript application, scroll at the bottom and click on the 1024x576 fix. then reboot.
You have to do that only once
If ever it goes wrong, well that means that you have most likely flashed another bootloader before.
Just put the bootloader for your screen and reflash the rom in that case.
Calendar doesn't always see your account as created
=> restoring calendar settings from titanium backup seems to fix the issue

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