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WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg, oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem "Acer Iconia TAB A50x". Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
4.3.1 TegraOwners JB-ROM
(Update vom 22.12.2013)
(Update vom 22.12.2013)
Dies ist eine Testversion und nicht für den täglichen Gebrauch freigegeben. Wenn man bereit ist das ROM zu testen, dann muss man damit rechnen, dass vieles nur eingeschränkt bis gar nicht funktioniert.
CM10.2 based
ntfs auto mounting
experimental exfat auto mounting
btrfs external mounting
phablet/tablet modes
recent apps with memory usage
notification menu customization
custom dpi setting without affecting gapps
gesture navigation
hardware rotation lock
full hw codecs
rotation aware volume keys
usb audio sound card support
usb ethernet menu
a501 modem & gps
To do:
dock not supported
wipe data comming from any rom except this one...
install rom zip
install gapps from below
Download: Forum TegraOwners • View topic - [WIP]A500/A501 JB-MR2(4.3) - V1
v8t6 - another attempt to fix lag issue...
v8t5 - might have fixed the rom lag
- kernel update to t47
- wifi driver update
- update to
- sync framework update
- binder update
- kernel config update
v7 - custom aroma installer and theme
- new a501 3g driver
- update huaweigeneric ril
- update bluetooth settings
- sepolicy update
- new hardware composer wrapper
- memory optimizations
- rendering optimizations
- a500 gps and new lto download service
- kernel update - fix bluetooth power issue
- wifi driver update
- ubuntu 3.8 kernel updates
v6 - center clock(phabletUI only)
- network traffic
- privacy guard(security->privacy guard) can set specific app wake lock permission(kitkat backport)
- small fix to opengl render
- pie service optimization
- arm compiler optimization
- new a501 open source ril
- recent apps new long click menu(remove from list/app info/force stop/wipe app data/floating mode)
- new list view animations
- kernel update
- cm10.2 sync
v5 - internal test build
v4 - fix some of the 3D app issues.... they should be more smooth...
- update codecs
- cm10.2 sync
- kernel update to t44(, compilation flags optimizations)
- fix skype new version
v3 - fix a501 modem
v2 - cm10.2 sync
- fix battery layout in notification menu
- update kernel to t43
v1 - init release
v8t5 - might have fixed the rom lag
- kernel update to t47
- wifi driver update
- update to
- sync framework update
- binder update
- kernel config update
v7 - custom aroma installer and theme
- new a501 3g driver
- update huaweigeneric ril
- update bluetooth settings
- sepolicy update
- new hardware composer wrapper
- memory optimizations
- rendering optimizations
- a500 gps and new lto download service
- kernel update - fix bluetooth power issue
- wifi driver update
- ubuntu 3.8 kernel updates
v6 - center clock(phabletUI only)
- network traffic
- privacy guard(security->privacy guard) can set specific app wake lock permission(kitkat backport)
- small fix to opengl render
- pie service optimization
- arm compiler optimization
- new a501 open source ril
- recent apps new long click menu(remove from list/app info/force stop/wipe app data/floating mode)
- new list view animations
- kernel update
- cm10.2 sync
v5 - internal test build
v4 - fix some of the 3D app issues.... they should be more smooth...
- update codecs
- cm10.2 sync
- kernel update to t44(, compilation flags optimizations)
- fix skype new version
v3 - fix a501 modem
v2 - cm10.2 sync
- fix battery layout in notification menu
- update kernel to t43
v1 - init release
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