[KERNEL] [INT'L][AOSP/TW/GE -5.1/5.0/4.4/4.3] *06.04.2015* KT-SGS4 - MJ5 - KTweaker22

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Ktoonsez presents:


KT-SGS4 Jellybean, KitKat and Lollipop Kernel
(Touchwiz/Samsung, AOSP & GE ROM) Eigenschaften

KT-SGS4 Kernel features:

Must have a Rooted ROM

•Linux kernel 3.4.98
•Samsung open source
•Optimized kernel configuration
•unsecure root adb
•Voltage interface
•CPU Overclocking
•CPU Underclocking
•Boots on stock table (USE KTweaker app to enable OC steps all the way to 2322 Mhz. BE AWARE THAT I WAS VERY CONSERVATIVE ON THE LOW SIDE OF THE OC STEPS, SO THEY WILL NEED SOME TWEAKING!)
•KTweaker app for kernel control
•KTweaker Widget
•GOVERNORS (ktoonservativeq, intellidemand, msm-dcvs, wheatley, userspace, smartassh3, slp, powersave, pegasuq, nightmare, interactive, dancedance, conservative, badass, asswax, adaptive, abyssplug, performance, ondemand
•exFAT for Touchwiz and AOSP
•F2FS compatible with AOSP 4.4


AOSP Lollipop 5.1 VERSION:
06.04.2015: http://bit.ly/1aDC0wy

AOSP Lollipop 5.0 VERSION:
06.04.2015: http://bit.ly/1yPKo1e

09.12.2014: http://goo.gl/ZPpZwn

Google Edition KITKAT 4.4 VERSION:
12.07.2014: http://goo.gl/vSNxhj

Touchwiz Kitkat 4.4 VERSION:
12.07.2014: http://goo.gl/3kyjQr

To make wifi work when it wont turn on or connect, change this in the build.prop:
ro.securestorage.support=true TO ro.securestorage.support=false

AOSP Jellybean 4.3 VERSION:
19.06.2014: http://goo.gl/mXSd5b

Google Edition Jellybean 4.3 VERSION:
19.06.2014: http://goo.gl/EBKtFM

Touchwiz Jellybean 4.3 VERSION:
19.06.2014: http://goo.gl/dz7UKQ

- Fürs jeweilige System den zugewiesenen Kernel herunterladen und auf das S4 schieben

- Optional (aber empfehlenswert) Kernel Remove Script im Recovery flashen um Reste des Vorherigen Kernels zu entfernen

- jeweiligen Kernel flashen

- Wipe Cache

- Wipe Dalvik Cache

- Rebooten, freuen ;)

Link für F2FS (nur mit AOSP!):

Index of /sgs4/F2FS

Changelogs seit Anfang des Jahres

Change Log 04.06.2015 - 5.1
1. Test kernel based on Euroskank ramdisk

Change Log 04.06.2015
1. Sync with latest CM commits
2. Sync with CM ramdisk

Change Log 02.06.2015:

1. Linux 3.4.105
2. Linux 3.4.106
3. A million commits from CM mainline
4. Updated ramdisk

Change Log 12.09.2014

1. Sync with CM code changes
2. Sync ramdisk updates in CM-12
3. Add back in f2fs support for AOSP 4.4 kernel

Change Log 11.30.2014

1. After hundreds of hours I finally gave up porting to new code so I had to start all over again.
2. Everything works except the Screen wake functions!!!!!!!
3. Sync with CM-11
4. Sync with CM-12
5. Enjoy
6. Unified the code so everybody willl use the INTL version
7. Thanks to all that were patient while I worked a million hours for work and good-bye to all the whiner/haters that said I abandoned this, you are now allowed to download this

Change Log 07.12.2014

1. Linux 3.4.95.
2. Linux 3.4.96.
3. Linux 3.4.97.
4. Linux 3.4.98.
5. Modified KTMonitor to fit better with wider fonts.
6. New ktoonservativeq parameter named "cpu_load_adder_at_max_gpu"!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an awesome parameter you can use to boost your CPU while the GPU is at max level. Example: if you set cpu_load_adder_at_max_gpu = 30 and while playing a game and your GPU is at max Mhz, the CPU load is only 22%, this parameter will add the 30 thus making the CPU load a 52% which will bring up the Mhz and more cores according to your settings.
7. 4.3 kernels are now moved into ******* END OF LIFE ******* section
8. Merged in the couple of CM commits.

Change Log 06.19.2014

1. Linux 3.4.93.
2. Linux 3.4.94.
3. Couple KTweaker patches.
4. Updated compiler misc stuff.

Change Log 06.09.2014

1. Linux 3.4.92.
2. Merged in latest CM commits.
3. Ramdisk updates for AOSP.
4. 4.4.3 miscelanious stuff.
5. Fix IR for GE ROMs.
6. Merge in some more 4.4.3 stuff for GE.
7. Ktweaker update: AUTO HOTPLUG OPTION IS NOW A LIST SELECTION INSTEAD OF CHECK BOX, MAKE SURE YOU GO AND SET IT TO THE PROPER VALUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you used to have the checkbox off, select "Disabled", if you had it checked, select "KT Auto Hotplug"

Change Log 05.28.2014

1. Linux 3.4.90
2. Linux 3.4.91
3. Upgraded to latest Linaro
4. Merged in the 1 commit from CM

Change Log 05.14.2014

1. KTweaker 7.1 (this is just an update for my S3 guys, nothing new for S4)
2. sched: set mc_power_savings=2 this feature packs tasks together and try to bind them to cpu0, which in theory will let cpu1 idle longer, thus improving battery life.
3. kernel:sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg Moire
4. smp: patches from mainline 3.5 to hopefully help with hotplug efficiency
5. Linux 3.4.89

Change Log 04.28.2014

1. Linux 3.4.88
2. Now compiling with Linaro 4.9.1 a-15 optimized from @Christopher83
3. Updated kernel flash routine to detect F2FS partitions and include the appropriate fstab so it works with /data and /cache or /data and /cache and /system
4. Updated KT-TWRP.F2FS and KT-TWRP.EXT4 to have one common recovery binary, during flash uses same algorythm as kernel flash zip to use the proper fstab.
5. KTweaker 7.0
6. Under "Tools" screen added "F2FS: Convert ROM ZIP option". To use it, click that option, it opens a KT File Explorer, navigate to the folder where your zip files is, click the ROM zip file that needs converting and it will create a second file with the same exact name except adds a -F2FS to the end. A little hint, instead of using the back button once you are done converting, press the menu button and select close and KTweaker will remember that folder and take you right back the next time you go back in. It takes around 1:45 to do it my phone running ktoonsified v6, other profiles may take longer and if you are converting from external SD it may take longer depending on the quality of your SD.
7. TWRP for normal EXT4 format link is here http://goo.gl/jwMSEn
8. TWRP for F2FS format link is here http://goo.gl/Zw1akJ

Change Log 04.19.2014

1. ktoonservativeq: Optimized new block_cycle code that was causing slow issues for some
2. Updated Ktoonserified v6, so be sure to redownload it to work with todays kernel
3. Updated KTGaming profi.e, so be sure to redownload it to work with todays kernel
4. Probably the fastest version of ktoonservativeq to date
5. Guys on 04.18 test kernel from yesterday, there is no change but might as well update so you are the newest dated file.
6. KTweaker 6.9
7. KTweaker: Added new sub screen when picking ktoonservativeq "Gov Adjustments" screen to give you the choice to show "All Parameters", "ONLY Screen ON parameters", "ONLY Screen OFF parameters" to make it easier to see only the parameters you want to see. Thanks @elesbb for the idea
8. Linux 3.4.87.
9. I was unable to reproduce the inability to download scripts, but I made a change and 2 people have told me it doesnt do that anymore with 6.9 so I think I got it fixed.
10. Updated TWRP for normal EXT4 format with 20 upstream updates and updated curtain image thanks to @9Lukas5, link is here http://goo.gl/jwMSEn
11. Updated TWRP for normal F2FS format with 20 upstream updates and updated curtain image thanks to @9Lukas5, link is here http://goo.gl/Zw1akJ

Change Log 04.17.2014

1. Ktoonsez CRAZY BIRTHDAY EDITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. KTweaker 6.8
3. Made Fast Charge Widget size based on left side alignment so people that want a 1x1 widget of FC can do that (by request from someone)
4. 20+ new parameteres for Ktoonservativeq. I went a little crazy with it but you are going to love it!!!!!!!!!!!
5. WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! All the rest of these are going to require you to check and maybe set some of your ktoonservativeq governor settings from scratch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did the best I can at converting them to the new names but can account for every old version of the Profile files. So write down your settings before flashing so you can manually set them up with the new names.
6. Ktoonservativeq: Renamed all up_threshold and down_threshold items to have a version for screen on and off. So all 8 items turned into 16 items no so you have total control for screen on and seperate control for screen off.
7. Ktoonservativeq: Changed all parameters that said hotplugging into hotplug to shorten the names.
8. Ktoonservativeq: Rename all the block parameters to more commonized names. New item names are as follows. block_cycles_online = blocking cycles before letting a CPU come online. block_cycles_offline = blocking cycles before letting a CPU go offline. block_cycles_raise = blocking cycles before letting the CPU raise the Mhz.
9. Ktoonservativeq: All of the block parameters from item 5 have a screen on and scree off option.
10. Ktoonservativeq: Renamed freq_step to have a screen on and off option plus seperate values for the raise and lowering of the CPU Mhz.
11. Ktoonservativeq: lockout_2nd_core_hotplug, lockout_3rd_core_hotplug and lockout_4th_core_hotplug all have a screen on and screen off option.
12. Ktoonservativeq: Renamed sync_extra_cores parameter to have screen on and off options
13. Ktoonservativeq: Renamed boost_2nd_core_on_button, boost_3rd_core_on_button and boost_4th_core_on_button to have screen on and off options.
14. KTweaker Shop: Now when you select Profiles or Scripts, it will come up with a sub screen that lets you choose from All Profiles/Scripts, ONLY Conservative Profiles/Scripts, ONLY Balanced Profiles/Scripts, or ONLY Performance Profiles/Scripts. Thanks to @CamFlawless for creating the type list for me.
15. Added Ktoonsified v6 to KTweaker Shop.
16. Update the server for KTweaker Shop to support the 3 types of profiles now.
17. Update a bunch of profiles to the server for KTweaker Shop, BIG thanks to @LuigiBull23 for helping me update all the files for the server.
18. LED: Boost cores on LED calls to help incoming calls and unplug-plug charger turn screen on quicker.
19. Make call_in_progress a global variable so we have access to its status in more places. Use the call_in_progress in ktoonservativeq to block super_conservative so phone calls r smoother
20. Remove loki on PC side and use loki scripting in flash zip
21. F2FS: add support for F2FS so people that want to run it can. THIS ONLY WORKS TO AOSP4.4 SO FAR!!!!!!!!! All kernels will come with standard ext4 as default, people that want F2FS will have to do the instructions from Post #3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22. F2FS: See Post #3 for a download link and a set of instructions to convert to F2FS.
23. Post #3 updated with my latest settings and fixed the screen names for each setting.
24. Flashable kernel zip now do the loki'ing when it is needed for ATT and VZW and also determine your file system to know whether to flash F2FS or ext4 ramdisk.
25. For those that use TWRP and want to try mine, you can download it here (Normal ext4 version, not for people that format to F2FS): http://goo.gl/jwMSEn. It seems to have gotten rid of the boot hang that some people get with official

Vorherige Versionen gibt es hier
KT-SGS4 [Kernel] Builds [Discussion] ◆ALL VARIANTS◆ [AOSP/TW/GE] ★KTWEAKER SHOP★ - xda-developers

Ktoonsez Kernel Einstellungen (Neuerungen rot)

Main Settings-> CPU Settings Screen
governor = ktoonservativeq
Min Mhz = 189
Max Mhz = 1998

Main Settings-> Scheduler/SD Settings Screen
scheduler = sio
Internal Read Ahead = 1024
External Read Ahead = 1024

Voltage Screen
UV'd 50mv across the board for CPU and 75 for GPU (use menu button for hidden menu option to globally subtract)

Main Settings-> CPU Settings->Screen OFF Settings Screen
Screen OFF Profile Mhz = 702
Disable Screen Off Mhz Call = Enabled

Main Settings-> GPU Settings Screen
GPU Max Mhz = 504
Screen OFF GPU Max Mhz = 128
GPU governor = simple

Main Settings-> TCP/IP Settings Screen
Congestion Control=hybla

Main Settings-> LED Settings Screen
LED Fade Mode = Enabled
LED Time on = 3000
LED Time off = 3000

Main Settings-> CPU Settings->Governor Adjustments Screen
touch_boost_cpu = 1242
sampling_rate_screen_off = 90000
touch_boost_gpu = 504


Ktweaker Shop
bekommt ihr vorgefertigte Profile für den KT Kernel.
BITTE stellt zu den Profilen aber hier KEINE großartigen Fragen sondern probiert es selbst aus.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: linuxazubi, arjen robben, schmedie und 14 andere
Habe denn Kernel heute morgen geflasht, und kann mich bis jetzt nicht beschweren alles läuft soweit rund. Endlich ein Kernel wo man die CPU im Leerlauf auf unter 384Mhz stellen kann, ich frage mich warum Samsung die CPU so hoch getaktet hat wenn es auch so wunderbar läuft.

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk 2
gleiches hier, hab gerade die aosp/cm version ausprobiert, wird er wohl bald öffentlich machen. die klappt richtig gut, keinerlei probleme mit voltages etc wie bei dem andren aosp/cm kernel.. bin begeistert :)

das stimmt.. aber 270Mhz fehlen mir als stufe, wär mir lieber als 1xx aber ist geschmackssache ;)


AOSP/CM Version online

bergerstrasse schrieb:
Endlich ein Kernel wo man die CPU im Leerlauf auf unter 384Mhz stellen kann

Weil es schei? egal ist. Im Grunde bringt das ganz runtertakten der unteren Frequenz nix. Gab mal nen Thread im XDA dazu. Entweder schläft das Teil vernünftig (Deep Sleep) oder nicht. Dann bringt dir die untere Grenzfrequenz auch nix. Höchstens nenTacken mehr Strom zu sparen wenn es nicht in den DS fällt, aber auch das hält sich da in Grenzen. Was aber viel mehr Strom zieht, ist, die Frequenz so weit unten zu halten um sie dann bei Anforderung hochzutakten. Im Grunde ist das Ganze also eher kontraprouktiv. Besser wäre wohl die Min Freq. bei 594MHz oder so zu halten.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Trespassing und Lazy79
und ausserdem hast du das problem das bei niedrigen frequenzen das handy garnicht mehr aufwacht oder du nachrichten nicht bekommst usw. und wundern über hänger und ruckler braucht man sich auch nicht, da es halt dauert bis die cpu wieder hochtaktet und das wird sie dann dauernt weil die mhz nicht ausreichen 384mhz ist schon guter wert.
wie schon oder geschrieben ist es viel stromsparender wenn sie die kerne ausschalten und das Gerät in den DS geht. und das tut es auch so wunderbar bei mir.
wielange dauert in der regel eigentlich fix permissions bei dieser sache so bei euch, bei mir schon ca 5 min und noch tut sich nix..
edit: um die 10 min hats bei mir gedauert..
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Weiss jemand welche einstellungen dieser Kernel von Haus hat und welche gut sind(Batterie,Geschwindigkeit usw....).

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk 2
gibt eine neue version - AOSP und einmal für Touchwiz

Change Log 5.27.2013
1. Remove a WHOLE ASS LOAD of dmesg spamming
2. Fix some KThermal issues
3. Building with Linaro now
4. Add Faux sound
5. Added battery level Mhz control, 2 steps, Low and High
6. Raise BUS and L2 cache for OC steps for moooooooore speed
7. GPU OC to 500 Mhz
8. AIO tweaks from faux
9. New KTweaker 3.6
10. KTweaker: "Extras" now has 2 options at the bottom to Generate a dmesg or logcat to you sdcard so you guys can post debug stuff easier (always puts files in "/sdcard/KTweaker/Logs/" folder)
11. KTweaker: Everything in "Extras" is active now except - "Disable Screen Off Mhz Call", "Swipe 2 Wake" and "Trinity Colors". (getting close now )
  • Danke
Reaktionen: JasonMason, bergerstrasse und abemann
Fix Permissions

Hi kann mir jemand sagen was das ist und wie man das macht ...Danke !!!
Du gehst ins CWM, dort unter "Advanced" dann auf "Fix Permissions". Dauert dann ggf. nen Weilchen. "Fix Permissions" ordnet und repariert ggf. die Dateistruktur neu. Ist ähnlich als wenn du am PC die Registry säuberst.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: okarina
Neue Version mit ExFat Unterstützung für TW ist draußen....

GT I 9505 tapatalking...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Lazy79
welche Einstellungen habt ihr für die CPU und die GPU eingestellt?
welchen Scheudler?
welchen CPU Governor?
welche GPS Governor?
Kann ich den Kernel auch mit der aktuellen Omega-Rom benutzen???
Mit dem S3 aus deinem Profil - nein.
Mit einem S4 dagegen schon...

Sorry, muss noch geändert werden, weil ich das s4 erst seit gestern habe
Ich habe mit dem Kernel vom 30.5.13 probleme. Das Programm SHealth geht nicht mehr, immer wenn ich es öffne kommt, SHealth angehalten und mein Phone friert für kurze zeit ein. Kann das jemand bestätigen.
Gibt eine neue Version:

Change Log 6.3.2013
1. Added in-between steps for OC so some more people can get more OC
2. Make all cores come online when you turn off hotplugging in ktoonservativeq and for Auto Hotplug when it is turned off.
3. "Trinity Colors" comes online. Colors will probablt loo weird on first boot since it was a toggle in previous versions. Immediately go to KTweaker and select 1 of the 5 options you like. You must cycle screen off and then on for them to take effect.
4. Fix up GPU OC to proper pll values and OC to 533 now.
5. KTweaker: GPU Max Mhz now lists all available GPU steps so if people want to UC there GPU full time they can do that
6. KTweaker: Miscellaneous files to try and eliminate crashes.
Unterstützt der Kernel eigentlich 64Gb Speicherkarten im exFat-Format?
die touchwiz version ja, die aosp-variante nein
  • Danke
Reaktionen: SimonGleinert
Heisst ich müsste auf NTFS formatieren, wa?
Oder gibts ne andere Möglichkeit/ anderes (besser geeignetes) Format?

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