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Quelle: [Kernel][Google-Edition][Stock][ExFat] - xda-developers

Dieser Kernel wurde aus den GT-I9505G Kernel Sources kompiliert und gepackt mit MF8 initramfs.
Funktioniert sowohl unter Google Editon 4.2.2 Roms und Stock Samsung TW Roms.
Ist nichts besonderes, ist ein Kernel, der kompiliert wurde, weil der DEV einige
Unterschiede zwischen dem I9505 und I9505G Quellcodes entdeckt hat.
This update is focusing to stability and performance.
Latest Linux kernel 3.4.66.
Fix random reboots. (Need test)
Disabled ktoonsez auto_hotplug and add intelli_plug with eco mode by faux.
Many thanks @all for testing and patience.
Tested and working:
Exfat with samsung forced to load modules
Cache & dalvik cache werden automatisch bei Installation der Zip gelöscht.
V1+ FIxed:
Smart Screen on TW rom's.
Screen rotation on TW rom's.
ExFat modules from android 4.3 leaked rom.
V1+V2+ FIxed:
Core0 Mhz
Added smart charging from samsung source More Info
V1+V2+V3+ Änderungen:
Updated Linux kernel to latest 3.4.52
Disable Gentle Fair Sleepers (Thanks @broodplank1337)
Disable rooting restrictions (Just in case. Forgot it before..)
Disable all debuggers (Seems unneeded and by disabling those gives better battery life)
V1+V2+V3+V4+V5(test)+ Changes:
Enable CPU under clock (Thanks @ktoonsez)
Removed lot of dmesg log spams (Better battery?) (Thanks @faux123)
Add voltage control (Thanks again @faux123)
GPU OC (Thanks again @faux123)
Added Convervative ConvervativeX and intellidemand governors (Thanks @broodplank)
V1+V2+V3+V4+V5+(test)+V6+ Changes:
Fixed GPU overclock and added {128-200-320-400-450-533-600} Frequencies (Thanks to Talustus) default is 450.
Changes&New thinks:
Updated Linux kernel to latest 3.4.54-rc1.
Reworked from scratch CPU OC - UC - VD. (Many thanks to @ktoonsez))
All cores runs at frequencie you set.(That is very important and you can check it with kernel tuner app from playstore)
All cores runs on ondemand governor.
Added faux sound control (Thanks to @faux123 for his work)
Added kthermal and auto_hotplug. "mpdecision is not works because auto_hotplug take his place if you whant to completly remove mpdecision you can rename /system/bin/mpdecision to mpdecision.back but if you change to other kernel do not forget to rename the file". (Thanks again to @ktoonsez))
Max CPU OC @ 2160000. (I dont need more)
GPU OC steps 128/200/320/450/600 (Disable some frequencies because of the new method ktoonsez use to OC, all apps exept his app doesnt whant to set anything).
Added Fading-led mod and it is working with everything, Missed call-sms user apps etc...
Disabled Gentle Fair Sleepers.
Enable Fat/MSdos/Vfat and Ntfs(as module) Filesystems (Thanks to @ktoonsez))
Added CIFS as module.
Ioschedulers: row-bfq-noop-deadline-fiops-sio-vr-zen-fifo-cfq.
Added fast charge.
Other mini thinks that i dont remember now...
Updated Linux kernel to latest 3.4.55.
Added an option to app to control the led (Fade - non fade - speed)
Added an app to manage some basic kernel features based on scripts thanks to HM.Carbide.
Created a new function called set_cpu_min_max which will set the cores specified using a workqueue. (Many thanks to ktoonsez)
Fixed Screen-Off Mhz fuction. (Now is working)
Auto-Hotplug enabled by default.
A small update..
Updated Linux kernel to latest 3.4.59.
FIxed power ON while charging.
Fixed charging led notification.
Removed force loaded exfat modules code and added exfat modules 1.2.4 compiled from source. (Thanks samsung)
Probably fixed random restarts.
Other changes for better stability and performance.
More to come....
(NoteThe app and his scripts is on alpha stage need to add more)
Compiled with latest GCC 4.7 toolchain (Thanks to faux)
Added CPU governors: abyssplugv2 - adaptive - asswax - badass - dancedance - intellidemand - smartassH3 and wheatley. (Thanks to ktoonsez)
Added GPU governor: Simple (Thanks to faux)
Fixed app doesn’t load user settings after restart.
Added thermal control tweaks to app.
Added faux sound control tweaks to app. (Thanks to faux for sound control driver)
Added a function to auto backup efs to /sdcard/ausdim-kernel-data. (For safe)
Added a function to copy last_kmsg to /sdcard/ausdim-kernel-data. (For helping me)
Reworked whole app with other mini changes and now is fully working.
Other mini kernel changes for better stability and performance.
Note: Before flash the kernel please delete manually init.d scripts from /etc/init.d/ folder or by the Ausdim kernel manager app.
Fixed charging when device is off.
Fixed app reinstallation after restart.
Fixed set minimum throttle mhz at app.
Removed some ondemand tweaks added at v15.
Removed wipe /cache and /dalvik-cache from the updater-script.
Thanks and sorry for that quick update.
Note1:The app is inside on ramfs at boot.img and is auto installed/update if it's needed or not allready installed when device reboot to os.
Vor der Installation des Kernels sollen unbedingt die Skripte aus dem init.d Ordner entfernt werden.
Der "intellidemand" hat ein paar Probleme und sollte in der V16 Version nicht genutzt werden.
Compiled with latest gcc 4.8 and -o3.
Cifs 4.2.x fix. (Now we have cifs tested and fully working. Thanks @andreasy for notice that and report it also thanks @mkasick for the actual fix)
Fixed that damn lag. (Huge thanks @nfsmw_gr for thousands tests and suggestions)
Reworked led notification driver.
Disable multicast on suspend. (Save battery if to many users is on same network. That damn wlan_rx_wake wake locks. Thanks @pi-xel to note that)
Latest linux kenrel 3.4.61.
Added zram as module.
Added dynamic sync control. (Thanks to @faux)
Added ktoonservativeq cpu governor. (Thanks @ktoonsez)
Added sysfs to make Gentle Fair Sleepers configurable via app.
Added some zram and swappines settings at my app (Thanks @nfsmw_gr) if you want more then you can use Turbo-Zram. (Thanks @rlorange)
Added Android Logger switch trough App. (Thanks @wanam)
Added a Knox security removal. (Thanks @wanam)
Kernel compression: xz (To reduce zimage size)
Some others here and there...
Note1:The app is inside on ramfs at boot.img and is auto installed/update if it's needed or not already installed when device reboot to os.
Note2: Before flash the kernel please delete manually previous init.d scripts from /etc/init.d/ folder or by the Ausdim kernel manager app.
This update is focusing to stability and performance.
Lot of changes time and reverts to be Completely Lag Free....
Latest Linux kernel 3.4.64.
Updated Tsp firmware (From MGG update3) You can check the current firmware by *#2663#
Updated Ssp firmware (From MGG update3) You can check the current firmware by *#2663#
Updated Wireless drivers (From MGG update3)
Zram no more loaded as module and has now 4 disks default.
Zram can now be disabled via my app.
Other thinks that i don't remember....
Again many thanks @nfsmw_gr and @pjbuser for trying many test kernel's
Falls ihr Root durch das Flashen des Kernels verlieren solltet einfach SuperSU von Chainfire downloaden UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.51.zip und installiert es im CWM
Ihr könnt Trickster Mod Kernel Settings aus dem Playstore benutzen um die Frequenzen und und Spannungseinstellungen des Kernels zu ändern.
Da seit der V13 eine eigene App zum einstellen des Kernels integriert ist, wird m.M. nach TricksterMod nicht mehr benötigt. Muss aber jeder selbst entscheiden
Download V19
Funktioniert sowohl unter Google Editon 4.2.2 Roms und Stock Samsung TW Roms.
Ist nichts besonderes, ist ein Kernel, der kompiliert wurde, weil der DEV einige
Unterschiede zwischen dem I9505 und I9505G Quellcodes entdeckt hat.
This update is focusing to stability and performance.
Latest Linux kernel 3.4.66.
Fix random reboots. (Need test)
Disabled ktoonsez auto_hotplug and add intelli_plug with eco mode by faux.
Many thanks @all for testing and patience.
Tested and working:
Exfat with samsung forced to load modules
Cache & dalvik cache werden automatisch bei Installation der Zip gelöscht.
V1+ FIxed:
Smart Screen on TW rom's.
Screen rotation on TW rom's.
ExFat modules from android 4.3 leaked rom.
V1+V2+ FIxed:
Core0 Mhz
Added smart charging from samsung source More Info
V1+V2+V3+ Änderungen:
Updated Linux kernel to latest 3.4.52
Disable Gentle Fair Sleepers (Thanks @broodplank1337)
Disable rooting restrictions (Just in case. Forgot it before..)
Disable all debuggers (Seems unneeded and by disabling those gives better battery life)
V1+V2+V3+V4+V5(test)+ Changes:
Enable CPU under clock (Thanks @ktoonsez)
Removed lot of dmesg log spams (Better battery?) (Thanks @faux123)
Add voltage control (Thanks again @faux123)
GPU OC (Thanks again @faux123)
Added Convervative ConvervativeX and intellidemand governors (Thanks @broodplank)
V1+V2+V3+V4+V5+(test)+V6+ Changes:
Fixed GPU overclock and added {128-200-320-400-450-533-600} Frequencies (Thanks to Talustus) default is 450.
Changes&New thinks:
Updated Linux kernel to latest 3.4.54-rc1.
Reworked from scratch CPU OC - UC - VD. (Many thanks to @ktoonsez))
All cores runs at frequencie you set.(That is very important and you can check it with kernel tuner app from playstore)
All cores runs on ondemand governor.
Added faux sound control (Thanks to @faux123 for his work)
Added kthermal and auto_hotplug. "mpdecision is not works because auto_hotplug take his place if you whant to completly remove mpdecision you can rename /system/bin/mpdecision to mpdecision.back but if you change to other kernel do not forget to rename the file". (Thanks again to @ktoonsez))
Max CPU OC @ 2160000. (I dont need more)
GPU OC steps 128/200/320/450/600 (Disable some frequencies because of the new method ktoonsez use to OC, all apps exept his app doesnt whant to set anything).
Added Fading-led mod and it is working with everything, Missed call-sms user apps etc...

Disabled Gentle Fair Sleepers.
Enable Fat/MSdos/Vfat and Ntfs(as module) Filesystems (Thanks to @ktoonsez))
Added CIFS as module.
Ioschedulers: row-bfq-noop-deadline-fiops-sio-vr-zen-fifo-cfq.
Added fast charge.
Other mini thinks that i dont remember now...
Updated Linux kernel to latest 3.4.55.
Added an option to app to control the led (Fade - non fade - speed)
Added an app to manage some basic kernel features based on scripts thanks to HM.Carbide.
Created a new function called set_cpu_min_max which will set the cores specified using a workqueue. (Many thanks to ktoonsez)
Fixed Screen-Off Mhz fuction. (Now is working)
Auto-Hotplug enabled by default.
A small update..
Updated Linux kernel to latest 3.4.59.
FIxed power ON while charging.
Fixed charging led notification.
Removed force loaded exfat modules code and added exfat modules 1.2.4 compiled from source. (Thanks samsung)
Probably fixed random restarts.
Other changes for better stability and performance.
More to come....
(NoteThe app and his scripts is on alpha stage need to add more)
Compiled with latest GCC 4.7 toolchain (Thanks to faux)
Added CPU governors: abyssplugv2 - adaptive - asswax - badass - dancedance - intellidemand - smartassH3 and wheatley. (Thanks to ktoonsez)
Added GPU governor: Simple (Thanks to faux)
Fixed app doesn’t load user settings after restart.
Added thermal control tweaks to app.
Added faux sound control tweaks to app. (Thanks to faux for sound control driver)
Added a function to auto backup efs to /sdcard/ausdim-kernel-data. (For safe)
Added a function to copy last_kmsg to /sdcard/ausdim-kernel-data. (For helping me)
Reworked whole app with other mini changes and now is fully working.
Other mini kernel changes for better stability and performance.
Note: Before flash the kernel please delete manually init.d scripts from /etc/init.d/ folder or by the Ausdim kernel manager app.
Fixed charging when device is off.
Fixed app reinstallation after restart.
Fixed set minimum throttle mhz at app.
Removed some ondemand tweaks added at v15.
Removed wipe /cache and /dalvik-cache from the updater-script.
Thanks and sorry for that quick update.
Note1:The app is inside on ramfs at boot.img and is auto installed/update if it's needed or not allready installed when device reboot to os.
Vor der Installation des Kernels sollen unbedingt die Skripte aus dem init.d Ordner entfernt werden.
Der "intellidemand" hat ein paar Probleme und sollte in der V16 Version nicht genutzt werden.
Compiled with latest gcc 4.8 and -o3.
Cifs 4.2.x fix. (Now we have cifs tested and fully working. Thanks @andreasy for notice that and report it also thanks @mkasick for the actual fix)
Fixed that damn lag. (Huge thanks @nfsmw_gr for thousands tests and suggestions)
Reworked led notification driver.
Disable multicast on suspend. (Save battery if to many users is on same network. That damn wlan_rx_wake wake locks. Thanks @pi-xel to note that)
Latest linux kenrel 3.4.61.
Added zram as module.
Added dynamic sync control. (Thanks to @faux)
Added ktoonservativeq cpu governor. (Thanks @ktoonsez)
Added sysfs to make Gentle Fair Sleepers configurable via app.
Added some zram and swappines settings at my app (Thanks @nfsmw_gr) if you want more then you can use Turbo-Zram. (Thanks @rlorange)
Added Android Logger switch trough App. (Thanks @wanam)
Added a Knox security removal. (Thanks @wanam)
Kernel compression: xz (To reduce zimage size)
Some others here and there...
Note1:The app is inside on ramfs at boot.img and is auto installed/update if it's needed or not already installed when device reboot to os.
Note2: Before flash the kernel please delete manually previous init.d scripts from /etc/init.d/ folder or by the Ausdim kernel manager app.
This update is focusing to stability and performance.
Lot of changes time and reverts to be Completely Lag Free....
Latest Linux kernel 3.4.64.
Updated Tsp firmware (From MGG update3) You can check the current firmware by *#2663#
Updated Ssp firmware (From MGG update3) You can check the current firmware by *#2663#
Updated Wireless drivers (From MGG update3)
Zram no more loaded as module and has now 4 disks default.
Zram can now be disabled via my app.
Other thinks that i don't remember....
Again many thanks @nfsmw_gr and @pjbuser for trying many test kernel's
Falls ihr Root durch das Flashen des Kernels verlieren solltet einfach SuperSU von Chainfire downloaden UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.51.zip und installiert es im CWM
Ihr könnt Trickster Mod Kernel Settings aus dem Playstore benutzen um die Frequenzen und und Spannungseinstellungen des Kernels zu ändern.
Da seit der V13 eine eigene App zum einstellen des Kernels integriert ist, wird m.M. nach TricksterMod nicht mehr benötigt. Muss aber jeder selbst entscheiden

Download V19
Quelle: [Kernel][Google-Edition][Stock][ExFat] - xda-developers
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