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Originally Posted by prescott66
V5.7 is very laggy for me. V4.7 works like a charm for me.with latest ehndroix rom.thanks for your discussion guys
Originally Posted by davidrome
I dont know what are you doing, but 5.4 without is smoother than 5.7
Originally Posted by Invicta
back tgo 5.4 without, 5.7 is draining the battery like a b***
Originally Posted by TwinHeadedEagle
I installed 4.7 and it's working best...
Hi to all, a user on Italian forum, had lags with v5.7 and he was back to v5.4... finally he decided to start from scratch form a Factory Reset and SD format (please procede to backup all the needed datas somewhere outside the internal SD... if not it will destroy all!!!)
Wipe ALL, DATA/CACHE/DALVIK/FORMAT INTERNAL SD (not microSD!!)... after first reboot, he reported that the installation give a perfect running system... he proceded the installation of some app from market... all still perfect... he complete the installation of the 200 apps he is using daily (still from market) and the system run like a charm...
Based on this report (thanks to user "iLpirLa" ): for people who encountered strange behaviour and lags just with kernel update, this user has absolutely tested what means to reinstall all (PLEASE: DO NOT RESTORE ANYTHING with TB... this is causing strange problems...). It will take time, so do not do this operation during the day... do in the evening/night... and DO A NANDROID BACKUP of your current system BEFORE proceding...
This the procedure he follow:
- from recovery -> data wipe (this will destroy all your data!!)
- format sd card (copy all needed data on microSD before doing this)
- wipe cache /dalvik
- flash kernel v5.7 (extreme or standard depending on your hardware)
- wipe cache /dalvik
- reboot
Set language and system settings (as the first time you installed CM9-Ics)
- reboot in recovery -> fix permission -> reboot
- reinstall from MARKET all your app's
REPORT here if all it's OK.
IMPORTANT: I'm not responsable for any data lost or damage to your phone... all is in your hand!!
Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 08:14 Uhr wurde um 08:15 Uhr ergänzt:
Kleine Info von smeroni68 aus XDA
Originally Posted by prescott66

V5.7 is very laggy for me. V4.7 works like a charm for me.with latest ehndroix rom.thanks for your discussion guys
Originally Posted by davidrome

I dont know what are you doing, but 5.4 without is smoother than 5.7
Originally Posted by Invicta

back tgo 5.4 without, 5.7 is draining the battery like a b***
Originally Posted by TwinHeadedEagle

I installed 4.7 and it's working best...
Hi to all, a user on Italian forum, had lags with v5.7 and he was back to v5.4... finally he decided to start from scratch form a Factory Reset and SD format (please procede to backup all the needed datas somewhere outside the internal SD... if not it will destroy all!!!)
Wipe ALL, DATA/CACHE/DALVIK/FORMAT INTERNAL SD (not microSD!!)... after first reboot, he reported that the installation give a perfect running system... he proceded the installation of some app from market... all still perfect... he complete the installation of the 200 apps he is using daily (still from market) and the system run like a charm...
Based on this report (thanks to user "iLpirLa" ): for people who encountered strange behaviour and lags just with kernel update, this user has absolutely tested what means to reinstall all (PLEASE: DO NOT RESTORE ANYTHING with TB... this is causing strange problems...). It will take time, so do not do this operation during the day... do in the evening/night... and DO A NANDROID BACKUP of your current system BEFORE proceding...
This the procedure he follow:
- from recovery -> data wipe (this will destroy all your data!!)
- format sd card (copy all needed data on microSD before doing this)
- wipe cache /dalvik
- flash kernel v5.7 (extreme or standard depending on your hardware)
- wipe cache /dalvik
- reboot
Set language and system settings (as the first time you installed CM9-Ics)
- reboot in recovery -> fix permission -> reboot
- reinstall from MARKET all your app's
REPORT here if all it's OK.
IMPORTANT: I'm not responsable for any data lost or damage to your phone... all is in your hand!!
Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 08:14 Uhr wurde um 08:15 Uhr ergänzt:
Kleine Info von smeroni68 aus XDA