- 929
yeah hab den Yank auf meinem s3 und er wird sicher auch auf mein bald eintreffendes Note 3 kommen.Feedback hier zu dem Kernel wäre super!
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Was ihr vom Kernel erwarten könnt:Haftungsausschluss
Zuerst, macht ein Nandroid Backup vor dem Flashen !
Durch das Flashen diesen Kernel akzeptiert ihr den Haftungsauschluss, weder der Entwickler, der Thread Opener noch Android-Hilfe.de haften für Schäden oder andere Fehlfunktionen. Ihr macht das auf eigener Gefahr!
Wenn ihr mit diesen Bedingungen nicht einverstanden seid, dann benutzt bitte die Browser-Zurück-Taste.
Die Installation von diesem Kernel löst den Knoxx efuse aus. Wer den Counter schon auf 0x1 hat, wird keine Änderungen feststellen.
Beim Booten wird folgende Meldung erscheinen, die jedoch normal ist:
Wir haben euch gewarnt!
Changelog v 1.0a
- updated flipcover on/off support - handle multiple fast open/close correctly (Yank555.lu)
- updated powersuspend to v1.4 - add kernel-hybrid mode, autosleep and display panel, first wins (Yank555.lu)
- updated CPU freq. HardLimit to v1.6 : fixed problem with scaling_min/max getting stuck / major code review (Yank555.lu)
- updated CPU freq. HardLimit to v1.7 : make touchboost and taking CPUs online respect hardlimit frequencies (Yank555.lu)
- updated MDNIE control interface to 1.0b : change default filerights for sysfs interface (WhatHub/Yank555.lu)
- updated drivers/tty/n_tty.c: fix CVE-2014-0196 (Peter Hurley)
- fixed a memory leak in gpu driver (through civato)
- updated to kernel.org Linux 3.4.90
Changelog v1.0
- based on CM11 sources 20140409 (Linux 3.4.0)
- built using Google Android prebuilt 4.7 toolchain
- using Temasek v75 (CM11 nightly 20140501) ramfs
- restored CPU voltages as in JB kernel (Yank555.lu)
- added /proc/config.gz support
- added /proc/last_kmsg support (imoseyon)
- added exfat support
- added ntfs support (read/write)
- added nfs support (v3 & v4)
- added cifs support
- added Zen scheduler
- added FIOPS scheduler
- added powersuspend v1.3 (faux123 / Yank555.lu)
- added LED eXtended ConTRoLs v1.1 (Yank555.lu)
- added Yank555.lu LED boot signature (Yank555.lu)
- added dynamic fsync v1.5 (faux123)
- added asynchronous fsync by HTC (faux123)
- added TouchWake v1.4a (Yank555.lu)
- added Forced Fast Charge for AC/USB v1.1 (Yank555.lu)
- added Cpufreq: create/remove percpu sysfs nodes once
- added nohz: stat: Fix CPU idle time accounting
- added cpufreq: resolce CPUFREQ_NOTIFY issue
- added CPU OC up to 2.50GHz
- added CPU freq. HardLimit v1.4a (Yank555.lu)
- added frontcache, zsmalloc, zswap
- added Yankactive governor, a slightly modified interactive based governor, set as default in Aroma (Yank555.lu)
- added faux sound support (to control sound, you need to buy the 'faux sound' app from PlayStore)
- added MDNIE control interface 1.0a (WhatHub/Yank555.lu)
- added a lot of under the hood enhancements (cherrypicked like 100 commits from faux123's n900x kernel)
- added flipcover on/off support (arter97, through Temasek)
- updated flipcover on/off support - cope with multiple events at the same time (Yank555.lu)
- updated to kernel.org Linux 3.4.88
- updated ramfs to set SELinux to permissive
- updated binfmt_elf.c: use get_random_int() to fix entropy depleting (Jeff Liu)
- updated compiler optimization flags
- updated CPU freq. HardLimit to v1.5 : add user configurable touchboost frequencies (Yank555.lu)
- updated cpufreq_limit to 2.5GHz OC (Yank555.lu)
- updated TouchWake to v1.4b - don't use proxy when suspending to decide whether to enable touchwake & small fixes (Yank555.lu)
- changed default entropy settings (512/2048)
- changed default scheduler to FIOPS
- changed default tcp congestion control to westwood
- changed default kernel governor for now to Interactive (= governor the kernel will do the boot process on)
- removed ondemand governor (not working, so no use keeping in, for now)
- enabled kernel modules
- ramfs: fix USB-OTG disk mounting (Park Ju Hyung / arter97)
Credits & Thanx
Dies ist der wichtigste Teil von allen, um Tribut an all jene, die mir geholfen haben, zu zahlen:
- Faux123
Thanx for helping me get started, out of an almost 20 years break on Linux kernel compiling (at the time it was Linux 0.47 if I remember well), helping me build my compile box(es), upfront getting my first Android kernel compiled, making mods, merging sources, using github in general ... and always taking the time to explain and help out !
- Corrsea
Huge thanx for thorough testing and usefull advice, since my first steps on Android, at the time we were both running Tytung's Nexus HD2 on our initially WinMo device, chasing any possible bugs there were to iron out.
- Sotmax
Huge thanx for making a perfectly stable 240dpi Samsung based ROM, that has become my a daily driver !
- MuertoKo
Thanx for pushing me here and there to go further with my kernels, and for testing them on your daily and reporting back.
- uberto.costanzo & F3nr1s
Thanx for your support, for testing the kernel and reporting back.
- Amarullz
And last but nowhere least, huge thanx to Amarullz for giving us such a great tool, without Aroma Installer flashing kernels / ROMs would still be stone-age kind of voodoo magic, now it has become a proper user experince, giving everybody an easy way to customize whatever is being flashed !
Nicht nur Tap to wake, sondern sogar double-tap 2 wake habe ich entdeckt:deviceX schrieb:tab to wake soll eingebaut werden dauert sicher noch etwas jp arbeitet mit einem anderen dev.zusammen und da soll auch boeffla Sound eingebaut werden![]()
fumanschuh schrieb:Ja hab danach wieder den Stock geflasht , damit läuft es wieder