[KK 4.4.2 Kernel 3.4.104][15 MAI] Dorimanx 10.5 LG G2 D801/2/3/4/5/6

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Thread angepasst ;)

Edit: Links werden noch tapatalk fähig gemacht ;)

Kernel 8.0.1

*Fixed possible BUG that make SOD on charge, phone alive but screen is black.
*Merged CPUFREQ fixes that improve performance.
*Added new tweak to STweaks Hotplug tab. now cpu boost duration can be tuned.

This is major BUG fix update. please update.

it's fixes BUG from 4.0 kernel! that caused SOD for some users.
and improve performance.
bin vor par tagen von stock auf cloudy+dorimanx

am anfang hatte cloudy gefühlt mehr akku gezogen als stock, mit dem kernel ist die akkulaufzeit nicht nur gleich, sondern sogar besser als stock geworden!

probleme konnte ich bisher auch keine feststellen! :)
Mal meine momentanen Akku Werte mit 8.0.1 präsentieren


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Und wieder ein update ;) op wird morgen geupdatet ;)


Kernel 8.1

*Fixed OndemandPlus CPU gov.
*Fixed Long vibrates bug when typing.
*Added support for Synapse Kernel control app! BIG Thanks to @neobuddy89 for help!
it's like STweaks but can show live data from kernel controls.
for now it's will control the thermal driver.
*Added support for USB Simple PPP modems. (WWAN PPP).
*Added support for USB to Serial adapters.
it's a module that can be loaded by some app for USB adapter.
*Merged fix for CMA RAM pages.
*Merged Multi CPU Policy code by @alucard_24
that allow us to set different freq for each core, and different cpu gov!
All controls are in STweaks. :)
*Fixed Force Fast Charge and made it super smart! :)
Now it's will on/off it's self if battery is above 95% to preserve battery LIFE.
as fast charge can in time reduce battery life if used till 100%
Will charge fast when in ON state, or Manual state.
also added MAX 300mA as requested, to force slow charging to prolong battery life, if fast charge is not needed.
*Merged fix to alucard hotplug from DEV. will improve hotplug performance.
*Merged kernel code alignment fix.
*Merged some new functions for kernel drivers future use.
*Removed old panels hack, as JDI/LGD panels fixed on kernel install.
*Fixed GPU update button in STweaks.
*Added copy of /data/.dori/ files to /data/.dori_bkp folder before profiles reset!
In this new build profiles will be reset on first boot!
*Added Anti Fast User function in boot script, that will not allow user to open STweaks till it's service loading controls, to prevent BUGS and mess.
User will be denied access to STweaks till all ready! (app will OPEN/CLOSE!)
*Added SElinux control to STweaks Other Tab, you can set Enforce or Permissive.
*Added File System TRIM support! will be run on boot!
And user can push TRIM NOW in I/O Tab in STweaks. if it's show 0 then all was OK.
Also we can now set to run TRIM on /system + /data
every day at 6:00AM in CRON Tab, active by default!
*Removed not used tuner modules from kernel image.

This kernel OPEN huge ARK Door to Asynchronous CPU CORE.
User can have so many combinations that i cant even imagine!

Power can be saved or have mega boost when needed!

Different CPU Govs can provide different boosts to cores.

Many BUGS fixed in code. and new stuff added.

So have fun testing this beast. :)

Report when you can and tell me/us how it's going.

Kernel has evolved! to new species :)
Schon wieder ich komme gar nicht mehr nach :D


Kernel 8.2 (Fix for 8.1)

*Merged updates to PM code from CAF 3.5.y Kernel.
responsible for low power mods in suspend.
*Added FSTRIM also to Cache partition.
*Fixed BUG with suspend SOD.
*Moved Synapse App from SYSTEM to DATA on kernel install.
*Set SELinux to Permissive on BOOT. seems some ROMS just BUGGED.
and cant take the Enforce MODE. not my problem. now will be OK.
*Fixed MSM/INTELLI Hoplug Suspend function, now it's safe to use for 100%
*Fixed BOOT tuning for MSM Thermal control.
*Added new status to Synapse that show active CORES in LIVE.
*Clean Synapse data when profiles cleaned.
*Link wget binary to /system/xbin/
*Updated refresh times for Synapse status tab.
*Profiles will be RESET on first boot.

Kernel 8.1 deleted, as many reported SOD bug, that i didnt had.
But i cant say no to facts.

So, here is the FIXED version. i hope that this time it's will be GOOD.

Any way. WAIT at least 1MIN after UI show up before you open STweaks.
We have much more controls now, and STweaks need time to load all!
so give it a time.

if you dont care about what i ask, then it's will be in hard way.
STweaks will be killed every 3sec till all controls loaded.

You dont care = i dont care. WAIT :)
Or use STOCK.

Please report how all goes. and add logs, to reports.
otherwise i just note, and ignore, i cant do anything

For me all OK.

Have Fun.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: seppl1987
Hallo zusammen,

mit dem 8.1 hatte ich einen SOD....Telefon ist aus dem Standby einfach nicht mehr aufgewacht.
hab dann die neu beim Dorikernel hinzugefügte, Synapse-app deaktiviert und seit dem läuft mein Telefon auch mit der 8.1-Version super.

DIe 8.2er hab ich noch nicht getestet. Heute Abend mal :)

Schöne Grüße
Das ist noch zu verbuggt, bitte auf eine neue Version Warten :)
Update Zeit. Dieses mal klappt alles ;)

13/10/14 4:41AM

Kernel 8.3

*Fixed BUG with suspend SOD.
*Fixed Force Fast Charge.
*Cleaned POWERSUSPEND code.
*Adapted install script for old recovery's
*Fixed MSM HotPlug performance drain.
*Fixed CPU BOOST battery drain.
*Added missing sqlite3 for DB optimization cron.
*A lot of work made in RAMDISK boot scripts and Cortex and STweaks + Synapse.
See Ramdisk GIT for more info.
*Profiles and /data/.dori dir will be reset on first boot. to clean old problems.
*New Max freq limit driver added, it's now limit per core, there is no longer need for Global Max Freq limit. so it's removed.
What is set in STweaks, that is the MAX limit per core. no other app can change that.

*Merged updates to PM code from CAF 3.5.y Kernel.
responsible for low power mods in suspend.
*Added FSTRIM also to Cache partition.
*Moved Synapse App from SYSTEM to DATA on kernel install.
*Set SELinux to Permissive on BOOT. seems some ROMS just BUGGED.
and cant take the Enforce MODE. not my problem. now will be OK.
*Fixed MSM/INTELLI Hoplug Suspend function, now it's safe to use for 100%
*Fixed BOOT tuning for MSM Thermal control.
*Added new status to Synapse that show active CORES in LIVE.
*Clean Synapse data when profiles cleaned.
*Link wget binary to /system/xbin/
*Updated refresh times for Synapse status tab.
*Profiles will be RESET on first boot.
*Fixed OndemandPlus CPU gov.
*Fixed Long vibrates bug when typing.
*Added support for Synapse Kernel control app! BIG Thanks to @neobuddy89 for help!
it's like STweaks but can show live data from kernel controls.
for now it's will control the thermal driver.
*Added support for USB Simple PPP modems. (WWAN PPP).
*Added support for USB to Serial adapters.
it's a module that can be loaded by some app for USB adapter.
*Merged fix for CMA RAM pages.
*Merged Multi CPU Policy code by @alucard_24
that allow us to set different freq for each core, and different cpu gov!
All controls are in STweaks. :)
*Fixed Force Fast Charge and made it super smart! :)
Now it's will on/off it's self if battery is above 95% to preserve battery LIFE.
as fast charge can in time reduce battery life if used till 100%
Will charge fast when in ON state, or Manual state.
also added MAX 300mA as requested, to force slow charging to prolong battery life, if fast charge is not needed.
*Merged fix to alucard hotplug from DEV. will improve hotplug performance.
*Merged kernel code alignment fix.
*Merged some new functions for kernel drivers future use.
*Removed old panels hack, as JDI/LGD panels fixed on kernel install.
*Fixed GPU update button in STweaks.
*Added copy of /data/.dori/ files to /data/.dori_bkp folder before profiles reset!
In this new build profiles will be reset on first boot!
*Added Anti Fast User function in boot script, that will not allow user to open STweaks till it's service loading controls, to prevent BUGS and mess.
User will be denied access to STweaks till all ready!
*Added SElinux control to STweaks Other Tab, you can set Enforce or Permissive.
*Added File System TRIM support! will be run on boot!
And user can push TRIM NOW in I/O Tab in STweaks. if it's show 0 then all was OK.
Also we can now set to run TRIM on /system + /data
every day at 6:00AM in CRON Tab, active by default!
*Removed not used tuner modules from kernel image.

After long work and tests, here it is. new build.

So much done and added/fixed that i lost count.

But it's there.

have fun testing this build.

Report any RELEVANT to kernel issues and i will fix them.

Thanks again to all BETA testers that helped me, and HUGE Thanks to @alucard_24 for help in codding.

Sent from my LG G2 32GB rooted
Hi ich kann das droidmanx.8.3.ZIP nicht via TWRP flaschen bekomme eine errormeldung auf meinem LG g2 d802 mit cm11?
hi wer kann mir helfen, ich kann in Stweaks unter Profile/Restore keine backups einspielen.Und wenn ich auf extras gehe und dann auf Reset Settings to default klicke, werden meine Einstellungen nicht zurückgesetzt. Da tut sich garnichts.Habe alles versucht habe z. b. ein Backup estellt, und dann Werte aus einer anderen Einstellungen in die Textdatei hineinkopiert und gespeichert, geht auch nicht.

Rom:cloudy Flex 2.5
Kernel:erst unter 7.8 umd momenten bei 7.1

Guten morgen,

Das ist normal, da Dorimanx kein CM unterstützt.
Funktioniert nur mit Stock-Rom sowie G3-Rom´s.

Flash doch einfach mal die aktuelle 8.3 Version.
Die läuft bei mir ohne Probleme und die Einstellungen kann ich auch auf Default zurücksetzen.

Schöne Grüße
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thx bin ich zu meinem bedauern auch schon drauf gekommen :)
8.4 läuft hier supersmooth und stabil.
Hallo Leute,
bei der Installation von Dori 8.0.4 kommt nach reboot die Meldung :
[830] Fastboot mode started
[880] udc_start()

und nix geht mehr.

Was ist schief gelaufen und wie kann ich es beheben?

edit: konnte zumindest wieder die original-ROM flashen.
Handy ist jetzt wieder im Originalzustand.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Erstens ist es nicht 8.0.4 (den gibt's nicht), sondern Du meinst 8.4.

Bitte sorgfältiger mit den Bezeichnungen sein, kann zu Verwirrung und Falschberatung führen.

Zweitens: Wie man auch im xda-Thread nachlesen kann (und sollte), ist es derzeit so, dass man erstmal einen älteren Kernel (<= 8.0.1) draufhaben muss, um dann (bitte über die Dorimanx-OTA-App) die neuere Version flashen zu können.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mikelsmile
Hier mal Benchmarks mit CloudyStock 2.5 und Dorimanx 8.4.
CPU 0 und 1 2,7ghz
Cpu 2 und 3 2,5ghz
Alle CPUs ondemand, samplerate 25000, performance mode



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Kernel 8.5

*Merged updates for sound driver.
*Merged updates for CORE code.
*Fixed manual charge lock on 900ma using 1.8a charger.
*Merged updates for SeLinux.
*Added Auto mount F2FS partitions if formatted as F2FS on boot.
*Fixed CRON functions and added calibrate battery every week.
*Tuned Intelli and Alucad HotPlugs.
*Fixed Thermal Core down/up control.
*Added new controls for how many cores can be OFF during high temp.
IF! Core control is Enabled.
*Added HotPlug Live Status is Synapse main tab.
*Fixed Profiles backup/restore
*Made arrangements in STweaks XML to look more clear to understand.
*Fixed Stuck freq on core0 after high pressure thermal test.
will be reset to max on 55C temp.
*Merged updates for Alucard Hotplug. more performance and smart hot-plugging.
*Merged updates to Alucard, Darkness, Nightmare CPU govs from DEV.
Improved freq handling.
*Updated with latest ZVD+ZVE LS980 Source update from LG. it's common code
for all branches.
+Update to NFC driver
+Update to MTP driver
+Update to LCD panel driver
+Update to sound driver
*Tuned Ondemand to be more fast, and respond fast.
*Fixed BUG in OOM LMK driver.
*Moved all Thermal Controls back to STweaks, in new TAB.
Synapse is now for live date state. for debugging. and for fun.
*Fixed Stuck freq on CORE0 after boot. and after thermal event.
*Updated Alucards Touch boost driver + add/remove control for it.
See STweaks.
*Tuned Ondemand gov.
*We now Boot on 2.26Ghz then set by profiles. was 2.8Ghz (version 8.4 only)
*Now ROM thermal alone can handle huge stress test on max TEMP of 77C
for 5 min, that all i tested, i am sure it's can hold hour... just bad for hardware.
*Fixed 1000ms description.
*We now boot on four cores! so boot will be little faster.
*Fixed possible SOD bug on charger overnight.
and when disconnecting power.
*Allowed to charge from USB3 port on 900ma as it's give us that.
*Merged update for Alucard and Darkness CPU GOVS.
*Fixed MIN freq stuck on some freq above 1GHZ
now we can set MIN freq up to 1.03Ghz no more!
we dont need more for MIN freq.
*Fixed BUG in multi core freq set that can cause deadlock = SOD.
*Tuned Alucard HotPlug, now last core will work on stress load. as others.
Improved idle state on one core.
HotPlug is smart, it's not turning all core for a finger swipe... so you will need to stress is a bit to see all cores online.
*Updated ExFat driver, critical bug fixed inside the module.
*Fixed performance degradation when freq reduced due thermal event.
now will be restored back to max every time temp is reduced.
by this boost performance to state of awesomeness!
*Tuned ROM thermal policy to work with 5c temp diff for freq cuts.
*Added controls for Touch boost driver in STweaks.
*Possible random SOD on suspend FIX!
*Disable some not used drivers.
*Added zip binary for zipping kernel log on creation.
so data inside will not be damaged on transfer to me.
*Merged power use reducer code, for CPU, will allow to save more power on idle
or low load.
*Fix slow wakeup from long suspend.
*Fix for Alucard Hotplug suspend function.
*Tuned Intelli HotPlug to perform faster.

Huge Thanks to all BETA TEAM that helped me a lot to find and remove bugs
and optimize this build.

I getting harder to make it better :) but we always can fix some old bugs!

So here is more CLEAN from BUGS, build :)

Have fun testing it, and after some time, if not major problems for MANY people...

Then we will call it STABLE. and move on.

Enjoy :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: seppl1987
Wie sind denn die Erfahrungen mit dem Kernel. Gerade im Bezug auf die Akkulaufzeit

bis jetzt bin ich mit allen Versionen sehr zufrieden was die Akkulaufzeit angeht.
Komme bei meinem Nutzungsverhalten immer auf 2 Tage.
Werde morgen mal ein paar Screenshots hochladen, um die laufzeiten mit dem 8.5er zu dokumentieren.

Schöne grüße
  • Danke
Reaktionen: fad-joe

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