[Kernel] XMister #305/188v4 AOSP & Sense

  • 543 Antworten
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hier ein weiterer Kernel der, wie ich finde, sehr stabil ist und hohe Leistung bietet.

Wenn richtig eingestellt, mit SetCPU, SystemTuner, oder ähnlichen Apps,
kann dieser Kernel entweder viel Energie sparen oder hohe Leistung erbringen.

OverClocking ist ebenso möglich wie underclocking und undervolting.

  • Quad 1.5GHz
  • MPDECISION from showp1984
  • CPU Hard Cap (Your max freq setting will be respected)
  • 25MHz min. freq
  • CPU UV Interface
  • GPU@520MHz
  • Separate 2D/3D OC Interface
  • EMC OC Interface
  • GPU UV Interface
  • Sweep2Wake
  • Fast Charge
  • Governors: powersave,pmc,conservative,smartmax,ondemand,touchdemand,gaming,interactive,performan ce
  • I/O schedulers: noop,sio,row,deadline
  • Optimized gaming and battery life (1,2,3,4,5)
  • USB Mass Storage (On most Sense ROMs, you need Lyapota mod pack for this. Except Viper, it works on Viper out of the box.)
  • MHL (Only on Sense and old AOSP ROMs)

    Differences between AOSP and Sense versions:
  • BLN
    • Sense: Auto-BLN on every ROM.
    • AOSP: Support for CM's BLN function.

Dev Thread: [KERNEL][#252][15/03/13][3.1.10][AOSP & SENSE][HardCap][S2W][GPU@520][UV]XM-Kernel - xda-developers
GitHub: https://github.com/Xmister/endeavoru-jb-crc-3.1.10/

Installationsanleitung: https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/...es-kernels-fuer-beginner-26-06-12.244545.html

die Scripte findet ihr nun im zweiten Beitrag

Xmister schrieb:
Yes, MHL only works on Sense, and AOSP roms with ICS blobs.
And Mass Storage without USB debugging.
There is no simple fix for these right now.


aktueller xm Kernel: Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service

XMister Kernel Archiv: XMister - Uploaded.to


Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service

XMister Kernel Archiv: XMister - Uploaded.to

Remove Script: remove_old_modules.zip (190,22 KB) - uploaded.net Löscht die "alten" Kernel Module, einfach vor dem neuen Kernel flashen.

Stock Kernel

ICJ 2.6: ICJ_2.6_Kernel.zip (ca. 4 MB) - uploaded.to

CM10.1 - 04.03.2013: CM10.1_04.03.2013_Stock_Kernel.zip (ca. 12 MB) - uploaded.to

ViperX 3.3.8: ViperX_3.3.8_Kernel.zip (ca. 14 MB) - uploaded.to

UV fixes.
Auto-BLN configurable. (See the bottom of this post)

Fixed min. freq. and some other weird bug, introduced in the last update.

Auto-BLN now only included in Sense build. +Some fixes.
Kernel updated to 3.18 base. (Only the sleep code changed)
Some task scheduler tweaks. (May fix alarm bug)
PMC updated to v7 interactive.
2D & 3D clocks synced by default for better performance.

Initial version of Auto-BLN. (Back Light Notification will work automatically on every ROM.)

CPU Throttling level lowered to 80°C.
Stock ondemand added back, if some ROM defaults to it.
Core<->CPU possible difference raised to stock 300mV. (This can cause less heat, more stability, but slightly less fps)
Another try to fix "can't answer call" bug on sense.
Some driver updates from Nvidia.
Included pabx's headphone tweak for AOSP users.

UV should work for everyone now.
CPU<->Core voltage difference raised to 250mV. (See more about this in the Notes section)
New algorithm written for picking the lowest but still statisfactory core voltage. -> Less heat.
Min. possible CPU voltage reduced to 600mV.
Min. possible Core voltage reduced to 800mV.
Enabling GPU(core) UV will no longer result in unlocking GPU<->Core voltage relation.
Shared clock between emc and mpe from Trip for more bandwith.
Lock mpe to 3D clocks, again for more bandwith.

EMC (Memory Controller) OC Interface. (See the bottom of this post)
Support for Viper UMS.
51MHz added for incompatible ramdisks, and 600MHz removed.
PMC Tuneable.
Another try to fix "can't answer call".

Separate kernel for AOSP and SENSE based ROMs. (Trying to solve the "can't answer call" bug on Sense)
AOSP version def. ramdisk is CM10.1(nightly), Sense def. ramdisk is my modified Ordroid 13.0
Audio min freq. bug fixed.
Wi-Fi driver reverted to 3.14.

CPU and CORE VDD brought closer for more stable performance.
Default RamDisk: Ordroid 13.0. Should be good for any sense ROM. Please try to use this without repacking on sense ROMs, or else you will lose these tweaks. (But I can't promise that it would work for yours too.)
RamDisk changes:
Disabled pnpmgr. -> Fix for facebook cap resetting, and 25MHz resetting to 100Mhz.
Removed some crazy boot time settings, locking to quad-core, or 1-core depending on some things.
Removed defaulting to ondemand.
(I suggest every sense ROM developer to do the same.)

Performance bottleneck fixed.
Added Shan89's PerformanceMayCry* smartmax tweaks as "pmc" governor.

*heavily tweaked for battery life :)

LP core OC'd to 500MHz, thus it can be used more, saving more battery.
Min. freq lowered to 25MHz, save more battery if we don't need any performance.
Freq table set to nice and round frequencies.
Benchmark scores on CPU will be lower. I didn't find the actual reason for that, but in every day usage and gaming wise this won't have any effect.

LP core OC'd to 500MHz, thus it can be used more, saving more battery.
Min. freq lowered to 25MHz, save more battery if we don't need any performance.
Freq table set to nice and round frequencies.

Optimized memory functions.
Some video driver changes for MHL. (Needs test from sense guys)

AHB and IOMMU driver reverted...it caused worse battery and more heat for me.

A lot of scheduler optimizations and fixes, that help a lot in gaming. (Thx Metallice)

Added Tegra AHB driver. (Thx kozmikkick & Metallice)
Updated IOMMU driver. (Thx kozmikkick)
Lowered 2D max. freq to stock again.

Separate CPU DVFS table per variant is back for stability, with only minor UV.

Performance bottleneck fixed.
A little more voltage on cpu. (~25mV)
Different DVFS Table for Variant 0.

A little UV back on core. (25-50mV depending on clock)
Default Variant 3 freq. table. (So you might not be able to UV that much, and of course clear tuner app data.)
GPU min. clock is 247 again.
Small fixes.
Default ramdisk is CM10.1 Beta 10.

#198 (Still alpha)
Core clocks changed to safer values.
Seems to fix interactive/gaming issue.

#197(Quite much change...it's better to call this alpha version then.)
Interactive and gaming governors seem to quad-lock this to max freq...better not use them.
"Redesigned" DVFS table. Now every HOX will use 1 table(Variant1's) regardless of anything. -> Clear tuning app data
New Wi-Fi driver. (Thx kozmikkick)
Internal Core clock limit disabled(for GPU OC).
Small fixes from upstream.
GPU OC Interface back to 8 clocks.
GPU min. freq is at 267.
Pre-UV on CPU removed.
Pre-UV on Core removed.
Default readahead size is 4096KB.

Previous lag should be fixed.
Added kernel changes for CM B10 BLN. (But repack needed)

Better CPU spinlock handling. (A little faster and less overhead)
Spearate 3D and 2D OC Interface. (See the bottom of the post)
Video drivers is the same as #106.
Gaming governor added.
Interactive tweakable again.

Better synced the core freqs. Should solve some issues, and even less heat.
Interactive is providing much better gaming now, as we have don't have to avoid heat that much.
Fastcharge doesn't need replug to be activated. (Thx to maxwen)
EMC(memory) ratio changed. (Thx to kozmikkick)

Lowered unnecessarily high core freqs to stock (except GPU of course). Lower heat, better battery.

UV Interface changed for more "conservative" undervolting per freqs. (Now although you will only see 1 voltage per freq, it will undervolt the other voltages on that freq with the same difference.)
Fixed: GPU OC Interface didn't report/set the minimal frequency.

Switched to JRCU.
Boot freq is at 1300MHz. You can change that to lower of higher with your favorite tuner app, preferably Trickster Mod.
Some unnedded high boosts lowered to be more battery friendly.
Some cherry-picks from maxwen.

Core UV on higher freqs decrased a bit.
Another video changes.

Core UV seems a little too much. Please wait for the next release.
Video driver changes. Please test and report if video playback issue is solved.
Every clock is using the default minmal stock voltage by default. (This means a safe 25-50mV UV depending on clock.)
Core (and so GPU) has 50mV UV by default too.
GPU OC and GPU UV interface added. (These are only for experts and brave warriors. For more information see the bottom of this post).
Please from now on use Trickster Mod to change anything. (Don't forget to accept the changes in the top right corner!)

Video drivers close to stock. MHL should work on stock, and in older AOSP ROMs(with ICS blobs).
Westwood+ disabled, only caused connectivity issues.
Interactive and MPDEC tweaked again for less heat.
Interactive sysfs interface disabled to prevent ROM to overwrite the values. If you need more performance regardless the heat, use Gaming Boost, with ondemand.
Smartdimmer disabled by default. For enabling it, see the bottom of this post.
Default Ramdisk now is for CM 10.1 Beta 7.

UMS works on stock ROMs (except Viper) with lyapota's modpack. (Thanks for n3o for the kernel part, and Zulake for testing)

Voltage control interface changes. (more info, even more info)
Audio min. freq is at 204MHz

Implemented proper voltage control. You NEED to clear the data of the apps that can change voltages to let them reset the default values!
S2W activates on longer slide.

Enabled Westwood+ TCP Congestion for better throughput on Wi-Fi and 3G.
S2W register threshold increased to prevent loss of touch on buttons.
Interactive tweaked for less heat. (Only means something if your ROM doesn't tweak it.)

Gentle Fair Sleepers disabled. (Can help in smoothness and battery)
Add ARM cpu topology definition. (Better scheduling decisions between the cores)
ARCH_POWER enabled. (Possibly better power management)
Enabled task autogrouping. (Can help in smoothness)

GPU min. freq. lowered to 247MHz for stability.
Tweak MPDEC to turn off extra cores sooner for less heat.

GPU min. freq. raised to 267MHz.
Another USB fix.
LED backlight fix. (Faster wake, thx to Thoemy)

USB fix
Added TouchDemand governor per request.
Some other small fixes

Removed some unimportant optimization for stability.

ROW optimizations. Should be even smoother.

Reverted autogroup patch, it caused lag in some games, and higher cpu usage in idle.
Switch to fget_light in do_fsync() -> Less overhead in fsync -> More battery, more speed.

Reverted another few commits that could have caused the freezes for some.
Added ROW I/O scheduler and set as default.
Added smartdimmer from trip

Disabled optimized RWSEM algorithm. (Possible cause of freezes)

Variant info on sysfs introduced. (/sys/kernel/debug/t3_variant, cpu_process_id is your variant. Reworked from faux's code.)
Various fixes/optimizations, mostly from faux's n4 kernel. (more info on github)
MPDEC tweaked a little for slightly less plugging.
Some more USB MS fixes from n3o's kernel (Thömy).
Little longer boost for smartmax.
Global input boost cap from maxwen.
SIO is default now.
Audio min. freq raised to 102MHz.

Driver updates & other kernel fixes. (See github for more information)
USB Mass storage fix.
Smartmax won't boost over capped freq.
CIFS Support.
MPDecision values tweaked for less heat. (And more battery life)
SIO added.
Better compression. (Smaller kernel size)
Quite a lot changed in this release, that's why I'm giving it the Beta tag. If you have a problem, report, and revert to #106. Thank you.

Driver updates from Nvidia.
Smartmax grovernor from maxwen. (It should be better for battery life, now this is the default)
Interactive old again with conservative values, to avoid LP lockup.
Lower LP voltage from TripNRaVeR.

New interactive again, and it's again better for gaming.
Ondemand a little more battery friendly.

Fix LP lockup. (Hopefully this time really)
Swap is available again, if someone needs it.
Just use ondemand for everything.

Swap is back.
Possible fix for LP speed stuck. Please test! (Game with interactive governor as long as you can.)
If you see it stuck (game becomes extremely laggy, and only one core used at 475MHz) report.

Fix for errors when trying to change governors on some ROMs.
A little more performance from interactive.
A little less lag on ondemand.

SW AES optimized. (~30-50% faster)
HW Accelerated AES enabled.
Interactive back to stock again. (Too much heat with the tweaked one)

Frequency lockup fixed.
Interactive back at 3.4 again.
Ondemand should be less laggy even more.
ThumbEE disabled. (It could have been the reason for some issue)
Some other fixes from n3o and lord.

Replaced stock hotplug algorithm with MPDECISION. (Thx to showp1984 for the code).
Interactive is back at ver 3.1 (3.4 didn't get along well with MPDEC), and tweaked a little.
This means much better gaming experience.
Make ondemand smoother.
More performance on interactive.
Some fixes from maxwen.

Make ondemand more battery friendly. (Values mostly from iba21's script)

Proper Hard Cap. Now it will be kept during suspend/resume.
Voltage Control.

Deadline added back after accidental removal.

Introducing CPU Hard Cap - Restoring after suspend is not working yet. For that use SetCPU "On Screen Unlock" profile.

Rebased on pabx 3.17 source
Everything added back except CPU OC, voltage control and dynamic_fsync

CPU OC Removed
Dynamic Fsync Removed

CPU OC Removed
Dynamic Fsync Removed

Possible fix for some user who had no GSM and Wifi

Dynamic fsync re-enabled

Dynamic fsync removed for safety. (Probably re-enable it in the future, it was a false-alarm.)

Bluetooth fixed for AOSP Roms (If don't work, try to reboot.) Please report back on bluetooth, wether you have a problem with it or not, and what ROM are you using. Thanks.
CPU Quiet removed

Rebased on KozmikKick's sources, which means:
Updated Touchscreen driver(Now should work for everyone)
Voltage Control
1.55GHz OC
Backported ondemand gov. from Kernel 3.4
Plus some other awseome stuff
And a few extras added:
Volume wake, USB Fast charge, Dynamic FSync, Backported interactive gov. from Kernel 3.4
And of course:
Sweep2Wake, GPU@520

A few optimization for better gaming.

CPU tuning works (Use SetCPU, no OC yet)
GPU OC to 520MHz

Fix for multitouch that S2W broke

Added Sweep2Wake

#10(First public release)
Working CPU hotplug and everything else
GCC optimizations (Compiled with linaro 4.7)


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: joesommer, makes2068, dsg2003 und 2 andere

der User Byrana hat sich die Arbeit gemacht und jede Menge Scripte erstellt und eine Erläuterung dazu geschrieben.



Byrana schrieb:
Ok, here is the easy way for everyone to change the gpu clocks through init.d scripts now. The gpu_oc file has become read only since kernel #177, so I had to change the script to keep the settings stick after a reboot.It took me a while to figure it all out. It took me even longer to do a flashable zip including setting the right permissions for the files. Well, here it is.

Just simply flash the file in CWM. If you want to change the values, reboot after flashing and edit the last line of the 91gpu_oc script, that you'll find in /system/etc/init.d ... leave the rest alone and reboot again.

The zip will also enable usb fast charge. If you do not want that, simply delete 92fast_charge in /system/etc/init.d.

I made 2 zips ... one is with default values, the other one underclocks the GPU to 400 MHz.

It really took me a while to figure all that out ... since I am new to this. Hit thanks as a little appreciation if you like.

Good night.

When Xmister fixes the read only permissions, these scripts will be obsolete and the old ones will work again.

Edit: So this happens when you get the hang of it. :laugh:

I made all options available with flashable zips.

Kernel #177, #179 and #188
init_d_400_fc - same as before - tested - will enable usb fast charge - gpu settings 400 400 400 400 400 400 304 267 247 - mild uc
init_d_default_fc - same as before - tested - actually uneeded except you need an easy way to change values - will enable usb fast charge
init_d_gpu304 - will do an agressive uc of your gpu - gpu settings 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 247 247
init_d_gpu400 - same as init_d_400_fc but without enabling usb fast charge

All kernels supporting the features:
init_d_gpu_control - will enable gpu control so you can set settings in trickster
init_d_s2w_3b - this will use 3 keys instead of 2 for sweep2wake
init_d_usb_fastcharge - self explanatory
init_d_gpu400_xm - same as init_d_400_fc but without enabling usb fast charge
init_d_400_fc_xm - will enable usb fast charge - gpu settings *400 400 400 400 400 400 304 267 247 - mild uc
init_d_default_fc_xm - same as before - tested - actually uneeded except you need an easy way to change values - will enable usb fast charge
init_d_gpu304_xm - will do an agressive uc of your gpu - gpu settings 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 247 247

New since kernel #192
init_d_2d_304_xm - 2d gpu underclock - settings 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 247 247
init_d_2d_gpu_default_xm - script with default values

Update Kernel #192

Xmister has fixed the permission problem, so you do not need to use init_d_400_fc, init_d_default_fc. init_d_gpu304 or init_d_gpu400. They do no harm you can use them if you do not mind 2 extra lines of scripts :) I will leave those zips in here just in case something gets screwed up again.

Here are the updated scripts you can use with all kernels except #177, #179 and #188. -> see above marked xm at the end.

if you want back to default or disable a certain option ... simply delete the script in /system/etc/init.d



  • init_d_2d_304_xm.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 172
  • init_d_2d_gpu_default_xm.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 171
  • init_d_400_fc.zip
    139,4 KB · Aufrufe: 176
  • init_d_400_fc_xm.zip
    139,4 KB · Aufrufe: 149
  • init_d_default_fc.zip
    139,4 KB · Aufrufe: 170
  • init_d_default_fc_xm.zip
    139,4 KB · Aufrufe: 165
  • init_d_gpu_control.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 185
  • init_d_gpu304.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 195
  • init_d_gpu304_xm.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 186
  • init_d_gpu400.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 159
  • init_d_gpu400_xm.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 165
  • init_d_s2w_3b.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 181
  • init_d_usb_fastcharge.zip
    139,1 KB · Aufrufe: 158
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jap. Läuft super. Habe ihn schon paar Tage drauf mit Viper und bin begeistert. Super Arbeit.

Gesendet von meinem HTC One X
Ist geil der Kernel. Hab in etwas OC (1,55ghz) und merke keinen unterschied zum CM10.1 Stock Kernel. Mal schauen wie er sich jetzt so im Verbrauch macht :)

#75 ist nun im ersten Beitrag verfügbar.


  • Danke
Reaktionen: Touchscreen-Lover1
Werd ich später mal Probieren :)

Sent from a CyanogenModded One X.

#82 ist nun im ersten Beitrag verfügbar.



Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 18:19 Uhr wurde um 20:06 Uhr ergänzt:


#88 ist nun im ersten Beitrag verfügbar.


  • Danke
Reaktionen: makes2068
Nutze ViperX 3.3.6.

Kernel ist ja re-packed. Brauche ich keine Module?

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 00:04 Uhr wurde um 00:35 Uhr ergänzt:

Hab mal ohne geflashed. Läuft, aber OC nicht möglich via ROM Manager. Hmm

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 00:35 Uhr wurde um 00:54 Uhr ergänzt:

hab Dein baseband geflashed. Jetzt habe ich keinerlei verbindung mehr. Bitte um schnell Hilfe.
Also ich finde den Kernel bisher Klasse.
Läuft rund und smooth auf der Viper.

Allerdings kann auch ich keine OC / UV möglichkeit entdecken. (Nutze System Tuner Pro) wobei es mir eher um das UV gegangen wäre.

Aber nun ja. Läuft auf jeden Fall sehr gut das ding :)

Module werden natürlich die vom original Download Link geflasht,
aber das sollte eigentlich klar sein.

Hier ist das Baseband aus ViperX 3.3.6: Endeavoru_Radio_5.1204.162.29.zip (7,52 MB) - uploaded.to


OC geht nicht, aber UV geht ganz normal in System Tuner im Voltage Tab.


Bei mir läuft der Kernel seit gestern ohne jegliche Probleme,
allerdings habe ich auch nicht undervoltet oder andere Dingen verändert.

Einfach nur geflasht (+FastCharge Script) und laufen lassen ;)


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: makes2068

#94 ist verfügbar.


  • Danke
Reaktionen: wikie
OC hab ich jetzt auch. Mit dem #75 hatte ich nicht mal ein Voltage Table in System Tuner. Nach flashen des neuen hatte ich es dann.

Jetzt mal den #94 mal eben drauf klatschen.

#95 ist nun online.


Habt ihr auch das Problem, dass der Takt bei angeschaltetem Bildschirm nicht unter 340MHz geht? Aktuelle #95...

#96 ist verfügbar.



Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 18:01 Uhr wurde um 18:55 Uhr ergänzt:

neandertaler19 schrieb:
Habt ihr auch das Problem, dass der Takt bei angeschaltetem Bildschirm nicht unter 340MHz geht? Aktuelle #95...


habe jetzt den #96 drauf und da geht er auf 51MHz runter.


neandertaler19 schrieb:
Habt ihr auch das Problem, dass der Takt bei angeschaltetem Bildschirm nicht unter 340MHz geht? Aktuelle #95...

Nein mit 96 geht 51mhz ganz normal ;)
Hab ihn mir auch mal geflasht, super Kernel.
M!dN!ght schrieb:
Hab ihn mir auch mal geflasht, super Kernel.


meinst du den 97er, der seit eben verfügbar ist ;)


Ne hab noch den 96

#100 ist verfügbar.



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