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starbase64 schrieb:Hallo,
in Sense Roms funktioniert MHL jetzt, deshalb bin ich wieder zurück zu ViperX.
Habe den XM #226 heute mal auf Gaming gestellt und Real Racing in höchster Auflösung gespielt.
Läuft sehr gut, die Dateien für die höchste Auflösung habe ich angehängt,
einfach auf der SD Karte entpacken und loslegen.
Sample Video ist hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oJc_O5UcEc
Real Racing 3 modding Thread: [Game] Real Racing 3 Na+Row ---> GFX patch - xda-developers
Shan89 schrieb:UPDATE On PMC governor v6 and i guess you can call it v7 >.> , anyway theres 2 versions now !
PMC V7 INTERACTIVE Version ( Performance version )
Lol don't get confused you're still gonna edit PMC governor and use TRICKSTER MOD App for changing all these settings.
boost_freq 700000
ideal_freq 500000
max_cpu_load 75
min_cpu_load 40
Sampling_rate 300000
touch_poke_freq 700000
Everything else leave as it is.
Use ROW scheduler
Max CPU freq set on 1000
Min CPu freq leave at 25
Multicore power saving use 2
Reduce GPU speed from default 520 to 416 ( you can do this also with Trickster app )
The most used freqs should be these and you can check this either with CpySpy or trickster app
Less used freqs should be:
For tunning all this please use *Trickster MOD app*
Q What's the difference between this and stock PMC settings that come with XM Kernel?
A This settings of PMC Governor should / will deliver you the performance 90% identical to Interactive governor with much much less battery drain ! , this settings can be / should be used for those who MULTITASK alot , this settings should give you 95% lag free experience whatever you do except gaming !
This things i've done to test this settings:
Facebook chatting and hanging on the FB.
XDA App browsing reading etc.
Sms chatting
Browsing with the browser with DESKTOP SITE ENABLED and FLASH PLAYER ENABLED thru the heavily bloated sites ( Only for Iba21) , sucha are *download.com* , *GSM Arena* * Verge* and in the meantime switching between facebook , xda , sms , call , browser , trickster app .
And the way Interactive version works is this:
It tends to jump between 25,51,300,500 freqs almost every 7 sec ( Btw those are the Low Power core FREQS so they barely use any real power ) when screen on and when touching the screen 700 when loading things 800/1000, when screen off it will be using 100% deep sleep freq so don't worry. Also it tends to call more often 3-4 cores then battery saving version So you wont lack any speed with this setup on PMC while still saving lots of battery , not as much as battery saving setup but you should be hitting avarage 5-6hrs screen on time.
boost_freq 700000
ideal_freq 300000
max_cpu_load 90
min_cpu_load 50
Sampling_rate 400000
touch_poke_freq 700000
Everything else leave as it is.
Use SiO scheduler
Max CPU freq set on 1100
Min CPu freq leave at 25
Multicore power saving use 2
Reduce GPU speed from default 520 to 416 ( you can do this also with Trickster app )
The most used freqs should be these and you can check this either with CpySpy or trickster app
Less used freqs should be:
For tunning all this please use *Trickster MOD app*
For extreme battery life and LOW performance please don't change anything except these things listed under
For this extreme battery life only change this and NOTHING else:
Max Cpu freq 1100
Min Cpu freq 25
Governor = PMC
Scheduler = SiO
Gpu clock 416 ( Use TRICKSTER APP for this or root explorer )
Multicore power saving set to 2
That's it ! Enjoy !
Could ya please add the link of this page to the OP so i don't have to repeat myself every now and then >.> Thx !
Try Interactive version , i'm sure you wont be disappointed
@others who gonna try this setups
Please leave the replay so i can know is everything working as it should , thx !
And here are the screenshots after the 1st flash of xm 241# and nandbackup of viper x and PMC Interactive setup :
Not bad imo considering we've got huge boost with PMC. + i had 27mins of talk time , that sh1t tends to use lots of juice. So .. battery should be even batter after the kernel settle down.