[Kernel] für ICS 4.0.3/4.0.4

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Welcher Kernel läuft bei euch

  • Umfrageteilnehmer
also doch touchen nicht approachen
hatte mich schon gewundert
Aktualisiert !! :thumbup:

  • ICS Kernel Benchmarks Nexus S
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL] SG-NS-ICS - 17-01-2012 - 11UV|Voodoo|BFQ|BIGMEM|BLN|BLD|BLX|TW|Lazy|3.0.17
Change log:

New Add-on 17012012

- Change boot script to use stock voltage instead of Undervolt. *Requires busybox to be installed
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL] SG-NS-ICS - 17-01-2012 - 11UV|Voodoo|BFQ|BIGMEM|BLN|BLD|BLX|TW|Lazy|3.0.17
Change log:

SG-NS-ICS_17012012.zip and SG-NS-ICS_17012012_HIGH_HZ.zip
- New CPU Governors: Lagfree, MinMax, Smartassv2, InteractiveX and Lulzactivev2

Steht bei Experimental !
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL]*Matr1x* with BLN and voodoo v14.5 | ICS - 4.0.3
CFS - colors

BFS - colors
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [Kernel 3.1.9-ICUP] { NS & NS4G } 1/18/2012 ( Speedy-5 )
**** ->>> Ice Cream Universal Product <<<-->>> ICUP Kernel Edition <<<- ****
~ Updated Kernel Version to 3.1.9-ICUP
~ OTA ICS Compatible + Newer Custom Rom's
~ OC now Stable up to 1.44GHz ( GPU FB Fixed as well at this speed )
~ Live OC Supported (limited to 115%, anything over that wont take effect)
~ Data Corruption is now Fixed
~ Reboots Fixed
~ 100Mhz Screen on Idle Fixed
~ GPS Tweaks is unknown via NS4G User at this current time.
~ ro.secure=0
~ Voodoo Sound
~ Voodoo Color
~ BLD Supported
~ BLN Supported
~ Touch-wake Supported
~ Deep Idle ( DIDLE ) Not to be confused with Ezekeel Deep_Idle Mod
~ BT Sleep ( Needs Patched Rom to work correctly )
~ Stock Voltage
~ Added Bigmem patch
~ TUN is now built-in
~ CIFS is now built-in
~ Battery 100% fix ( Only Cosmetic, still stops charging at 96% like all android Devices )
~ NSTools Supported
~ added dm-cache
~ kernel:sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg
~ BFQ Supported
~ CFQ Supported
~ SIO Supported
~ Noop Supported
~ Deadline Supported
~ readahead edits
~ block: limit default readahead size for small devices
~ ext4 edits
~ init.d Supported
~ *Governors Supported* ~
* lulzactive
* minmax
* lazy
* smartassV2
* smartass
* interactive
* conservative
* ondemand
* userspace
* powersave
* scary ( Fixed Sleep of Death )
* performance
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [Kernel 3.1.9-ICUP] Alpha Speedy-6
Here's a n Alpha Speedy-6
LCD Voltage dropped abit
v(r) IO
Lagfree + interactivex
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:

Franco ist wieder da !:thumbsup:
  • [KERNEL][GPL][22 JAN] franco.Kernel | 3.0.8 | Cookies Inside
* Full ramdisk with the proper mounting flags for extreme speed
* Conservative tweaked with the same winning values as in the Galaxy Nexus - works marvelously well in my initial testing
* SLQB memory allocator
* Kernel stripped from debug shit and useless options like cgroups, autogroup or swap just to name a few
* TinyRCU as being the obvious choice
* CRC32 lib updated
* I/O-less dirty throttling completely backported from kernel 3.2 - more info here: Linux 3.2 - Linux Kernel Newbies
* Ext4 with 3.2 patches - more info here Linux 3.2 - Linux Kernel Newbies
* Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP - by Google - more info here Linux 3.2 - Linux Kernel Newbies
* Fsync() to oblivion just like I had in the GB kernels
* More shit that can be seen in my source tree
* Init.d support in the ramdisk

What is not coming:
* Overclock - this crap is fast enough, we don't need overclock. I want to build a stable kernel that actually works. If you want overclock you can move outta here
* Live_oc, deep idle - no need for those, as far as I can see they've been causing more trouble than they are worth. If you want them you have plenty of other options to choose from
* OmfgSUperMegaGovernorThatDoesOver9000SCOREZ - sorry, it won't happen, conservative does the job just like I want it to. Like above, if you want new governors you can choose another kernel
* Most of the other so known mods are not coming either otherwise this will be another kernel just like the other ones. My approach here will be different. Like above, if you like this, good. You don't like it, well theres plenty of other options

What IS coming in future builds:
* Voodoo drivers - they are a must indeed
* Undervolt interface - yes please
* The obvious tun/cifs/nfs options
* More debug disabled - I still left out some obvious crap like frame_pointer etc. Will be removed soon
* Again something else I don't remember at this moment
* franco.Kernel updater app support for easy kernel downloads/changelogs/special kernel settings
Also hat der franco.kernel Voodoo noch nicht integriert? Klingt ansonsten ziemlich gut, ich glaub ich trau mich mal den Wechsel von Matr1x zum franco. Jedoch brauche ich Voodoo Control :)
zotac schrieb:
Also hat der franco.kernel Voodoo noch nicht integriert? Klingt ansonsten ziemlich gut, ich glaub ich trau mich mal den Wechsel von Matr1x zum franco. Jedoch brauche ich Voodoo Control :)

What IS coming in future builds:
* Voodoo drivers - they are a must indeed
Kommt bestimmt im nächsten update :D.
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL][23 JAN] GLaDOS V2.9
  • Fixed two small bugs in LiveOC.
  • Fixed small bug in Lazy.
  • Reduced display frequency back to stock settings.
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL]*Matr1x* with BLN and voodoo v15.0 | ICS - 4.0.3

v15.0 Updated kernel base to 3.0.17, added the Wheatley governor by Ezekeel, BFQ, USB OTG support, and any Ezekeel bug fixes.

  • [KERNEL][23 JAN] GLaDOS V2.9 - Reboot problems fixed? Try test kernel!
Today, 12:43 AM
Everybody still having reboot problems with V2.9 please try the test kernel.


  • Fixed two small bugs in LiveOC.
  • Fixed small bug in Lazy.
  • Reduced display frequency back to stock settings.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL] SG-NS-ICS - 24-01-2012 - 11UV|Voodoo|BFQ|BIGMEM|BLN|BLD|BLX|TW|Lazy|3.0.17
Change log:

SG-NS-ICS_24012012-NoFSYNC.zip and SG-NS-ICS_24012012_HIGH_HZ-NoFSYNC.zip
- Added V(r) IO Scheduler
- Tweaked deadline IO for flash devices
- Tweaked conservative governor
- IO backport from 3.2
- ext4 backport from 3.2
- ext4 tweaks
- optimized sha1, memcopy, string libs
- TCP tweaks
- Added USB-OTG
- and more ...

  • [Kernel 3.1.10-ICUP] { NS & NS4G } 1/24/2012 ( Speedy-6 )
**** ->>> Ice Cream Universal Product <<<-->>> ICUP Kernel Edition <<<- ****
~ Updated Kernel Version to 3.1.10-ICUP
~~ Updated to 3.1.10
~~ USB Tethering Fixed
~~ CFQ I/O By Default now
~~ misc Fixes
~~ Camera Fixed for NS4G Users
~~ VR I/O Added
~~ LCD Voltage Drop
~~ Lagfree Governor
~~ Interactivex Governor
~ OTA ICS Compatible + Newer Custom Rom's
~ OC now Stable up to 1.44GHz ( GPU FB Fixed as well at this speed )
~ Live OC Supported (limited to 115%, anything over that wont take effect)
~ Data Corruption is now Fixed
~ Reboots Fixed
~ 100Mhz Screen on Idle Fixed
~ GPS Tweaks is unknown via NS4G User at this current time.
~ ro.secure=0
~ Voodoo Sound
~ Voodoo Color
~ BLD Supported
~ BLN Supported
~ Touch-wake Supported
~ Deep Idle ( DIDLE ) Not to be confused with Ezekeel Deep_Idle Mod
~ BT Sleep ( Needs Patched Rom to work correctly )
~ Stock Voltage
~ Added Bigmem patch
~ TUN is now built-in
~ CIFS is now built-in
~ Battery 100% fix ( Only Cosmetic, still stops charging at 96% like all android Devices )
~ NSTools Supported
~ added dm-cache
~ kernel:sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg
~ BFQ Supported
~ CFQ Supported
~ SIO Supported
~ Noop Supported
~ Deadline Supported
~ readahead edits
~ block: limit default readahead size for small devices
~ ext4 edits
~ init.d Supported
~ *Governors Supported* ~
* lulzactive
* minmax
* lazy
* smartassV2
* smartass
* interactive
* conservative
* ondemand
* userspace
* powersave
* scary ( Fixed Sleep of Death )
* performance

Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [Kernel 3.1.10-ICUP] { NS & NS4G } 1/26/2012 ( Speedy-7 ) No Conflict
**** ->>> Ice Cream Universal Product <<<-->>> ICUP Kernel Edition <<<- ****
~ Updated Kernel Version to 3.1.10-ICUP
~~~ Fixed issues with MIUI & Other Rom's
~~~ GPS 100% Fixed for NS4G Users
~~~ Tweaked Conservative Gov.
~~~ Tweaked lulzactive Gov.
~~~ Added brazilianwax Gov.
~~~ Added intellidemand Gov.
~~~ Added lionheart Gov.
~~~ Added ondemandx Gov.
~~~ Added savagedzen Gov.
~~~ Added Wheatley Gov.
~~ Updated to 3.1.10
~~ USB Tethering Fixed
~~ CFQ I/O By Default now
~~ misc Fixes
~~ Camera Fixed for NS4G Users
~~ VR I/O Added
~~ LCD Voltage Drop
~~ Lagfree Governor
~~ Interactivex Governor
~ OTA ICS Compatible + Newer Custom Rom's
~ OC now Stable up to 1.44GHz ( GPU FB Fixed as well at this speed )
~ Live OC Supported (limited to 115%, anything over that wont take effect)
~ Data Corruption is now Fixed
~ Reboots Fixed
~ 100Mhz Screen on Idle Fixed
~ GPS Tweaks is unknown via NS4G User at this current time.
~ ro.secure=0
~ Voodoo Sound
~ Voodoo Color
~ BLD Supported
~ BLN Supported
~ Touch-wake Supported
~ Deep Idle ( DIDLE ) Not to be confused with Ezekeel Deep_Idle Mod
~ BT Sleep ( Needs Patched Rom to work correctly )
~ Stock Voltage
~ Added Bigmem patch
~ TUN is now built-in
~ CIFS is now built-in
~ Battery 100% fix ( Only Cosmetic, still stops charging at 96% like all android Devices )
~ NSTools Supported
~ added dm-cache
~ kernel:sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg
~ BFQ Supported
~ CFQ Supported
~ SIO Supported
~ Noop Supported
~ Deadline Supported
~ readahead edits
~ block: limit default readahead size for small devices
~ ext4 edits
~ init.d Supported
~ *Governors Supported* ~
* lulzactive
* minmax
* lazy
* smartassV2
* smartass
* interactive
* conservative
* ondemand
* userspace
* powersave
* scary ( Fixed Sleep of Death )
* performance
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL][GPL][26 JAN] franco.Kernel | 3.0.8 | #1.2 | VOODOO | BLN | Cookies Inside
* Conservative tweaked a little bit again. Taken from my GN kernel changelog: what I did this time is pretty simple, this governor now only jumps between min frequency and max frequency. Why this? Because I want to minimize any kind of lag that "can" happen when polling and then ramping up step by step to max frequency. To balance the battery/performance ratio I increased the ramp_up threshold from 60% to 80% CPU load, which means that while it doesn't use the other steps (in the 400min-1000max scenario, since it's the default and the one that I recommend) it will ramp less times to max frequency.
* Added Voodoo stuff - have fun
* BLN added since I quite missed it too
* Debug shit ripped off - moar speed \o/
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL] Air Kernel v2.5 [29-01-2012] [SMOOTH|SIMPLE|SPEEDY|MOD|ETC...]
Features :
- Based on Linux Kernel 3.0.17 (ICS 4.0.3)
- Touch Wake
- Custom Voltage
- Voodoo Sound V10 ☞ supercurio
- Governor : Ondemand, Conservative, Performance, Lazy, Smartass, SmartassV2, LulzactiveV2, Intellidemand, InteractiveX, Scary, Lagfree, Minmax
- Scheduler : CFQ, Simple I/O, V(R), Deadline, Noop
- Overclocking to 1.4Ghz
- Live OC
- Cpuidle backport from 3.2 kernel
- 65 fps
- Blue Colors
- init.d support
- USB OTG support
- Great Battery Life!
- CIFS, TUN support
- SLQB memory allocator
- Optimized CRC32 algorithm
- ARM RWSEM algorithm
- More TWEAKS ...
Aktualisiert, 3.x.x Custom Kernel !! :thumbup:
  • [KERNEL]*Matr1x* with BLN and voodoo v15.5 | ICS - 4.0.3
Features :
-Updated kernel base to 3.0.18
-I/O Backport from 3.2 kernel
-USB OTG build 5
-some ext4 tweaks
-65 FPS hack
-conservative governor + tweaks
-v(R) I/O scheduler

  • [KERNEL] Air Kernel v2.6 [30-01-2012] [SMOOTH|SIMPLE|SPEEDY|VOODOO|MODS|ETC...]
Features :
- Based on Linux Kernel 3.0.17 (ICS 4.0.3)
- Touch Wake
- Custom Voltage
- Voodoo Colors, Voodoo Sound V10 ☞ supercurio TwitterVoodoo Control plus on Android market
- Governor : Ondemand, Conservative, Performance, Lazy, Smartass,
SmartassV2, LulzactiveV2, Intellidemand, InteractiveX, Scary, Lagfree, Minmax
- Scheduler : CFQ, Simple I/O, V(R), Deadline, Noop
- Overclocking to 1.4Ghz
- Live OC
- Cpuidle backport from 3.2 kernel
- 65 Fps
- Blue Colors
- init.d support
- USB OTG support (Build 5)
- Great Battery Life!
- CIFS, TUN support
- SLQB memory allocator
- Optimized CRC32 algorithm
- ARM RWSEM algorithm
- More TWEAKS ...
Aktualisiert !! ;)

ICS Kernel Benchmarks Nexus S

Habe hier mal eine Info gefunden über die Geschwindigkeit, Governor, Scheduler und Features (Benchmarks) der ICS Kernels.

Habe im Moment das kangy v9 drauf die auch sehr gut läuft.
Allerdings fehlt mir hierbei bln.
Welcher Kernel ist denn sehr stock nah und unterstützt bln?
Kann leider gerade nicht so gut suchen weil ich unterwegs bin und die Suche in Tapatalk nicht so komfortabel ist.


Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk

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