- 17.632
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Kernel features:
blu_spark hammerhead - xda-developers DevDB
Wenn man von einem anderen Kernel kommt empfiehlt es sich zuerst seine Rom nochmal dirty zu flashen, um Probleme zu vermeiden.
Reflash Rom -> flash SuperSU -> Booten und BusyBox installieren -> blu_spark flashen_spark.
Android 6 "Marshmallow":
Um Root zu erlangen und Bootloops zu vermeiden nach dieser Anleitung vorgehen: [How-To] Marshmallow 6.0 manuell rooten
Im Anschluss den Kernel flashen.
Zudem sollte man Kernel Apps vorab deinstallieren oder deren Daten löschen.
Source Code: engstk / hammerhead | GitLab
Kernel features:
- Powered by Ubuntu 14.04.3 x86_64 (sparky VPS @ www.servercore.com.br - thanks @ChristianLetti)
- Build with custom toolchain blu_naro-5.3 (cortex-a15 neon-vfpv4 hard-float targeted, build with latest Crosstool-NG from developer snapshot Linaro GCC 5.3-2015.12)
- Full -O3 support with device and target flags enhanced, linaro build improvements, etc
- Less is more: stockish builds based on android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-marshmallow-mr1
- Kernel compressed with XZ, custom tweaked RAMdisk with GZIP (faster boot times)
- Removed some debug and logging options
- Enhanced performance and battery patches
- Several CPU Governors (blu_active own governor is default)
- Voltage Control UV_mV_table (UV down to 700mV possible)
- Enhanced TCP methods (westwood is default), Network and Wifi tweaks
- Several I/O control (FIOPS is default), tweaked filesystems (F2FS, ExFAT, NTFS & CIFS available)
- Removed stock mpdecision and thermald
- blu_plug: Dynamic hotplug for hammerhead, with screenoff battery saving (max dual core @ max_freq 1190400)
- msm_thermal simple driver (default 65º C threshold)
- Optimized RWSEM, AES and SHA1 routines (with neon support)
- Vibrator Strength tunable (60% default)
- KGSL fixes and reworked GPU driver (removed doubled freqs, goes to idle @ 27MHz), Simple GPU Governor by default
- Gamma Control and KCAL - Advanced color control for Qualcomm MDSS (RGB calibration and post-processing features)
- Backlight dimmer ready (disabled by default, tuned min manual brightness - level 3)
- USB automount (ROM must support it, otherwise use stickmount)
- CDROM emulation added to mass_storage (Drive Droid compatible)
- Kexec (multirom) full support
- doubletap2wake available (0:disabled, 1:enabled, 2:enabled fullscreen), option to disable with power button or after wake_timeout
- USB Fast Charge (USB mode up to 900mA with MTP, Increase battery charging current to use higher input current on AC mode, proprietary charger detection
- init.d support (busybox run-parts required), Kernel cleaner script
- Compatible with Kernel Adiutor, Universal Kernel Manager and others
blu_spark hammerhead - xda-developers DevDB
Wenn man von einem anderen Kernel kommt empfiehlt es sich zuerst seine Rom nochmal dirty zu flashen, um Probleme zu vermeiden.
Reflash Rom -> flash SuperSU -> Booten und BusyBox installieren -> blu_spark flashen_spark.
Android 6 "Marshmallow":
Um Root zu erlangen und Bootloops zu vermeiden nach dieser Anleitung vorgehen: [How-To] Marshmallow 6.0 manuell rooten
Im Anschluss den Kernel flashen.
Zudem sollte man Kernel Apps vorab deinstallieren oder deren Daten löschen.
Source Code: engstk / hammerhead | GitLab
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