[Kernel] ElementalX 4.09 [5.1.x] // 6.27 [6.0.1] // 8.00 [7.1.1]

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Was schätzt ihr wie lang es dauert bist der 0.40-cm kommt?
Der Dev ist an der Arbeit... Er meinte, dass er zwei AOSP Versionen bringt, um Bugs zu beseitigen...
Andere haben auch schon die 0.40 auf CM geflasht und keine Fehler gehabt... Aber dafür übernehm ich natürlich keine Garantie ;)

Zur Info:

c3v1t schrieb:
On CM11 Nightly 0526 and 0527, the kernel 0.40 is working with no problems, BT, WiFi, GPS are working well.
I don't see battery rain with some calls, some play, Pebble always connected with notification, some use of BT handset, data is working great.

Kernel settings almost standard, undervolt to 750.

Have a nice day!

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Reaktionen: Neophyte79
ich hab es heute versucht mit CM und natürlich ging es nicht. Also wartet lieber!
wissenaufdiesem schrieb:
ich hab es heute versucht mit CM und natürlich ging es nicht. Also wartet lieber!

Wie gesagt, ich übernehme keine Garantie. Bei xda hatten einige gemeint, dass es geht, das hab ich auch so gepostet. Da ich keine CM Rom in Betrieb habe, kann ich das nicht ausprobieren
Woran kann es liegen, dass ich bei mir den 0.40 nicht installieren kann?
Nach dem Flashen komme ich beim Booten nicht weiter als bis zum Google Logo. Nach ein paar Sekunden bootet das Gerät neu und es wiederholt sich.
Bist nicht zufällig auf CM, oder? Der 0.40er ist erst mal nur für AOSP.
Hattest du vorher nen anderen Kernel geflasht? Dann erst mal das ROM neu drüber flashen und danach den Elemetnal Kernel.
Darüber weiß ich Bescheid. Nein, ich bin nicht auf CM, nutze den ElementalX schon lange und hatte dieses Problem noch nie.
Hab auch mal vorsichtshalber von einem anderen Mirror neu geladen - selbes Problem.
Zurück auf 0.38 und es läuft wieder normal.

Edit: Mittlerweile gibt es 0.41, da geht wieder alles ohne Probleme.
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Update auf 0.41

flar2 schrieb:

0.40 works great, I made a few more experimental changes in this one, let's see how it goes.

There is now an app to control Wake Gestures thanks to [MENTION=5008415]C3C076[/MENTION] (official thread and download: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/modules/app-wake-gestures-v1-0-t2768266)

To use, you must select wake_gestures and select some gestures during kernel installation AND install Xposed and the Wake Gestures module above.

It works very well. Instead of simply turning on the screen, you can assign various actions to each wake gesture. For example, you could make doubletap unlock the phone, or sweep down turn on the flashlight, or sweep left open your browser.

It still drains battery just the same as doubletap and sweep2wake always have on this device. As always, I suggest you use the timeout feature to minimize drain.

The other change in this version is the wake_timeout no longer flashes the screen on and off

Installer has been re-arranged a bit, and some defaults have been changed.

CM/CAF version is delayed due to possible instability

Download (Stock/AOSP):

-new wake timeout method
-various fixes and optimizations
-stereo call recording support (untested)
-update installer
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Akeel1994, TH3Embarcadero, BorussenTobi und eine weitere Person
Habe im Kernel die Einstellung aktiviert, dass die Helligkeit etwas niedriger sein soll (BL=1). Habe nun festgestellt, dass seither das Display immer wieder ganz kurz flackert (also die Helligkeit erhöht, vermutlich auf das normale Niveau). Hat das von euch auch schon jemand beobachtet?

edit: Problem gefunden: lag an den Helligkeitseinstellungen von GravityBox.

Noch ne Frage: warum funktioniert mit Display Control 'set colors on boot' nicht?
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Kann das sein, dass der 443 im System auf die Bremse tritt? Hatte den geflasht und danach kamen einige Verzögerungen...
Der Titel sollte so langsam mal aktualisiert werden :D

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 22:31 Uhr wurde um 22:31 Uhr ergänzt:

Also bei mir ist alles noch genauso schnell wie vorher... Fast sogar noch schneller :o

-Fix slimport not enabled
-A few small tweaks
-Update and fixes to installer

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SETTINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!




-update installer
-various tweaks and optimizations
-fix slimport irq not enabled
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und adl
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: c@p, Bödi, razooor und 2 andere
ElementalX Kernel 1 "Experimental" is released:
[KERNEL] [June 14] ElementalX-N5-0.45 - Post #9764 - XDA

Kurzes Zitat:
I started from scratch, only keeping the patches I think are worthwhile. All features are the same as before, just a bit leaner and closer to stock.
Also etwa:
Ich habe mal ganz von vorne angefangen und nur die Patches (Dinge) behalten, die es meiner Meinung nach wert sind. Alle Features sind die gleichen, aber insgesamt ist der neue Kernel etwas näher am Stock Kernel gehalten.

Ist also nicht die offizielle 1.0 Version des bisherigen Kernels, sondern eher der Start eines neuen Kernels, basierend auf dem ElementalX, daher auch der Titel "Experimental".


Update ARM topology and add cpu_power driver
arm: lz4: faster boot-up process.
lz4: fix compression/decompression signedness mismatch
lib/lz4: correct the LZ4 license
crypto: add lz4 Cryptographic API
lib: add lz4 compressor module
arm: add support for LZ4-compressed kernel
lib: add support for LZ4-compressed kernel
decompressor: add LZ4 decompressor module
Wake Timeout: fix dependency
Wake gestures: adjust sweep length and doubletap timeout
Wake Gestures interface and other options for S2W/S2S/DT2W
Disable by default and remove leftovers
disable s2w/dt2w after timeout
fix unbalanced irq_wake
Make power button also disable irq_wake in touch driver
fullscreen option
doubletap2wake: back to full screen, make a bit more sensitive
restrict to bottom of screen, reduce feather radius, shorten time window, disabl
drivers/input/touchscreen/sweep2wake: Fix compilation with earlysuspend
drivers/input/touchscreen/doubletap2wake: Fix compilation with earlysuspend
Prevent touches during phone calls
Add option for sweep2sleep only
Option to disable touch wake with power button
dt2w: fix triple tap to wake occuring sometimes
s2w: abort on multitouch events early
add doubletap2wake, completely rewritten on the s2w template
sweep2wake: remove distinction between S2W and DT2W defines
sweep2wake: update header information
sweep2wake/doubletap2wake/touchscreen: Prepare for dt2w
s2w: rename version file so we don't conflict with dt2w, driver versions, etc
touch_synaptics: don't wait for irq events to be handled, just disable the irq
touch_synaptics: remove wakeup procedure for i2c device
touch_synaptics_ds5: don't wait for irq events to be handled, just disable the i
touch_synaptics_ds5: remove wakeup procedure for i2c device
sweep2wake: cleanup header file
sweep2wake: disabled as default, enable it over apps/sysfs
sweep2wake: disable debugging
touch_synaptics_ds5: i2c_read: auto retry 10 times before erroring out The i2c d
touch_synaptics: i2c_read: auto retry 10 times before erroring out The i2c devic
touch_synaptics: bring on par with touch_synaptics_ds5
sweep2wake: we no longer need irq_wake. remove it. Also clean up variable declar
sweep2wake & touchscreens: replaced flawed irq_wake procedures with linux functi
sweep2wake: massive update, bring on par with s2w2 except algorithm
mdss_dsi_panel: keep the panel gpio active and don't trigger a reset
mdss_dsi: do not power down panel when sweep2wake is enabled In order to detect
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics_ds5: fix epic c&p fails for irq_wake i
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics: patch with sweep2wake hooks as well
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics_ds5: add missing irq_wake controls and
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics_ds5: re-add android_touch kobj
sweep2wake: add irq_wake indicator
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics_ds5: add screen suspend indicator
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics_ds5: add reset code on finger release
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics_ds5: disable suspend if sweep2wake is
sweep2wake: backport per device settings from sweep2wake2 (like pwr btn choice t
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics_ds5: add is_single_touch & s2w detecti
sweep2wake: add qpnp-power-on hooks for the power key
add sweep2wake source files
drivers/input/touchscreen/touch_synaptics_ds5.c: No suspend irq
Update to latest F2FS
FS: import F2FS
ARM: dts: msm: increase adsp heap size for msm8974
stereo call recording support
arm/dt: msm8974: Increase "ib" values for VIDC DDR bandwidth request
net: loopback: set default mtu to 64K
slimbus: overclock root freq
[cpufreq_elementalx] Rework and clean up
[cpufreq_elementalx] make sure input boost stuff is disabled
[cpufreq_elementalx] up_threshold doesn't change, make it read_mostly
[cpufreq-elementalx] a little extra boost when load is high
cpufreq_elementalx: very slight boost
cpufreq_elementalx: add counter for more gradual boosting
cpufreq_elementalx: minor adjustments
ElementalX governor
Allow slightly lower brightness (without backlight dimmer mod)
backlight: scale max current when the brightness level is below 15 instead of us
backlight: add minimum backlight brightness module param.
backlight: clean the code.
backlight: fix a bug where the screen would be completely dark or near darkness
Backlight dimmer mod: more gradual transitions
More gradual levels for backlight dimmer mod (based on @MZHou module)
Add backlight dimmer option
Makefile: enable pipe
LCD KCAL: Fix Gamma max value issue
LCD_KCAL: Color Control driver for Nexus 5
msm: mdss: Find a stable sysfs node for the gamma interface
msm: mdss: Use workqueue to send panel commands
msm: mdss: Add hardware revision check
msm: mdss: Send panel commands via separate function
msm: mdss: Finalize gamma interface and cleanup
fixup color preset to work with experimental gamma interface
msm: mdss: Add safety check for user input
msm: mdss: Identify white point in sysfs
msm: mdss: Remove sysfs for unused commands
msm: mdss: distinguish between Gamma RGB polarity Positive/Negative
msm: mdss: Remove tunable for command 32
msm: mdss: Apply commands values without switching screen (off and) on
msm: mdss: Display gamma control
Basic color preset
sound control: add register cache
Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
Change default max screen off frequency to 1190400
Add sysfs entry for max screen off frequency
Change msm-sleeper to use lcd-notifier
Max screen off frequency and shut down cores while screen is off
bump l2 a bit for touchboost freq
Reduce number of cpu frequencies
Use 200MHz GPU frequency
More overclocking options
L2 cache and bus bandwidth overclocking
CPU overclocking
Increase voltage limits
Voltage Control: add sysfs interface
Voltage Control: initial voltage control for MSM Snapdragon 800 SOC
stop_machine: Mark per cpu stopper enabled early
stop_machine: Use smpboot threads
stop_machine: Store task reference in a separate per cpu variable
kthread: Prevent unpark race which puts threads on the wrong cpu
smpboot: Allow selfparking per cpu threads
hotplug: Fix UP bug in smpboot hotplug code
smpboot: Provide infrastructure for percpu hotplug threads
kthread: Implement park/unpark facility
kthread_worker: reimplement flush_kthread_work() to allow freeing the work item
kthread_worker: reorganize to prepare for flush_kthread_work() reimplementation
smpboot, idle: Fix comment mismatch over idle_threads_init()
smpboot, idle: Optimize calls to smp_processor_id() in idle_threads_init()
smp, idle: Allocate idle thread for each possible cpu during boot
smp: Provide generic idle thread allocation
smp: Add generic smpboot facility
msm: kgsl: Report GPU frequency correctly in sysfs
msm: Fix high load average from uninterruptible waits (@cyanogen)
disable crc check
Various small tweaks from morfic and franco
msm: rpm-regulator-smd: fix request suppression policy
try some different settings
bcmdhd: reducir wakelocks
mm: remove swap token code
mm: slub: Default slub_max_order to 0
msm: kgsl: Fix nice level for higher priority GPU start thread
msm: Improve qpnp-vibrator scheduling
msm: mdss: control backlight level during blank and unblank events
gpiomux-8974: Modify direction of suspended GPIO
leds: At disable, set the trigger to default instead of wiping it
msm: thermal: Update to speed up bootup time
lower GPU volt constraints a bit
SELinux: Fix memory leak upon loading policy
block: do not notify urgent request, when flush with data in flight
bcmdhd: decrease rx wakelock time from 500ms to 250ms for testing purposes.
ARM: dts: msm: Increase OCMEM BW request for video decode
ext4: fix memory leak in xattr
usb: gadget: mass_storage: added sysfs entry for cdrom to LUNs
sched: reinitialize rq->next_balance when a CPU is hot-added
tick: Dynamically set broadcast irq affinity
cpuidle: make a single register function for all
af_unix: speedup /proc/net/unix /proc/net/unix has quadratic behavior, and can h
ext4: speed up truncate/unlink by not using bforget() unless needed
tweak fifo_batch
deadline: Allow 0ms deadline latency, increase the read speed
hammerhead kernel: implement always on rgb led support
block: row: Remove warning massage from add_request
Implement kexec-hardboot
msm: kgsl: Add an input handler to power up the GPU on a touch event
msm: kgsl: Allow GPU start to run in a high priority queue
sched: Fix clear NOHZ_BALANCE_KICK
sched: Micro-optimize the smart wake-affine logic
sched: Implement smarter wake-affine logic
sched: Fix select_idle_sibling() bouncing cow syndrome
block: Reserve only one queue tag for sync IO if only 3 tags are available
readahead: make context readahead more conservative
switch do_fsync() to fget_light()
nohz: Reduce overhead under high-freq idling patterns
ARM: 7495/1: mutex: use generic atomic_dec-based implementation for ARMv6+
ARM: 7467/1: mutex: use generic xchg-based implementation for ARMv6+
Revert qualcomm's contributions on mutex.h
PM: Introduce suspend state PM_SUSPEND_FREEZE
softirq: reduce latencies
writeback: Fix occasional slow sync(1)
cpufreq: Manage only online cpus
writeback: fix race that cause writeback hung
sched: add wait_for_completion_io[_timeout]
block: account iowait time when waiting for completion of IO request
writeback: fix writeback cache thrashing
sync: don't block the flusher thread waiting on IO
fix for app-mounted directories (thanks @mkasick)
Input: Send events one packet at a time
fs: sync: enable fsync by default.
fs: sync: add missing return if fsync is disabled from userspace.
Added fsync on/off support.
USB Fast Charge for Nexus 5
Add SIO and FIOPS i/o schedulers
lib/int_sqrt.c: optimize square root algorithm
AIO: Don't plug the I/O queue in do_io_submit()
exFAT support
Add /dev/frandom support
arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines
lib/memcopy: use glibc version
lib/string: use glibc version
Linaro GCC 4.9.1: fix compilation warnings
smd_rpc_sym.c: auto generated
ARM: Use -mcpu=cortex-a15 when targeting MSM Krait CPUs
Adjust Makefiles
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Klarooo
Ja, dass sind alle Änderungen ;)
Habe in meinem Post oben noch kurz was ergänzt, war mir beim posten vorher nicht klar, dass es eher ein "neuer" Kernel ist und nicht die 1.0er des bisherigen!

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