- 6.180
A C H T U N G ::
Flashen auf eigene Gefahr - nur für AOSP-Roms, nicht für CAF-/CM-basierte Roms geeignet!
Der Dev dieses Kernels erhebt für sich den Anspruch, möglichst nahe am Google-Kernel für KitKat zu bleiben und setzt somit auf einen stabilen und weitgehend akkuschonenden Kernel.
- Based on android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-kitkat-mr2
- Stock mpdecision
- Build with Linaro GCC 4.9.1-2014.06 toolchain optimized for Cortex-A15
- LCD_KCAL: Color Control driver
- Faux Sound Control
- Voltage Control
- Kexec-Hardboot support
- Gamma Control
- USB Fast Charge
- Sweep2wake, doubletap2wake, sweep2sleep,
- Prevent touches during phone calls, fullscreen option
- wake timeout
- Option to disable touch wake with power button
- SIO and FIOPS i/o schedulers
- network speed tweak
- exFAT support
- ntfs support enabled
- stereo call recording support
- Fixed some warning
- Always on rgb led support
- Reduce minimum panel brightness
- kgsl: Report GPU frequency correctly
- ...and more on my git..
Linear 2.6 - Jul 23, 2014
Linear Configuration file: set your kernel (credit to flar2)
disable s2w/dt2w after timeout
disable timeout by default
Revert "slimbus: overclock root freq
Linear 2.5 - Jul 19, 2014
Build with Linaro GCC 4.9.1-2014.07 Cortex-A15
Option to disable touch wake with power button
Add option for sweep2sleep only
fullscreen option
Make power button also disable irq_wake in touch driver
fix unbalanced irq_wake
arm/dts: hammerhead: Optimize panel init/uninit sequence
Linear 2.4 - Jul 17, 2014
exFAT support
fs: exfat: Update to v1.2.8
stereo call recording support
slimbus: overclock root freq
msm: thermal: Update to speed up bootup time
softirq: reduce latencies
add gpu simple governor
ntfs support enabled
Linear 2.3 - Jul 11, 2014
ARM: dts: msm: increase adsp heap size for msm8974
arm/dt: msm8974: Increase "ib" values for VIDC DDR bandwidth request
net: loopback: set default mtu to 64K
ARM: dts: msm: Increase OCMEM BW request for video decode
prevent touches during phone calls while screen is off and s2w or dt2w are enabled
revert lge: remove console enabler function call
Linear 2.2 - Jul 9, 2014
Linux 3.40: clean source, close to stock
block: deadline: Optimize for non-rotational
Linaro GCC 4.9.1: fix compilation warnings
bcmdhd: reducir wakelocks
block: row: add magic values
optimized ARM RWSEM algorithm
Revert ofast
ARM: Use -mcpu=cortex-a15 when targeting MSM Krait CPUs
Added sweep2wake, doubletap2wake, sweep2sleep
sound: hack faux sound
Increase size charging percentage Indicator
Linear 2.1 - Jul 1, 2014
Ofast optimization level
Percentage indicator charge when phone is off
ARM/dt: set values minimum panel brightness to 4
mm: push readahead to 512kB
various fixes
Linear 2.0 - Jun 27, 2014
fix miui compatibility
Input: Send events one packet at a time
mdss: dsi: Resolving memory leak in parse dsi commands
leds: leds-qpnp: Set proper flash duration
msm: Improve qpnp-vibrator scheduling
deadline: Allow 0ms deadline latency, increase the read speed
deadline: enable default
Linear 1.9 - Jun 23, 2014
Linux 3.4.94
Add SIO and FIOPS i/o schedulers
fiops: enable default
Reduce minimum panel brightness to 3
msm: kgsl: Allow GPU start to run in a high priority queue
msm: kgsl: Add an input handler to power up the GPU on a touch event
msm: kgsl: Fix nice level for higher priority GPU start thread
msm: kgsl: Schedule adreno_start in a high priority workqueue
- Aktuelle Rom erneut flashen, falls gerade ein anderer Custom Kernel installiert ist
- Kernel flashen - kein Wipe notwendig (auch nicht Wipe Cache oder Wipe Dalvik Cache)
- Reboot
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