[KERNEL/AOSP][3.4.85] UBER |LINARO 4.9.0 & SaberMod 4.9.0 | GPU C 533 MHz | Nightlies

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Fredy Krüger

Fredy Krüger

Fortgeschrittenes Mitglied
Möchte hier meinen Favorit Kernel vorstellen!

Hey Everyone

I'm by no means a pro at kernel building but I've put lots of effort into this kernel so I thought I'd share it with you. After a very long inner conflict period I've decided to post in the android development forum instead of the original android development. I've included features of my own as well as patches and other features of many other top notch kernel developers. I would prefer if you make your way over to my source (link below) and read the commits so you can get to know them and how they have contributed but alas I not that naive enough to think any of you really would actually go and do that so I've included a nice feature list in post 2 with proper credits (at least for the big stuff).

I am a huge fan of giving you options which is why I build my kernel with multiple toolchains for you to test out and decide which option you find works best for you. You'll notice that besides my two favorite toolchains (Linaro 4.9 and SaberMod 4.9.0) I also build a Google 4.8, SaberMod 4.8, Linaro 4.8 kernel about once a week. Give them all a try and decide which you like best!

I frequently get asked if this kernel works with the many AOSP projects. The answer is YES! I haven't found an AOSP ROM yet that won't boot with this kernel. The only potential issue is that the ROM you flashed this kernel with has modified the ramdisk from stock. If that's the case use Goo.im Downloads - Downloading STOCK-BOOT_IMAGE-4.4.2.zip to flash back to stock and then flash my kernel. My kernel uses you ramdisk while flashing for great ROM compatibility but sometimes this backfires.

Do not flash on CM or CM-based ROMs! This kernel is not currently compatible with those "CAF-based" ROMs.

WARNING!!! Even though I don't post anything unless it works (in this case on most if not all AOSP ROMs) I still don't want to be liable for user errors. In other words, if you flash one of these Kernels your warranty is void and I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for any data loss or bricked devices etc.


Linaro 4.9.0 Nightlies

SaberMod 4.8.3/4.9.0 Nightlies
Goo.im Downloads - Browsing UBER

Comprehensive Changelog

If you are unsatisfied with UBER you can uninstall it. Here is the link to the uninstaller Dev-Host - uber_uninstaller_hammerhead.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service


Installation Instructions

1.bestes Resultat bei neuinstalation einer Rom oder mit System format und flash der Rom Gapps (Daten bleiben erhalten)
2. Reboot into recovery (needs to be N5 AOSP 4.4.2 compatible)
3. Flash Kernel Zip
4. Reboot und mal 10 minuten nichts machen
5.Trickster MOD
vom App Store instalieren um alle optionen nutzen zu können (or you can use something else). Don't forget to set on boot!
6. Freuen!!!


Dennis Rassmann - for all of his kernel work. I'm in love with all of his features and you'll find them all in my kernel.
Ayysir - for his wonderful tutorial on making a bash script to build kernels.
Other great kernel devs - I cherry-pick work of all of the kernel greats!
Google - for kernel base and AOSP!
LG - for manufacturing this awesome phone!

UBER Kernel sources can be found at https://github.com/Cl3Kener/UBER-N5

Informational Links
Comprehensive Guide to Android Development
Here is a fantastic guide on "Innards" of Kernels
Building a Bash Script to make Kernels

XDA:DevDB Information
[KERNEL][3.4.85] UBER | LINARO 4.9.0 & SaberMod 4.9.0 | GPU OC 533 MHz | -O3 Graphite, a Kernel for the Google Nexus 5

[KERNEL][3.4.85] UBER | LINARO 4.9.0 & Saber… | Android Forums: Nexus 5 discussions on a broad range of topics ranging from troubleshooting to accessories. Get your questions answered here! - XDA Developers | xda-developers

Kernel Special Features:

Version Information
Status: Stable

Created 2014-01-27
Last Updated 2014-04-02
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: fred2346 und Radagast
Interessante Sache, hatte den Kernel schon mal Anfang des Jahres mit Omni auf meinem Nexus, lief da schon sehr gut aber dann wurde eigentlich von einem Entwicklungsende auf xda berichtet :confused2:

Naja cool auf jeden Fall, dass es jetzt weiter geht und ich werde ihn bei Gelegenheit mal testen.

Danke für den Thread :thumbup:
Unfortunately for personal reasons the OP is having to leave XDA.

Thread closed
Das war der Grund warum der XDA Thread geschlossen wurde!

Seit einer Woche mit Mahdi Rom am laufen kann nur sagen Stabil und Akku schonend ( (immer über 5 ST Screen on) und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten nahezu unendlich .
Achso, also ist der Kernel von damals und es findet in der Tat keine Weiterentwicklung statt!?

EDIT: Ich sollte nicht so faul sein und einfach mal den XDA-Link anklicken und lesen :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Oder Download link:) sind nightlys (alle Versionen) :smile:
Weiter entwickelt wurde er immer nur der Xda Thread war kurz mal closed.
Hier wird leider nicht mehr aktualisiert?
Sind schon länger bei sabermod 4.10 und zig neuen Updates
Und für mich einer der besten Kernel
Blick gerade nicht ganz durch. Gibt ja irgendwie 10 4.10 Versionen, woran liegt das? Welchen sollte man denn dann am besten probieren?
Merci. Aber warum werden denn 3 Versionsnr. gepflegt, wie unterscheiden sich diese? Werd ihn auf jeden Fall mal testen.
Das sind drei unterschiedliche Toolchains, mit denen der Kernel kompiliert wird. Ich empfehle dir,als erstes mal den 4.10er auszuprobieren.
Warum ist hier nix mehr los?
Ich habe den Uber seit gestern mal als Alternative zum Code_Blue drauf und muss sagen, dass ich echt begeistert bin.
Das sind zwar keine Welten an Unterschieden....aber gefühlt würde ich sagen: etwas bessere Performance und auch etwas Akkuschonender.

btw: Ich habe die SM 4.92 faux vom 20.08. am Laufen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Vollanin
Ich würde sagen weil der Kernel so gut läuft das nichts zu meckern ist
  • Danke
Reaktionen: EdgA
konsumhaus schrieb:
Warum ist hier nix mehr los?
Ich habe den Uber seit gestern mal als Alternative zum Code_Blue drauf und muss sagen, dass ich echt begeistert bin.
Das sind zwar keine Welten an Unterschieden....aber gefühlt würde ich sagen: etwas bessere Performance und auch etwas Akkuschonender.

btw: Ich habe die SM 4.92 faux vom 20.08. am Laufen.
Geht mir nicht anders, war nämlich mit den letzten Code-Blue-builds total unzufrieden durch den neuen Governor, der blieb nie auf 300MHz und dadurch saugte sich der Akku ziemlich schnell leer...

Hab auch den SM-4.9.2 mit Mahdi am laufen und bin bis jetzt echt begeistert, nachdem ich paar Sachen in Synapse eingestellt habe. Nur greift die Temperaturdrosselung gar nicht und manchmal weckt die Powertaste das Gerät beim ersten Drücken nicht auf. :rolleyes:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: konsumhaus
Neue Version 3.4.104 ist verfügbar...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: konsumhaus
Cl3Kener;55874692]October 7th, 2014

Well things are really kicking here at UBER! Let me tell you about some of the new things that are happening!

Basketbuild - I signed up for Basketbuild and I am VERY impressed with them! It has great download speeds and a clean and neat appearance. I believe I'll be dropping Dev Host and going with them as the UBER kernel mirror. Check it out my latest N5 files here: https://s.basketbuild.com/devs/Cl3Kener/HAMMERHEAD/

Kernel Compression Change - I've decided to shrink the kernel by XZ so that it is now only 2/3 the size which will allow for faster uploads so I don't sit around typing really long messages for you to read. (I'm sure you'll all be grateful.) Although LZ4 is a faster compression than XZ when it came to booting with uber.cfg and everything else differences in boot time was negligeable (like 1 maybe 2 seconds tops on a 50-60 second boot) LZ4 make a noticeable difference on legacy devices but the raw power of the N5 can uncompress boot.img fast regardless of compression. BTW, kernel compression does in no way influence performance it only influences boot time because it has to be uncompressed and loaded to ram.

Nvidia Power savings - I grabbed a series of patches from NVIDIA to help improve battery. They made changes to some critical blocking code paths which will allow the CPU to relax instead of being stuck spinning. This should lower the load average and power consumption and increase you battery a little bit more. I haven't noticed any change in performance so I'd say these patches are awesome!

Better cpuidle
- Besides the Nvidia stuff I also grabbed some upstream changes dealing with cpu idle in hopes to improve battery life.

Optimized Memcpy - I grabbed some patches meant to improve memcpy or copy of information into memory on Krait-based processor.

EXT4 Speedup - You can see I grabbed a commit to help speed up some EXT4 functions.

Fauxsound config explanations - update faux sound explanations so they make more sense. Hopefully that will help some of you.

Upstream fix for longtime Kernel regression
- This commit is cool because I saw it upstream before any other N5 developer. It appears vfs was getting slower since 3.2.y and this fixes that and was made by Linux Torvalds himself. https://github.com/Cl3Kener/UBER-N5/commit/8beaafbe9bdf6b4feb153ee938b22ba83361691b

Okay well I could keep going since there were some pretty cool little things here and there. You'll see this is quite a long changelog but my time is almost up. Kernels are almost uploaded.


Enjoy the updates!


Main: UBER

Mirror: https://s.basketbuild.com/devs/Cl3Kener/HAMMERHEAD/UBER/



Kernel Changelog

1018cad Makefile: Use Pipe Option
b511363 msm: tspp: use an actual device structure for DMA allocation
5248947 tspp: fix bam irq request preventing sleep
f72d076 msm: tspp: Request IRQs on first use
19df51f msm: tspp: Fix memory leak
16b2831 tspp: Protect against buffer overflow
dc6b128 msm: tspp: Fix usage of physical addresses
48f10cf arch:arm: Use generic rwsem
5544299 ARM: 7494/1: use generic termios.h
c52da3c HID: input: generic hidinput_input_event handler
cdfa739 arm:lib: Correct Neon Flags
4ac2023 USB: storage: ene_ub6250: fix warning for the frame size
58f0495 ARM: 7493/1: use generic unaligned.h
2ed21ef Disable -fconserve-stack on ARM v2
818027c mm: Add NULL check before de-referencing vma
18197cb mm: failslab: Add support to force slab alloc failures based on size.
3b5ff1f kernel: power: Add PM_USERSPACE_FROZEN workqueue
292cf91 freezer: set PF_SUSPEND_TASK flag on tasks that call freeze_processes
cd59062 alarmtimer: Do not check for wake capability in registration
f801c43 ARM: Honor udelay convention for timer-based delay
3c8973f ARM: kgdb: ignore breakpoint instructions from user mode
5d7db2c ARM: Export LoUIS flush
b0a20b3 ARM: mm: adding a check for slab objects in flush_dcache_page
1d895fb ARM: mm: Enable NCSE feature for A15 only
3e9cb13 ARM: mm: enable non-cacheable streaming enhancement
813253e ARM: 7650/1: mm: replace direct access to mm->context.id with new macro
c5885ef ARM: cache-l2x0: get size of outer cache
e61f5f4 ARM: dma: Drop GFP_COMP for DMA-IOMMU memory allocations
ba12177 ARM: mm: cache-l2x0: Implement outer_clean_all()
1e8e9eb ARM: LPAE: Invalidate the TLB for module addresses during translation fault
cbad24af ARM: remove unnecessary dcache_clean_area
95f958f ARM: mm: Skip I-cache invalidate for Cortex-A15 boot
f92ae37 ARM: mm: Remove unnecessary CMO in Cortex A15 startup
0d21e70 ARM: cleanup undefined instruction entry code
978fce4 arch: arm: lib: optimize memcpy for cortex-A15
9680309 kernel/smp.c: use '|=' for csd_lock
f364ad8 smp: enhance power efficiency
a9b1956 hrtimer: enhance power efficiency
cf7063c sched: Trying to reduce power usage
c7c5e3d seqlock: enhance power efficiency
480fe53 cpu: enhance power efficiency
9c26fc5 ARM: including asm-generic/processor.h
075c66f asm-generic: processor.h: adding new header file
cbc6885 llist: defining relaxed version of llist_empty
de6868c asm-generic: relaxed.h: defined relaxed.h
2cf971c sched: defining relaxed version of idle_cpu
dc1dbb3 arm: asm: relaxed.h: defined relaxed.h
bca5d32 arm: atomic.h: defined relaxed atomic_read
a0cc10b lib/lzo: huge LZO decompression speedup on ARM by using unaligned access
bd3083d ARM: 7483/1: vfp: only advertise VFPv4 in hwcaps if CONFIG_VFPv3 is enabled
83f88d7 msm: msm_bus: Suspected fix for deadlock
b82df88 kthread_work: wake up worker only when the worker is idle
535713f ARM: make kernel oops easier to read
2a9876b Defconfig: Set XZ as Kernel Compression
0dca45f vfs: fix bad hashing of dentries
812e1fb persistent_ram: check PERSISTENT_RAM_SIG before writing
7a7ed1b staging: android: persistent_ram: Introduce  persistent_ram_post_init()
76693cc persistent_ram: Remove prz->node
424bf61 msm: peripheral_loader: Use the new request_firmware_direct API
b7eb839 firmware_class: Introduce the request_firmware_direct API
f59e78b input: SynaImage_ds5: Firmware E079 (ORISE)
d42ccd7 kernel/smp.c: quit unconditionally enabling irqs in on_each_cpu_mask().
ae14e08 genirq: Introduce irq_do_set_affinity() to reduce duplicated code
4e49265 arch: arm: TLB invalidate if power collapse gets aborted
0e42e77 Defconfig: Add Memcpy Optimizations
410ea15 arch: arm: lib: optimize memcpy for cortex-A15
fcaa5fe mm: vmscan: when kswapd is awoken due to reclaim by a running task
370f6c8 ext4: Speedup WB_SYNC_ALL pass called from sync(2)
03770e2 ACPI idle, CPU hotplug: Fix NULL pointer dereference during hotplug
b0906ba cpuidle: move field disable from per-driver to per-cpu
1f4225f cpuidle: add checks to avoid NULL pointer dereference
69b01d5 cpuidle: remove unused hrtimer_peek_ahead_timers() call
9092439 cpuidle: remove cross-cpu IPI by new latency request.
Welcher von diesen Kernels ist denn der Beste bzw. warum gibt es so viele verschiedene? o.O
probiere mmal den SM 4.10 faux ...

es gibt soviele weil sie alle mit unterschiedlichen toolchains gebacken werden ...
jedes endgerät reagiert anders auf SM oder Linaro
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Kazama
Mit Linaro gibt es dauernde reboots mit SaberMod läuft es 1A.

Hat wer den Kernel aus dem Google-Ordner probiert?
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