Custom Rom [ ViperOS Extended - 7.1.2 Nougat] für Cubot DINOSAUR

  • 27 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum


Hier findet Ihr in Zukunft immer das aktuelle ViperOS Extended mit den letzten Security Patches.

In Zukunft muss ich die ROMs nicht mehr porten wie bisher und muss warten bis es bei einem ähnlichen Handy was neues gibt, sondern kann diese direkt aus dem Quellcode übersetzen. Ein riesiges Dankeschön an dieser Stelle geht definitiv an @seluce, er hat mir extrem geholfen den notwendigen Device und Vendor Tree zu bauen.
In diesem Zuge haben wir auch gleich noch einen Device Tree für den TWRP erstellt, so dass dieser jetzt auch zeitnah nach einer Veröffentlichung hier bereit stehen wird.

Device und Vendor Tree:
h0sch180 - Overview

Neu Installation:
1. Custom Recovery Booten (Power- und Volume+ Taste) ((TWRP))
2. Lösche Dalvik, Cache, System und Data
3. ROM installieren
4. OpenGapps installieren
5. Optional Magisk / SuperSu installieren
6. Dalvik löschen
7. Handy neustarten

Update Installation:
1. Custom Recovery Booten (Power- und Volume+ Taste) ((TWRP))
2. ROM installieren
3. OpenGapps installieren
4. Optional Magisk / SuperSu installieren
5. Dalvik löschen
6. Handy neustarten

Was geht:
- Alles, bis auf Live-Display

- TWRP 3.3.0 --> TWRP-Recovery Cubot Max V3.3.0

Download ROM:

Download OpenGapps:
The Open GApps Project
(ARM64 --> 7.1 --> Variante)

Download Magisk:

Download SuperSu:

Screenshot_20190501-224944.png Screenshot_20190501-224957.png Screenshot_20190501-225005.png Screenshot_20190501-225012.png Screenshot_20190501-225021.png Screenshot_20190501-225026.png

Wenn Dir meine ROM's gefallen, darfst du meine Arbeit hier auch gerne honorieren.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Herzlichen Dank hoschi,
werde ich auf jeden Fall einmal testen...:1f44d:
ROM ist da!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: wassolldas
Update ist da!!
Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.08.2019
Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.09.2019
Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.10.2019
Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.11.2019
Viper OS läuft sehr gut hoschi - ...(gefühlt) schneller u. reibungsloser als crdroid -> KLASSE, DANKE!!! 👍👏😄 wie ein Jungbrunnen für das Dino...

hier mal n´ paar screenshots...

  • Danke
Reaktionen: h0sch180
Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.12.2019
Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.01.2020
Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.06.2020

   * build/
a84949ede  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
304bd39ec  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
7400fa0f7  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
24183f7f5  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
4a1e99537  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
278fcb5a4  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
10bcd1926  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
9691174e3  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
bbe130c25  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
6d602fcdc  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
ba90b153c  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
d43aa5a63  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
89e3eeacc  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
b10ed9aad  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/base/
4d3353e98cb  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
c06673e91f1  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
586f242a041  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
dae017c4bb9  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
9d676e0f9e7  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
4b2ad7a6776  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
f6edf7aa38e  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
399025a9319  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
e2242109a01  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
719e77bf578  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
3917c7c34a7  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
3ef1884d234  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
0774828425b  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
223ccbf3ec7  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
cc3cddb7bcd  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
456ab293517  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
914826cef97  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
7c4e484d1c5  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
b32409e6f73  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
29a689423e5  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
cd276336057  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
f0568e483f8  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
2dc324dee0f  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
648d07b34c4  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
b8955442208  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
ae1be474136  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
fe44e7ea1fd  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/native/
73fadab80  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
5e302de55  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
0cb76e5b8  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
3a0b3f1a2  Fix race between SensorManager ctor and callback  [h0sch180]
a05465c35  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
d24c56e51  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
e529a3dee  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]
   * n_asb/
4bbf459da  update  [h0sch180]
ea2ad4340  update  [h0sch180]
   * packages/apps/Settings/
c5e2f12f9a  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
581f238c56  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
c9e8e79bc6  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
9eb979fe62  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
0f852d8fa6  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]
   * system/core/
20269e781  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
2fcbf64f5  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]
Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.07.2020

   * build/
120732527  Bump Security String to 2020-07-05  [h0sch180]
624bbd835  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
5704d3297  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
7d958e6df  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
cce31030d  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
080588b2c  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
f37b14bbb  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
365169c36  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
75b44a929  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
16012bd67  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
ce3f1ef7a  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
5409bee34  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
0073566cd  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
f0f1fb77e  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
dc4856378  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/base/
3867e2d1359  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
ca6cca5a1a3  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
2c663621318  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
8848e6fe755  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
8850add95f2  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
c09509ffe5b  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
58904a029c9  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
0c4fbc0f339  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
520bcd3c05a  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
e0d156cfa3e  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
69caa6736b8  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
6bd54f45df6  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
43ed5f1017f  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
69fffeebbc2  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
afe5d3dbcbb  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
2f744c08780  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
c39d8bab2bb  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
2ddf8b0e754  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
3cfc9f36def  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
4d0117901ea  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
eaeea6a4937  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
51e6ea50fb2  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
ed238a93519  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
baf08090d70  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
5300247c5d6  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
dea2a60f968  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
c0af1527ac7  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/native/
cc9a1ed38  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
fa95a1e11  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
8f38f1954  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
279cb08ac  Fix race between SensorManager ctor and callback  [h0sch180]
5b3e6650b  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
0698ef758  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
b6a735a8f  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]
   * n_asb/
ef47b5856  add n-asb 05-07-2020  [h0sch180]
   * packages/apps/Settings/
c512bab1b5  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
4c47bf99c2  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
918354d371  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
16134aee57  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
5ccdb14273  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]
   * system/core/
9d8f6fca3  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
ac09655b5  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]




























   * android/
3880308  manifest: Track our own dng_sdk  [syphyr]
   * external/chromium-libpac/
0f300f3  Cherry-pick "Refactor Regexp.prototype"  [syphyr]
   * external/dng_sdk/
6859c11  Targeted minimal fix for security issue in CVE-2020-9589.  [syphyr]
   * external/v8/
2060ac7e  [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Cherry-pick "Refactor Regexp.prototype"  [syphyr]


Update ist da!



   * build/
c7f5a97bf  Bump Security String to 2020-08-05  [h0sch180]
b231b4654  Bump Security String to 2020-07-05  [h0sch180]
3d8ee44b7  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
f69434a0c  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
cfbb503a8  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
c7b911905  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
9cf44a7b0  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
d5847acd1  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
8f24c365c  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
3fe603ab5  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
93b3c428c  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
27863d696  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
5491f23ee  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
1cc12b2f7  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
a518db655  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
d7d263767  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/base/
46e360e064b  DO NOT MERGE Prevent ImageWallpaper from keeping crashing  [h0sch180]
2d7e32dcd1a  More fixes towards the race conditions in AMS  [h0sch180]
97f1c05ca34  DO NOT MERGE - Kill apps outright for API contract violations  [h0sch180]
cab91892d8f  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
81ab0a1671f  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
ac8a9956374  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
7ab48988924  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
0edf56aecee  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
4271ca89b68  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
a3600785858  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
9a65d42ec98  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
e129141e02f  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
98ffee42b92  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
4e372524b9a  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
e5b43fd2fa2  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
3d7974745ed  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
e1c83282177  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
90eda5ddaf7  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
57d7a2dd282  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
84944878034  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
a6ad01b5194  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
faddd170083  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
10463ad1291  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
e6430b2f5b0  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
55da57cd838  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
2cc119d1457  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
4a5bc92268e  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
5cf56915560  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
31f030be8f3  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
cfc6141d186  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/native/
aba9af02e  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
4f592d962  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
8b8f66029  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
fe592fd51  Fix race between SensorManager ctor and callback  [h0sch180]
0d05176f5  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
ea280e369  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
d6dc57086  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]
   * n_asb/
021395f8a  add n_asb 2020-08  [h0sch180]
   * packages/apps/Settings/
22b7bcc072  Allows to launch only authenticator owned activities  [h0sch180]
bc9d06d4dd  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
90c45df4dd  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
c9a5ce4f58  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
318644a611  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
d414472271  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]
   * system/core/
b3bd2a87e  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
cb5c958a4  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]




















   * external/gptfdisk/
5742082  ANDROID: Fix heap overflow in sgdisk  [Vasyl Gello]
   * frameworks/av/
9d3a53d79  Fix potential use-after-free issue  [Vasyl Gello]
91188c134  m4v_h263: Return error for zero width and height  [Vasyl Gello]
   * n_asb/
59efd466c  fix2  [h0sch180]
bac1ad10d  fix speedup  [h0sch180]
dbe2a6acc  speedup test  [h0sch180]
ef47b5856  add n-asb 05-07-2020  [h0sch180]










Update ist da!!
Sicherheitsupdate bis 05.09.2020
Update ist da!



   * build/
9d2efe04a  Bump Security String to 2020-10-05  [h0sch180]
6f5c215a0  Bump Security String to 2020-09-05  [h0sch180]
ad8c019fc  Bump Security String to 2020-08-05  [h0sch180]
85dbb85a5  Bump Security String to 2020-07-05  [h0sch180]
2e1662c05  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
c91426765  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
877b0bcaf  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
f32d9f2b1  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
fd0ba73e3  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
0a17d9000  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
1c480810b  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
f9e1852d3  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
8a795c9b4  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
22f20a1fc  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
979407e9a  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
8b75aa92c  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
cea60723d  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
c04feacc1  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/base/
0e360f41768  Add missing isShellUser check  [h0sch180]
26ee53c74c4  DO NOT MERGE: Verify INSTALL_PACKAGES permissions when adding installer package  [h0sch180]
c86e6f42a07  DO NOT MERGE Prevent ImageWallpaper from keeping crashing  [h0sch180]
9e486afdc6f  More fixes towards the race conditions in AMS  [h0sch180]
ca5490bd7a2  DO NOT MERGE - Kill apps outright for API contract violations  [h0sch180]
f2d96b19c11  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
97d0122c577  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
3825e067e30  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
da1e3603a23  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
eb381edc958  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
b7b01c3d86f  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
368028b1f97  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
b228259e5d8  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
4be4b7ae8f5  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
6b77367f600  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
a36f1521c1b  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
dcc3156d7e6  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
17f6121dcf1  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
1e5229969d3  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
10c94d6400f  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
cd0c5c34dcb  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
5b79651a3da  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
70e1887508c  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
c10589a22fb  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
22f9e3ad604  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
8e83ff45d7d  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
b9e33adce1c  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
08aed39ccdf  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
e71c3d51de9  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
a8403d5b7d8  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
cc75029988a  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
1faaa64258b  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/native/
c4b50cbbc  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
d13de8f7e  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
039ca267e  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
0dbc67d07  Fix race between SensorManager ctor and callback  [h0sch180]
05fc25adc  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
7734ce132  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
f575de0e9  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]
   * n_asb/
d21c84589  fix 2  [h0sch180]
7b9248bc3  fix 2020-10  [h0sch180]
6c048601a  n-asb-2020-10  [h0sch180]
   * packages/apps/Settings/
8967d761ba  Enable the filterTouchesWhenObscured in Special app access  [h0sch180]
15eca4226e  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth discovery request dialog  [h0sch180]
0f7b0c05b4  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth pairing dialog  [h0sch180]
b68c9e8f18  Allows to launch only authenticator owned activities  [h0sch180]
388a0def06  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
5f96b15c6d  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
8999e74407  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
3cca072fb6  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
63d2f7870e  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]
   * packages/services/Telephony/
42274607  Specify the component for the ACTION_SHOW_ECM_EXIT_DIALOG Intent  [h0sch180]
   * system/core/
cd480cf93  String16::remove - avoid overflow  [h0sch180]
da7cae2dc  libutils: check vsnprintf error  [h0sch180]
8f892e621  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
bdf8db6fb  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]




   * bionic/
a3bd0060b  Update Android to tzdb 2020d [N-MR2 branch]  [Vasyl Gello]
   * external/icu/
ee58b488  Update Android to tzdb 2020d [N-MR2 branch]  [Vasyl Gello]
9ed0cc76  Update Android to tzdb 2020c [N-MR2 branch]  [Vasyl Gello]
a8cc766b  Update Android to tzdb 2020b [N-MR2 branch]  [Vasyl Gello]
6def1895  tzcode: Import fixes from ICU trunk  [Vasyl Gello]










   * bionic/
299f4eb78  Update Android to tzdb 2020c [N-MR2 branch]  [Vasyl Gello]





   * bionic/
7d469da56  Update Android to tzdb 2020b [N-MR2 branch]  [Vasyl Gello]


   * n_asb/
eb02be7da  fix 2020-09 ViperOS  [h0sch180]
126665255  n-asb-2020-09  [h0sch180]








   * packages/apps/Bluetooth/
cb4b1eed  SAP: Ensure pending intent is immutable  [Vasyl Gello]
   * packages/apps/Nfc/
520faa08  Protect Bluetooth device information when using NFC pairing  [Vasyl Gello]
   * system/bt/
82c8fa071  Fix possible OOB when receive gatt read type response data  [Vasyl Gello]





Update ist da!


   * build/
a6182826e  Bump Security String to 2020-12-05  [h0sch180]
feba29571  Bump Security String to 2020-11-05  [h0sch180]
c309ebf4b  Bump Security String to 2020-10-05  [h0sch180]
d48930a3d  Bump Security String to 2020-09-05  [h0sch180]
a7a019d5d  Bump Security String to 2020-08-05  [h0sch180]
3d73cc736  Bump Security String to 2020-07-05  [h0sch180]
cb12bcab5  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
86ce2980f  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
2f4e2798c  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
179c7e1c3  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
d50723d85  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
6c5dd59e8  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
72d5465e7  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
fa1015418  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
5416a268b  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
609033900  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
2ff8fba52  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
fbea01f8e  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
564d80973  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
c76eb1bdf  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/base/
fdd3e7a5a89  Make WallpaperMS bind wallpaper component PendingIntent immutable.  [h0sch180]
7ed7b12c459  Sanitize more of the notification text fields  [h0sch180]
59aac2e9b6f  Accept repeated locale as an input of LocaleList construction.  [h0sch180]
dd9d3b920f8  Add missing isShellUser check  [h0sch180]
5642edfa9a7  DO NOT MERGE: Verify INSTALL_PACKAGES permissions when adding installer package  [h0sch180]
54107e3fe9e  DO NOT MERGE Prevent ImageWallpaper from keeping crashing  [h0sch180]
28f599501af  More fixes towards the race conditions in AMS  [h0sch180]
dec1d3f205e  DO NOT MERGE - Kill apps outright for API contract violations  [h0sch180]
5a8204343fd  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
b1b29843d05  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
a426956f9a6  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
bda075d937d  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
4f05212238a  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
b1b61ecbf9c  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
4e371dd8e5c  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
d80df73cf53  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
4d68b08ad41  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
8b6218e0429  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
59b2510f7a5  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
aa6b3fadc0b  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
698ba78e15b  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
26b5592c1f3  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
60d65c9a169  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
e7c802d6d02  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
2c8f5fd5c46  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
24f9659660f  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
2cbf01d37b5  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
de5bcefe224  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
9ce17ebb468  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
b217d442afc  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
45b52f66a7f  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
9497659d2d0  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
9dd9f5b6cde  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
4745ce514e7  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
38afd910038  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]
   * frameworks/native/
e1437a85f  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
807b6149d  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
019dcf7a8  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
dcae1b963  Fix race between SensorManager ctor and callback  [h0sch180]
a81286f76  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
418cca972  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
726f8f0b4  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]
   * n_asb/
e13a05ecd  n_asb 2020-12  [h0sch180]
   * packages/apps/Settings/
87a67026bc  Enable the filterTouchesWhenObscured in Special app access  [h0sch180]
7182da4529  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth discovery request dialog  [h0sch180]
4fc94d2fe2  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth pairing dialog  [h0sch180]
14b57fe269  Allows to launch only authenticator owned activities  [h0sch180]
694ba54cf3  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
0988f26d5d  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
ffd27b3442  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
e381e64f4c  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
d1bf419b36  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]
   * packages/services/Telecomm/
9c2bb262  Fix security vulnerability of TelecomManager#getPhoneAccountsForPackage  [h0sch180]
   * packages/services/Telephony/
71dfc8bc  Specify the component for the ACTION_SHOW_ECM_EXIT_DIALOG Intent  [h0sch180]
   * system/core/
7083af28c  FileMap::create: remove duplicate addition.  [h0sch180]
861148f06  Fail explicitly on length overflow.  [h0sch180]
95dbc3bc8  String16::remove - avoid overflow  [h0sch180]
a1a06d6c0  libutils: check vsnprintf error  [h0sch180]
1a258a33f  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
bc2a7dc3d  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]

















   * system/bt/
f745cfa93  Fix a security issue in  [Kevin Haggerty]
53b63b1a4  Check Classic key before cross-key derivation  [Kevin Haggerty]


   * external/aac/
5283a71  Fix heap buffer overflow in sbrDecoder_AssignQmfChannels2SbrChannels().  [Kevin F. Haggerty]












Update ist da

   * build/
a4e9fd243  Bump Security String to 2021-03-05  [h0sch180]
a2a9605c0  Bump Security String to 2021-02-05  [h0sch180]
96a4b0a22  Bump Security String to 2021-01-05  [h0sch180]
2b2384d98  Bump Security String to 2020-12-05  [h0sch180]
8980f11c2  Bump Security String to 2020-11-05  [h0sch180]
140d5426d  Bump Security String to 2020-10-05  [h0sch180]
6e2430a66  Bump Security String to 2020-09-05  [h0sch180]
bfb7ea060  Bump Security String to 2020-08-05  [h0sch180]
45b1f1179  Bump Security String to 2020-07-05  [h0sch180]
9421ef103  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
fd2c39f1d  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
9f884c41a  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
a4f72abb3  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
cb07a5ed8  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
8be78755e  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
341f0452b  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
fde6ad5fd  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
a90e96fbd  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
eec8e7495  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
f32c8a10d  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
a89b074be  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
4e46f3f3f  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
b2fcdc203  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]

   * frameworks/base/
547653b9cbe  Protect account chooser activities against overlay.  [h0sch180]
9ce31ac1289  Revoke the uri permission when the file is deleted  [h0sch180]
8de775919c5  Restrict app transition maximum duration  [h0sch180]
710e9a9bbd0  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Ensure caller identity is restored in CP quick-path.  [h0sch180]
5a139154128  Remove updateIntentVerificationStatusAsUser from ResolverActivity  [h0sch180]
5797af9a504  Protect GrantCredentialsPermissionActivity against overlay.  [h0sch180]
c994691836f  Make GlobalScreenshot PendingIntents immutable  [h0sch180]
6dc22a6723c  Ignore GrantCredentials call with unexpected calling uid.  [h0sch180]
08fe2c0fcd8  Check that Account Parcel has name and type.  [h0sch180]
5c75f612e28  DO NOT MERGE Check fingerprint client against top activity in auth callback  [h0sch180]
8f08ec00f1b  Make WallpaperMS bind wallpaper component PendingIntent immutable.  [h0sch180]
71e08cd4d79  Sanitize more of the notification text fields  [h0sch180]
3e7a96629d9  Accept repeated locale as an input of LocaleList construction.  [h0sch180]
7ec354d9181  Add missing isShellUser check  [h0sch180]
a181b27dfeb  DO NOT MERGE: Verify INSTALL_PACKAGES permissions when adding installer package  [h0sch180]
30d1a07c878  DO NOT MERGE Prevent ImageWallpaper from keeping crashing  [h0sch180]
d02d48c337e  More fixes towards the race conditions in AMS  [h0sch180]
dc26fa8ee23  DO NOT MERGE - Kill apps outright for API contract violations  [h0sch180]
50f53d9d11f  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
85e615b94c3  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
9d50706f89b  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
867c70c2519  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
8df0828ac49  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
568e1207764  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
b8da19d669d  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
a946bfe2c29  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
4e3d4d5261b  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
1e78959afe7  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
b68647ec9ca  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
123a478aed8  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
84e22a4a5e6  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
ed3430db1db  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
48e7915e136  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
942f192bf9e  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
81873168e84  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
83a370012c7  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
f9f8f658ce6  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
cdcc2d2a46d  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
a6904a9e84f  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
e31e5dd444e  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
f2ef0cfb6e4  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
e74fdd07846  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
07742d771ed  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
9efc4ef6200  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
d75eb15e060  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]

   * frameworks/native/
645e6a2f7  libbinder: readString*Inplace SafetyNet (II)  [h0sch180]
cf3d9fc8f  libbinder: check null bytes in readString*Inplace  [h0sch180]
4b2b726ef  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
28d75e867  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
bf83e6808  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
3800af214  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
9f9e47104  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
3197069ab  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]

   * n_asb/
22faab0ce  Update  [GitHub]
e3f63b83d  Update  [GitHub]
483b5097b  n-asb 2021-03-05  [h0sch180]

   * packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
823799a4  DO NOT MERGE: Hide overlays over uninstall confirm dialog  [h0sch180]
8a56d574  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Don't allow tapjacking permissioncontroller  [h0sch180]

   * packages/apps/Settings/
672104f929  Add bluetooth package to permission request intent  [h0sch180]
8d575f0546  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth activity dialog  [h0sch180]
5c5efc848a  Enable the filterTouchesWhenObscured in Special app access  [h0sch180]
71e3f74572  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth discovery request dialog  [h0sch180]
d703230f3d  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth pairing dialog  [h0sch180]
2d1e700993  Allows to launch only authenticator owned activities  [h0sch180]
488342ab99  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
5afe279295  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
d85af627ea  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
f460316068  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
4afe781cb9  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]

   * packages/services/Telecomm/
c8f8804c  Fix security vulnerability of TelecomManager#getPhoneAccountsForPackage  [h0sch180]

   * packages/services/Telephony/
fd236247  Specify the component for the ACTION_SHOW_ECM_EXIT_DIALOG Intent  [h0sch180]

   * system/core/
bca043273  FileMap::create: remove duplicate addition.  [h0sch180]
5f282cee3  Fail explicitly on length overflow.  [h0sch180]
fa747460c  String16::remove - avoid overflow  [h0sch180]
10e0be6ea  libutils: check vsnprintf error  [h0sch180]
3a085f144  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
8cc81ac8c  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]









   * art/
c9c158c03  Add SafetyNet logging to JNI::NewStringUTF.  [Vasyl Gello]
5ae30cf98  Validate input of JNI::NewStringUTF().  [Vasyl Gello]

   * external/dnsmasq/
af187d4  backport: dnsmasq: fix heap overflow  [Vasyl Gello]

   * external/icu/
444b945d  Update Android TZDB from 2020f to 2021a. [N-MR2]  [Vasyl Gello]
5aa5ee3e  Update Android TZDB from 2020d to 2020f. [N-MR2]  [Vasyl Gello]
e1df4149  DO NOT MERGE Cherry-pick ICU-21448: Update Android ICU tzdata from 2020d to 2020f. [N-MR2]  [Vasyl Gello]

   * external/v8/
750d4b5c  LiteralBuffer::ExpandBuffer always grows  [Vasyl Gello]
c91838ed  [parser] Fix off-by-one in parameter count check  [Vasyl Gello]

   * system/bt/
3d71a12df  SDP: Only start discovery once  [Vasyl Gello]




   * android/
2901c71  manifest: Track our own iptables  [Kevin Haggerty]









   * external/iptables/
5ddb37e  iptables: Bump config to 1.4.21  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
2bbaf13  iptables 1.4.21 release  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
069fc3a  utils: nfsynproxy: fix error while compiling the BPF filter  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
69b6398  utils: add nfsynproxy tool  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
8181019  extensions: add SYNPROXY extension  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
938026f  iptables: extensions/ use CPPFLAGS  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
1463c8c  iptables: libxt_recent.{c,man} dead URL  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
3dd226d  build: add software version to manpage first line at configure stage  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
d37e900  iptables: iptables-xm1.1 correct man section  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
9b6b427  iptables: spurious error in load_extension  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
f249ce4  doc: merge ip6table man pages into ipv4 ones  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
4e8d945  xtables: trivial spelling fix  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
9f6cd30  iptables: add examples  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
f935d44  extensions: libxt_socket: update man page  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
5f6149f  doc: add libnetfilter_queue pointer to  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
2847c73  extensions: libxt_LOG: use generic syslog reference in manpage  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
b1ff0e9  iptables: extraneous commas  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
4a7b8bf  iptables: correct address  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
03ebe06  extensions: libxt_cluster: add note on arptables-jf  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
37a42cb  iptables: libip(6) default icmp types  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
f548162  extensions: libxt_set, libxt_SET: check the set family too  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
e96753c  ip6tables: Use consistent exit code for EAGAIN  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
c8d4c50  iptables: improve chain name validation  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
608e0f3  ip[6]tables: fix incorrect alignment in commands_v_options  [Kevin F. Haggerty]
6ccdfdb  libxtables: xtables_ipmask_to_numeric incorrect with non-CIDR masks  [Kevin F. Haggerty]






   * external/chromium-webview/
c7ee4db  Chomium Webview repository administrative note  [Kevin F. Haggerty]

Update ist da!

   * build/
63ae85e55  Bump Security String to 2021-04-05  [h0sch180]
aeb052ff2  Bump Security String to 2021-03-05  [h0sch180]
fb84eca95  Bump Security String to 2021-02-05  [h0sch180]
a686aa6cd  Bump Security String to 2021-01-05  [h0sch180]
e1e168dd5  Bump Security String to 2020-12-05  [h0sch180]
b05459127  Bump Security String to 2020-11-05  [h0sch180]
6144e42cf  Bump Security String to 2020-10-05  [h0sch180]
b415e5f5a  Bump Security String to 2020-09-05  [h0sch180]
7cc1793a7  Bump Security String to 2020-08-05  [h0sch180]
6f65117cd  Bump Security String to 2020-07-05  [h0sch180]
b0b0d9cfe  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
7111ed791  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
90c914801  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
69439a002  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
c632ce8fb  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
6c35f7e35  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
2231bca1a  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
d48022c55  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
e917e6c58  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
ff4c433c3  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
02fa253d3  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
81650a03c  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
996137fee  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
8675d1d86  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]

   * frameworks/base/
2933b40456d  Close screenshot process on user switched  [h0sch180]
57a6c5fef4e  DO NOT MERGE: WM: Only allow system to use NO_INPUT_CHANNEL.  [h0sch180]
97c9d8c1046  DO NOT MERGE: Do not inject mock location to chipset  [h0sch180]
5c29fa34045  Protect account chooser activities against overlay.  [h0sch180]
fa42107d9a1  Revoke the uri permission when the file is deleted  [h0sch180]
d227e4356d6  Restrict app transition maximum duration  [h0sch180]
bd00a101cb0  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Ensure caller identity is restored in CP quick-path.  [h0sch180]
fcf625aa082  Remove updateIntentVerificationStatusAsUser from ResolverActivity  [h0sch180]
48b2660a701  Protect GrantCredentialsPermissionActivity against overlay.  [h0sch180]
2e7a3a275b9  Make GlobalScreenshot PendingIntents immutable  [h0sch180]
29509fb7057  Ignore GrantCredentials call with unexpected calling uid.  [h0sch180]
73ff08cf44b  Check that Account Parcel has name and type.  [h0sch180]
a10c42ee9a1  DO NOT MERGE Check fingerprint client against top activity in auth callback  [h0sch180]
3a6477b69fa  Make WallpaperMS bind wallpaper component PendingIntent immutable.  [h0sch180]
48f9275e5b4  Sanitize more of the notification text fields  [h0sch180]
671d349b644  Accept repeated locale as an input of LocaleList construction.  [h0sch180]
6de6379a145  Add missing isShellUser check  [h0sch180]
8dab201efe4  DO NOT MERGE: Verify INSTALL_PACKAGES permissions when adding installer package  [h0sch180]
8576042f7df  DO NOT MERGE Prevent ImageWallpaper from keeping crashing  [h0sch180]
3933af64c02  More fixes towards the race conditions in AMS  [h0sch180]
5e41f07e2c5  DO NOT MERGE - Kill apps outright for API contract violations  [h0sch180]
a0e4e8ce725  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
7d4cb452062  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
52edda1115e  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
5fa793e4445  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
8de09842ba0  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
aba2422c300  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
f3bfddf9524  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
e93b1d678fa  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
bfb06789110  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
8e8b566bc1d  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
8e34e3e6131  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
13667d46006  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
c4e12d059c9  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
5dc436f5dd3  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
c6ac4865a97  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
67d3cb9fafa  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
62fc03c8014  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
39e3ca81485  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
645100c7347  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
c6faf398976  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
1e83dc6f291  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
470c48b64f4  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
bd7fde1fdf8  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
9171fb9c10e  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
819626b753c  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
892687bffcd  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
8054fe00c41  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]

   * frameworks/native/
c907d7833  libbinder: readString*Inplace SafetyNet (II)  [h0sch180]
d06e6543e  libbinder: check null bytes in readString*Inplace  [h0sch180]
80a645463  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
4c9311673  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
8e7c40946  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
935aa0b26  Fix race between SensorManager ctor and callback  [h0sch180]
d1afc9c4d  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
824dcce7d  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
f95c1043f  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]

   * n_asb/
152ff22c8  n-asb-2021-04  [h0sch180]

   * packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
5f8eac2f  DO NOT MERGE: Hide overlays over uninstall confirm dialog  [h0sch180]
7df65af1  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Don't allow tapjacking permissioncontroller  [h0sch180]

   * packages/apps/Settings/
75d4edb0df  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Update String  [h0sch180]
46b901e7d0  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Fix phishing attacks over Bluetooth due to unclear warning message  [h0sch180]
44088ca828  Add bluetooth package to permission request intent  [h0sch180]
24648c66bc  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth activity dialog  [h0sch180]
a21c5f64b0  Enable the filterTouchesWhenObscured in Special app access  [h0sch180]
1a0c215243  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth discovery request dialog  [h0sch180]
9639c3b72f  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth pairing dialog  [h0sch180]
772eedd00f  Allows to launch only authenticator owned activities  [h0sch180]
4d54118207  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
390af82275  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
ba84006977  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
886008355f  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
7206ebf1c6  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]

   * packages/services/Telecomm/
b231d763  Fix security vulnerability of TelecomManager#getPhoneAccountsForPackage  [h0sch180]

   * packages/services/Telephony/
d1aba112  Specify the component for the ACTION_SHOW_ECM_EXIT_DIALOG Intent  [h0sch180]

   * system/core/
ddbe120fd  FileMap::create: remove duplicate addition.  [h0sch180]
06ea6d218  Fail explicitly on length overflow.  [h0sch180]
25c08f2c1  String16::remove - avoid overflow  [h0sch180]
a2b997f73  libutils: check vsnprintf error  [h0sch180]
b3de28665  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
5997df938  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]











   * system/bt/
a75f66298  avrc_copy_packet: Zero initialize packet  [Vasyl Gello]
63f8234b3  AVRCP: Use calloc to zero reserved fields  [Vasyl Gello]
6ffaa0360  Legacy pairing: Reject device with same BD_ADDR  [Vasyl Gello]













   * external/chromium-webview/
dcdf525  Update Chromium Webview to 89.0.4389.105  [Kevin F. Haggerty]





Danke h0sch180, dass du das "alte Schätzchen" durch deine Updates weiter am Leben hältst :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: h0sch180

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