Custom Rom [ ViperOS Extended - 7.1.2 Nougat] für Cubot DINOSAUR

  • 27 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
keine Ahnung warum, aber ich habe ein Probleme mit den Updates:
bei verschiedenen Anwendungen friert das Gerät nach einiger Zeit
einfach ein und macht nach nach einige Sekunden einen Neustart.
Insbesonder ist das aufgefallen bei Twitter und DuckDuckGo Browser.
Bei der jetzt wieder installierten Version
besteht das Problem nicht.
Die neueste
habe ich noch nicht probiert.
Woran kann das denn liegen?
Hi Gerd

Ich hab leider kein Gerät mehr und kann deswegen die ROMs auch nicht mehr testen.
Allerdings denke ich, dass das Problem die Webengine ist. Hier gab es anfang des Jahres öffters mal ein Problem.
Du kannst aber versuchen die Google Webengine aus dem Playstore zu installieren und dann den Browser testen.
Evtl. ist es auch nötig die Webengine als Default einzustellen, das geht soweit ich weiß in den Entwickleroptionen.

Hier die Engine aus dem Playstore: Android System WebView – Apps bei Google Play
Danke dir. Ich werde das neueste Viper installieren und testen. Dann die WebEngine bei Bedarf.
Vielen Dank! 👍
Update ist da

   * build/
4a38c2b2c  Bump Security String to 2021-05-05  [h0sch180]
e8a3e3a53  Bump Security String to 2021-04-05  [h0sch180]
6b64c495c  Bump Security String to 2021-03-05  [h0sch180]
f6f83797a  Bump Security String to 2021-02-05  [h0sch180]
a4f807ff0  Bump Security String to 2021-01-05  [h0sch180]
7e48ee705  Bump Security String to 2020-12-05  [h0sch180]
747b85b4b  Bump Security String to 2020-11-05  [h0sch180]
e222f847d  Bump Security String to 2020-10-05  [h0sch180]
3a4e051d2  Bump Security String to 2020-09-05  [h0sch180]
2e942aa84  Bump Security String to 2020-08-05  [h0sch180]
f95adee18  Bump Security String to 2020-07-05  [h0sch180]
86f56fb92  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
5edad569a  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
11905bab0  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
43511064a  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
b32dc176d  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
49a3da5e7  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
9928fcd3c  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
c0c0a2c97  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
82f342a06  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
8efd193f2  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
d27e64e5b  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
6944eced9  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
568a2ceae  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
27d042541  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]

   * frameworks/base/
54b6b9e323b  Close screenshot process on user switched  [h0sch180]
141bcad1111  DO NOT MERGE: WM: Only allow system to use NO_INPUT_CHANNEL.  [h0sch180]
f747997f141  DO NOT MERGE: Do not inject mock location to chipset  [h0sch180]
91ab17a2449  Protect account chooser activities against overlay.  [h0sch180]
b8fda1f9010  Revoke the uri permission when the file is deleted  [h0sch180]
bfe6b5c23fe  Restrict app transition maximum duration  [h0sch180]
2c903777115  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Ensure caller identity is restored in CP quick-path.  [h0sch180]
7916dfb3624  Remove updateIntentVerificationStatusAsUser from ResolverActivity  [h0sch180]
ba15297370b  Protect GrantCredentialsPermissionActivity against overlay.  [h0sch180]
43dd220c9af  Make GlobalScreenshot PendingIntents immutable  [h0sch180]
4c620156045  Ignore GrantCredentials call with unexpected calling uid.  [h0sch180]
1431cee71f1  Check that Account Parcel has name and type.  [h0sch180]
515dbd69615  DO NOT MERGE Check fingerprint client against top activity in auth callback  [h0sch180]
30c78c1a0de  Make WallpaperMS bind wallpaper component PendingIntent immutable.  [h0sch180]
d7663b53fb0  Sanitize more of the notification text fields  [h0sch180]
9d61d339794  Accept repeated locale as an input of LocaleList construction.  [h0sch180]
141d7b99d38  Add missing isShellUser check  [h0sch180]
f522914a6ed  DO NOT MERGE: Verify INSTALL_PACKAGES permissions when adding installer package  [h0sch180]
804b547ece4  DO NOT MERGE Prevent ImageWallpaper from keeping crashing  [h0sch180]
c6c30c90625  More fixes towards the race conditions in AMS  [h0sch180]
606b6ce912f  DO NOT MERGE - Kill apps outright for API contract violations  [h0sch180]
b515dc56734  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
725dc2ba566  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
c6f86ccd207  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
75e23851c4c  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
aad4ade42de  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
8483861ffcd  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
e7cd81fc291  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
1b0cd5f5197  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
1a99ef75514  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
ffd52788d21  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
34c40b35470  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
8f91c9acc54  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
9e01490bd0a  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
a6e3af6bc67  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
2c01947ce16  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
9e653556a1d  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
89bc46c7740  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
721253a448a  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
3176b579146  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
1b4d1b48e3b  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
bbf02033b56  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
f032b4da889  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
6f6a6100650  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
d1f5014bd11  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
1ff6eae3817  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
ed10c16a8d4  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
9dce080ab28  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]

   * frameworks/native/
492ea959a  libbinder: readString*Inplace SafetyNet (II)  [h0sch180]
ca1a57883  libbinder: check null bytes in readString*Inplace  [h0sch180]
64798181b  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
1ca6cdcdd  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
eade2956d  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
cccf7d6d3  Fix race between SensorManager ctor and callback  [h0sch180]
08b8b709f  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
26f132de7  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
ffffaea45  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]

   * n_asb/
fe7dde453  n_asb_2021-05  [h0sch180]

   * packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
be0fd7db  DO NOT MERGE: Hide overlays over uninstall confirm dialog  [h0sch180]
b52aa987  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Don't allow tapjacking permissioncontroller  [h0sch180]

   * packages/apps/Settings/
bd83369db6  Prevent using invalid result uri during multi user image change  [h0sch180]
e76f160f78  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Update String  [h0sch180]
1ff0a80b07  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Fix phishing attacks over Bluetooth due to unclear warning message  [h0sch180]
dd9330660a  Add bluetooth package to permission request intent  [h0sch180]
95d88a9e78  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth activity dialog  [h0sch180]
0e3ba3e19c  Enable the filterTouchesWhenObscured in Special app access  [h0sch180]
a003ffc9ec  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth discovery request dialog  [h0sch180]
7cdd9d4bbc  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth pairing dialog  [h0sch180]
ddf130f1bc  Allows to launch only authenticator owned activities  [h0sch180]
e5da100fe6  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
8f50289fb7  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
1fe6a72720  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
1e9a3a6ef1  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
c2a7d91ebe  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]

   * packages/services/Telecomm/
12bd024c  Fix security vulnerability of TelecomManager#getPhoneAccountsForPackage  [h0sch180]

   * packages/services/Telephony/
bf9767bd  Specify the component for the ACTION_SHOW_ECM_EXIT_DIALOG Intent  [h0sch180]

   * system/core/
13b872417  FileMap::create: remove duplicate addition.  [h0sch180]
357670540  Fail explicitly on length overflow.  [h0sch180]
2df06dade  String16::remove - avoid overflow  [h0sch180]
f7cfe374d  libutils: check vsnprintf error  [h0sch180]
b6d8125e1  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
fce82ab95  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]


   * system/bt/
345afb9dd  smp: Reject pairing if the public keys match  [syphyr]
3176003c5  avrcp: Ignore AVCT commands that are too long  [syphyr]



























Hallo, ich schon wieder :) Wenn ich ein Update gemacht habe, wie kann ich wieder auf die vorherige Version zurück?
Die einfach drüberinstallieren?
Hi Gerd
Jap, einfach wie ein Update die ältere Version einspielen.
Danke dir :)
Update ist da

   * build/
f8b4fe688  Bump Security String to 2021-06-05  [h0sch180]
1e7368787  Bump Security String to 2021-05-05  [h0sch180]
4e69c341e  Bump Security String to 2021-04-05  [h0sch180]
e32a2eef0  Bump Security String to 2021-03-05  [h0sch180]
5ebb18291  Bump Security String to 2021-02-05  [h0sch180]
b968ede82  Bump Security String to 2021-01-05  [h0sch180]
79ba13272  Bump Security String to 2020-12-05  [h0sch180]
255c3a598  Bump Security String to 2020-11-05  [h0sch180]
ae89e64a6  Bump Security String to 2020-10-05  [h0sch180]
d83cc34ba  Bump Security String to 2020-09-05  [h0sch180]
d609f4365  Bump Security String to 2020-08-05  [h0sch180]
2319338d5  Bump Security String to 2020-07-05  [h0sch180]
83dcbd001  Bump Security String to 2020-06-05  [h0sch180]
2e13faa10  Bump Security String to 2020-05-05  [h0sch180]
190f400eb  Bump Security String to 2020-04-05  [h0sch180]
9f55e124d  Bump Security String to 2020-03-05  [h0sch180]
b5e0da02c  Bump Security String to 2020-02-05  [h0sch180]
448f89861  Bump Security String to 2020-01-05  [h0sch180]
621f5df7e  Bump Security String to 2019-12-05  [h0sch180]
4b22d6ebf  Bump Security String to 2019-11-05  [h0sch180]
acf68972f  Bump Security String to 2019-10-05  [h0sch180]
2956e5547  Bump Security String to 2019-09-05  [h0sch180]
bd120e7d2  Bump Security String to 2019-08-05  [h0sch180]
21aaaffb5  Bump Security String to 2019-07-05  [h0sch180]
16e6fedc2  Bump Security String to 2019-06-05  [h0sch180]
2fc075cfa  Bump Security String to 2019-05-05  [h0sch180]

   * frameworks/base/
6796b7af818  Increase maximum allowed size for status bar icons  [h0sch180]
b63cfb1d67e  Limit maximum allowed size for a status bar icon  [h0sch180]
9a379177328  Close screenshot process on user switched  [h0sch180]
6613d1507c2  DO NOT MERGE: WM: Only allow system to use NO_INPUT_CHANNEL.  [h0sch180]
12958506cef  DO NOT MERGE: Do not inject mock location to chipset  [h0sch180]
d5c82f7d535  Protect account chooser activities against overlay.  [h0sch180]
78e78f756fc  Revoke the uri permission when the file is deleted  [h0sch180]
f1ce470c518  Restrict app transition maximum duration  [h0sch180]
1b45a308758  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Ensure caller identity is restored in CP quick-path.  [h0sch180]
12b1d665a37  Remove updateIntentVerificationStatusAsUser from ResolverActivity  [h0sch180]
9214e0216bb  Protect GrantCredentialsPermissionActivity against overlay.  [h0sch180]
e6ba37518bc  Make GlobalScreenshot PendingIntents immutable  [h0sch180]
f552b430429  Ignore GrantCredentials call with unexpected calling uid.  [h0sch180]
aad36300b35  Check that Account Parcel has name and type.  [h0sch180]
0e508561354  DO NOT MERGE Check fingerprint client against top activity in auth callback  [h0sch180]
e577fbe90e4  Make WallpaperMS bind wallpaper component PendingIntent immutable.  [h0sch180]
9b9109f2267  Sanitize more of the notification text fields  [h0sch180]
27fed87818c  Accept repeated locale as an input of LocaleList construction.  [h0sch180]
4b3eba30b7b  Add missing isShellUser check  [h0sch180]
582496fdf99  DO NOT MERGE: Verify INSTALL_PACKAGES permissions when adding installer package  [h0sch180]
209e7b3e38a  DO NOT MERGE Prevent ImageWallpaper from keeping crashing  [h0sch180]
48ea8c7d7f0  More fixes towards the race conditions in AMS  [h0sch180]
e3fbae15214  DO NOT MERGE - Kill apps outright for API contract violations  [h0sch180]
855c8dc9311  Verify all possible hosts that match web nav  [h0sch180]
187c40a9e73  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Use consistent calling uid and package in navigateUpTo  [h0sch180]
0bd4fa4790f  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Create separated tasks for different apps from startActivities  [h0sch180]
f0d395d8e2a  Fix potential double destroy of AssetManager  [h0sch180]
759a87f2ea3  Revoke 'always' web handler status when not autoverifying  [h0sch180]
d0dd372eb58  Fixes NPE when preparing app data during init  [h0sch180]
5f0c45ba0f7  Handles null outInfo in deleteSystemPackageLI  [h0sch180]
fc8c8dfcfbe  Fix security problem on PermissionMonitor#hasPermission  [h0sch180]
3f6f8244003  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make toasts non-clickable  [h0sch180]
d9ec3f93449  DO NOT MERGE back porting for fixing sysui direct reply  [h0sch180]
e2698958f38  DO NOT MERGE: Disable SpellChecker in secondary user's direct reply  [h0sch180]
18b812393be  Prevent system uid component from running in an isolated app process  [h0sch180]
061db185239  Only allow INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST from shell or root  [h0sch180]
c699c539f25  DO NOT MERGE Validate wallpaper dimension while generating crop  [h0sch180]
b63a8e2edf8  Do not compute outside given range in TextLine  [h0sch180]
807c4f97465  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Strict SQLiteQueryBuilder needs to be stricter.  [h0sch180]
7cb5ed5090d  Set default phonebook access to ACCESS_REJECTED when user didn't choose one  [h0sch180]
f39d1a10297  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Enable stricter SQLiteQueryBuilder options.  [h0sch180]
411f468983b  Add MANAGED_PROVISIONING_DPC_DOWNLOADED (nyc).  [h0sch180]
0d7122913e7  Fix Layout.primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets  [h0sch180]
1403b28e201  HidProfile: sync isPreferred() with HidHostService  [h0sch180]
9914d8bffc5  Clear the Parcel before writing an exception during a transaction  [h0sch180]
787190100e7  Add cross user permission check - areNotificationsEnabledForPackage  [h0sch180]
c8945588516  Limit IsSeparateProfileChallengeAllowed to system callers  [h0sch180]
9b5167bef2d  Permission Check For DPM.getPermittedAccessibilityServices  [h0sch180]
9901eadba94  Added missing permission check to isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser.  [h0sch180]
ae5f8f1ce27  DO NOT MERGE - SUPL ES Extension - Safer Init and Not After Boot  [h0sch180]

   * frameworks/native/
a2cd06eb3  libbinder: readString*Inplace SafetyNet (II)  [h0sch180]
0726cb8ce  libbinder: check null bytes in readString*Inplace  [h0sch180]
d88ee0113  Don't leak input events to dumpsys on user builds  [h0sch180]
7b5d16328  Resize object capacity when shrinking Parcel  [h0sch180]
477d2a55e  Sensor: use FlattenableUtils::align  [h0sch180]
499f677be  Fix race between SensorManager ctor and callback  [h0sch180]
9bd3f8de9  Free mObjects if no objects left to realloc on resize  [h0sch180]
5a0fbf87c  libbinder: readCString: no ubsan sub-overflow  [h0sch180]
cef259956  libbinder: Status: check dataPosition sets.  [h0sch180]

   * n_asb/
031117925  n-asb-2021-06  [h0sch180]

   * packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
333ba764  DO NOT MERGE: Hide overlays over uninstall confirm dialog  [h0sch180]
b6d4c895  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Don't allow tapjacking permissioncontroller  [h0sch180]

   * packages/apps/Settings/
06ae5cf322  Hide non-system overlay window on ActivityPicker  [h0sch180]
eb0817516c  Prevent using invalid result uri during multi user image change  [h0sch180]
53f60710d8  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Update String  [h0sch180]
b40fe6e245  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Fix phishing attacks over Bluetooth due to unclear warning message  [h0sch180]
dadaf6a928  Add bluetooth package to permission request intent  [h0sch180]
056031ba30  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth activity dialog  [h0sch180]
43f433136e  Enable the filterTouchesWhenObscured in Special app access  [h0sch180]
0d8a5865f7  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth discovery request dialog  [h0sch180]
0b51e2af00  Prevent overlay drawing on top of Bluetooth pairing dialog  [h0sch180]
4fb9d0470b  Allows to launch only authenticator owned activities  [h0sch180]
4b105006a3  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Allow LockScreenPattern to be launched in the pinning screen  [h0sch180]
85c2458d38  Prevent accounts page directly opening in screen pinning mode  [h0sch180]
910342fc14  Make ScreenPinningSettings behaviour consistent with lock tasks.  [h0sch180]
3b227c7bd4  Do not allow draw on top for App notification settings  [h0sch180]
627b261cb2  Do not allow draw on top for default sms picker.  [h0sch180]

   * packages/services/Telecomm/
9a896cc3  Fix security vulnerability of TelecomManager#getPhoneAccountsForPackage  [h0sch180]

   * packages/services/Telephony/
9712c097  Specify the component for the ACTION_SHOW_ECM_EXIT_DIALOG Intent  [h0sch180]

   * system/core/
027508059  FileMap::create: remove duplicate addition.  [h0sch180]
4f02493a5  Fail explicitly on length overflow.  [h0sch180]
ea9ac7e00  String16::remove - avoid overflow  [h0sch180]
08284fa53  libutils: check vsnprintf error  [h0sch180]
51b16e1a5  FlattenableUtils::align memsets  [h0sch180]
584a14da4  Fix a memory leak in gatekeeper.  [h0sch180]



   * external/chromium-webview/
16176f6  Update Chromium Webview to 91.0.4472.164  [Kevin F. Haggerty]



























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