Tasker 1.3.2u1 released!

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2 Tage nach dem Tasker 1.3.2 Release wurde Tasker 1.3.2u1 veröffentlicht mit Bugfixes - ich fasse das hier mal zusammen:

Tasker for Android
Tasker v1.3.2 - Release Notes

Release Notes

04/11/2012: v1.3.2u1

- bugfix: event: File Modified: directory wasn't working, now triggers on file create/delete/movein/movout of dir
- bugfix: timer task: wasn't triggering when display off
- bugfix: scene element backgrounds: weren't dynamically updating if a colour was a variable
- bugfix: scene element params with array index spec %Col1 weren't updating when %Col was changed via Variable Split
- bugfix: variable references like %Col(1) weren't functioning for scene element colour params

02/11/2012: v1.3.2


- Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Cell Workaround, defaults to false
- %CALS: newline-separated list of available calendars
- action Set Tasker Pref: added some boolean preferences
- profile properties: Enforce Task Order option
- action Media Control: Play, Honeycomb+, defaults to Toggle Pause on earlier devices
- variable Time MilliSeconds (%TIMEMS)
- Menu / Info / Online Guides
- action Say/SayToFile: support for locale 'default' which chooses the language for
- action Say/SayToFile: fill in default values for Engine:Voice parameter: default:default
- action Send SMS: support for long (multi-part) SMS
- action Variable Convert: To Lower Case, To Upper Case, To Upper Case First
- enabling/disabling of individual actions in a task
- action Astrid: Act.fm sync
- handle (global) variables in scene element parameters referring to colours (Text,TextEdit,Button,Oval,Rectangle)
- variable Device Telephony ID (%DEVTID)
- scene element TextEdit / action Variable Query: extra Input Type: Pass Code
- action Open File: optional Mime Type parameter
- action Anchor, does nothing
- state: BT Status (on/off)


- removed: %LAPP and action Load Last App (broken) marked as unavailable


- Play Store version, preferences changes would stop sticking after a while
- action Take Photo: catch errors from camera
- app creation: show scene with non-overlay type was crashing when displayed when keyguard showing
- menu elements: was not executing default item action after timeout if certain (real or virtual) keys were pressed
- HTTP Post: posting a file wasn't working
- HTTP Post: don't remove SD prefix from Data / File parameter
- JavaScript: set base URL of file:// to enable cross-site requests
- app creation: adding custom manifest permissions was causing crash on accept
- action Set Tasker Pref: was always returning with error and stopping task even on success
- scene edit: returning from first element edit of new scene crashing on some devices on some occasions
- bitmap memory leak in scene-edit pre-ICS some devices on some occasions
- scene element names with : were causing problems
- sometimes clicking a link in a WebView scene element could crash
- Is Set, Isn't Set conditions: handle single-slice array references e.g. %arr(%index)
- JS: function Say: default to system language before Tasker UI language
- app creation: SL4A script extraction from kid was failing on some devices / some file extensions
- scene element position: wasn't immediately updating visually if animation time was 0
- scene element size: wasn't respecting animation time
- scene element position/size: blip at end of animation hopefully removed, though could be SDK-version sensitive
- shifting project tabs with animation pref disabled was bugged
- JavaScript: var declarations without a value were being missed (var xxx;)
- action Record Audio: don't limit direct-entry max value
- JS: functions returning success/failure were always returning false
- Take Photo wasn't replacing local vars for file path and pic size args
- JS: locally defined arrays were causing post-script crash
- Timer Task: update when display comes on
- action Media Control on Honeycomb+ with simulated button: use dedicated Pause keycode
- Create Scene then Set Element Position/Size was crashing
- Run Log: don't complain when storage not mounted
- Set Tasker Pref: was not allowing boolean settings
- deleting scenes referring to other scenes with anonymous tasks could cause unwanted loss of those tasks
- action Load Image, was not handling URI specification correctly
- condition variables from plugins, bundle was being cached and reused if no values were given next time
- state Orientation: turning display off and moving to in-between orientation was keeping context active
- action End Call was not working in kid apps (missing permission)
- action Delete File: don't warn if file not there and Continue On Error checked
- external storage path being replaced in middle of file parameters, not just at start
- action edit screen: external storage path replace only if has trailing slash (i.e. in /mnt/sdcard/... but not /mnt/sdcard-ext/...
- action Disable: if Tasker UI main screen showing, uncheck enabled button
- action Variable Search Replace: wasn't handling single array references in Variable parameter
- action Display Timeout: wasn't working in kid app (permission problem)
- action Run Shell: wasn't reading command output correctly (mangling non-ASCII chars)
- action Open File: upper case file extensions weren't being handled well in some cases
- calculated builtin variables (e.g. %TIME) now count as always 'set'
- app creation: wasn't analysing actions in menus for necessary permissions
- don't show var selector for file events (not handled)
- prevent toasts triggering Notification event in later Android versions
- don't complain about missing max freq file during CPU probing
- app creation: spurious error about missing storage related to SL4A scripts
- %select_indices was returning indices starting at 0 instead of 1
- empty scene task parameters (%select_indices etc) was leaving the old value in the scene variables
- menu scene element: Single selection mode wasn't changing selection status


- Array Pop and Array Push send variable change broadcasts, but only for the specified array position
- plugin actions/state show their icon in the Plugin category, task edit screen, context list
- check and fix bad task references after data loads
- Timer Task: use red to signify paused
- Timer Task: update more frequently when display is on, only at end when off
- Scene Element actions: allow Scene and Element names specified with variables in any position
- tasks from the same profile (and their kids) always execute in time order (for handling rapid profile state changes, note instant profiles task specification order is now relevant)
- Array Clear sends clear broadcast for the array name (e.g. to trigger update of Menu elements)
- Take Photo: only acquire partial wakelock (no display) when Discrete checked, excepting eclair devices (device specific problem ?)
- Run Log: don't show multi-sequential Wait/WaitUntil entries caused by temporary interruption of the Wait by an event
- HTTP Get/Post: timeout parameter now also applied as connection timeout (not just data-read)
- more exception catching around CPU probing
- when a task dies, any children it spawned are inherited by it's parent, if it has one
- GPS: Get Location and Location context: accuracy has to be the same or worse twice in a row before fixing is terminated (instead of once)
- Variable Search Replace: don't trim Search and Replace params, whitespace may be part of expr.
- Variable Search Replace: Search and Replace With parameters, variables are replaced
- \%var is replaced with %var whenever variables are being replaced in a string
- \\%var is replaced with \ then the contents of %var whenever variables are being replaced in a string
- action Scene Element Text: don't trim whitespace from Text argument
- text related scene elements and actions, Zoom Element Text Size, decreased min text size to 8
- Vibrate On Ringer: available again in JB thanks to workaround
- state Profile Active / Task Running: each new selection appended with / (in UI)
- image action args: when switching to text box specification, fill in uri of previously selected image

Endlich ist auch das Auskommentieren einer Action innerhalb eines Tasks möglich wie man das sonst auch bei Programmiersprachen kennt ("enabling/disabling of individual actions in a task").
Umständlichere Wege zur (temporären) Deaktivierung einer Action wie die Verschiebung am Ende eines Tasks nach einer "STOP"-Action oder der Einsatz von "GOTO", ... bleiben einem so erspart.

Das geht hier natürlich nicht per Kommentarzeichen am Anfang einer Zeile, sondern:
Langer Druck auf die ab-/anzuschaltende Action -> Action Options -> "Disable" bzw. "Enable".

Eine disablete (abgeschaltete) Action wird zur optischen Kennzeichnung dann etwas nach rechts eingerückt dargestellt.
Nur leider funktioniert das nicht bei jeder Zeile ("IF", "END IF", "FOR", ... z.B. sind so nicht abschaltbar; "ELSE", "GOTO", ... hingegen schon). Das finde ich schon etwas inkonsequent - schade. Vielleicht wird das auch nicht erlaubt, da dann der Task bei Abschaltung nur dieser einer Action wie z.B. "IF" dann mitunter fehlerhaft sein könnte? Weiß da jemand mehr zu dem Grund (habe da nicht in der Google-Gruppe mitgelesen)?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: zwantE, Chillmann, Gwadro und eine weitere Person
Tel schrieb:
Endlich ist auch das Auskommentieren einer Action innerhalb eines Tasks möglich wie man das sonst auch bei Programmiersprachen kennt ("enabling/disabling of individual actions in a task").

war auch längst überfällig. Das war das Einzige was mich an dieser genialen App noch störte.
Naja... die Textfelder könnten beim Editieren noch größer sein
Kurzer Push wegen der Bugfix-Version, s.o.:
"2 Tage nach dem Tasker 1.3.2 Release wurde Tasker 1.3.2u1 veröffentlicht mit Bugfixes"

m505 schrieb:
Naja... die Textfelder könnten beim Editieren noch größer sein
Stimmt, könnte manchmal größer sein.

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