[ZE551ML] Übersicht der Updates & Anleitungen (WW / Z00AD)

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Hier findet ihr eine Übersicht der Updates für das Zenfone 2 ZE551ML Z00AD
Weiter unten könnt ihr nachlesen, wie sich ein OTA manuell installieren lässt.

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(komplette Firmwares zum Flashen)

Wie finde ich die genaue Bezeichnung für mein Modell?
Einstellungen -> Über -> Modellnummer

Achtung, es gibt verschiedene SKU (WW / JP / CN)
Unter Einstellungen -> Über -> Softwareinformationen
kann man die eigene SKU herausfinden.
Durch das Flashen einer anderen Firmware lässt sich die SKU nicht ändern.

Die Firmwarebenennung ist wie folgt aufgebaut:



Manuelles installieren eines OTA:

Wichtig: Das Gerät darf nicht gerootet und/oder Softwaremäßig verändert sein. Zudem sind die OTAs inkrementell und bauen aufeinander auf. Wer auf Nummer sicher gehen möchte, sollte ein komplettes Image flashen.
1..Passende Update-Datei herunterladen
2.Umbenennen der Datei in
3. Die Datei im .zip-Format auf den SD-Speicher ablegen.
3. Akku möglichst vollständig laden
4. Auf Benachrichtigung durch das Gerät warten, oder neustarten.
(Falls dies nicht funktioniert ins Recovery booten mit Power + Lauter und nach dem Vibrieren den Power-Knopf loslassen)
5. Update durchführen
6.Geduldig warten bis der Reboot durchgeführt wurde, und eine Nachricht über ein erfolgreiches Update eingeblendet wird.

Nach einem Update ist es immer Ratsam einen Factory Reset durchzuführen.
(Achtung, hierbei gehen sämtliche Daten verloren -> Backup)

Aktuelle Versionen NEU ->> ALT

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】
2016/02/15(It takes about one week for the system to complete the autopush, if you did not receive the updation, please go to 【Setting】->【About】->【System Update】to update manaully)

【Release Note】

1.updated APN table

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】
2016/01/22(It takes about one week for the system to complete the autopush, if you did not receive the updation, please go to 【Setting】->【About】->【System Update】to update manaully)

【Release Note】

1.Fixed Miracast connection issue (with car screen)
2.Enhance Cell broadcast stability
3.Remove Dr. Safety

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】

1.Fixed video sound issue.
2.Fixed google play stop service .
3.Fixed SD cards issue.
4.Fixed SmartBox not read the phone issue.
5.Fixed can not control the volume of YouTube when using miracast.
6.Fixed the issue of displaying wrong operator name when roaming and searching network.
7.Fixed phone hang-up issue in Russia
8.Fixed PosteMobile NFC issue (ZE551ML only)
9.Support Android for Work
10.Improve ASUS ZenUI Launcher stability
11.Improve Cell Broadcast stability
12.Fix the failure to share Photo Collage picture via Email
13.Several Apps update
14.Improve power usage of Email App

# New Features
1.Add Screenshot sound settings

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】

1.Update ASUS ZenUI Launcher App

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】

1.Several Apps update
2.Fix icon display issue in Settings
3.Improve the stability of Snap View
4.Improve the stability of Camera
6.Fixed WiFi Hotspot issue
7.Fixed Data transmission issue
8.Fixed Bluetooth transmission issue
9.Fixed SD card related issue
10.Extend the shutdown mimunes by power key press.
11.Improve the compatibility of apps
12.Fixed calling issue in Singapore
13.Fixed 3G cannot camp to H plus in some countries.
14.Support Zawgyi Myanmar string translation
15.Move Screenshot settings to the first layer
16.Allow Clean Master S key to be uninstalled
17.Improve ringtone chooser stability
18.Improve the stability of Email App
19.Modify Italy PosteMobile MMS APN setting issue

# New Features
1.Add Game Center
2.Add new wallpaper3.3.Add Theme Store

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】

1 Improve screen turn into black during phone call issue.
2 Fix Miracast frame rate drop issue.
3 Fix NFC connect issue.
4 Fix network data warning notice don not come up issue
5 FixWi-Fi conncet issue
6 Fix 3G cannot camp to H plus in Laos and Paraguay issue.
7 Fix the coming call issue when using bluetooth earphone.
8 Fix Unlock Tool issue.
9 Improve service stability of modem
10 Fix the charging issue of roaming to LTE when data roaming option disabled
11 Fix boost stability issue
12 Fix the issue that user would still receive the notifications from Auto start denied Apps
13 Fix ASUS Mobile Manager data usage restriction issue
14 Fix ZenMotion Shake Shake screenshot issue
15 Fix URL recognition issue in Messages
16 Modify HK Chinese strings
17 Fix IME issue when open Yahoo PC version webpage by ASUS Browser
18 Fix countdown alarm issue after set in Snap View
19 Fix string issue in Theme Apps
20 Fix charge remained time display issue when quick charging
21 Fix SIM PIN lock issue in Cover View
22 Modify Quick charge notification UI layout
23 Fix System UI stability issue
24 Fix Power saver settings issue
25 Fix JP FlipFont issue
26 Fix Battery Simplified Chinese string issue
27 Fix ASUS Mobile Manager data usage calculation issue
28 Improve Auto Start Manager stability
29 Remove BookLive from JP SKU
30 Fix Documents UI stability issue
31 Fix Snap View UI issue and improve its performance when install 3rd party apps
32 Improve Hand Writing accuracy
33 Fix flashlight turn-off issue when double tap power key
34 Fix Power Saver Ultra saving mode notification settings issue

# New Features
1 Add phone number editing function in Dual SIM settings
2 Add 128G SD card turn into Power Saver mode function.
3 Add Latvian and Lithuanian languages

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】

1 Fix Power and Boost duplicated icon issue
2 Fix System UI randomly crash issue when in Turkish language

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】
1.Fixed the display issue after answering a call.
2.Fixed the issue that photo will be yellowish when use flash .
3.Improve stability of modem
4.Fixed Quick charging issue .
5.Dim the lowest brightness level in Manual mode
6.Improve memory usage

New Features
1.Power Saver:
NEW Power saver UI
Added Battery mode detail pages
Added Customized modes

2.Auto start Manager:
Add “Clean up in suspend” function. (If user use the app which already deny from auto-starting, the app will be clean up after display off.)
Provide ZenUI Apps for user to deny from auto-starting.

3.ASUS Mobile Manager:
Add “Power & Boost” function.
Add the Battery and Memory layout.

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】

1.Fixed baterry display error issue.
2.Fixed the issue which is about sliding to answer and hanging up the call.
3.Improve the call stability.
4.Improve the compatibility for some APP.
5.Improve the fluency of using the camera.

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】

# Optimization for WW
1 Fix WIFI info sync-up issue
2 Improve System UI and lock screen stability
3 Improve Launcher App stability
4 Fix Alarm function issue after set up in Snap View mode
5 Improve Task Manager
6 Optimize Multi user and Do not disturb mode function stability
7 Fix camera sphere panorama issue
8 Improve Auto Start Manager stability
9 Fixed when AC removed, UI still shows in charge mode.
10 Fixed Cisco Anywhere VPN connectin fail issue
11 Fix Wi-Fi hot spot MAC address
12 Fixed issue that noise comes out when use earphone.
13 Fixed UI shows only can making emergency call issue
14 Fixed vibrate function fail.
15 Fixed NFC can not auto connect to BT earphone.
16 Fixed can't transfer files through NFC(android beam)
17 Fixed can't use Kingston 32G SD
18 Fixed auto enable MTP issue.
19 Fixed Screen won't turn on after hang off the phone.
20 Fixed no show PCCW issue.
21 Fixed Wi-Fi hot spot can not be access by Xbox360
22 Fixed 4G internet issue.
23 Fixed ID operator can't get H+ issue
24 Fixed internet icon disappear issue.
25 Fixed charge issue.
26 Implement Android security patch for Stagefright
27 Fixed tha issue: In vibrate mod, the ringtone is too loud by using headphones.
28 Fixed Puzzle & Dragons crash issue.

# New Features for WW
1 Add Hands up
As phone is ringing, hold phone in portrait mode and lift to touch the ear to answer the phone.

2 Added Mobile Manager app which has six major functions:
- Data usage: Controls the apps' data usage
- Notifications: Manages annoying notifications
- Auto-start Manager: Manages auto-start apps running in the background
- Boost: Boosts memory
- Power Saver: Provides various battery modes to extend the battery life
- Virus Scanner: Scans virus and malwares

3 Add Flip cover function
Add new Clock theme
Add VIP icon in Clock view for SMS/email/missed call
Add timer reminder
Add charging reminder
4 Add Cover View function
New clock theme
Allows detail checking of everyday events in Calendar view
Supports Spotify on Music app

【Model Name】
ZenFone2 (ZE551ML)

【Release Date】

【Release Note】

1 Fix WIFI info sync-up issue
2 Add Hands up function
3 Added six major functions in Mobile Manager app.
4 Improve System UI and lock screen stability
5 Improve Launcher App stability
6 Fix Alarm function issue after set up in Snap View mode
7 Improve Task Manager
8 Optimize Multi user and Do not disturb mode function stability
9 Fix camera sphere panorama issue
10 Fixed Cover View issue
11 Improve Flip cover function
12 Improve Auto Start Manager stability
13 Fixed when AC removed, UI still shows in charge mode.
14 Fixed Cisco Anywhere VPN connectin fail issue
15 Fix Wi-Fi hot spot MAC address
16 Fixed issue that noise comes out when use earphone.
17 Fixed issue that UI shows only can making emergency call but actually not.
18 Fixed vibrate function fail.
19 Fixed NFC can not auto connect to BT earphone.
20 Fixed can't transfer files through NFC.
21 Fixed can't use Kingston 32G SD
22 Fixed auto enable MTP issue.
23 Support AES.
24 Fixed Screen won't turn on after hang off the phone.
25 Fixed no show PCCW issue.
26 Fixed Wi-Fi hot spot can not be access by Xbox360
45 Fixed 4G internet issue.
46 Fixed ID modem issue.
47 Fixed internet icon issue.
48 Fixed charge issue.
50 (RU) Fixed the issue that apps Task Manager error when use Boost function.
51 (RU) Fixed the setting in russian issue

Quelle:ASUS Deutschland XDA-Developers Android Forums
  • Danke
Reaktionen: LamerOpa, Küchenprofi, Erok und 4 andere
Hallo Ora.

Ja möglich ist das natürlich, das haben ich hier auch schon jemandem gezeigt. Nach meiner Information aber nicht durch einfaches flashen der Rom. Die Recovery muss vorher auch geändert werden.

Zum Thema MM.
Bin just in der Sekunde dabei mein ZF2 zu unrooten und Xposed zu entfernen um nach mehreren Wochen nach Release umzusteigen. (bin noch aif V 90, shame on me)
falscher Thread, daher gelöscht.

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