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War bei mir auch. Ich war laut einstellungen mit dem Router verbunden jedoch ging kein internet und market usw.
Versuch nochmal ins Recovery cache und davlik wipen und dann fix perm.
Hat bei mir geholfen.
Einfaches Update (Download "A") 1.8 auf 2.0 durchgeführt..
Keinerlei Probleme alles läuft!:thumbsup:
Update 2.1 ist raus :):) Da kommt man ja nicht mehr hinterher.

Übrigens Scott hat sich auch wieder ein Tf300T zugelegt. Also wird es auch da blad ein JB Rom geben, welches auch auf dem neuen Bootloader läuft.
Nur eine Nacht vorüber und schon die Updates 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 und 2.7 verpasst.

Werde diesmal aber "A" flashen da ich über Nacht ja einiges verpasst habe.

2.7 Online
Caches wipen und Fix Permissions

Download "A"

Download "B"

Hier sämtliche Changelogs:

umts dirty ratio
and ro.vold were conflicting
this should solve reboots
and S.O.D. with sd cards and keydocks
added a slimmed down version
of speed mode.in this update. not so intense and
stable..(felt like i was leaving all the others in the dust bc of broken toggles)
so no broken toggles and fast stable mode )NEW!!!!

Fixed toggles and cache erroring
no more forcing 250 in dalvik
and only allowing a certain amount of cache to build
just seeing what this tablet can do
jelly bean can be tricky at times
and that why the updates flow so frequently

fixed broken buttons
and non functioning toggles
and gps works faster...
also removed hibernate modes
and proximity lines
in another attmept at softreboots
while connected to the dock with an sd card in it

added dragon mode
for the people who like a little speed
and dont mind a little instability

stablemode is now stock on all updates

transparency is now stock again on all updates

but i provided a flashable revert

finally fixed settings and selections
and gps
and airplane mode
and wifi
and 4 oher broken settings bools
and two last things for the day
no need to clear caches just flash and reboot this one

Re-dl Lcd Density change as well

clear caches you have to

fixed all the other things
including date time
and gps
settings needed proper perms
and resigning after edit :)

clear caches you have to

Fixed wifi
and about 6 other complaints
also hopefully fixed reboots
by removing the forcing of sleep mode
ich lese hier nicht von einem Bootloader-Unlock... ist das nicht nötig?
Laut Post #1 im Originalthread ist ein unlocked Bootloader nötig da hier der JB Bootloader geflasht wird.
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Ge0rge
Ge0rge schrieb:
ich lese hier nicht von einem Bootloader-Unlock... ist das nicht nötig?
Ohne unlock kannst du kein Custom Recovery flashen.
2.8 Online
Caches wipen und Fix Permissions

Download "A"

Download "B"


added back in sleep mode switch
added sio scheduler and proper modules
for faster i/o
thanks to batoo
also thanks to scottsroms.com
he helped me tremendously with the latest boot.blob
and his was so solid i ended up just using his
please thank him
also fixed and removed the atp app
that was hidden so now its gone
(it didnt work anyway)
two slight changes to init.d
3.0 Online
Clear Caches und Fix Permissions

Download "A"

Download "B"


(dont worry it flashes automagically)

HOLLLLY SMOKESS!!!! this pad is fast Let it cache


removed sio scheduler ..it was compied wrong
and the permissions were actually just set incorrectly
under modules but once correctly set it bootlooped
my pad so its deleted and in the script to remove W.I.P

i sped this thing up to honestly be the fastest thing
ive used clocked at 1300 mhz quad core to date

added init.d tweaks

-fugu tweaks
ext 4 init.d tweaks
journaling tweaks
boot complete rw/ro tweaks
touchscreen echo tweaks
optimized sqlite
ram free tweaks
lwp tweak (smoothes them out )
net echo tweaks

fugus app server process

internet push /pull tweaks

sleep mode set to 2 sleep (cpu is still on, but put into low power mode (registers are still saved)


was causing certain apps such as swift key to break

also still to come

hold back to kill task (almost got it keeps bootlooping next update)

Bei einigen aus dem XDA Forum (bei mir ebenfalls), war ein Fullwipe notwendig.
Ich konnte keine Apps mehr aus dem Market laden.
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3.1 und 3.3 Online
Clear Caches und Fix Permissions

Download "B" 3.1

Download "A" 3.3

Download "B" 3.3

Changelog 3.3

fixed two scripts
one was not enabling all four cores
still from my dual core skyrocket xD
and another drop cache issue and gps and this jellybean BS WTF!!!
so i fixed it
also reinstated permissions in su to 6755
removed browser from keep alive
and brought back the launcher ram as well

Changelog 3.1

Fixed wrong permissions with all scripts
now all are executable with every process
added setrenice
drop caches
tcp keep alive
and tweaked kernel scheduler
by default to be less laggy
also added deadline scheduler as a script
by default
replaced missing lines i removed from build.prop
was breaking too much missing
bc of jb incompatibilities
so diabling the error reporting segment
allows certain apps to push on un bothered

super super super smoooth rom i cant beleive it gets smoother this is about as far as i cant get it without oc and still remain 100% stable oc is coming from me or someone soon i imagine
3.4 Online
Clear Caches und Fix Permissions

Download "A"

Download "B"


fixed crashing browser on certain flash sites
especially thechive.com ;)
kick ass kernalizer script
and removed a clean script that dropped dalvik
and basically broke the gps toggle (no sean no dalvik dirty drops or clear) so no more of that crap
removed some lines of code from a few scripts
updated speed script again
removed bulletproofed launcher
and set ram amount
removed stagefright excess bs
sped up the app processing
app booster
and also cpu time is instant on
no more lags from wake up
ro.vold dirty cache ratio is back
and replaced some high value numbers
that were unrealistic
also edited mediaprofiles to shoot better fps 1080 and 720
set hdmi config at 1280x720 instead of default 1920x1080
as well
in an attempt at fixing the cut screen in hdmi mode
3.5b is online on good only
3.6 Online
Clear Caches und Fix Permissions

Download "A"

Download "B"


-fixed permissions on remainder of scripts
they all just run at boot
and run in there own specific order so just enjoy
-added sd card read ahead (replaced cleaner script :p lazy)
-added a battery script that may solve dock with sd card in reboots
by setting the time and sleep intervals lmk
report back
added syscontl.conf to /etc
and updated init.script to coincide
and read back
-changed the build prop lines
and changed dalvik dexopt flags
fixed luckypatcher for all you lucky guys
and fixed gps non toggle issue

also added two lcd density changes

small =140

and now they are updated with a number
according to the latest update

also updated normal mode from
performance addons
4.0 Online
Clear Caches und Fix Permissions (unbedingt notwendig)


4.0 Out of beta update
Nothing changed just took it out of beta since im running it and its damn near perfect

safe to flash for new and current users
clear cache and dalvik after flasing update

3 density mods

dont flash anything before density mod 4.0 after youve updated

Added Missing Libs bin app framework build.prop and etc files
that were changed in the OTA Update

-also included a beta version of a new base
(some addons may not work and make sure to only flash
lcd density 4.0 )

-also included the latest kernel insecure and bash and nano
and rooted with init.d support

deodexed the new base(not posting the new base just yet i may not
the current base works fine with the OTA Update so unless something changes
your flashing R2 for your own health ...

Still Flash Base (r1) and then reboot
then flash 4.0

or if your already on the rom flash update4.0
clearing caches and rebooting

if you are flashing 3.6 B( and havent already done so,
or are coming from a successful boot of 3.5 then skip,...... otherwise)



this just will just see who reads hehe
Und schon gibt es Version 4.1 :)


4.1 Stupid Lcar bootanimation added but also uploaded 4 more for your flashing pleasure

-fixed wifi timeout issues by lowering scan value
-replaced launcher with new ota version (so screens will need to recache and lag for approx 5 mins until you re cache the whole thing (sorry launcher screens)
-it fixed all sorts of animation issues and i went in and changed wallpapers for launcher and animations are set to lowest without breaking widgets dragging lines
-forced gpu rendering throughout also addded new net tcp tweaks so now internet throughput should be way faster
-added missing libs and modules i didnt include in yesterdays update to ensure full compatibility and so i knew what was causing bootloops ..it was android_server.so lib (basard)hehe did catch that huh filter
-changed egl cfg to properly represent egl hw drivers and skipping out on the cpu rendering ..service.jar now includes HTK launcher and dragon values ..so no more need for dragon its already included and so much more
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Wenn ich das TWRP schon drauf habe, muss ich dann trotzdem diesen Weg der Installation gehen? Hab jetzt die Clean ROM 2.5 drauf. Oder reicht es Data, wipe Factory reset ect. und die neue Rom hier zu flashen?

Gesendet mit meinem Baby: ASUS TF300T
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Logischerweise erstmal backup vom cleanrom machen.
Dann alles wipen und factory reset.
Rom flashen, einmal neu ins System booten und anschliessend wieder mit TWRP das update A flashen.

LG Ralf
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Manu-1
Also alles wie gehabt ;-). Ok, prima
Nur noch kurz bevor es falsch ist. Frag lieber mal. Ich hab das TF300T. Ist das ein Problem, oder ist diese Rom nur fürs TF300?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ist für das TF300T.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Manu-1
Ok dank dir. Dann werd ich jetzt mal ein Backup machen und diese Rom flashen. Mal gespannt wie se ist.

So, Rom inst geflasht und hat alles bestens geklappt. Bis jetzt konnte ich keine bugs oder so finden.Läuft sehr smooth und rund!

Nur eins klappt bei mir noch nicht. Und zwar mein Tasker Profil, dass bei bestimmten Apps GPS von selbst an gehen soll. Bei der clean rom hats wunderbar geklappt. Secure Settings mal neu installiert, half aber nix. Hat jemand Tasker drauf und könnte mal ein GPS Profil testen und mir sagen ob es geht?

Gesendet mit meinem Baby: ASUS TF300T
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