- 1.134

This ROM was created out of fun and the love of Android. It was meant to be a battery friendly, high performing AOSP/Slim based ROM. There are plenty of features to keep those who want more out of a custom Android experience but not compromising on speed, stability and that battery sipping quality this ROM has.
We have a short list of official devices (the ones we own). We will not do blind builds so don't ask! Check the "ALL USERS READ THIS" link for more info. Absolutely ZERO unofficial builds outside of this community without our consent.
This ain't XDA so we sure as hell aren't going to censor or coddle you. If you fling shit, expect it flung right back.
That said, enjoy the ROM and your stay.
Now let's break shit!
BrokenOs Landfill – Community – Google+
Dysfunctional ROMs
ROM Features :
- Layers
- Slim based
- Dark Dialer
- Dark Contacts
- Visuals Menu - Quick Settings & Status Bar options
- Tweaks Menu - Ad Blocker, init.d and baked-in Kernel Tweaker
- Sound & Notifications - Vibration Tunables, Heads Up notification control
- Battery - Battery Saver, option to change status/nav bar default color in Battery Saver mode
...and more coming
Installationsanleitung :
Ladet euch die aktuelle Rom und die Gapps herunter und kopiert diese auf eure SD-Card
1. Ins vorhandene Recovery booten
2. Backup anlegen und Full Wipe und Factory Reset ausführen !
3. Rom flashen
4. Gapps flashen
5. Neustart
6. alles einrichten
7. Fertig
Updateanleitung :
- Download der aktuellsten BrokenOS ROM und kopiert diese auf eure SD-Karte
- Reboot ins Recovery (z.B. TWRP)
- Erstellt ein nandroid backup
- Flasht die ROM
- Flasht die Gapps
- Wipe cache
- Wipe dalvik cache
- Reboot
- Fertig
Gapps 6.0.x ( Gapps nach wahl , die am besten passen für sie)
Open Gapps : The Open GApps Project
CyanogenMod 13 Android 6.0 Google Apps
Banks gapps
Slim Gapps
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