[ROM][G900F][5.1.1] Fusion v6.0 [STABLE]

  • 1.293 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Dann mal das nächste Build abwarten
Ich hab ja kein Problem damit brauche nicht wirklich den Video Rekorder. Hauptsache saß wichtigste geht ohne Probleme
Frisches umfangreiches Build ist raus. U. a. funzt die Kamera wieder und das Standortsymbol verschwindet wenn der Dienst ausgeschaltet wird.

Edit: es wird ein FullWipe empfohlen. Hatte ich erst nicht gelesen und wie immer nur Wipe Data + Davlik gemacht. Bisher keine Auffälligkeiten. Lasse ich erstmal so.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
bei einem fullwipe muss man doch alles wieder installieren und einstellen, oder ?
Wenn du keine entsprechende Sicherung hast.,.
Und schon wieder ein neues Build :)

Build 03-01-2015 Online (Klte)

Rom klte : Download
md5 klte : Download

  • Danke
Reaktionen: stefric, droido und gizmoau
wo kann ich screenshot funktion aktivieren?
Gleichzeitig leiser-Taste und Ein/Aus Taste rechte Seite.
Neues Build :D:D

New Build 05-01-2015 Online!!

Rom klte : Download
md5 klte : Download


* android/
a2bd5ff Track own Widgets repository
d1de770 Revert "Replace app-based superuser with the PG version"

* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
9b7f683 Fix build with gcc 4.9

* frameworks/av/
0b06d65 Revert "nuplayer: Avoid PCM offload when resampler is used"

* frameworks/base/
2d89a24 Activity: Add an helper to get its handler instance
2f7deb5 IMS : Incoming Call Barring
81ec6b0 IMS OMA-DM Intent and ImsReasonInfo Additions
182bc29 Mobile and Wifi network icons colors (1/2)
070c361 Custom notification & system icon colors (1/2)
271906c [WIP] Add customization for Quick Settings [1/2] (Updated to PS4)
06f1535 Cleanup battery style code (Updated to PS14)
d36aee5 Remove duplicate default
a5de550 Base: don't kill an app if its currently pinned
32436a1 SystemUI: add materialized navring drawables
ca4a5d6 [1/3] Frameworks: Proximity speaker
feea16c Recents: Update & add top center
a0e83d3 add floating button center option & change clear all button
04605beb SystemUI: replace recents clear all button with a fab button
982a472 Wake Keys: enforce the wake keys overlay
f4cf332 Revert "Buttons: set HOME wake key defaults as disabled [2/2]"
acc42b7a Revert "appops: Add support for SU"
f0073ec Revert "su: Add an indicator when a 'su' session is active"
c234a4e Revert "AppOpsService: add missing import"

* frameworks/opt/net/ims/
ea1948e IMS : Incoming Call Barring

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
68dacbd IMS: Incoming Call Barring

* kernel/samsung/klte/
10720a6 klte: fix cabc values
680397c msm: mdss: dsi: Share panel alignment restrictions through sysfs node

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
7b53698 [3/3] InCallUI: Proximity speaker

* packages/apps/ScreenRecorder/
bb5ef06 Bring back share and delete options

* packages/apps/Settings/
75d6f92 Mobile and Wifi network icons colors (2/2)
9767c19 Custom notification & system icon colors (2/2)
e1bb16a Fix merge derp
b1c6dee Revert "Buttons: set HOME wake key default as disabled [1/2]"
3f6ad65 [WIP] Add customization for Quick Settings [2/2] (Updated to PS3)
d4c6e23 Replace recents clear all button with a fab button.
83ca419 Revert "su: Remove the superuser app"
885283f Revert "su: Add Root access app-ops control"

* packages/services/Telephony/
0395957 Add missing import
91407d9 [2/3] Telephony: Proximity speaker

* vendor/fusion/
705259f Revert "Remove Superuser app"
b2c9a25 Revert "Let's remove this to"
14de8aa Revert "sepolicy: Add policies for the new superuser sockets."


* android/
72e3303 Replace app-based superuser with the PG version
66acaaf Fix derp
108727d Track own DashClock repository
09777f5 Track own LatinIME repository

* bootable/recovery/
817777d Fix GUIAction::operation_start

* device/qcom/common/
bd10db0 power-8974: Remove unnecessary hint
04c224f power-8974: Increase the boost a bit
780e18e 8084 Power Hal: Add support for profile hints.

* device/samsung/klte-common/
7b1da6d Squashed multiple commits

* device/samsung/msm8974-common/
ef42c0e msm8974-common: kang bacon's media-config.xml

* external/mksh/
e553531 mkshrc: Only apply the resize to adb shells

* frameworks/base/
4c49409 AppOpsService: add missing import
24a1c62 su: Add an indicator when a 'su' session is active
95a131f appops: Add support for SU
38e2a38 Revert "QuickSettings: Add notification tile to the default list"
accd562 [WIp] Add customization for Quick Settings [1/2] [PS2]
9ea5183 Slide animations for popups and dialogs
ae28c27 base: modify AOSP RU translation
4aaabac Revert "Revert "[1/2] Base: Configurable overflow menu button""
c53d3df Network traffic metter: increase text size
e0deef2 SystemUI: extend qs haptic feedback option to Status Bar Header
db67273 [1/2] Quick settings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles
a4ff4f9 power: Disable keyboard/button lights while dozing/dreaming
a84f812 perf: Boost during animations
773ad58 Statusbar expanded header options (1/2)

* frameworks/ex/
cad250b CameraAgent: give more time to close && open camera.

* hardware/samsung/
25bb476 XMM626x: fix Samsung RIL v9 update
12e3381 lights: Clean up light priorities and dedupe code
55d0541 macloader: Add SEMCO3RD and WISOL for BCM4354.
120ac40 macloader: add new murata vendor ID
2ad5d16 AdaptiveBacklight: fix illegal value exception.
c2eacd5 macloader: add semcosh mac address

* hardware/ti/omap4xxx/
2af40fd omap4xxx: add flag to allow custom hcw
5e9740f camera: add missing include

* kernel/samsung/klte/
1100683 Update defconfig
e8b788c Version 1.8
611b90a fs: merge fat & exfat with SM-G900F_EUR_LL_Opensource.zip
67ceefa ASoC: wcd9320: use hwdep nodes to get calibration
ff3eefe ASoC: wcd9320: Fix for VI feedback underflow errors
172dc69 ASoC: wcd9320: Fix DAPM timeout when accesing MAD calibration
6348502 ASoC: wcd9320: Fix micbias setting for MAD
60faa1d ASoC: wcd9320: Handle the port disconnect correctly
4311f69 ASoC: wcd9320: Add ANC loopback path and cache HPF bypass control
b096508 ASoC: wcd9320: Check denominator for zero before division
7e3f758 ASoC: wcd9320: Add HD2 tuning coefficients for HPH path
ddbb38d ASoC: wcd9xxx: use hwdep node for codec calibration
56ad476 msm: Fix for audio loss during WLAN & LTE call handover
72aa1f7 msm: Allow native driver to communicate with APR

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
557242b Bluetooth: Move CAF strings

* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
7874437 BluetoothExt: Cleanup CAF strings

* packages/apps/Calendar/
d2d7603 Calendar: move CM strings to cm_strings

* packages/apps/Contacts/
23db1ce Contacts: move CAF strings to cm_strings

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
bafc7d9 ContactsCommon: move CAF strings to cm_strings

* packages/apps/Dialer/
f45ca48 Dialer: move CAF strings to cm_strings
865fa0e Dialer: modify AOSP RU translation

* packages/apps/FusionChangelog/
474be8a Version 5.0-03-01-2015

* packages/apps/Gallery2/
4bc830e Gallery2: move CAF strings to codeaurora_strings

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
a05f7de Fix up cm_strings structure
2075bf7 InCallUI: move CAF strings to cm_strings

* packages/apps/Mms/
02a6d82 Mms: move CAF strings to cm_strings
0680029 Mms: modify AOSP RU translation

* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
ff40abf Fix up cm_strings structure
ace672e PhoneCommon: move CAF strings to cm_strings

* packages/apps/Settings/
0e93233 su: Add Root access app-ops control Adds an app-ops option for root access.
36bcd6c su: Remove the superuser app
abe9c51 Fix path DraggableGridView for qs tiles
05e66fb [WIP] Add customization for Quick Settings [2/2] [PS1]
cb71a94 Settings: modify AOSP RU translation
3070aee Revert "Revert "[2/2] Settings: Configurable overflow menu button""
806c228 Removed last material light themes
0a43524 [2/2] Settings: Add Haptic Feedback to quicktiles
7fbdd82 Statusbar expanded header options (2/2)

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
109e521 Added Serbian Latin Support

* packages/services/Telecomm/
522b44e Telecomm: move CAF strings to cm_strings

* packages/services/Telephony/
d87ab21 Telephony: Move CAF strings to cm_strings

* system/core/
c436ef9 rootdir: Update cpufreq permissions when governor changes

* system/extras/
1b287ea Extras: gitignore su

* vendor/fusion/
1fb3250 sepolicy: Add policies for the new superuser sockets.
c7e9032 Let's remove this to
a1e9116 Remove Superuser app
d9eafde selinux: Allow recovery to do recursive deletes

* vendor/samsung/
37d0445 fix derp
d9231fe Update QC time services
ce12e0b Remove gsiff_daemon service
  • Danke
Reaktionen: heavymetall66 und droido
So muss das sein !
  • Danke
Reaktionen: scme4
mal ne kleine Frage kann ich bei dieser Rom auch Cynagogen Themes verwenden :confused2:
Sofern diese Android 5 kompatibel sind und du den Theme Chooser installiert hast, sollte das möglich sein.
Andernfalls wäre ich vorsichtig.
Nein , geht nicht !
Schon probiert? Auch mit Theme Chooser?
Ich finde den Theme Chooser gar nicht im Playstore
Da gibt's mehrere Versionen.
Ich hab grad Samsung Stock drauf und diese angezeigt bekommen. Wie das unter CM12 ist, weiß ich nicht.
Ich meine, dass es für CM 12 noch nicht geht ...

Ich hab bei XDA mal gefragt :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: John
Oki. Dann wurde ich gerade eines besseren belehrt.
Aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass das nicht lange dauern wird.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: heavymetall66
So wird` s sein :biggrin:

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