- 957

- Built from CM source
- Service
- Text
- Data
- Call
- Audio
- WiFi
- Google Now
- Bluetooth
- Video playback
- Audio playback
- Internal/External SDcard mounting
- Camera
- Video recording
- IR Blaster


- verwendet KEINE Superwipes
- KEIN (!!) dirty flash über CM12!!
- Wipe data, cache, and dalvik cache
** (für ein Update wird nicht unbedingt ein Wipe benötigt) - Flash ROM
- Flash GAPPS (keine aktuellen GAPPs werden unterstützt!)
- Neustart
- ???
- Profit

Mar 28
DO NOT dirty flash over CM-12
* initial build of cm-12.1/Android 5.1. THERE WILL BE BUGS so think before you post dumb stuff
* Most features work, SMS will FC unless you go to settings>privacy>blacklist and turn the blacklisting feature completely off. This will be fixed once the source is merged for it.
* Right now its just klte but i will be rolling out the other variants over the next 24 hrs or so so just check check back every few hours for your build.
Mar 29
* android 5.1_r3
* Fixed Contacts app from FCing when selecting a contact (credits: DevorteX)
* Fixed Google Messanger from not working due to missing sql entry (credits: ktoonsez)
Mar 30
* Fixed issue of package installer FCing at the end of manually installing an app
* A decent amount of updates/cleanup/small bug fixes by all the CM devs
* Synced with source as of 5PM PDT
* Updated gapps link to point to my web server instead of dev host
Mar 31
* Blacklisting numbers is fixed
* Fixed picture messages from crashing google messager
* Any upstream changes at time of compile
April 4
* Fixed lag with incoming and outgoing calls.
* Any and all upstream changes at time of compile.
April 6
* Fixed NFC not working in last build
* Fixed recent apps key being active on lock screen
April 9
* Any and all upstream changes at time of compile
* fix for google messanger was refined and merged
* Mute and hold buttons now work in dialer
* Home button will not do anything unless the screen is fully awake
April 16
* Fixed MMS sending and receiving issues
* A good amount of stability updates from upstream
* android 5.1 r5
DO NOT dirty flash over CM-12
* initial build of cm-12.1/Android 5.1. THERE WILL BE BUGS so think before you post dumb stuff
* Most features work, SMS will FC unless you go to settings>privacy>blacklist and turn the blacklisting feature completely off. This will be fixed once the source is merged for it.
* Right now its just klte but i will be rolling out the other variants over the next 24 hrs or so so just check check back every few hours for your build.
Mar 29
* android 5.1_r3
* Fixed Contacts app from FCing when selecting a contact (credits: DevorteX)
* Fixed Google Messanger from not working due to missing sql entry (credits: ktoonsez)
Mar 30
* Fixed issue of package installer FCing at the end of manually installing an app
* A decent amount of updates/cleanup/small bug fixes by all the CM devs
* Synced with source as of 5PM PDT
* Updated gapps link to point to my web server instead of dev host
Mar 31
* Blacklisting numbers is fixed
* Fixed picture messages from crashing google messager
* Any upstream changes at time of compile
April 4
* Fixed lag with incoming and outgoing calls.
* Any and all upstream changes at time of compile.
April 6
* Fixed NFC not working in last build
* Fixed recent apps key being active on lock screen
April 9
* Any and all upstream changes at time of compile
* fix for google messanger was refined and merged
* Mute and hold buttons now work in dialer
* Home button will not do anything unless the screen is fully awake
April 16
* Fixed MMS sending and receiving issues
* A good amount of stability updates from upstream
* android 5.1 r5

Team Hydra Github (main): https://github.com/Team-Hydra
CyanogenMod Github: https://github.com/CyanogenMod
XDA: [ROM][PREVIEW] CyanogenMod 12.1 | Android 5.… | Samsung Galaxy S 5 | XDA Forums

G900* Unified-GSM : cm-12.1-20150416-UNOFFICIAL-klte.zip | Browse KLTE Build Archive
GAPPS: : gapps-lpmr1-20150324-signed.zip

An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich bei einen sehr netten und hilfsbereiten
Kollegen wohak bedanken, der mir die Screenshots zur Verfügung
gestellt hat, da ich kein S5 mehr habe.

[FONT="] Ich übernehme keine Haftung für eventuelle Schäden oder Fehler!! [/FONT]
Zuletzt bearbeitet: