- 644

Ich habe hier mal einen neuen Thread aufgemacht, der Euch die BoBCaT ROM GE Edition vorstellt, damit wir nicht alles durcheinander würfeln. Zur Sammy ROM von BoBCaT gehts hier lang. Die Mods bitte ich hier auch mal ein Auge rein zu werfen und Beiträge entsprechen, konsequent und ohne Kommentar zu verschieben.
05 Feb 2014
[GT-I9505][KitKaT Google Ed. 4.4.2]{~BoBCaTROM_GE_v1.0 ~}
05 Feb 2014
[GT-I9505][KitKaT Google Ed. 4.4.2]{~BoBCaTROM_GE_v1.0 ~}

[ROM][GT-I9505][KitKaT Google Ed. 4.4.2][05 Feb]{~BoBCaTROM_GE_v1.0 ~}|OTA Update - xda-developers
[ROM][GT-I9505][KitKaT Google Ed. 4.4.2][05 Feb]{~BoBCaTROM_GE_v1.0 ~}|OTA Update - xda-developers
Based on KOT49H by my friend @friedrich420 (thx
) ==> http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2555569
Root Deodexed Zipalign busybox
Stock Kernel
Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control application, it include many options:
- Battery Bar
- icon battery is removed if you want to restore or activate the percentage use Gravitybox
- Busybox Manager
- Viper4AndroidFX
- ES File Explorer
- Adaway
- Boot Manager
- Fast Dormancy
- Led Manager
- GPS Fix
- Intelli3G
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- LogCat
- MD5 Checker
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes (work in progress), link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- Xposed installer + modules
- Xposed per app density (set many options for each app included dpi density)
- Greenify
- You Tube AdAway
- Reboot menu 5way (systemui, normal, soft, recovery, bootloader)
Based on KOT49H by my friend @friedrich420 (thx

Root Deodexed Zipalign busybox
Stock Kernel
Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control application, it include many options:
- Battery Bar
- icon battery is removed if you want to restore or activate the percentage use Gravitybox
- Busybox Manager
- Viper4AndroidFX
- ES File Explorer
- Adaway
- Boot Manager
- Fast Dormancy
- Led Manager
- GPS Fix
- Intelli3G
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- LogCat
- MD5 Checker
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes (work in progress), link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- Xposed installer + modules
- Xposed per app density (set many options for each app included dpi density)
- Greenify
- You Tube AdAway
- Reboot menu 5way (systemui, normal, soft, recovery, bootloader)
* Gravity Box(Credits @C3C076 and his great application http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2554049 )
Features list:
- CyanogenMod Pie controls
- Expanded Desktop
- Statusbar QuickSettings tile management with tile reordering
- Lockscreen targets
- Statusbar icon coloring
- Statusbar Brightness Control
- Statusbar icon colors
- Additional QuickSettings tiles:
- Sync on/off, WiFi AP on/off, GravityBox shortcut, Torch, Network mode (2G/3G/2G+3G switch), Sleep, QuickRecord,
QuickApp, GPS on/off, Ringer mode, Volume tile, Camera tile, ...
- Quick pulldown - switches to QuickSettings when status bar is pulled down near edges
- Auto-switch to QuickSettings when there are no notifications
- Center clock in statusbar
- Battery indicator style
- Navigation bar tweaks including cursor control keys
- Low battery warning policy
- Disable LED flashing when battery low
- Disable LED while charging
- Advanced power-off menu (reboot, recovery)
- Volume key cursor control
- Skip tracks by volume key long-press while screen off (thanks to rovo89)
- More volume levels for music stream
- Option to control safe headset media volume
- Button for clearing all recent tasks at once
- CRT screen off animation
- Minimal brightness setting
- Autobrightness levels adjustment
- Lockscreen tweaks - show widgets maximized, lockscreen background style (color fill, custom image)
- Lockscreen rotation
- Hardware key actions - menu long-press/double-tap, back long-press, home long-press
- Dithered Holo background
- Option to use solid black Holo background
- Expandable volume panel
- Option to unlink ringtone and notifications volumes
- Notification drawer style (background color, image for portait/landscape, transparency)
- Button backlight modes (default, disabled, always on while screen is on)
- Dialer (Phone) tweaks
- Launcher tweaks
- Screen recording
... more to come
Features list:
- CyanogenMod Pie controls
- Expanded Desktop
- Statusbar QuickSettings tile management with tile reordering
- Lockscreen targets
- Statusbar icon coloring
- Statusbar Brightness Control
- Statusbar icon colors
- Additional QuickSettings tiles:
- Sync on/off, WiFi AP on/off, GravityBox shortcut, Torch, Network mode (2G/3G/2G+3G switch), Sleep, QuickRecord,
QuickApp, GPS on/off, Ringer mode, Volume tile, Camera tile, ...
- Quick pulldown - switches to QuickSettings when status bar is pulled down near edges
- Auto-switch to QuickSettings when there are no notifications
- Center clock in statusbar
- Battery indicator style
- Navigation bar tweaks including cursor control keys
- Low battery warning policy
- Disable LED flashing when battery low
- Disable LED while charging
- Advanced power-off menu (reboot, recovery)
- Volume key cursor control
- Skip tracks by volume key long-press while screen off (thanks to rovo89)
- More volume levels for music stream
- Option to control safe headset media volume
- Button for clearing all recent tasks at once
- CRT screen off animation
- Minimal brightness setting
- Autobrightness levels adjustment
- Lockscreen tweaks - show widgets maximized, lockscreen background style (color fill, custom image)
- Lockscreen rotation
- Hardware key actions - menu long-press/double-tap, back long-press, home long-press
- Dithered Holo background
- Option to use solid black Holo background
- Expandable volume panel
- Option to unlink ringtone and notifications volumes
- Notification drawer style (background color, image for portait/landscape, transparency)
- Button backlight modes (default, disabled, always on while screen is on)
- Dialer (Phone) tweaks
- Launcher tweaks
- Screen recording
... more to come
- Euer Gerät rooten und ein Custom ROM installieren...
- MACHT EIN EFS Backup!!!
- ladet Euch die ROM runter und prüft die checksum (MD5)
- Startet Euer S4 im Recovery Modus
- Installier die BoBCaTROM mit Full Wipe
- Startet Euer S4 neu
- Installiert Xposed framework und active modules (zu finden unter ==> BoBCaTROM Control )
- Erweiterte Einstellungen wählt Ihr unter GravityBox
- Nochmal Neustart
- MACHT EIN EFS Backup!!!
- ladet Euch die ROM runter und prüft die checksum (MD5)
- Startet Euer S4 im Recovery Modus
- Installier die BoBCaTROM mit Full Wipe
- Startet Euer S4 neu
- Installiert Xposed framework und active modules (zu finden unter ==> BoBCaTROM Control )
- Erweiterte Einstellungen wählt Ihr unter GravityBox
- Nochmal Neustart
Wie immer gilt, Ihr flasht auf eigene Gefahr, das aufmerksame Lesen dieses und ggf. auch des XDA-Threads gehört dazu. Weder ich, noch AH, noch Apachi/BoBCaT oder sonstige an der ROM mitwirkende übernehmen eine Garantie dafür, dass alles funktioniert.
Wie immer gilt, Ihr flasht auf eigene Gefahr, das aufmerksame Lesen dieses und ggf. auch des XDA-Threads gehört dazu. Weder ich, noch AH, noch Apachi/BoBCaT oder sonstige an der ROM mitwirkende übernehmen eine Garantie dafür, dass alles funktioniert.
Nun aber: VIEL SPAß mit der ROM
Zuletzt bearbeitet: