I9505 [ROM][I9505][5.1] *21.10.2015* S4 JFLTE-GPE 5.1 by Danvdh

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JFLTE-GPE 5.1 by Danvdh


Stock kernel
External SD permissions for app's added
Worldwide APNs
Long press recents
Lockscreen carrier label alignment fixed
USB debugging notification disabled
Tethering unlocked for most carriers
Nexus UI sounds
SuperSU integrated into Settings


  • Full Wipe
  • Rom flashen
  • Neustarten

-Rebased on LMY470 5.1
-Huge Updater-script and Update-binary changes
-Nexus UI sounds
-Long press home for recents to fix home button lag
-Complete debloat of the optional apps in system including Camera and MMS
-Updated system apps
-SELinux permissive
-CDMA phones no longer supported, Other developers with these devices can feel free to port my ROM in another thread
-Now ships with GPE-5.1 kernel patched to linux 3.4.108 based off of Googy 1.3 (includes 5.1 source) by Tkkg1994
-Random reboots are fixed for INTL I9505 users
-Loki patch will work on the kernel
-External storage will now mount
-Latest APN list from CyanogenMOD
-Teleservice network modes unlocked, enabled world phone
-added Framework values so select MVNO networks will not be "roaming"
-Fixed alignment of keyguard carrier text
-HSPA icon enabled
-App ops added to Settings>Security
-Nexus UI sounds

known issues: (CDMA users)
Sprint and Verizon might need to set defaultnetwork in build.prop to "8"
Verizon and Sprint SMS may not work
  • Added GoogyMax3 back as the default kernel
  • STWeaks was readded after I mistakenly remove dit.
  • Verizon default network value is 10, as per TouchWiz Lollipop values
  • Updated APN and SPN's from CyanogenMod.
  • Removed Archi Init, since everything is done via all the kernels we use.
  • Updated Interface app to be clearer on the purpose of the new disable/enable menu to recents on buttons, and how to set them
  • Updated some stock Gapps.

  • Changed the method of assigning the buttons for disabling and menu-to-recents (flashes a file)
  • Added GMail as default (again)
  • Updated Google Exchange Services
  • Updated Google Clock, WebView, Play Services, Photos
  • Updated @Alucard24 kernel, removed the battery drain and fixed the IR blaster
  • Updated NetworkMeter position from Optimised CM-12.1 and changed font to sans-serif-condensed
  • Added some stock build.prop values from TouchWiz 5.0.1 build.prop (mostly OpenGL optimisations)
  • Fixed wget for Alucard kernel’s adblocking
  • Fixed Google Keyboard
  • Fixed OTA Updates not downloading properly (v2.4.5)
  • Fixed Google Now FCing when used
  • Made alucard_24’s kernel the default
    • Worked with him to rebase his GE5.0 kernel to be fully up to date
    • Christopher GCC 4.9.3 compiled
    • Optimised for speed (-O3)
  • Removed all installer options now. Installer simply installs. Hulk or Googy kernel can be found in their threads
  • Stock GE kernel in addons
  • DPI changing in Interface app
  • Fixed a small bug in OTA Updates, version is now v2.4.4
  • Better supersu installation method in installer. Won’t affect users, but makes it easier for me.
  • New Android M default wallpaper
  • Updated Google Camera, Keyboard and Chrome

Still waiting for 5.1…
Updated Google Photos to the newest version, the stand alone
Updated OTA Updates to 2.4.2
Updated Google Camera, Search, Services and Clock (DeskClockGoogle) to the Android M Preview versions
Updated Chrome, Play Store and Keyboard
New, better, AROMA theme

Simplified installer options
Many items moved to addons in the OTA app
This sort of fixes the Exchange issues people had, since they can install GMail or AOSP Mail themselves
Made updating prebuilt apps easier without having to issue a new ROM
Removed hardswap stuff
Updated Google Play, Search, Services and WebView

Added AOSP Email. Removed Gmail as a result of this
CM Calculator update
Added CM Calendar (LP themed AOSP Calendar)
Added Viper4Android
Updated Play Store
Updated AudioFX
Updated Eleven
Updated cLock
Updated Chrome
Updated Messaging (Google)
Updated Google Play Services
Updated Google Talkback
Updated Google WebView
Updated OTAUpdates app to 2.3.1
Changed around the Google Dialer and Contacts theme a little. More true to Material Dark, now.
Also changed the Dark Settings in the same way
Updated the AROMA theming as well.

* Fixed the orientation bug. Both menu to recents and normal functions are working properly
* Updated Cyanogen Messaging source code to 20150301
* Updated Trebuchet source code to 20150301
* Updated AudioFX source code to 20150301 (includes new icon)
* Updated Eleven (Music) source code to 20150301 (includes new icon)
* Updated Cyanogen Browser source code to 20150301
* Updated Google Launcher
* Updated Google Play Services
* Updated Google App
* Updated Apex Launcher
* Updated Googy Max3 to 1.3.0 Final. Thanks Googy_Anas for all the hard work!
* Updated OTA Updates app. Better Lollipop theming (checked the official guides). Added some developer stuff (BitCoin donations now accepted)
* Added Alucard Kernel option in the installer
* Added option to not install a DSP (MusicFX, AudioFX, DSP Manager) in case you want to use Viper4Android instead (not included)

* Boot animation memory leak fixed thanks to arter97
* Fixed System FC when expanding a content sensitive notification
* Network meter settings will now be properly themed white if stock settings is chosen in AROMA
* Landscape navigation bar will now properly hide if set to 0 dpi
* Updated SuperSU 2.46
* Updated OTAUpdater to 2.2
* Updated Googy kernel to 1.2.9
* Updated CM APNs
* Modded framework and apks now compiled with latest apktool
* Removed SNote preload data
Updated Busybox to 1.23.0-Stericson
Updated Google Apps
Updated NetworkTraffic mod style to match the clock (font weight and style)
Updated AROMA installer – now dark themed
Added mDNIe Controls to Interface
Added stock kernel option into AROMA
Added a better autohide method into the Network Meter, including a threshold slider
Added new method for disabling hardware buttons, also added ability to use Menu button as Recents, as has been requested a lot
Added new method of turning off the hardware keys backlight (no more rebooting to change this)
Added markdown parsing of the changelog in Settings (check Settings->About->ROM Changelog)
Added Battery light (LED) controls
Added quick pull down of the quick tiles
Added alarm icon switching without having to toggle an alarm
Added IME notification icon switching
Added navigation bar height option (can be used to force soft menu key in apps if off)
Added Ambient Display (on by default – this is default Android behaviour)
Fixed OTAUpdates “cancel” button not updating to “install” when download finishes
Fixed battery views and readded the text and landscape icons. Now shows on lockscreen properly
Fixed clock mod to allow left clock using new CyanogenMod method
Fixed NetworkTraffic mod not showing a single line correctly
Fixed default Trebuchet layout
Removed hidden battery init.d hack – new battery methods work properly now

* Patched colorfade memory leak in services.jar
* Network improvements for Verizon Wireless
* Removed debug code from OTA app
* Fixed spacing for U/D on network meter
* Fixed Calculator delete string for English UK
* Updates to our themed dialers
* Sound recorder updates, Can now record in mp4 and wav
* Compiled updated CM apps from source
* Update OTA info in build.prop

* Fixed tethering and enabled bluetooth tethering for all carriers
* Updated Chrome
* Updated Google Search
* Updated Google Play Services
* Updated AOSP Gallery
* Updated Live walpapers
* Updated the Inverted Teal phone/contacts app
* Updated Interface app
* Updated kernel to latest Googy 1.2.7
* Updated SuperSU
* Added full wipe option to aroma
* Added volume panel timeout options
* Added heads up timeout options
* Added long press to skip tracks
* Added hold back to kill current app
* Added clock mods
* Added CyanogenMOD browser option to AROMA
* Added hardware swap file options in AROMA
* Added CM Calculator
* Added a choice in AROMA for Eleven and Apollo music players
* Added AudioFX from CM12 to AROMA
* Removed Gear Manager as it's not working
* Removed WAV option from SoundRecorder, since it's not working
* Live walpapers are now optional in AROMA
* Updated build.prop

* Rebuilt from scratch to log our changes in GIT, results in cleaner work
* Enabled national roaming on most European virtual networks
* Dirty flashers should no longer need to clear interface app and data
* Fixed roaming for Videotron users in Quebec, Canada
* App ops added to security settings
* Device walpapers included in tiny .apk from source
* Updated Interface app
* Toggle for enable all rotations added to Interface
* Toggle for wake on unplug added to Interface
* Disabling battery icon in Interface will now stick after reboot
* Improved show 4g for LTE toggle
* AROMA improvements
* Motorola Gallery now optional in aroma, it goes amazing with Moto camera
* Oneplus Camera optional in AROMA, HDR and saving to SD card supported
* Inverted teal theme for dialer in contacts added to AROMA
* Custom DPI options in AROMA
* Improvements to the tethering script for some carriers
* Hide alarm clock toggle code simplified
* Disabled safe media nag
* Removed a duplicate ringtone
* Updated OTA app
* Updated build.prop

-Even with 5.0.1 LRX22C - Unofficial 5.0.1
-Deodexed framework
-Updated kernel
-Fixed SMS for vodafone NL
-Increased the falsing threshold for when keyguard affordances
-Voicemail now can be accessed by holding 1 for most carriers
-Some ADB fail safe fixes that were merged into 5.0.1
-Fixed SystemUI heads up notification spacing
-Ported CM Battery icons to the ROM
-Clear all in recents
-Extended power menu
-Toggle advanced power menu option in interface
-Updated OTA app - fixed open recovery script installation. Using markdown for changelog rendering
-Updated AdAway (fixes for 5.0)

-TeleService FC with certain languages is fixed
-Cleaned up Updater-Script in regards to setting default network for Sprint
-Googla Wallet is now optional in AROMA
-Google Sound Search is now optional in AROMA
-Apex will now install as intended via AROMA
-DSP or stock processing in AROMA
-Spanish translation for interface app thanks to marcuzzi
-Fixed Voice recorder
-OTA app updates
-AROMA improvements
-Enabled HD-Voice for all, by default

-Happy new year, FULL WIPE REQUIRED! =P
-Implemented AROMA installer to customize your installation
-Updated to latest googy_max kernel 1.2.5
-Kernel will auto loki for AT&T/VZW
-Verizon and Sprint will boot with proper framework and CDMA settings right out of the box
-Added a fix for tethering on first boot. No need to reboot or issue a command in the shell
-Turn off experimental NuPlayer by default - Should help fix some audio stuttering issues once and for all
-Fixed FC's in Trebuchet Launcher
-SQlite3 will now work as intended
-Ported CM's Changelog feature into the GPE Settings.apk. Settings->About
-Added option for dark material Settings
-Added a choice for AOSP Messaging with quick reply
-AOSP Sound recorder
-Removed Adblocking by default, made AdAway an option in AROMA
-Added missing Emoji fonts from the Nexus 5
-Updated latest APN entires from CyanogenMod
-Added in Material Gallery from CM (Deleting from SD card now works)
-Added Moto Camera option. Moto Camera cannot shoot in HDR, but supports saving to SD
-Updated OTA Updater. Now correctly checks update on first boot and background services does run to check in time
-Updated Interface with some new icons and added ability to choose whether to disable hardware buttons when using onscreen navigation
-S-tweaks themed material and enhanced
-Updated Google Play Store and Google Camera
-Removed some unnecessary files from the zip
-Material UI themed cLock

-Updated kernel to googy 1.2.4
-Fixed all audio stuttering
-Modded stock launcher (much faster, more features)
-Performance added into Settings (opens s-tweaks)
-Unlocked Teleservice, enabled all network modes (world phone)
-Teleservice LTE toggling fixed
-DSP Audio manager
-Added file manager
-Ported AOSP gallery (100% working on 5.x)
-Gmail + stock exchange
-Removed AOSP email (atm it's not ready)
-H+ icon will now show when connected to HSPA+
-Hide alarm clock (interface)
-Enable on-screen navigation bar (Interface)
-Show 4g for LTE (Interface)
-Access to CM cLock settings (Interface)
-Signal cluster fixed when not connected to data
-OEM Brightness settings
-Cleaned up code in OTA app
-Added some binaries needed for Interface settings
-Removed un-needed libs (Dalvik ones) from TTS, Search, Camera, Chrome
-Updated build.prop (Ota info)

Updated to Googy kernel (fixes bluetooth)
Google now launcher now default
Added Chrome
Working 5.x email and exchange (Material)
Updated Search
Updated TTS
Updated System sounds with Nexus 5/6 sounds
Fixed carrier label on lock screen
Added Interface option to settings
Custom boot animation
Enable battery percent
Disable/enable touchkey lights
Change host name
Enable network traffic
Reboot options (Settings > Interface) (we cannot add to power menu yet as I have no way to access the .dex I need, this will work perfectly for now)
Added OTA app
SuperSU updated and now will not ask for a binary update on first boot
Updated APNs (should boot LTE on AT&T now)
Removed Samsung carrier codes
Other minor things I might be forgetting

-Phone should now always boot properly on first boot
-Added busybox and init.d via archi kitchen
-Integrated Superuser into settings
-Added touchkey light binary script to turn lights off (type SU to get root then touchkeys in terminal)
-ROM ships with stock launcher now
-Added Google MMS
-Updated Google Camera
-Updated GoogleTTS
-Removed Android Debugging notification
-Made HSPA visable in the status bar
-Menu no longer unlocks the lock screen
-Updated build.prop

Note: Chainfire wants you to update the binary via supersu app, just do it the normal way as you still
have root even without updating the binary

-Android 5.0
-Home button lag fixed
-Security FC fixed
-Worldwide apns added
-Fixed platform permissions for ext sd
-Nova launcher
-more that I'm just too tired to type right no
-gmscore/search bug fixed (reverted)
-updated Nova Launcher
-updated build.prop
-dirty flash is fine (wipe caches, flash, reboot)

-Added light weight AOSP browser
-"Find on page" string fixed and working with all languages
-Updated Google play services
-Updated Playstore
-Updated Google Keyboard
-Updated Calculator
-Updated Host file (ad blocking)
-Updated apns.conf to add more support out of the box for European carriers
-Updated CM file manager
-Updated weather widget
-Updated Googe now launcher (Pure Nexus builds only)
-Updated Google search (Pure Nexus build only)
-Added Pure Nexus build to North American threads
-Updated build.prop
-ALL builds including INTL are shipping with stock kernel, flash your own GE kernel as the ones I provide go out of date rather quickly and flashing custom
over stock is always the cleanest way to go about it, I don't have the time to be uploading 6 builds everytime I release an update.


-Updated Kernels (latest)
-Updated Superuser
-Updated Novalauncher (Customized build only)
-Updated Google search (Pure Nexus build only)
-Updated Google Play Services
-Updated Google Keyboard
-Fixed Boot animation lag
-Updated to latest Nexus boot animation
-Updated cLock widget
-Updated Google Camera
-Genie Widget (Weather and news app) removed
-Google Street removed (get it from the Play Store)
-Added new optional flash for Interface Settings (Gravity box embedded into Settings)
-Updated build.prop
-Everything is up to date, if you enjoy this ROM please consider a donation to help out with real life stuff!
-Lockscreen unlock ring in now centered (Great one Samsung/Google!) This is now fixed for you guys, the problem was in keyguard.apk and I fixed the derp they shipped.
-Updated google play services
-Enabled touchkey light control for ART users, simply type SU in terminal and then type touchkeys
-Updated google search (Pure Nexus build only)
-Reverted themed email in favor of stock email (Pure Nexus build only)
-Uploaded 2 extra builds compiled with another kernel for you guys with "battery issues" to try out, not all hardware is made equal and some might have a better experience, all I know is on stock kernel from google the ROM is running perfectly.
-Updated build.prop
*Do not turn my thread into a kernel thread, this is a ROM development thread and I'm 100% certain I've done all I can on the ROM side of things, it's very stable and most battery issues are your issue or your phone not agreeing with a certain kernel setup, it's all about finding the balance that works for you

*use the updated flashable addons*
-Rebased everything I had going on in 4.4.3 into 4.4.4, this was a royal pain but it had to be done, I've smashed this project yet again with 4 straight hours of development, helps when you're organized and ready for surprises like this, No features are missing from 4.4.3 and the addons received an update too, I need a beer now. phew

*Use the updated DarkUI flash zip if you use this feature*
-Autobrightness adjusted, I upped the values a bit so mostly everyone should be happy, the screen is no longer too dark but does a good job saving power too, I'll be submitting this array to CM.
-Home button long press vibration and touchkey button vibration smoothed out, should give the perfect amount of haptic feedback when this option is enabled
-Kernel updated
-Updated build.prop
-Last 4.4.3 release, stay tuned 4.4.4 whenever they decide to give us that

*Use the updated DarkUI flash zip if you use this feature*
-Updated Superuser to the much awaited 2.0
-Updated build.prop to reflect today's date without branding the ROM
-Updated to the new CM autobrightness (will fix random brightness jumps aswell)
this Gerrit Code Review has been tested by me and provides much better autobrightness

this will help battery life a great deal :) as you can see here, it's well tested by the guys at CM, they have been working on perfecting autobrightness for well over a month now for this device, I'm very happy with the results of these changes
special thanks to @hawkerpaul for pointing this out to me in the CM repo

-Kernel updated
1. Linux 3.4.92.
3. Ramdisk updates for GE.
4. 4.4.3 miscelanious stuff.
5. Fix IR for GE ROMs.
6. Merge in some more 4.4.3 stuff for GE.
7. Ktweaker update: AUTO HOTPLUG OPTION IS NOW A LIST SELECTION INSTEAD OF CHECK BOX, MAKE SURE YOU GO AND SET IT TO THE PROPER VALUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you used to have the checkbox off, select "Disabled", if you had it checked, select "KT Auto Hotplug"
-Hangouts and google earth libs deleted

Note: if you are are on 06/08/2014 build you can just flash the latest google edition kernel here

-Vibration intensity reduced on back/menu/hold home haptic feedback, was way overkill with stock values
-H+ icon will now show when H+ is available, H will show otherwise
-Superuser updated to latest
-Framework-res translation for the clock app is fixed, Ringtone array is flawless now in all languages (Samsung/Google derp fixed
-Dialer is now Carbon Holo (Customized build only, doesn't effect pure Nexus)
-Contacts is now Carbon Holo (Customized build only, doesn't effect pure Nexus)
-Novalauncher updated (Customized build only)
-Optional flash for the battery icon got an update

Note: All optional flashes will work with any of my builds, feel free to customize as you wish and keep checking back because I always add more :)

-Framework-res ringtone translation fixed across all languages
-App ops enabled in Settings
-Google dialer has been themed Carbon
-Uploaded a Pure Nexus ROM with no themes, just a pure vanilla Android experience for those users who just want to keep it as close to stock as possible

-"Carrier Settings" in settings removed, this appeared when I world unlocked the dialer for you folks, it's gone now because it FC'd and we are not suppose to have it
-Samsung missed a string in the ringtone/notification selection array, Default Ringtone should be "None", this is now fixed

Note: Samsung watchON and other IR apps are not working in 4.4.3, however the IR functions fine with smart IR remote for me so the IR is not actually broken, you just need updated apps
-WiFi DHCP fixed
-Teleservice unlocked (We can now change to all available network modes)
-Added CM filemanager by ktoonsez request for quick phone setup
-CRT disabled in favor of the fade effect, much nicer on the eyes and better on battery life
-Updated KT kernel, Nothing much here, just 4.4.3 ramdisk stuff
-Don't expect a million updates like 4.4.2, I was well prepared for 4.4.3 and all my features/fixes from 4.4.2 are in this build


Rom gibt es hier.
Falls es Probleme mit random reboots gibt probiert bitte den Kernel hier.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: andi2398, Klausel, spucky und 19 andere
...bin begeistert von dem Rom..:thumbup:

Wie sieht es mit Installation auf altem Bootloader mit neuem Modem aus?
Sieht gut aus ;-)
Kein Problem...
Kann auch nur eine ausdrückliche Empfehlung aussprechen.

Allerdings gibt es schon neuere Versionen!

Standard build 08.06.: danvdh-GE-4.4.3-06082014-INT.zip | danvdh-GE-4.4.3-06082014-INT.zip | by danvdh for Galaxy S4

Pure Nexus Edition build 08.06.: PureNexus-Danvdh-GE-4.4.3-06082014-INT.zip | PureNexus-Danvdh-GE-4.4.3-06082014-INT.zip | by danvdh for Galaxy S4

-Vibration intensity reduced on back/menu/hold home haptic feedback, was way overkill with stock values
-H+ icon will now show when H+ is available, H will show otherwise
-Superuser updated to latest
-Framework-res translation for the clock app is fixed, Ringtone array is flawless now in all languages (Samsung/Google derp fixed
-Dialer is now Carbon Holo (Standard build only, doesn't effect pure Nexus)
-Contacts is now Carbon Holo (Standard build only, doesn't effect pure Nexus)
-Novalauncher updated (Standard build only)
-Optional flash for the battery icon got an update

Note: All optional flashes will work with any of my builds, feel free to customize as you wish and keep checking back because I always add more :)

-Framework-res ringtone translation fixed across all languages
-App ops enabled in Settings
-Google dialer has been themed Carbon
-Uploaded a Pure Nexus ROM with no themes, just a pure vanilla Android experience for those users who just want to keep it as close to stock as possible

-"Carrier Settings" in settings removed, this appeared when I world unlocked the dialer for you folks, it's gone now because it FC'd and we are not suppose to have it
-Samsung missed a string in the ringtone/notification selection array, Default Ringtone should be "None", this is now fixed

Note: Samsung watchON and other IR apps are not working in 4.4.3, however the IR functions fine with smart IR remote for me so the IR is not actually broken, you just need updated apps
Hört sich ja ersteinmal gut an,

was ist denn der Unterschied beider Versionen ?
Leicht andere "Ausstattung" mit Nova Launcher, CM cLock und Dialer, Kontakte, Mail und SMS in Carbon Holo Look bei der Standardversion, die Nexusversion ist quasi unverändert bis auf @Danvdhs übliche Tweaks unter der Haube.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: BloodyNL
Lieg noch übers Wochenende am Strand ;-). OP wird morgen abend aktualisiert.
gALEXy schrieb:
Leicht andere "Ausstattung" mit Nova Launcher, CM cLock und Dialer, Kontakte, Mail und SMS in Carbon Holo Look bei der Standardversion, die Nexusversion ist quasi unverändert bis auf @Danvdhs übliche Tweaks unter der Haube.

Vielen Dank,

dann werde ich die ROM mal umgehend testen

P. S.: ROM läuft super. Kann man xposed und gravity nachinstallieren?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So OP ist aktualiesiert. Dialer + Kontakte hinzugefügt. Viel Spaß damit :flapper:
Irgendeine empfohlene Recovery für die ROM? CWM? TWRP? PhilZ? (Insert recovery name here)?
Bin schon seit dem ersten release der Rom mit Philz Recovery unterwegs und hatte noch nie Probleme.
Empfohlen wird TWRP, bei XDA hatten einige mit Philz Probleme. Ich selbst nutze auch Philz und funktioniert soweit. Also selber testen ;-)

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 18:37 Uhr wurde um 18:56 Uhr ergänzt:

BloodyNL schrieb:
Kann man xposed und gravity nachinstallieren?


Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 18:56 Uhr wurde um 20:16 Uhr ergänzt:

-Kernel updated
1. Linux 3.4.92.
3. Ramdisk updates for GE.
4. 4.4.3 miscelanious stuff.
5. Fix IR for GE ROMs.
6. Merge in some more 4.4.3 stuff for GE.
7. Ktweaker update: AUTO HOTPLUG OPTION IS NOW A LIST SELECTION INSTEAD OF CHECK BOX, MAKE SURE YOU GO AND SET IT TO THE PROPER VALUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you used to have the checkbox off, select "Disabled", if you had it checked, select "KT Auto Hotplug"
-Hangouts and google earth libs deleted

Note: if you are are on 06/08/2014 build you can just flash the latest google edition kernel here

Kernel update lässt sich auch einfach über KTweaker->Tools->OTA->Check for new Version machen!
Es tut sich wieder was.

I'm testing out the new autobrightness from CM, looks great and will def save some juice, I think I will release this in a new build/patch for all you guys after today
Habe die Rom ca. 4 Tage drauf. Bist jetzt Rockt das Teil.
Keine Reboots, keine Lags, Akku hält lange.
geht s view option? anrufe annehmen?
Nope. Das geht nur mit Sammy Software. Also mit TW stock Rom !!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505G mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Ja das wäre noch der Knaller wenn man die s-view portiert bekommen würde. Aber auch ohne ist das Rom der Hammer.
Update ist da!

*Use the updated DarkUI flash zip if you use this feature*
-Updated Superuser to the much awaited 2.0
-Updated build.prop to reflect today's date without branding the ROM
-Updated to the new CM autobrightness (will fix random brightness jumps aswell)
this Gerrit Code Review has been tested by me and provides much better autobrightness

this will help battery life a great deal :) as you can see here, it's well tested by the guys at CM, they have been working on perfecting autobrightness for well over a month now for this device, I'm very happy with the results of these changes
special thanks to @hawkerpaul for pointing this out to me in the CM repo

Customized Edition vom 18.06.2014

Pure Nexus Edition vom 18.06.2014
  • Danke
Reaktionen: BloodyNL
Sehr gut

Aber mal was anderes : weiß jemand wie man den Speicherort der mit der Kamera gemachten Bilder ändern kann. Z. B. Auf externe SD?

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