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Funktioniert bei euch eigl der hdr Mode bei mir erzeugt der nur graue Bilder 

Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
to be included in next nightly:
screenshot: quick delete action (android_frameworks_base)
Clean up lock screen interface code (android_packages_apps_Settings)
SystemUI: apply alpha value to all layouts. (android_frameworks_base)
Add touch feedback to the clear all recents button (android_frameworks_base)
camera: Allow any target to use message management (android_frameworks_av)
mm-core: initial video bring-up on 8x55 target (android_hardware_qcom_media-caf)
mm-video:vdec: Video decoder bring-up on 8x55 target (android_hardware_qcom_media-caf)
Initial 8x55 mr1 bring up (android_hardware_qcom_media-caf)
Storage Settings: Allow user to trigger a volume rescan (android_packages_apps_Settings)
DeskClock: Fixup summary texts for shake and flip actions (android_packages_apps_DeskClock)
Handle empty URI properties (android_packages_apps_CMUpdater)
Revert "WhisperPush: correct copyright notice" (android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush)
av: ...and more cleanups (android_frameworks_av)
unpackbootimg: Add support for second, second_offset and tags_offset. (android_system_core)
frameworks/av: Enable subsystem re-start for LPA/Tunnel (android_frameworks_av)
audio: Misc cleanups after merge (android_frameworks_av)
audio: check audio mode to enable voice path for VoIP apps (android_frameworks_av)
Camera2: Fix for unsupported resolutions by codec. (android_packages_apps_Camera2)
Camera: Enable module switcher on resume (android_packages_apps_Camera2)
Set original camera parameters while switching between modules. (android_packages_apps_Camera2)
Camera: Set the width dynamic to parent from fixed 400px (android_packages_apps_Camera2)
Settings: Forward port sound settings (android_packages_apps_Settings)
SystemUI: fix SearchPanel gesture in landscape mode. (android_frameworks_base)
Improve app op details layout. (android_packages_apps_Settings)
audio: Add support for tunnel mode recording and compress voip (android_frameworks_av)
libstagefright: Set the maximums AAC framesize (android_frameworks_av)
libstagefright: Update handling of SBR explict siganlling (android_frameworks_av)
libstagefright: Handle error on allocate buffer failure (android_frameworks_av)
libstagefright: Disable multi slice mode (android_frameworks_av)
Always show band 0 (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Do not modify original items pointer when filtering NULL entries (android_bootable_recovery)
phone: Add option for setting device phone number (squashed) (android_packages_services_Telephony)
audio : Mute FM when ringtone is played from settings (android_hardware_qcom_audio-caf)
SAP: Make QSAP SDK compatible w.r.t Android framework. (android_system_qcom)
qcom: softap: Fix potential string null termination and buffer overflow (android_system_qcom)
Allow override of update server uri (android_packages_apps_CMUpdater)
settings: fix exception in BatterySipper.getQuickNameIconForUid (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Camera: Round camera settings icon margins to 8 (android_packages_apps_Camera2)
add 1c:99:4c as murata mac (android_hardware_samsung)
WhisperPush: correct copyright notice (android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush)
envsetup: repolastsync prints date/time of last repo sync (android_build)
Remove unused audio mk files (android_vendor_cm)
frameworks/base: remove some duplicate ringtones/notification sounds (android_frameworks_base)
libstagefright: Add msm7x30 to the legacy alsa audio check (android_frameworks_av)
audio-caf: resurrect msm7x30 audio (android_hardware_qcom_audio-caf)
Allow tablets to send SMS if enabled in device overlays (2/2) (android_frameworks_opt_telephony)
Allow tablets to send SMS if enabled in device overlays (1/2) (android_packages_apps_Settings)
AppOps: track op persistence by name instead of id (android_frameworks_base)
Free up memory from file menu pointers (android_bootable_recovery)
WifiController: fix high perf lock sometimes not respected (android_frameworks_base)
Fix touch feedback and areas for status bar date & time actions (android_frameworks_base)
libstagefright: support for disabling buffer metadata (android_frameworks_av)
vold: Allow specifying the filesystem type when formatting (android_system_vold)
Stylus gestures features (2/2) (android_packages_apps_Settings)
settings: Add option to toggle the pointer icon when using stylus (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Apollo: Add option for sorting by filename into 'Sort by' menu (android_packages_apps_Apollo)
Nandroid menu fixes: - fix memory overflow bug if vold managed volumes reach MAX_NUM_MANAGED_VOLUMES. - easier editing: this completes previous two commits to clean up Install Zip menu and Advanced menu (android_bootable_recovery)
Hide install icon after success as it is done for regular zip installs (android_bootable_recovery)
softap: sscanf sanity check for SoftAP service (android_system_qcom)
unpackbootimg: Add support for dumping ramdisk offset (android_system_core)
adb: Check sender's socket id when receiving packets. (android_system_core)
Camera2: fix long press shutter behavior (android_packages_apps_Camera2)
Dalvik: DMB Optimisations for TracingJIT (android_dalvik)
Dalvik: DMB Optimisation (android_dalvik)
florinr1 schrieb:Funktioniert bei euch eigl der hdr Mode bei mir erzeugt der nur graue Bilder![]()
Gabba_Gandalf schrieb:Jep ist bei mir auch so
TheNonMaster schrieb:Bei mir hängt sich manchmal das Handy auf, insbesondere bei Videos, ist das bei euch auch so?
sonics schrieb:Letztens kam doch schonmal so ein tiefgründiger und informativer Kommentar zu einem bevorstehenden update von heikonet. Dann würde ich das updaten doch einfach sein lassen.
Wenn ich lese was mit dem heutigen Update alles kommt, traue ich mich kaum zu updaten
werra schrieb:Probiere mal mit einem 2. flashen.
xGalaxyx schrieb:Danke, hab ich schon versucht klappt einfach nicht es hängt bei diesem "Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-i9505" ..
Griesol schrieb:Guten Abend!
Habe die letzte Nighly drauf. Wo kann ich denn das Display Timeout einstellen ?!?
Kann mir bitte einer einen Typ geben. danke.
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App