[ROM][I9505][4.4.4] *29.12.14* Slim Kat 9 [FINAL]

  • 2.353 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Man sagte mir, er habe sich mit wehenden Fahnen verabschiedet ;)

Übrigens: benutzt ihr Themes?
beicuxhaven schrieb:
? Was geht nicht? Das schließen der recent apps

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 18:09 Uhr wurde um 18:48 Uhr ergänzt:

Ein bisschen traurig oder? Geht um das Problem, dass die Leute App die man auf hatte nicht im recent erscheint...

I'm also using SideControl Pro now for about a week, loving it.

nein, ich hatte das Problem mit der dpi und dem installieren von Apps
Ne tolle Rom........aber alles ein bisschen klein hier. Kann ich das irgendwie auf Normalgröße bekommen?
Post 1 lesen.... DPI auf 400 oder 420 stellen...
Vielen Dank, ich finde die Einstellung nur leider nicht. :confused2:
Steht wiederum in Post 1. Stichwort textdroider. Alternativ manuell über die build.prop
Gibt es eigentlich in den Einstellungen nur die Möglichkeit die Uhr/Datum in der Statusbar zu ändern. Hätte gern, dass es mir den nächsten Alarm anzeigt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
6.6 in Arbeit 6.5 ist fehlerhaft. langsam häufen sich die zweit buildings aber recht oft
  • Danke
Reaktionen: rotali20, beicuxhaven und MarcellusWallis
6.6 online
  • Danke
Reaktionen: beicuxhaven
Wie kurz dieser Thread sein könnte, würde einfach mal das Changelog gelesen...
beicuxhaven schrieb:
Ein bisschen traurig oder? Geht um das Problem, dass die Leute App die man auf hatte nicht im recent erscheint...

Zu finden unter den Bedienungshilfen, bei dem Punkt "Show topmost task". Das muss angekreuzt werden.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: beicuxhaven
Verrückt, es gibt eine SlimKat-6.8-basierte SlimSaberKat, aber noch keine SlimKat 6.8?
Builds are Online in the next Hours, check the DL page

also Geduld und öfter mal hier nachschaun
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Liste der Änderungen:

2014-07-28 | Settings: add new slim actions [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-28 | fix a typo in DE-translation [andi34]
2014-07-27 | Skip broadcasting to a receiver if the receiver seems to be dead [Koji Fukui]
2014-07-27 | Settings: translation - RU [gwindlord]
2014-07-27 | Settings: italian translation [ezio84-xda]
2014-07-27 | Restore untrusted glStencilMask value on resume after functor [Chris Craik]
2014-07-27 | [HWUI] Fix invisible views are still shown in popup window [henry.uh_chen]
2014-07-27 | [Bitmap] Add null pointer protection in Bitmap_sameAs() [henry.uh_chen]
2014-07-26 | Settings: Show heads up at the bottom of the screen (2/2) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-26 | fb: Show heads up at the bottom of the screen (1/2) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-26 | bacon: add slim governor [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-26 | appop: protect mediaserver with OP_RECORD_AUDIO op check. [Jorge Ruesga]
2014-07-25 | Update HK carrier APNS [Abhisek Devkota]
2014-07-25 | SystemUI: show statusbar icon if quiet hours is active [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-25 | stagefright: Handle offload fallback for 24-bit tracks [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-25 | msm8960: Add bloat to support power off charging [Arne Coucheron]
2014-07-25 | libaudioflinger: add stock resampler in pcm offload path [vivek mehta]
2014-07-25 | jflte: Utilize charger class for offmode charging [Arne Coucheron]
2014-07-25 | jflte: tcp buffer config [Drew Davis]
2014-07-25 | jflte: remove unused gps-nomsb.conf [Drew Davis]
2014-07-25 | frameworks/av: Add output close in AudioTrack destructor for offload case [Dhananjay Kumar]
2014-07-25 | Fix Mobistar APN settings [neatchee]
2014-07-25 | Cricket merged with AIO, add APN [neatchee]
2014-07-25 | Add/fix APNs... [neatchee]
2014-07-25 | Added apn settings for Mobitel and Etisalat, Sri Lanka (MCC=413) [Harindra]
2014-07-24 | wifi: death to all modules [Dan Pasanen]2014-07-25 | qcom-common: Only include init.qcom.thermal_links.sh if needed (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Christopher R. Palmer]2014-07-21 | Switch to Linaro 4.9 14.06 (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]2014-07-20 | Fix (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]2014-07-19 | Port jpeg_mem_dest for in-memory operations (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Steve Kondik]2014-07-22 | Fix crash when playing ALAC (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/cm-11.0) [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-24 | wifi: bring in settings from msm8960-common [invisiblek]2014-07-25 | camera: allow disabling zsl for ffc (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Dan Pasanen]
2014-07-24 | Limit codec offload to devices with QCOM_AV_ENHANCEMENTS enabled [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-07-24 | hal: PCM offload shouldn't enable all types of offloading [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-24 | hal: Fix the samplerate/bitwidth comparison [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-24 | hal: Extend MULTIPLE_OFFLOAD_ENABLED ifdef [dhacker29]
2014-07-24 | hal: Avoid unnecessary rerouting for sample rate changes [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-24 | bacon: cleanup [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-24 | bacon: add other gesture for torch and cleanup (1/2) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-24 | bacon: add other gesture for torch (2/2) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-24 | Add TD-SCDMA UI support [Sandeep Gutta]2014-07-22 | Caf: Track CM's external ebtables (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-23 | video: mdss: Setup the rotator in mixer_setup [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-23 | slimbus: Cleanup duplicate code [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-23 | msm: vidc: Suppress false error messages [Deva Ramasubramanian]
2014-07-23 | msm: vidc: rewrite v4l2 cluster construction [Arun Menon]
2014-07-23 | msm: vidc: Provide qmenu for V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE [Deva Ramasubramanian]
2014-07-23 | msm: vidc: fix a race condition in cluster construction [Arun Menon]
2014-07-23 | msm: vidc: Check if buffers are mapped before validating buffer_info [Deva Ramasubramanian]
2014-07-23 | msm: vidc: Add OCMEM check during power collapse [Vikash Garodia]
2014-07-23 | msm8974: Update Samsung DT [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-23 | asoc: msm: Disable async mode for AFE proxy [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-23 | ARM: dts: msm: Update MDP writeback QoS configuration [Jayant Shekhar]
2014-07-23 | ARM: dts: msm: Update MDP writeback QoS configuration [Jayant Shekhar]
2014-07-22 | Update bash script [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-22 | stagefright: Fix compile for non-QCOM_HARDWARE [Scott Warner]
2014-07-22 | stagefright: 24-bit audio support via offloading [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | slim_ngd: Use QMI server up notification instead of APR for probing [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slim_ngd: Support REPEAT_CHANGE_VALUE user message [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slim_ngd: Return success for resource removal requests if HW restarts [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slim-ngd: NULL pointer check for client buffer [Kiran Gunda]
2014-07-22 | slim_ngd: notify slaves in some MDM restart scenarios [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | Slim_ngd: Modify waiting mechanism in kthread [Kiran Gunda]
2014-07-22 | slim_ngd: Handle runtime-pm resume error gracefully [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slim_ngd: Handle error flags before handling SENT flag [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | Slim_ngd: Don't create the device node per SSR [Kiran Gunda]
2014-07-22 | slim-ngd: change log level of slave_notify completion [Naveen Kaje]
2014-07-22 | slim_msm: Rectify physical address type [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slim_msm_ngd: Add IPC logging support [Kiran Gunda]
2014-07-22 | slim_msm: Handle external-modem shutdown differently than restart [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slim_msm: Add support for external MDM restart [Naveen Kaje]
2014-07-22 | slimbus: Use physical address type where physical address is used [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slimbus: Manage channel slots only if framework manages bandwidth [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slimbus: Fix logical address notification mechanism [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | slimbus: Enable clients to send user messages to devices. [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | Slimbus: Correct the conditional check during channel removal [Kiran Gunda]
2014-07-22 | [SCSI] async: introduce 'async_domain' type [Dan Williams]
2014-07-22 | Revert "PM / devfreq: Rewrite devfreq_update_status() to fix multiple bugs" [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | Revert "PM / devfreq: Check for GPU busy time before sending the sample" [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | Revert "display: Revert some problematic changes for now." [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | Revert "ASoC :msm: Increase Proxy buffering" [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | Revert "ASoC: compr: Disable soft-pause for compress playback" [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | random: make 'add_interrupt_randomness()' do something sane [Theodore Ts'o]
2014-07-22 | policy: Add support for multiple instances of offload playback [Subhash Chandra Bose Naripeddy]
2014-07-22 | overlay: Remove obsolete code from pipe config path [Saurabh Shah]
2014-07-22 | Overlay mms_config to increase allowed picture size [Chris123NT]
2014-07-22 | ngd_slim: Register with QMI service in the slave-notification thread [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | ngd_slim: Fix return paths in transfer function [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | ngd_slim: Decouple clock pause from power down/up [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-22 | msm: ocmem: Serialize allocation requests only when necessary [Naveen Ramaraj]
2014-07-22 | msm: ocmem: Do not use data mover for clearing ocmem memory [Neeti Desai]
2014-07-22 | msm: ocmem: Call restore_sec_config() after every power collapse [Neeti Desai]
2014-07-22 | msm: ocmem: Add support for driver probe deferral [Neeti Desai]
2014-07-22 | msm: mdss: synchronize wfd driver iommu mmap/munmap with mdss [Pawan Kumar]
2014-07-22 | msm: mdss: IOMMU ref count implementation [Jayant Shekhar]
2014-07-22 | msm: mdss: distinguish between mdp and dsi bus votes [Xiaoming Zhou]
2014-07-22 | msm: mdss: Cleanup iommu ref count implementation [Jayant Shekhar]
2014-07-22 | msm: mdss: check for fb node refcount before calling null commit [Dhaval Patel]
2014-07-22 | msm: mdss: add error check for iommu attach API [Dhaval Patel]
2014-07-22 | msm: mdss: add bus bandwidth request enable/disable during get/free buffer [Pawan Kumar]
2014-07-22 | msm8974: Update Samsung DT [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | msm8974-common: Increase volume of handset-mic to match stereo level [Ethan Chen]
2014-07-22 | Merge Samsung release N9005XXUFNF4 (Update 8) [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | kernel/auditsc fix unitialized variable [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-22 | hwc: Source Split layers always if indicated by driver [Saurabh Shah]
2014-07-22 | hwc/overlay: Get rot dest dimensions instead of manipulating source [Saurabh Shah]2014-07-26 | QCMetadata: add keys for FLAC meta data (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Praveen Chavan]2014-07-28 | bacon kernel: Fix typo [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-22 | hwc: modifying logic in adjust FB Z-order for 4k2kYUVSplit [Dileep Kumar Reddi]
2014-07-22 | hwc: Consider FLIP flags for partial update. [Jeykumar Sankaran]
2014-07-22 | hwc: Add display ROI in HWC dumpsys [Jeykumar Sankaran]
2014-07-22 | hal: Support for FLAC 24 bit format in offload path [ApurupaPattapu]
2014-07-22 | hal: Offload bugfixes [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | hal: Featureize FLAC offload support [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | hal: add support for pcm_ioctl() api [Mingming Yin]
2014-07-22 | hal: Add multiple offload support for msm8974 [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | fs/fat/dir fix unitialzed variables [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-22 | drivers/slimbus/slimbus fix unitialized variable [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-22 | drivers/media/platform/msm/camera_v2/ispif/msm_ispif.c fix unitialized variables [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-22 | drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_interactive Fix compiler warnings [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-22 | Bump to 6.7 [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-22 | Audio: Fix for sound card status overwrite issue [Dhanalakshmi Siddani]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: Distortion in HPH LO combo device [Sudheer Papothi]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: Change in sequence of HPH Rx path [Sudheer Papothi]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: wcd93xx: Remove delay for Slimbus during SSR recovery [Kuirong Wang]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: wcd93xx: Remove deadlock for ANC use-cases [Banajit Goswami]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: wcd9320: release codec mutex before calling dapm function [Banajit Goswami]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: wcd9320: Change compander parameter for 192Khz playback [Bhalchandra Gajare]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: wcd9320: Change compander parameter for 192Khz playback [Bhalchandra Gajare]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: wcd9320: Add NULL check to avoid crash [Sudheer Papothi]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: Update the correct channel count for dolby configuration [Krishnankutty Kolathappilly]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Userspace interaction cleanup [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: update default channel mapping [Mingming Yin]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: move hw_params into prepare [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Low latency mode for audio capture [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix voice mute issue when EC ref is set [Deepa Madiregama]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: fix possible integer overflow [Fred Oh]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: extra low latency mode change for audio capture [Mingming Yin]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Check for null pointer [Kenneth Westfield]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Avoid DS1 and SRS topology on low latency path [Subhash Chandra Bose Naripeddy]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add meaningful labels [Kenneth Westfield]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: fix the audio mute issue post SSR [Aviral Gupta]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: EOS timeout now based on audio data [Kenneth Westfield]
2014-07-22 | asoc: msm: Correct the max period size for PCM output [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm: Check the pointers before memcpy [Kuirong Wang]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: msm8974: Machine driver async ops change [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-22 | ASoC: Cold start latency reduction [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-22 | arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-krait-8974 fix unitialized variable [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-21 | usb: gadget: mass_storage: added sysfs entry for cdrom to LUNs [FrozenCow]
2014-07-21 | Support MPEG4 codec in Matroska files [Patrik2 Carlsson]
2014-07-21 | Support MP2 contents in AVI container. [gbhakteX]
2014-07-21 | Support AAC audio (WaveFormat = 0xFF) in AVI container. [gbhakteX]
2014-07-21 | stagefright: Fix pause logic [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-21 | Settings: translation - RU [gwindlord]
2014-07-21 | Settings: ES translations [Carlos Solano]
2014-07-21 | Revert "Disable lpa.decode to fix headset playback on msm8960" (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Karan Srivastava]2014-07-24 | bacon: use sysf path for torch instead camera interface (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-21 | Revert "ASoC: compr: Disable soft-pause for compress playback" [Scott Mertz]
2014-07-21 | ngd_slim: Register with QMI service in the slave-notification thread [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-21 | ngd_slim: Fix return paths in transfer function [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: update format during downscaling [Pushkaraj Patil]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: unprepare clocks during power collapse [Vikash Garodia]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: return EBUSY when hw is overloaded [Jia Meng]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: remove non fatal error messages [Arun Menon]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: Remove artificial cap of VP8 at 1080p [Deva Ramasubramanian]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: recover from firmware fatal error [Arun Menon]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: queue output-1 buffers to FW [Vikash Garodia]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: Query deblocker parameters from cluster [Arun Menon]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: Free OCMEM during power collapse [Vikash Garodia]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: Fix various decoder downscalar issues [Praneeth Paladugu]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: Fix timestamp for EOS buffer [Sachin Shah]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: Fix race condition during concurrent sessions [Arun Menon]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: ensure venus clocks are enabled while release buffer [Vikash Garodia]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: Check maximum width capability of Q6 [Ravi Kiran Vonteddu]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: change error msg for max sessions condition [Pushkaraj Patil]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: Add null pointer checks [Jayasena Sangaraboina]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: add kzalloc success check for new q6 HAL session [Jorge Solano Altamirano]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: add kzalloc success check for new HAL session [Jorge Solano Altamirano]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: add input parameter checks to exported functions [Jorge Solano Altamirano]
2014-07-21 | msm: vidc: add input check for hfi q6 function. [Prasad Nallani]
2014-07-21 | msm: compr: Use irq{save/restore} version of spinlock [Haynes Mathew George]
2014-07-21 | msm8974: Remove custom bitwidth from audio devices [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-21 | msm8974: Multi-offload support, reenable gapless [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-21 | msm8974-common: Separate handset-stereo-dmic-ef from dmic-ef [Ethan Chen]
2014-07-21 | libstagefright: Polish MPEG4Writer for MediaMuxer. [Anjun Wen]
2014-07-21 | libmedia: ensure mCaptureThread exit within Visualizer destructor [wjiang]
2014-07-21 | LCD_KCAL: Fix compile with disabled CONFIG_LCD_KCAL [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-21 | hal: SSR support for compress offload [Naresh Tanniru]
2014-07-21 | hal: SSR support for compress offload [Naresh Tanniru]
2014-07-21 | hal: configure HDMI channels based on sink capability. [Mingming Yin]
2014-07-21 | hal: Add support for multiple instances of offload playback [Subhash Chandra Bose Naripeddy]
2014-07-21 | fix release FFmpegExtractor [Michael Chen]2014-07-26 | Revert "appop: protect mediaserver with OP_RECORD_AUDIO op check." (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-21 | Fix decoder EOS handling [Marco Nelissen]
2014-07-21 | Fix a bunch of linaro warnings and errors [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: use list_for_each_entry{_safe} for simplyfying code [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: use inode mutex to keep atomicity of f2fs_falloc [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: use existing macro to clean up some codes [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: Update to version in 3.14 [Changman Lee]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: Update to proper 3.4 support [Evan McClain]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: update start nid only once each circle [Gu Zheng]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: update f2fs Documentation [Huajun Li]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: update documents and a MAINTAINERS entry [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: throttle the memory footprint with a sysfs entry [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: support f2fs_fiemap [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: submit bio at the reclaim path [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: split grab_cache_page and wait_on_page_writeback for node pages [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: skip unnecessary node writes during fsync [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: show counts of checkpoint in status [Changman Lee]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: set errno when f2fs_iget failed in recover_dentry [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: return errors right after checking them [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: return -EIO when node id is not matched [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: remove unused variables in f2fs_sm_info [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: remove unnecessary threshold [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: remove the unused ctor argument of f2fs_kmem_cache_create() [Gu Zheng]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: remove the ugly pointer conversion [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: remove costly dirty_dir_inode operations [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: remove costly bit operations for f2fs_find_entry [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: release new entry page correctly in error path of f2fs_rename [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: recover inline xattr data in roll-forward process [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: recover fallocated space [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: recover fallocated data and its i_size together [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: readahead multi pages of directory for performance [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: readahead contiguous SSA blocks for f2fs_gc [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: Pull in from upstream 3.13 kernel [Linus Torvalds]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: print type for each segment in segment_info's show [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: pass flags field to setxattr functions [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: optimize restore_node_summary slightly [Gu Zheng]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: no need to wait on page writebck to meta pages [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: make recover_inline_xattr() static [Jingoo Han]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: large volume support [Changman Lee]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce raw_nat_from_node_info() to simplfy codes [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce ra_meta_pages to readahead CP/NAT/SIT pages [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce nr_pages_to_write for segment alignment [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce large directory support [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce help macro on_build_free_nids() [Gu Zheng]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce help macro ADDRS_PER_PAGE() [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce get_dirty_dents for readability [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce fi->i_sem to protect fi's info [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce f2fs_has_xattr_block for better readability [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce f2fs_has_inline_xattr for better readability [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: introduce a radix_tree for the free_nid list [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: increase pages_skipped when skipping writepages [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: implement a lock-free stat_show [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: handle inline data independently in f2fs_bmap [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: handle dirty segments inside refresh_sit_entry [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: format segment_info's show for better legibility [Gu Zheng]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix wrong statistics of inline data [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix wrong kernel coding style [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to write node pages with WRITE_SYNC [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to unlock f2fs_lock at the omitted error case [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to truncate inline data in inode page when setattr [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to truncate dentry pages in the error case [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to report newly allocate region as extent [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to recover xattr node block [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to recover data written by dio [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to mark the checkpointed nat entry correctly [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix to do build_stat prior to the recovery procedure [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix the potential mismatch between dir's i_size and i_blocks [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix the calculation of max_nids [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix recursive lock by f2fs_setxattr [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix not to write data pages on the page reclaiming path [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix not to allocate unnecessary blocks during fallocate [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix incorrect parsing with option string [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix f2fs_write_meta_page at no checkpoint status [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix error path when fail to read inline data [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix error path in init_inode_metadata [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix dirty page accounting when redirty [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix checkpatch warning [Zhang Zhen]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: fix a build warning [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: do checkpoint for the renamed inode [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: decrease the lock granularity during write_begin [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: clean up with a macro [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: clean up redundant function call [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: clean up long variable names [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: check upper bound of ino value in f2fs_nfs_get_inode [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: check lower bound nid value in check_nid_range [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: check bdi->dirty_exceeded when trying to skip data writes [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: change reclaim rate in percentage [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: call redirty_page_for_writepage [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: call f2fs_wait_on_page_writeback instead of native function [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | F2FS: Backport to 3.4 [Evan McClain]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid unneeded lookup when xattr name length is too long [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid to return incorrect errno of read_normal_summaries [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid to drop nat entries due to the negative nr_shrink [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid to conduct roll-forward due to the remained garbage blocks [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid small data writes by skipping writepages [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid RECLAIM_FS-ON-W warning [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid overflow when large directory feathure is enabled [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid not to call remove_dirty_inode [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid grab_cache_page_write_begin for data pages [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid free slab cache under spinlock [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid crash when trace f2fs_submit_page_mbio event in ra_sum_pages [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: avoid BUG_ON when mouting corrupted image having garbage blocks [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: atomically set inode->i_flags in f2fs_set_inode_flags() [Zhang Zhen]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: adjust free mem size to flush dentry blocks [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: add static to get_max_meta_blks [Fabian Frederick]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: add available_nids to fix handling max_nid correctly [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: add a tracepoint for f2fs_write_{meta,node,data}_pages [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: add a tracepoint for f2fs_write_{meta,node,data}_page [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: add a tracepoint for f2fs_write_end [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: add a tracepoint for f2fs_write_begin [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: add a tracepoint for f2fs_read_data_page [Chao Yu]
2014-07-21 | f2fs: add an sysfs entry to control the directory level [Jaegeuk Kim]
2014-07-21 | Do partial reads in MemoryLeakTrackUtil [Oscar Rydhé]
2014-07-21 | defconfig: enable LCD_KCAL and UV [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-21 | bacon: use other toolchain [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-21 | bacon: Use less aggressive mount options [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-21 | bacon: let the frameworks handle the camera. [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-21 | AwesomePlayer: improve scheduling of video event to hit PTS [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-21 | avtimer: Update avtimer driver to parse driver tree data [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]
2014-07-21 | AudioTrack: When paused, return cached playback position [Haynes Mathew George]
2014-07-21 | audioflinger: Cleanups [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-21 | audio: compress offload to pcm fallback on SSR [Naresh Tanniru]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: wcd9320: Add NULL check to avoid crash [Sudheer Papothi]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: wcd9320: Add HD2 tuning coefficients for HPH path [Phani Kumar Uppalapati]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: unblock the calls sent to the driver during SSR [Aviral Gupta]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: unblock the calls sent to the driver during SSR [Aviral Gupta]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Userspace interaction cleanup [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: update platform driver for new SSR design. [Santosh Mardi]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: update platform driver for new SSR design. [Santosh Mardi]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix read error using mmap [Venkat Sudhir]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix read error using mmap [Venkat Sudhir]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add support to improve debug logging [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add mutex to ensure atomicity [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add mutex to ensure atomicity [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: fix the audio mute issue post SSR [Aviral Gupta]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: ensure check before accessing session private data. [Asish Bhattacharya]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: Complete the wait_event request when SSR is triggered [anish kumar]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: Complete the wait_event request when SSR is triggered [anish kumar]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: msm: Check the pointers before memcpy [Kuirong Wang]
2014-07-21 | asoc: msm8974: Update offload device configuration [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-21 | asoc: msm8974: Fix compress capture device name [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-21 | ASoC: compress: propagate the error code from the compress framework [Aviral Gupta]
2014-07-21 | add support for unknown formats. [Michael Chen]
2014-07-21 | AC3 support ATS (MPEG2TS) Parser [chanabasu.chitrali]
2014-07-21 | AACExtractor: Added support for APE tag [Sergii Doroshenko]
2014-07-20 | writeback: remove nr_pages_dirtied arg from balance_dirty_pages_ratelimited_nr() [Namjae Jeon]
2014-07-20 | writeback: fix writeback cache thrashing [Namjae Jeon]
2014-07-20 | writeback: fix occasional slow sync(1) [Jan Kara]
2014-07-20 | word-at-a-time: make the interfaces truly generic [faux123]
2014-07-20 | video: mdss: Add predefined gamma selection [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-20 | vfp: since we use hardfloat, change the modifer accordingly [Dennis Rassmann]
2014-07-20 | sync: don't block the flusher thread waiting on IO [Dave Chinner]
2014-07-20 | switch the protection of percpu_counter list to spinlock [Al Viro]
2014-07-20 | sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1 [Paul Reioux]
2014-07-20 | Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls [Paul Reioux]
2014-07-20 | sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec [Paul Reioux]
2014-07-20 | Some other not initialized stuff [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | sf: Use Dirty Rect optimization in "Show Surface Updates" setting [Sravan Kumar D.V.N]
2014-07-20 | sf: Set view frame of each display using binder [Ramkumar Radhakrishnan]
2014-07-20 | SF: Modify logic to handle "transparent Region" for displayFrame [Dileep Kumar Reddi]
2014-07-20 | SF: Fix Klockwork errors. [Praveena Pachipulusu]
2014-07-20 | SF: Ensure boot animation always appears in panel orientation [radhakrishna]
2014-07-20 | sf: Add dirtyRect information to SF dumpsys [Jeykumar Sankaran]
2014-07-20 | Settings: enable hex color picker for quicksettings styles [dankoman]
2014-07-20 | settings: add remote view tile (2/2) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | SELinux: Fix memory leak upon loading policy [Tetsuo Handa]
2014-07-20 | selinux: add a ugly workaround to bail early when selinux tries to free a socket that is still in use and it ends in a Kernel panic. These lines are from opensource.samsung.com. While this will most likely put a bandaid over this Kernel panic it does not fix the bug so it might occur somewhere else if the same conditions are met but since I have only seen panics from this hook then we may as well sleep in peace. [franciscofranco]
2014-07-20 | sched: Fix migration thread runtime bogosity [Mike Galbraith]
2014-07-20 | sched: add wait_for_completion_io[_timeout] [Vladimir Davydov]
2014-07-20 | RTSP: Return the buffers in source side while the source is disconnected [huiy]
2014-07-20 | Remove + from local version [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-20 | readahead: make context readahead more conservative [Fengguang Wu]2014-07-24 | Automatic translation import (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/cm-11.0) [Michael Bestas]2014-07-28 | Settings: allow device trees to invoke custom display settings [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | readahead: make context readahead more conservative [Fengguang Wu]
2014-07-20 | random: Statically compute poolbitshift, poolbytes, poolbits [anarkia1976]
2014-07-20 | random: remove warning [imoseyon]
2014-07-20 | random: prevent add_input from doing anything [imoseyon]
2014-07-20 | random: entropy tweaks are all the rage nowadays [imoseyon]
2014-07-20 | Optimized ARM RWSEM algorithm [faux123]
2014-07-20 | msm: vidc: Update vb2q buffer sizes [Prasad Nallani]
2014-07-20 | msm: vidc: Set QDSS memory based on debug flag [Maheshwar Ajja]
2014-07-20 | msm: vidc: send release buffers cmd during instance clean up [Rajeshwar Kurapaty]
2014-07-20 | msm: vidc: Print out the proper height and width in debugfs [Deva Ramasubramanian]
2014-07-20 | msm: vidc: Check the return type of ION API properly [Maheshwar Ajja]
2014-07-20 | msm: Update Ion and IOMMU APIs to use dma_addr_t [Laura Abbott]
2014-07-20 | msm: mdss: use one dma pipe during block mode transaction [Ramkumar Radhakrishnan]
2014-07-20 | msm: mdss: Reset NULL ROI to full panel resolution [Jeykumar Sankaran]
2014-07-20 | msm: mdss: modify userspace src format during MSMFB_SET on rotator [Sree Sesha Aravind Vadrevu]
2014-07-20 | msm: mdss: Disable the PP features if partial update feature is enabled [Ping Li]
2014-07-20 | msm: mdss: Consider FLIP flags while optimizing pixel fetch [Jeykumar Sankaran]
2014-07-20 | msm: mdss: Change DSI backlight pwm_config to use nanoseconds [Benet Clark]
2014-07-20 | msm: clock-krait-8974: User voltage control for msm-cpufreq device [myfluxi]
2014-07-20 | msm8974: Fix a bunch of warnings and errors -O3 [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | msm8974: Enable support for true 24-bit audio [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-20 | mdss: overlay: bye logs, was (not) nice to meet you. [franciscofranco]
2014-07-20 | mdss: display: add unicast support when sync_wait_broadcast enabled [Kuogee Hsieh]
2014-07-20 | mach-msm: subsystem_restart: Fix CPU detection [Stratos Karafotis]
2014-07-20 | lib/string: use glibc version [faux123]
2014-07-20 | lib: Sparc's strncpy_from_user is generic enough, move under lib/ [Paul Reioux]
2014-07-20 | lib/memcopy: use glibc version [faux123]
2014-07-20 | lib/lzo: Update LZO compression to current upstream version [faux123]
2014-07-20 | lib/lzo: Rename lzo1x_decompress.c to lzo1x_decompress_safe.c [Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer]
2014-07-20 | lib/lzo: Optimize code for CPUs with inefficient unaligned access [Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer]
2014-07-20 | lib/int_sqrt.c: optimize square root algorithm [Davidlohr Bueso]
2014-07-20 | lib: Fix generic strnlen_user for 32-bit big-endian machines [Paul Mackerras]
2014-07-20 | lib: add generic strnlen_user() function [Linus Torvalds]
2014-07-20 | LCD_KCAL: Prevent out-of-range input values [savoca]
2014-07-20 | LCD_KCAL: Introduce configurable kcal_min Lower values such as 0-10 ultimately create a dark, washed out display, if a user accidently sets their kcal values to "0 0 0" they will loose visual control of the device, potentially requiring a hard reboot. Introduce minimum kcal values to prevent this behavior. [savoca]
2014-07-20 | LCD_KCAL: Color Control driver for OnePlus One [savoca]
2014-07-20 | kthread: kill task_get_live_kthread() [Oleg Nesterov]
2014-07-20 | kthread: introduce to_live_kthread() [Oleg Nesterov]
2014-07-20 | kthread: implement probe_kthread_data() [Tejun Heo]
2014-07-20 | kernel: Move REPEAT_BYTE definition into linux/kernel.h [faux123]
2014-07-20 | kcal: remove control bit, update lut every overlay start and clean some code. [franciscofranco]
2014-07-20 | jiffies conversions: Use compile time constants when possible [Joe Perches]
2014-07-20 | Input: Send events one packet at a time [Henrik Rydberg]
2014-07-20 | Init display orientation according to panel orientation [Sushil Chauhan]
2014-07-20 | frameworks: move safe volume warning above expanded volume panel [Roman Birg]
2014-07-20 | fix warning: ‘subbuf.pages’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | Fix uninitialized kbuf in sysctl.c for linaro optimizations [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | Fix some typos [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-20 | fix ICE in fs/fs-writeback.c with gcc4.7: [Dennis Rassmann]
2014-07-20 | fix a bunch of warnings I missed to fix [Dennis Rassmann]
2014-07-20 | enable various optimizations [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | disable test IOSCHEDULER [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | defconfig: enable recent changes [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-20 | decompress_unlzo: fix compilation error [faux123]
2014-07-20 | cpufreq: Manage only online cpus [Viresh Kumar]
2014-07-20 | camera_oppo_v2: Use dma_addr_t [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-20 | Bump version [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-20 | Bump to 6.6 weekly [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-20 | board: kcal: add init values or the display boots completely black. [franciscofranco]
2014-07-20 | Bluetooth: Prevent Bluetooth L2CAP Remote Heap Memory Corruption [Pranav Vashi]
2014-07-20 | block/partitions: optimize memory allocation in check_partition() [Ming Lei]
2014-07-20 | block: account iowait time when waiting for completion of IO request [Vladimir Davydov]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: Enable headset in high performance [Sudheer Papothi]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: Enable headset in high performance [Sudheer Papothi]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: wcd9320: Wait for enough time for Line PAs to get settled [Phani Kumar Uppalapati]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: qdsp6: Add MP2 decoder format support [Dhananjay Kumar]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdspv2: Add hw_free for mi2s backend [Yeleswarapu, Nagaradhesh]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Update supported sample rates [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]2014-07-21 | jf: enable f2fs support [invisiblek]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: update rtac driver with asm handle [Srikanth Uyyala]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Update pcm media format block to use correct stream id [Krishnankutty Kolathappilly]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: SLIM_RX and I2S_RX is internal echo reference [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Do not free memory that has not been unmapped from DSP [Damir Didjusto]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: clear old memhandle list when SSR happens [Laxminath Kasam]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Check for null data pointer [Kenneth Westfield]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: add support for device mute [Shiv Maliyappanahalli]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add SEC_I2S_RX port as EC reference [Venkata Narendra Kumar Gutta]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: adding volume per dev-id [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add FLAC in compress offload path [Apurupa Pattapu]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add FLAC in compress offload path [Apurupa Pattapu]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: add check for NULL dereference [Aravind Kumar]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6: Add support to configure ISO and ARIB coefficients [Vimal Puthanveed]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: Fix wma pro block alignment parameter [Aravind Kumar]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: fix the target crash due to the NULL pointer dereference [Aviral Gupta]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: Fix for USB device switch [Vicky Sehrawat]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: Do not deregister APR mmap handle for ASM Custom Topology [Ben Romberger]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: Add support for WMA DSP decode [Manish Dewangan]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: Add MP2 decode support in compress driver [Dhananjay Kumar]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: msm: Add G711 media type support for Voip call [Prashanth Reddy]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: dapm: Unlock mutex in error cases [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: Correct the mixer control name [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: compress: fix the target not going to TCXO shutdown [Aviral Gupta]
2014-07-20 | ASoC: Add external EC reference [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-20 | ARM: use generic strnlen_user and strncpy_from_user functions [Paul Reioux]
2014-07-20 | ARM: dcache: select DCACHE_WORD_ACCESS for little-endian ARMv6+ CPUs [Will Deacon]
2014-07-20 | arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines [faux123]
2014-07-20 | ARM: 7593/1: nommu: do not enable DCACHE_WORD_ACCESS when !CONFIG_MMU [faux123]
2014-07-20 | ARM: 7592/1: nommu: prevent generation of kernel unaligned memory accesses [Will Deacon]
2014-07-20 | ARM: 7583/1: decompressor: Enable unaligned memory access for v6 and above [Dave Martin]
2014-07-20 | ARM: 7493/1: use generic unaligned.h [faux123]
2014-07-20 | ARM: 7492/1: add strstr declaration for decompressors [Rob Herring]
2014-07-20 | arch/arm/kernel/armksyms: fix merge derp [faux123]
2014-07-20 | arch/arm/Kconfig: enable unaligned capability for ARM [faux123]
2014-07-20 | apns-conf: Update TMO HR APN [Jurica Vukadin]
2014-07-20 | add optimization flags [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | Use a content observer for getting the default APN [Dante Russo]
2014-07-19 | update to 4.4.4_r2 [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | track own external jpeg [Lars Greiss]2014-07-21 | Add Linaro 4.9 from Jun 2014 (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]2014-07-28 | push for weekly 6.8 (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | SystemUI: fix torch toggle delay on boot [Roman Birg]
2014-07-19 | stagefright: Support for offloading MPEG2 audio [Steve Kondik]
2014-07-19 | SignalStrength: Hotfix TD-SCDMA 1 + 2 [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-07-19 | Settings: Make sure time-range summaries match [Jubakuba]2014-07-25 | Telephony: translation - RU (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]
2014-07-19 | oppo-common: remove cmhw [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | oppo-common: add DeviceHandler package [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | Missing break in switch statement [Daniele Di Conza]
2014-07-19 | M3UParser: check for NULL before setting meta data [Robert Shih]
2014-07-19 | kernel bacon: replace torch gesture in favour of silent/vibrate/ring [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | kernel bacon: enable touchpanel gestures and double tap by default [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | init: Support power off charging on kitkat bootloader [Arne Coucheron]2014-07-22 | Add some graphite related flags (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-19 | Fix M3UParser relative path handling. [Lajos Molnar]
2014-07-19 | Fix Externally reported security issue [Jeff Tinker]
2014-07-19 | fb: respect config_animateScreenLights and fade out if set to true [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | fb: do not block home button if incoming call is a background call [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | fb: add remote view tile (1/2) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | Dispatch keys to a device specific key handler [Alexander Hofbauer]
2014-07-19 | bacon: turn off screen off animations completely and fade out [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | bacon: init.qcom-common.rc set chown on correct proc path [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | bacon: BT bringup for slim stack [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | bacon: bringup for slim BT stack [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-19 | AudioService: Show safe volume panel for non-interactive volume adjustments [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-07-19 | audio: Add support for offloading MPEG2 and WMA [Steve Kondik]2014-07-22 | hwc: Fix klockwork errors (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Praveena Pachipulusu]
2014-07-18 | wcnss: Retry PIL on error ready timeout [Sameer Thalappil]
2014-07-18 | SurfaceFlinger: Enable Vsync trace for SF Composition [Arun Kumar K.R]
2014-07-18 | SurfaceFlinger: Change to support framebuffer flip for 2D blitters [Arun Kumar K.R]
2014-07-18 | surfaceflinger: Apply bugfixes to the correct hwc code paths [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-07-18 | SurfaceFlinger: Add NULL check for buffer handling [Praveena Pachipulusu]2014-07-26 | hal: Limit MP2 and WMA offload to 8226/8974 devies only (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Ethan Chen]
2014-07-18 | spi_qsd: Remove check for unaligned length during input_irq [Sana Venkat Raju]
2014-07-18 | slim_ngd: Return success for resource removal requests if HW restarts [Sagar Dharia]
2014-07-18 | SF: Block gpu rendering for virtual display widevine level3 [Ramakant Singh]
2014-07-18 | selinux: Fix Kernel panic due to NULL pointer dereference [Satya Durga Srinivasu Prabhala]2014-07-23 | msm: vidc: Set QDSS memory based on debug flag (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/cm-11.0) [Maheshwar Ajja]
2014-07-18 | scsi: ufs: fix ufs error on shoutdown [Dolev Raviv]
2014-07-18 | [SCSI] async: introduce 'async_domain' type [Dan Williams]
2014-07-18 | Revert "Revert "AudioMixer: Remove tracks from enabledTracks after reseting outTemp"" [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-18 | Revert "libstagefright: Add support for custom LPA buffer size in legacy LPAPlayer" [Josue Rivera]
2014-07-18 | oppo-common: enable permanent menu key [Lars Greiss]2014-07-28 | msm8974-common: set correct permissions for flashlight_enable proc (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-18 | net: usb: rmnet_usb_ctrl: Honor device polling interval [Hemant Kumar]
2014-07-18 | net: flow_dissector: fail on evil iph->ihl [Subash Abhinov Kasiviswanathan]
2014-07-18 | msm: watchdog-v2: use request_mem_region instead of request_region [Aparna Das]
2014-07-18 | msm: socinfo: Add support for socinfo v9 [Kishan Kumar]
2014-07-18 | msm: qdsp: fix aac encoder configuration validation [Dhananjay Kumar]
2014-07-18 | msm: ipa: teth_bridge: Remove unneeded header [Arun Kumar Neelakantam]
2014-07-18 | msm_bam_rmnet: Fix packet corruption due to QoS [Subash Abhinov Kasiviswanathan]
2014-07-18 | libs/ui: Fix crash issue because of null pointer access [Baldev Sahu]
2014-07-18 | libstagefright: Enhance compress offload logging [Sidipotu Ashok]2014-07-28 | SlimActions: add new actions and cleanup (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-18 | lib: qmi: Add config string [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]
2014-07-18 | InputWrapper: opt out early if session == null [Lars Greiss]2014-07-20 | surfaceflinger: Track the last surfaceview frame for latency dumps (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-07-18 | frameworks/native: Add support for Secure Display [Ramkumar Radhakrishnan]
2014-07-18 | fat: limit the number of error prints [Asutosh Das]
2014-07-18 | ext4: limit the number of error prints [Tatyana Brokhman]
2014-07-18 | diag: Update SSIDs, event ids and log codes [Ravi Aravamudhan]
2014-07-18 | diag: dci: Add DCI support for APSS logs and events and cmd/rsp [Katish Paran]
2014-07-18 | diag: Bring SSIDs, Event Ids and Log Codes up to date [Ravi Aravamudhan]
2014-07-18 | diag: Add new polling command [Ravi Aravamudhan]
2014-07-18 | defconfig: Increase default kmemleak log size to 4000 from 400 [Prasad Sodagudi]
2014-07-18 | bacon: use aosp location provider [Lars Greiss]2014-07-25 | jf: disable zsl for ffc (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Dan Pasanen]
2014-07-18 | bacon: remove cmhw [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-18 | bacon: clean up [Lars Greiss]2014-07-28 | oppo-common: add screen off gesture control - custom action per gesture (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: qdsp6: Add MP2 decoder format support [Dhananjay Kumar]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Update pcm media format block to use correct stream id [Krishnankutty Kolathappilly]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: move hw_params into prepare [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: msm: Fix wma pro block alignment parameter [Aravind Kumar]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: msm: Add support for WMA DSP decode [Manish Dewangan]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: msm: Add MP2 decode support in compress driver [Dhananjay Kumar]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: msm8974: Machine driver async ops change [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: compress: fix the target not going to TCXO shutdown [Aviral Gupta]
2014-07-18 | ASoC: Cold start latency reduction [Anish Kumar]
2014-07-18 | ARM: Improve vmalloc address checking in show_data() [Matt Wagantall]
2014-07-18 | ARM: Don't dump vmalloc addresses with show_data() [Matt Wagantall]
2014-07-18 | ARM: Allow panic on division by zero in the kernel [Syed Rameez Mustafa]
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Is' online.
Hab mal paar Fragen zur Rom.

Ich nutze ebenfalls die Slimkat auf meinem Nexus 5 und bin sehr zufrieden. Mein Bruder hat ein S4 und die Rom hat ihm sehr gut gefallen.Nun wollte ich fragen, ob es irgendwelche Bugs bei dieser Rom aufm S4 gibt?
Die stables und sogar die Weeklys sind ziemlich stabil. bei Unsicherheit musst du ja nicht immer die neueste Version flashen, sondern warte ab, ob Bugs gemeldet werden oder ob der Build fehlerhaft ist.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: androiduser44
Es gibt keine fehlerfreie Software.
@Rosa Elefant du fällst im Thread mit extrem guten Postings auf ;)
(Ironie off)
Ich habe nach Bugs gefragt. Wenn dir welche bekannt sind, dann kannst du sie einfach erwähnen.
Danke! :)

Ich kenne keine, von denen ich wüsste, dass sie vom ROM und nicht von meinen Rumspielereien kommen.

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