[ROM][I9505][4.4.4] *29.12.14* Slim Kat 9 [FINAL]

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je kürzer die Changelogs - desto weniger Fehler wurden (bisher) gefunden.

Was soll denn bei der 4.4.4 noch Großartiges kommen..?
- die lang erwartete Theme Engine zB.
- Real Dark Slim - sprich alle Gapps in black/white (so wie es bis 4.2.2 auch war)
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Reaktionen: beicuxhaven
Hab ich auch nicht, kommt vielleicht ja erst als neues feature *hust*

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 22:27 Uhr wurde um 22:54 Uhr ergänzt:

beicuxhaven schrieb:
Das ist inoffizieller Build für Hammer. Es ist nicht in den offiziellen aufgenommen baut. https://plus.google.com/107859134357373490612/posts/WupnxEMdPGX

Frameworks: Heads up meets SlimKat....SlimKat meets Google IO [1/4]
First introduced from apple, showed as android version on PA as hover and now found
in android code as native implementation we want to do our interpretation of this feature.
Especially thanks PA and CM for some of the UX ideas.

We have basically split this feature in two parts.

1. Googles native integration. We keep it as is and use the native flags for it. Apps
(in our case Dialer, Mms, Email per account) can force show a heads up notification
if the notification is important. So basically same what was shown on Google IO the first
time to the public. Eg the dialer on SlimKat is doing exactly the same now like google want it.
Due that we use same flags like google every future app with heads up support will automatically
show as heads up.

2. Give the user an ability to enable heads up mode for third party apps which do not have a native
integration. Well first thought was on which apps a user would usally use it (keeping in minde the idea from google....heads up
is for important notifications and for nothing more)? Right on chat, email
or social apps. On all other apps it simply does not make sense at all. Which leads into the question why the
current integrations are handling blacklists or whitelists and enable it per default for all apps. This
is from UX point of view an absolutely no go (just imagine the user blacklists half of the 200 apps installed lol).
Aside that parsing long lists is a peformance problem.

So our attempt goes into another direction. Headsup for (native integration is another story) apps is disabled
by default. We bind the information directly to the application package. So each app carries the information itself.
The user can either enable it with a longlick in the notification drawer on the notification or in Settings->app->App info
as well via a check box. As soon it is enabled for this app every notification from this app will show as heads up as long
it is not an ongoing notification.

In general on system signed apps the user is not allowed to change the heads up state. Thats nothing the user should
decide....the system should do. Aside that it prevends user to enable heads up for eg IME selector etc etc.

Thats the basic concept behind. In addition to this concept following things were done.

- Introduce a new expanded notification flag. Apps can send it via extra metadata to force
a expanded heads up notification is it is needed (eg dialer).
- Add a user option to enable always expanded on heads up notification
- Introduce a snooze button. Every heads up notification has a snooze button on the top right. If the user press it
heads up is disabled for a certain time (like a do not disturb mode). The time length is user configurable in settings.
- Detect direction of the swipe. Left swipe will dismiss the notification (if it is not a non clearable). Right swipe will just
hide the heads up and the notification is still in background accessable in the notification drawer.

Other then that some fixes were done as well (eg utilize the back button, correctly handle the hiding of the heads up and some

To summarize...heads up this way is very non intrusive and especially we do not need a bunch of settings or blacklists.
So it is pretty straight forward, fast, clean and user friendly.
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Reaktionen: beicuxhaven
LtriX schrieb:
"....no Features releases" :confused2:

was erwartet Ihr denn..?
Bei jeder weekly neue Funktionen..??

Viele Neuerungen dienen eben der Stabilität/Kompatibilität und den Bug-fixes.

Man muß ja nicht jede weekly flashen, man sollte sich vorher die changelogs durchlesen und dann entscheiden ob man diese will oder nicht...

Da hast du natürlich absolut Recht. Man muss nicht jede weekly flashen. Es ist aber interessant zu sehen, ob und was erneuert wurde. Und das ist auch für andere User interessant. Es bringt ja keinem was, wenn neue ROMs kommen und keiner testet sie.

Übrigens, wenn ich eine ROM geflasht habe und nichts wirklich neues darin vor kommt...dann gehe ich zu meiner am besten laufenden Version zurück. Dauert nur ungefähr 126 Sekunden. Und das kann jeder. Also ist das Testen der ROMs durch User für User und das darüber diskutieren ein großer Vorteil für alle.
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Reaktionen: tobiasth, winni83 und Steveria

Wie bekomme ich so ein star wars Theme wie du es hast?
Hab hier was interessantes zum Thema theme engine gefunden.
kufikugel schrieb:
what you are not a tester anymore? :p :D

well honestly no idea.....I can confirm that gmillz is working on the cm theme engine at the moment. at least it is a decision from the whole team. Problematic bit is that the new features developer do not like it from code point of view...and the others like it due of the feature.

my personal opinion is never in the state like it is now. when you look at ROMs which recently included it you will find some posts that the ROMs feel slower suddenly....especially on the non flagship phones. Basically it is logical that this happens simply due how the theme engine works.

but the question is how to do it better. TRDS eg uses the internal qualifier system directly. which does not slow down anything due that simply said no redirections are needed. well the downside on this it is not that flexible and the biggest is (where cm decided against it) what to do with layout files. themer have this request since longer time.....trds (in current state and if you extend it to a theme engine) can do it....but it has major downsides if an app updates and changes the layout files....what you can do is to parse on the fly the layout files and check for changes....but this slows the system again down.

so a real ideal solution simply does not exist at the moment. would be much easier if Google would start to push clear guidelines that everything visual need to be directed to styles etc....but even Google themselves do not care much about it.

and last cm has still problems with the theme engine and still is not able to theme all and based on what I wrote above some apps are not themeable at all.

for me it is still a half backed nice feature which well maybe fits into custom ROMs for ppl who can live with it. and that's not a failure from cm (they did fantastic work) it is just that android still does not give a standardized interface to handle that code wise proper.

so a lot written....I am not a fan of half backed features at all....but that's just me....our team is way bigger then me...so let's see. I am fine with both :D

and a last word....if theme engine comes we need to think if the color options like they are makes sense at all...as well trds need to be redefined in terms of the feature itself etc. etc. etc.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Edit: interesting is that when you look at the original developing ROMs that cm has it.....aokp....now PA (where I am very surprised due that I know that they were long time against it)...and that's it. All other do not integrate it till now due of the same reasons.
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Reaktionen: beicuxhaven
Im Klartext: Es wird dauern :crying: wenn es überhaupt mal kommt...
mir ist das langsam egal aber neue Features müssen mal kommen sonst wird mir es langsam zu langweilig mit dieser Rom!
Gibt es bei dieser Rom eigentlich auch den Datenschutz-Modus, wo man gefragt wird, ob die App Kontakt lesen, Standort abrufen darf usw, so wie bei CM?
ja ist drin!!
Sehr gut.
Ich hab Slim Kat nämlich auf meinem i9100g und mir kommt es vor, das sie schneller als Cyanogenmod 11 ist... Deswegen werde ich es mal aufm S4 testen...
sagt mal..ich hab mir so ein diktierprogramm runtergeladen und musste feststellen, dass die spracheingabe nicht funktioniert. kann es ein, dass da irgendwas fehlt bei slimkat?
Wenn ich bei mir unter Konten->Google nachschaue, ist das Synchronisations Symbol rot... Hat das noch Jemand?
Nein alles gut.
Lösch das Konto, Neustart dann Konto neu anlegen.
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Reaktionen: winni83
kolacell schrieb:
sagt mal..ich hab mir so ein diktierprogramm runtergeladen und musste feststellen, dass die spracheingabe nicht funktioniert. kann es ein, dass da irgendwas fehlt bei slimkat?
Du musst die AIO gapps flashen, sonst fehlt Google TTS bzw. der Sound recorder.
Google TTS lässt sich auch aus dem Play Store installieren. Und wenn man ein anderes Diktierprogramm benutzt, dürfte der Sound Recorder auch hinfällig sein.
Hm soll heute etwas kommen?

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