[ROM][I9505][4.4.4] *29.12.14* Slim Kat 9 [FINAL]

  • 2.353 Antworten
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Rosa, das ist fast schon Standart dass es nicht beim ersten mal klappt!

Einfach nochmal flashen..
Haken bei "Auto Reboot" in Odin raus, flashen..
Wieder ins Downloadmodus und nochmals flashen, diesmal Haken setzen bei "auto Reboot"
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Rosa Elefant
Haken raus bei Auto restart
.Remi schrieb:
Haken bei "Auto Reboot" in Odin raus, flashen..
Wieder ins Downloadmodus und nochmals flashen, diesmal Haken setzen bei "auto Reboot"

Ah, das hat funktioniert. Bin nun auf MKF. Dankesehr.

Aber Erfolg? Hahaha. Nicht doch! Netz is' immer noch eher schlecht als recht. Er simuliert zwar ein "E", aber Daten fließen nicht.
Keine Ahnung was da los ist bei dir..?!
Also bei mir gehts... Vielleicht Router Problem? Betreiber? Lass mich raten, O2? :laugh:

Aber du hast schon eine Flatrate oder? :DD
Witzvogel. Router? Eher nicht. WLAN geht ja. BASE, Flatrate.
Ja ist nicht boese gemeint, kanns mir nur nicht erklaeren..
Du bist auch so ziemlich der einzige mit dem Problem..

Meld dich einfach mal wenn du es gefixt hast, wuerd mich nun auch interessieren worans liegt..
Dafür müsste ich erst mal wissen, was ich tun muss.
"Full Wipe", sogar die neue "unofficial" beta von heute Nachmittag draufgebügelt - kein Netz.

(Also schon Netz, nur kein mobiles Internet. Wobei: Auch das stimmt nicht ganz. Es ist nur quälend lahm. Ingress geht gar nicht, Surfen über Opera trotz "Offroad-Modus" eher schlecht als recht.)
Nach Rücksprache mit meinem Provider sind die APN-Einstellungen zwar immer noch defekt, aber das Netz geht wieder. :cursing:

Heute kommt 'ne neue Version. :)

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 16:55 Uhr wurde um 17:14 Uhr ergänzt:


2013-12-29 | trds: Mms Bubbles [kroz]
2013-12-29 | transparent triangle [kroz]
2013-12-29 | Switch back to Camera2 Overlays [nicklovell23]
2013-12-29 | Rename camera blob [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-29 | Mms: Clean up delivery report dialog. [angelsl]
2013-12-29 | Mms Bubbles [kroz]
2013-12-29 | Media: Add quality levels for two 4k resolutions for camcorder [Alok Kediya]
2013-12-29 | init.qcom.rc: Remove /data/system/wpa_supplicant, fixes WiFi on upgrades [Mike Kasick]
2013-12-29 | Fix Derp [nicklovell23]
2013-12-29 | d2: Enable QCOM flags [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-29 | d2-common: camera: Add flag to disable face detection [Dave Daynard]
2013-12-29 | d2: add missing ISO 1600 mode [Dave Daynard]
2013-12-29 | Camera: Overrides the focus mode for ZSL [Emilian Peev]
2013-12-29 | Camera: Avoid animating cature with decoded jpeg in long shot [Vijay kumar Tumati]
2013-12-29 | camera2: remove fine/normal/superfine jpegquality and use always int [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-29 | camera2: enable ISO mode settings to new UI [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-29 | camera2: enable focusmode settings UI [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-29 | Add missing "Notify for every message"... [Dimitris Kazakos]
2013-12-28 | wifi: Set the mode at native layer [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-28 | TrueView Returns! [Muhammed Nazim]
2013-12-28 | Revert "Camera: Propagate power mode selection from UI to lower layers." [Lars Greiss]2013-12-29 | minor strings fixes (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Roman Nurik]
2013-12-28 | qcom-common: Remove the QCOM_HARDWARE flag [Steve Kondik]2013-12-28 | Updated torch related things (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]
2013-12-28 | Mms: remove duplicate "send" option in menu [HardCorePawn]
2013-12-28 | LatinIME: fix crash on voicetyping [Lars Greiss]2013-12-23 | Clear notifications for Deleted items from Download list (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [kasif]
2013-12-28 | LatinIME: Bring back ALL the keys for QWERTZ [elektroschmock]
2013-12-28 | IPV6 tethering: Check info for null before removeUpstreamV6Interface [dhacker29]
2013-12-28 | fix aapt warnings + correct strings.xml [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | camera: Support for HTC's HDR mode [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-28 | Camera: revert CodeAurora's panorama angle handling [Pawit Pornkitprasan]
2013-12-28 | camera: Remove the luma-adaptation seekbar [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-28 | Camera: fix preview for landscape devices [Pawit Pornkitprasan]
2013-12-28 | Camera: fix panorama preview on older devices [Pawit Pornkitprasan]
2013-12-28 | Camera: Fix CameraRootView layout size on tablets [Jorge Ruesga]
2013-12-28 | Camera: finish Settings in new google style [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera: enable jpeg quality setting and add video jpeg quality [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera: don't display picture size unless supported [Pawit Pornkitprasan]
2013-12-28 | camera: Disable wavelet denoise by default [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-28 | camera: Cleanup and compatibility fixes [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera: add Smart capture [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera: Add red-eye flash mode support [Michael Bestas]
2013-12-28 | camera: added needsEarlyVideoSize [maxwen]
2013-12-28 | camera: Add all resolutions, focus modes, scene modes, and color effects. [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera: Add a GPS indicator [Pascal Pollet]
2013-12-28 | camera2: update to new 4.4 KitKat UI [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: set default video quality back to 5 and code style cleanup [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: seperate color effect settings camera and video [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: roll back UI menu changes from CAF [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: Preview needs to be stopped when changing resolution [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: move custom strings into slim files [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | camera2: follow new 4.4 UI guidelines [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: fix warnings [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | camera2: fix scene mode crash [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: enable color effects Settings in UI [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: enable antibanding by default [Pawit Pornkitprasan]
2013-12-28 | Camera2: check for video size available [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | camera2: add proper lable for screen capture on video mode [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-28 | base: IPV6 tethering support [Harout Hedeshian]
2013-12-28 | Add Samsung camcorder mode [codeworkx]
2013-12-27 | Wi-Fi: Ping the driver for wifi-only devices [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2013-12-27 | wifi: Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for incorrectly encoded SSIDs [Thomas Wendt]
2013-12-27 | When DPM is updated while lock screen is inhibited, don't unconditionally enable lock screen. [Danny Baumann]
2013-12-27 | vendor slim: cleanup old depreciated overlays [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-27 | to slim kernel [cordell]2013-12-27 | remove ledflash (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [cordell]
2013-12-27 | to slim kernel [cordell]2013-12-27 | remove ledflash (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [cordell]
2013-12-27 | to slim kernel [cordell]2013-12-27 | remove ledflash (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [cordell]
2013-12-27 | to slim kernel [cordell]2013-12-27 | msm8960: Remove QCOM_BSP from here, moving it up (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-27 | to Slim for kernel [cordell]2013-12-27 | remove ledflash (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [cordell]
2013-12-27 | Small Russian translate correction [gwindlord]
2013-12-27 | ServiceState: add support for DCHSPAP [codeworkx]
2013-12-27 | samsung krait: add msm8974 to build barrier [Shareef Ali]
2013-12-27 | SamsungCDMAv6RIL: update to latest RIL [Dorian Snyder]
2013-12-27 | Ringtones: Fix ANDROID_LOOP=true for ArgoNavis and Perseus ringtones [Jorge Ruesga]
2013-12-27 | Remove unnecessary updateSurfaceScreenOn call. [Andrew Neal]
2013-12-27 | QS: Fix on tablets at first boot up wrong orientation detection if landscape [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-27 | Pick default interface for upstream. [Susheel Yadagiri]
2013-12-27 | PackageManager: Restrict system packages to protected storage [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2013-12-27 | Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime [1/2] [Muhammed Nazim]
2013-12-27 | msm8960: WiFi is no longer a module [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-27 | msm8960/msm8974 fixup build when compiling without qualcomm hardware [Shareef Ali]
2013-12-27 | more fixup with camera wrapper.. [Shareef Ali]
2013-12-27 | jf: WiFI is still a module [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-27 | jf: Update camera driver name [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-27 | jf-common: set persist.fuse_sdcard=true [Dave Daynard]
2013-12-27 | jf: camera blob [cordell]
2013-12-27 | jf: add missing ISO modes [Dave Daynard]
2013-12-27 | GlobalActions: Fix possible race condition when showing dialog. [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2013-12-27 | fb: after fixing the root cause remove implemented lock [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-27 | Enable ZSL [Dave Daynard]
2013-12-27 | Correct executable bit for source files [Kenny Root]
2013-12-27 | Commits Id4e0bf76743dadf62a23e070e6421dd1549df29c and Ic0a1c04ae41eac65e9535d6de5f11c0456730315 translated to Russian [gwindlord]
2013-12-27 | Commit I8563d066b46be8fa74966d1e9dd8f33e19eb7f42 translated to Russian [gwindlord]
2013-12-27 | BroadcastReceiver : Get sender of broadcasts [Danesh M]
2013-12-27 | bootanimation: performance/speedup enhancements [Prashant Somashekar]
2013-12-27 | Added couple of missing lines [gwindlord]
2013-12-27 | ActionBar: Compute required items prior to optional items [Jorge Ruesga]
2013-12-27 | aapt warnings: cleanup ru and hu translation [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-27 | aapt: Support for mxmf file playback [Amit Shekhar]
2013-12-26 | Update Toolchain [nicklovell23]
2013-12-26 | push to 1.96 [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-25 | Telephony: DcTracker: Fix CDMA APN Data issues. [Shareef Ali]2013-12-23 | Replace "mips" with "mipmaps" since the MIPS gcc compiler defines mips to 1. (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Stephen Hines]2013-12-25 | ion: tracing: add ftrace events for ion allocations (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Liam Mark]
2013-12-25 | Telephony: check if the provisioning apn is actually empty before [Shareef Ali]
2013-12-25 | telephony: Add Qualcomm42RIL [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-25 | SMSDispatcher: Fix determining the defaultSmsApp for proxied messages [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2013-12-25 | SlimCenter: Greek strings translation It's all Greek to me! [dexter93]2013-12-24 | Translated one missed line to Russian [gwindlord]
2013-12-25 | Revert "SensorEventQueue: Allow setRate on sensor enable" [Josue Rivera]2013-12-22 | TRDS:[datetimepicker] Dark Calendar (2/2) (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [kroz]2013-12-27 | Could not enable data connection (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Peter Pan]
2013-12-25 | Revert "MediaDrm#mNativeContext is a long, not int." [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-25 | Properly handle a null URI. [Danny Baumann]
2013-12-25 | msm: Add support for ION Flushing without virtual address [Neeti Desai]
2013-12-25 | Commits Ib20d4c7231f147674ed3afd4c438bd83aedbac1d and I4bee793580fe32b022cf7cbfc7ca5195d2c9a434 translated to Russian [gwindlord]
2013-12-25 | Commit I47d85ddcfb71c207a983584e08166bc85ab7d588 and missing line translated to Russian [gwindlord]
2013-12-25 | CdmaLte: Fix 3G reported as unknown on certain devices [dhacker29]
2013-12-25 | CdmaLte: call setDataRegState when using RilVoiceRadioTechnology for data [Michael Gernoth]
2013-12-25 | add reboot dialog to SlimDeleter [fronti90]
2013-12-24 | Wrong referring to the resource - id/android:id [Ivan Kovac]
2013-12-24 | WiFi: Add forget all networks [Muhammed Nazim]
2013-12-24 | TRDS: Dark Email (1/2) [kroz]2013-12-24 | Translated missing line to Russian (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]2013-12-24 | Missing lines translated to Russian (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]2013-12-24 | Missing lines translated to Russian (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]2013-12-29 | trds: cleanup! (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [kroz]
2013-12-24 | Translate KitKat frameworks to Russian (CAF) [gwindlord]
2013-12-24 | Settings: Chamber of Secrets (2/2) [WIP] [Jubakuba]
2013-12-24 | push to 1.95 [Lars Greiss]
2013-12-24 | Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime [2/2] [Muhammed Nazim]
2013-12-24 | msm: dcvs: update dcvs if the governor limits change. [Abhijeet Dharmapurikar]
2013-12-24 | msm8960: Remove obsolete flags [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-24 | msm8960: camera: Use hw_get_module_by_class [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-24 | msm8960: camera: Add flag to disable face detection [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-24 | Missing lines translated to Russian [gwindlord]
2013-12-24 | Framework: Chamber of Secrets (1/2) [WIP] [Jubakuba]
2013-12-24 | Fix switching running/cached apps with memory bar [Thiago VinÃ*cius Freire de Araújo Ribeiro]
2013-12-24 | d2: Rename camera driver [Steve Kondik]
2013-12-24 | cpufreq: msm: remove gov_mutex from stop. [Abhijeet Dharmapurikar]2013-12-22 | establish device deconfigs (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [cordell]
2013-12-24 | cpufreq: msm: fix race in cpufreq. [Abhijeet Dharmapurikar]
2013-12-24 | changes for KT Kernel [cordell]
2013-12-24 | add Adreno correctly [cordell][/quote]

Gleich mal testen.
Download laeuft..

Wie flashst du es? FullWipe?
Nö. Einfach als Update. Hat sich offenbar nichts geändert, wofür ein Full Wipe nötig wäre, anders als bei 1.8. :)
Ja, weil OTA bietet mir kein Uptade an..
Ich vermute, das ist in der "Weekly"-Phase immer so.

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 17:53 Uhr wurde um 19:17 Uhr ergänzt:

Also das ROM kommt jetzt standardmäßig mit dem KT-Kernel und der KTweaker-App. Das ist schön. da kann man endlich mal einen brauchbaren Governor einstellen.
Hallo zusammen,
Habe gerade die aktuelle weekly über die alte geflasht. Soweit alles gut bis auf einen Punkt. Meine gallery ist verschwunden. APP NICHT INSTALLIERT.
Habe alles mögliche probiert. Neu geflasht, wipe cache und dalvik. Leider ohne Erfolg. Selbst den alten build drüber Flashen nicht.
Erst mein backup hat mich gerettet.
Kann das Problem jemand bestätigen?
Kann ich nicht bestätigen. Hast du mal versucht die gapps drüber zu flashen?
Ja natürlich. Wobei die gallery eigentlich nix mit den gapps zu tun hat. Echt komisch.
Klingt tatsaechlich komisch..
Installier halt die Gallerie manuell.. ; )
Mache ich jetzt auch. Das meine gallery einfach verschwindet hatte ich noch nie.

Vielleicht liegts daran das die slimkat als secondary läuft. Wobei ich mit der 1.9 nie Probleme hatte im dualboot
Ich hab auch Probleme mit dem Dual Boot, ich kann keine Gapps installieren bei der Slim Kat.

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