[ROM][I9505][4.4.4] *29.12.14* Slim Kat 9 [FINAL]

  • 2.353 Antworten
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Solid9 schrieb:
Das mit der Kamera funktioniert jetzt...allerdings hab ich bei der FB App sowie dem FB Messenger immer wieder F/Cs

Wie hast du denn geflasht bzw. FB installiert?...

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 20:45 Uhr wurde um 20:50 Uhr ergänzt:

3.8 läuft genauso gut wie 3.0 ... wenn man richtig flasht.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Steveria
tobiasth schrieb:
Sehr komisch, hast du irgendwas anderes am System noch verändert? Ich höre am Tage etwa 4-5h Musik und habe gar keine Probleme, weder mit streaming noch mit mp3s.

Nein. :confused:

Gesendet vom Nexus 7 via SlimKat.....
Auch nicht am Kernel was geändert? Hydra oder sowas eingestellt? Da ist die rom extrem anfällig.
Nur die MHz runter genommen. Aber Stock bringt keine Änderung.

Gesendet vom S4 via SlimKat.....
3.9 is ON

zumindest schon mal der Changelog. Also kommt der Download, wenn ich auf der Arbeit bin. Super :sneaky:


  • It is highly recommend to download and flash the new gapps package to have everything fully working.
  • Gapps filename is the same as last week (check the upload date)
  • YouTube still remains to the old one due that google is still fixing latest version.

Fix SystemUI memory leak and some cleanup
  • Fix linnked volumes does not persist on reboot
  • Fix possible NPE and missing expandable panel
  • Fix lockscreen slider logic
  • Recents do not kill favorite apps
  • Fix kill all recents fc
  • Check if faceunlock is disabled
  • Change sql to improve performance
  • Various small fixes for DSPManager
  • Dialer/UnCallUI/Telephony code cleanup
  • CM upstream to keymaster
  • Quite Hours automatic switch
  • Add "is starred" to quite hours
  • Disable keyguard widget frame
  • Lockscreen rotation optional
  • Fix pin-layout
  • Fix palm rejection (Galaxy Note devices)
  • Fix possible ANR and navigation freeze
  • Fix possible denial with selinux
  • Fix Gallery permissions for extsdcard
  • Massive update to frameworks av, frameworks native, system_core, audio-caf, display-caf, media-caf. for caf devices from cm
  • Various tweaks to jf and d2 devices
  • G2 lots of kernel and device changes
  • Upstream for smdk4412 camera driver
  • P51xx/P3100 fix sim-pin
  • Fix Xperia Z1 6902 ril problem
  • Mako/geeb: Update kernel to 3.4.83 && tune CPU boost
  • Hammerhead: small kernel fixes
  • d2lte: various network fixes
  • Update various translations
  • Gapps: update Google Play Services, added Google Music TRDS version, Playstore TRDS fixes, update Google+
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tobiasth und adl
Habe zur Zeit die Rom drauf und bin eigentlich auch zufrieden. Aber ich hab ein WLAN Problem mit meiner fritzbox 7270. Ich kann mich mit der nicht verbinden. Habe die fritze und im Schlafzimmer Einen zyxel als Access point und verbinde mich immer damit.
Ssid und PC beider Geräte identisch, hatte auch vorher geklappt.
Was habe ich bisher gemacht? Fritze von 2,4ghz auf 5ghz umgestellt aber keine Besserung. Modem hier war das nb8, seit gestern das nb9 drauf aber immernoch der gleiche Mist.
Was kann ich jetzt noch machen, liegt das an der Rom oder am s4 selber das das zu dämlich ist dafür?
definiere mal "kann mich nicht verbinden" .... kommt ein Fehlermeldung? Findet er den WLAN Kanal nicht? Meckert er das der Login falsch ist? .... schon mal eine fixe IP vergeben fürs S4?
Ne kommt dann einfach nur 'Verbindung fehlgeschlagen'
Ne keine fixe IP. Mit dem zyxel geht es ja ohne Probleme, klappt nur mit der fritze nicht, wobei sich andere Geräte normal an der fritze anmelden
Wie schon geschrieben ssid und pw der fritze und vom zyxel identisch daher ist es ausgeschlossen das das pw falsch ist

Ok verbinden kann ich mich aber dann geht's Nichtmehr mit dem zyxel, also das selbstständige wechseln zum besseren Netz ist nicht möglich was mit dem htc one ging
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hi Leute,
sind euch bei der 3.8 Grafikfehler aufgefallen? Vereinzelt sind Spuren im Drawer sowie i. d. Gallery (stock & QuickPic) sowie teilweiser Ausfall der Grafikdarstellung.
Da fehlen ganze Ecken... od. die Kacheln bleiben schwarz und sind teilweise violett eingefärbt.
Geflasht habe ich sauber, KT-Kernel a. Stock eingestellt....
Der Alucard Kernel (latest mit cleaning skript) hat es etwas verbessert.
Ist das ein allgemeiner bug der slim kat ? Wäre mir bei der stable slim nicht aufgefallen...
Langfassung Changelog:

2014-03-24 | Frameworks: notify arrayadapter early that data has changed on clear all [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-24 | Frameworks: do not kill favorite recent apps [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-23 | Revert "Allow holders of WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to write to secondary external storage" [Josue Rivera]2014-03-21 | Telephony: Code cleanup [Xiao-Long Chen]
2014-03-22 | writeback: fix writeback cache thrashing [Namjae Jeon]
2014-03-22 | writeback: fix race that cause writeback hung [Junxiao Bi]
2014-03-22 | writeback: Fix occasional slow sync(1) [Jan Kara]
2014-03-22 | who are we kidding? we always want turbo mode [Dave Daynard]
2014-03-22 | USB: ci13xxx_msm: shutdown callback to disable D+ pullup [ChandanaKishori Chiluveru]
2014-03-22 | timer: optimize apply_slack() [Felix Fietkau]
2014-03-22 | sync: don't block the flusher thread waiting on IO [Dave Chinner]
2014-03-22 | Reset parameters for EMMC to stock 3.0 [infernix]2014-03-16 | Handle DownloadManager expceptions (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Filip Matusiak]2014-03-20 | Add an explicit license (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-03-22 | Optimized ARM RWSEM algorithm [Ashwin Chaugule]
2014-03-22 | msm_zsl: port NULL checks and irq enable/disable from non zsl variant [Dave Daynard]
2014-03-22 | msm_fb: display: workaround a single underrun when lcdc is on [Huaibin Yang]
2014-03-22 | msm: camera: Fix for camera crash [Suresh Vankadara]
2014-03-22 | mmc: core: do not reinsert prepeared FUA and FLUSH requests in stop flow [Konstantin Dorfman]
2014-03-22 | jbd2: optimize jbd2_journal_force_commit [mrg666]
2014-03-22 | Drop SDR104 support as some SoC revisions can't handle it [infernix]
2014-03-22 | d2 camera: squash commits from caf [Dave Daynard]
2014-03-22 | block/partitions: optimize memory allocation in check_partition() [Ming Lei]
2014-03-22 | binder: search for receiving context pid in global namespace [Ricardo Mendoza]
2014-03-21 | Settings: disable keyguard widget frame (2/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-21 | push minor digit [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-21 | Keyguard: Fix Pin-Layout (squashed commits) [Andreas B]
2014-03-21 | Input: Fix Palm Rejection [jyates]
2014-03-21 | Hun Translations updated [klasszsrac]
2014-03-21 | Hun Translations updated [klasszsrac]
2014-03-21 | Frameworks: Quiet Hours Automatic Switch (1/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-21 | Frameworks: Lockscreen Rotation Optional (1/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-21 | Frameworks: Fix possible ANR and navigation bar freeze [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-21 | Framework: disable keyguard widget frame (1/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-21 | Dialer: Code cleanup [Xiao-Long Chen]
2014-03-20 | SystemUI: ES translations [Carlos Solano]
2014-03-20 | system/audio: Add the the SPDIF device entry [Aviral Gupta]
2014-03-20 | Support for digital dock path [Steve Kondik]
2014-03-20 | FB: ES translations [Carlos Solano]
2014-03-20 | dspmanager: Catch ALL the exceptions! [Steve Kondik]
2014-03-20 | dsp: don't read off the end of the data array [Ethan Chen]2014-03-22 | Dialer: Add support for OpenCNAM paid accounts (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Xiao-Long Chen]
2014-03-20 | audio: New audio formats for PCM Offload [ApurupaPattapu]
2014-03-20 | audio: Add Dolby subformat [Manish Dewangan]2014-03-24 | weekly 3.9 (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-20 | Actually add digital dock intent to the filter. [Steve Kondik]
2014-03-19 | Use input switches to detect audio jack insertions [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-03-19 | usb: f_qc_rndis: set context for encapsulated response [Dov Levenglick]
2014-03-19 | stagefright: Enable GraphicBuffer usage to decoder before querying formats [Praveen Chavan]
2014-03-19 | stagefright: Disable HSR for now [Steve Kondik]
2014-03-19 | SF: Fix invalid reduction of transparent region from a layer. [radhakrishna]2014-03-19 | Cardslib: use own getCount and getItem (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-19 | Settings: Lockscreen Rotation Optional (2/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-19 | Settings: ES translations [Carlos Solano]
2014-03-19 | rtnetlink: fix error return code in rtnl_link_fill() [Wei Yongjun]
2014-03-19 | ril: Ignore unsupported IMS state request (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-03-19 | Revert "Audio: Add Pause/Resume in AMR-WB tunnel recording" [quic_mqiu]
2014-03-19 | Revert "Add vzw-g2.mk" [arcardinal]
2014-03-19 | regulatory: use correct regulatory initiator on wiphy register [Arik Nemtsov]
2014-03-19 | net: fix compile error of leaking kmemleak.h header [Shan Wei]
2014-03-19 | net/core:Remove memleak reports by kmemleak_not_leak. [majianpeng]
2014-03-19 | net: change error print messages to generate warnings [Syed Rameez Mustafa]
2014-03-19 | msm: watchdog-v2: use request_mem_region instead of request_region [Aparna Das]
2014-03-19 | msm: sps: use a new flag for disconnecting pipe [Yan He]
2014-03-19 | msm: msm_watchdog_v2: Dump watchdog registers in bark handler [Pushkar Joshi]
2014-03-19 | msm: Modify functional mode of suspened GPIO [Sana Venkat Raju]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: wait for ping pong during unblank kickoff [Adrian Salido-Moreno]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Use MDP_SOLID_FILL to enable color on pipe [Mayank Chopra]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: stop display commit thread only if it is running [Aravind Venkateswaran]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Set correct flush bit for writeback mixer. [Vishnuvardhan Prodduturi]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Returning NOTIFY_SUSPEND while polling NOTIFY_UPDATE [Krishna Chaitanya Parimi]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: remove interruptible timeout waits [Ujwal Patel]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: refactor command mode vsync control logic [Adrian Salido-Moreno]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Make notify update waits interruptible [Krishna Chaitanya Parimi]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: initialize pipe to NULL [Manoj Rao]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: increase height constraints for panel resolution [Adrian Salido-Moreno]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Fix watermark level calculations for pipe updates [Ujwal Patel]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Fix race conditions during device shutdown [Aravind Venkateswaran]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Fix NULL pointer dereference in mdss_mdp_display_wait4comp [Jayant Shekhar]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Fix NULL pointer deference in mdss_mdp_overlay_handle_vsync [Jayant Shekhar]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Fix MDP hang issue for H2V1 interleaved formats [Ujwal Patel]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: fb: Copy & send unsigned value for notify update [Krishna Chaitanya Parimi]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Enable fixed MMBs support for RGB pipes [Ujwal Patel]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: change SMP allocations for chroma decimation [Adrian Salido-Moreno]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Call wait4comp after commit for wb intf [Dhaval Patel]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Avoid variable overloading [Shalabh Jain]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Add support to halt pipe fetches [Ujwal Patel]
2014-03-19 | msm:mdss: Add support for show blank sysfs entry [Jayant Shekhar]
2014-03-19 | msm: mdss: Add commit handler to writeback display [Carl Vanderlip]
2014-03-19 | msm: kgsl: show timestamp in sync dump [Fred Fettinger]
2014-03-19 | msm: kgsl: Restrict the maximum memory entries for bulk cache sync [Jordan Crouse]
2014-03-19 | msm: kgsl: generate descriptive names for kgsl-timeline [Fred Fettinger]
2014-03-19 | msm: kgsl: Fix several possible problem spots in the dispatcher [Jordan Crouse]
2014-03-19 | msm: board-8610-gpio-mux: Add mux configuration for 8610 touch controller [Figo Wang]
2014-03-19 | msm: acpuclock-8974: fix CPU voltage limits to support additional parts [Matt Wagantall]
2014-03-19 | mmc: sdhci-msm: set core in proper mode before reset [Stepan Moskovchenko]
2014-03-19 | mmc: Get rid of CONFIG_MACH_MSM8974_EMMC_HW_RESET [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-03-19 | mmc: cd-gpio: Add sanity checks in mmc_cd_gpio_free() [Sahitya Tummala]
2014-03-19 | mmc: card: CORRECTLY_PRG_SECTORS_NUM parsing fix [Konstantin Dorfman]
2014-03-19 | mixer_paths: Fix out-of-scale controls [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-03-19 | media_profiles: the HFR parameters don't need to be mandatory [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-03-19 | Linux 3.4.83 [houst0nn]
2014-03-19 | libstagefright: Set is_streaming flag for all widevine content [ApurupaPattapu]
2014-03-19 | libstagefright: fix mute issue for h.264 and MPEG4 [Santhosh Behara]
2014-03-19 | libstagefright: Enable HFR feature for video recording [Leena Winterrowd]
2014-03-19 | libstagefright : Allow seek in RTSP VOD streaming using Helix Server [Arvind Thatikonda]
2014-03-19 | libstagefright: Add support for PCM in offload path [ApurupaPattapu]
2014-03-19 | libstagefright: Add support for AC3/EC3 playback in tunnel mode [Subhash Chandra Bose Naripeddy]
2014-03-19 | libstagefright: Add NULL check for mHFRRatio [myfluxi]
2014-03-19 | libstagefright: Add custom IOCTL for prefetching CMA data for wv playback [Shalaj Jain]
2014-03-19 | libmediaplayerservice: Avoid writing silence for offload tracks [Krishnankutty Kolathappilly]
2014-03-19 | iommu: msm: Make regulators optional [Olav Haugan]2014-03-22 | d2: board-mms-tsp: fix type mismatch for system_rev (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/cm-11.0) [Dave Daynard]
2014-03-19 | init.g2.rc;Correct BT low power connections [Snuzzo]
2014-03-19 | ifdef "stagefright: Enable GraphicBuffer usage to decoder before querying formats" [Pawit Pornkitprasan]
2014-03-19 | gpiomux-8974: Update EPM marker gpio configuration [Siddartha Mohanadoss]
2014-03-19 | gpiomux-8974: Update EPM gpio configuration [Siddartha Mohanadoss]
2014-03-19 | gpiomux-8974: Configure EPM GPIO based on platform [Siddartha Mohanadoss]
2014-03-19 | gpiomux-8974: Add platform based MSM GPIO 81 configuration [Siddartha Mohanadoss]
2014-03-19 | gpiomux-8974: Add EPM GPIO markers [Siddartha Mohanadoss]
2014-03-19 | Frameworks: fix possible NPE + and missing expandable panel [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-19 | Frameworks: Fix memory leak + cleanup [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-19 | Frameworks: Fix linked volume does not persist after reboot. [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-19 | [frameworks/av] : added .mov extension [Manikanta Kanamarlapudi]
2014-03-19 | Framework: Lockscreen Slider Logic && Fix [Jubakuba]
2014-03-19 | Fix incall echo for vs980 [arcardinal]
2014-03-19 | FaceUnlock: Check if faceunlock is disabled [Jorge Ruesga]
2014-03-19 | Change SQL to improve performance. [muzbit.kim]
2014-03-19 | board: 8974: Sensor GPIO config for Dragonboard APQ8074 [Ilia Lin]
2014-03-19 | bluetooth: set optimum current requirement for vdd la [Pradeep Panigrahi]
2014-03-19 | AudioTrack: Handle track invalidate on wait for stream done [Haynes Mathew George]
2014-03-19 | AudioTrack: Fix for race condition [Haynes Mathew George]
2014-03-19 | AudioFlinger: Remove unwanted update of track generation [Haynes Mathew George]
2014-03-19 | audio: Add support for tunnel mode recording and compress voip [Mingming Yin]2014-03-24 | Frameworks: fix possible NPE + and missing expandable panel correction (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-19 | audio: Added lock during closing of direct output [Pavan Chikkala]
2014-03-19 | arm: mach-msm: fix integer overflow in DFE_IOCTL_COMMAND [Venkatesh Yadav Abbarapu]
2014-03-19 | arm/dt: msm8610: spi_qsd: enable SPI on QUP4 for Ethernet [Gilad Avidov]
2014-03-19 | arm/dt:apq8074-Dragon board: Add PCM GPIO lines [Tanya Finkel]
2014-03-19 | add Sony camera parameters [RonGokhale]
2014-03-18 | Settings: Add "Is Starred" to Quiet Hours (1/1) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-18 | Initialize the buffer [Sindhu Kanathur]2014-03-22 | Revert "xmm626x: Update libril to v9 [1/2]" (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-03-19 | usb: f_qc_rndis: Correct SSUSB descriptor with IAD information (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Mayank Rana]
2014-03-18 | Dialer: ES translations [Carlos Solano]
2014-03-17 | Telephony: translation - RU [gwindlord]
2014-03-17 | Telephony: ES translations [Carlos Solano]
2014-03-17 | Settings: Quiet Hours Automatic Switch (2/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-17 | Revert "overlay: Add tolerance to downscale factor" [Arne Coucheron]
2014-03-17 | Revert "Don't recreate keyguard for MCC/MNC changes." [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-17 | post_proc: send ENABLE_FLAG directly to offload effect driver [wjiang]
2014-03-17 | mm-audio: Update bitrate based on profile and samplerate [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]
2014-03-17 | liboverlay: Rotator hangs on playing VP9 tile encoded video [Justin Philip]
2014-03-17 | liboverlay: Correctly roundoff the Downscale factor [Justin Philip]
2014-03-17 | libmemtrack: Fix compilation warning error [Colin Cross]2014-03-18 | Use SimRefreshResponse struct in RIL Versions greater than 7. (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Rakesh Pallerla]
2014-03-17 | libhwcomposer: Synchronize Uevent and Composition threads [Justin Philip]
2014-03-17 | Invoke a padding round in certain use-cases. [Raj Kamal]
2014-03-17 | hwc: Reset layer composition to GLES if copybit fails [Baldev Sahu]
2014-03-17 | hwc: remove waiting for fence in copybit and avoid sending to mdp [Baldev Sahu]
2014-03-17 | hwc: Enabled COPYBIT for UI layers in VideoOnly composition [Baldev Sahu]
2014-03-17 | hwc: Do not use copybit if planeAplha and downscaling invloved [Baldev Sahu]
2014-03-17 | hal: Update the correct channel count for dolby configuration [Krishnankutty Kolathappilly]
2014-03-17 | hal: set Dolby DMID for low latency playback [Mingming Yin]
2014-03-17 | hal: Port fixes and features to msm8960 variant [Steve Kondik]
2014-03-17 | hal: msm8960: Don't even try to calculate a compress-offload buffer [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-03-17 | hal: Fix memory leak in listen module [Krishnankutty Kolathappilly]
2014-03-17 | hal: Fix memory leak in HAL debug logs [Krishnankutty Kolathappilly]
2014-03-17 | hal: Fix for down-mixing of multi-ch offload playback [Mingming Yin]
2014-03-17 | hal: fix a bug introduced as part of changes done for fixing memroy leak [Narsinga Rao Chella]
2014-03-17 | hal: Enhance compress offload logging [Sidipotu Ashok]
2014-03-17 | hal: Add support for PCM in offload path [ApurupaPattapu]
2014-03-17 | hal: Add suport for dedicated VoIP devices [Steve Kondik]2014-03-17 | hwc_copybit: wait on fb target acquire fence before composition (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Baldev Sahu]
2014-03-17 | gralloc: Set default value for implementation defined formats [Baldev Sahu]
2014-03-17 | frameworks/base - translation : RU [gwindlord]
2014-03-17 | display : Add wormholeRegion Calculation [radhakrishna]
2014-03-17 | apps/Settings - translation : RU [gwindlord]
2014-03-17 | apps/Dialer: translation - RU [gwindlord]
2014-03-16 | VolumePanel: Don't force navigation bar [David96]
2014-03-16 | Update device.mk to target vzw-g2.mk [arcardinal]2014-03-16 | Fix UXD for tablets [BILLyTheLiTTle]2014-03-20 | sepolicy: Fix denial (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Steve Kondik]2014-03-19 | libstagefright: bring back mistakenly removed codec quirks (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Dheeraj CVR]
2014-03-16 | Tethering: fix NPE when retrieving active interfaces [Dirk Rettschlag]
2014-03-16 | take account of RotationVector's new extra parameter [Balint Ureczky]
2014-03-16 | SystemUI: Update Ringer tile code. [Kiril Mikos]
2014-03-16 | SystemUI: Set Status bar opaque during drawer pulldown on tablets only [blackhand1001]
2014-03-16 | SystemUI: Notification Reminder - Update Reminder [Jubakuba]
2014-03-16 | Settings: SlimRecents scaling + lefty mode (3/3) [Lars Greiss]2014-03-21 | SlimCenter: ES translations (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Carlos Solano]2014-03-24 | MediaProvider: allow write access to external SD (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Pawit Pornkitprasan]
2014-03-16 | Settings: More Lockscreen Colors (2/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-16 | Service: Keep services needing restart. [Liangcai Li]
2014-03-16 | Round off when calculate next step in Seekbar [Marcus Danielsson]
2014-03-16 | Revert "services: don't clear wallpaper when SystemUI" [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-16 | remove unnecessary switchUser call [Jianzheng Zhou]
2014-03-16 | push version number for weekly to 3.8 [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-16 | Prevent a duplicated registration of Observers [muzbit.kim]
2014-03-16 | NULL previous background bitmap upon changing wallpaper [jshe32X]
2014-03-16 | Null pointer exception in FileRotator.java [Mikael Gullstrand]
2014-03-16 | NsdService does not clean up after exiting clients [Dave Platt]
2014-03-16 | NFC: getNdefMessage() should throw exception if no tag in field. [Mathias Jeppsson]
2014-03-16 | New API [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-03-16 | Camera: Fix out-of-order operations while setting up the editor (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-03-16 | Hang off call by power button while screen is on [shower]
2014-03-16 | Gallery2: Handled seek to previous frame in case of video trim [Suresh Choudhary]2014-03-21 | InCallUI: Code cleanup (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-03-21 | apps/Settings: translation - RU (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]
2014-03-16 | Frameworks: SlimRecents make it RTL/LTR aware + scaling + lefty mode (1/3) [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-16 | Frameworks: SlimPie only preload recent on button press down [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-16 | Frameworks: More Keyguard Colors (1/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-16 | frameworks: including build.prop property "ro.config.vc_music_vol_steps" to control music steps amount (like it is with "ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps" and call volume steps) [gwindlord]
2014-03-16 | frameworks/base: Day and week on data usage (1/2) [dagix5]
2014-03-16 | Frameworks: add favorite mode [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-16 | Framework: Notify User Interaction on Unlock [Jubakuba]
2014-03-16 | Fix to memory leak leaving WallpaperCropActivity. [Daniel 2 Olofsson]
2014-03-16 | Fix progress of VolumePanel never refresh [Eiichi,Ohnishi]
2014-03-16 | Don't recreate keyguard for MCC/MNC changes. [Danny Baumann]
2014-03-16 | Don't let apps disable the SIM PIN entry screen. [Danny Baumann]
2014-03-16 | Clean up overlays [arcardinal]2014-03-19 | Revert "Update device.mk to target vzw-g2.mk" (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]
2014-03-16 | Cardslib: only initiliaze LRUCache if really needed. [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-16 | Cardslib: make it RTL/LTR aware (2/3) [Lars Greiss]2014-03-19 | libhardware: Define queriable attribute for max. WriteBack width (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Tatenda Chipeperekwa]2014-03-17 | hal: Fix error in log message (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [ApurupaPattapu]
2014-03-16 | Cardslib: Add partial onLongClickListener ability [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-16 | Camera: Ensure background edition complete on back Key [Suman Mukherjee]
2014-03-16 | Add vzw-g2.mk [arcardinal]
2014-03-16 | Add People Lookup settings [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-03-20 | Underp an ifdef (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Steve Kondik]
2014-03-16 | Add people lookup settings keys [Xiao-Long Chen]
2014-03-16 | add gps gid to system_server [Kevin Tang]
2014-03-16 | A couple of fixes [Kévin PETIT]
2014-03-14 | frameworks/base: translation - RU [gwindlord]2014-03-19 | sf: Determine if virtual display can use HWC for composition (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Manoj Kumar AVM]
Über ota in den Einstellungen aber noch nicht verfügbar
über OTA kommen nur stables ....
Achso, wie bekomme ich denn dann die neue weekly drauf? Einfach drüber Flashen? Ist dann alles weg und ich muß alles neu konfigurieren oder bleiben meine Einstellungen
tobiasth schrieb:
Wie hast du denn geflasht bzw. FB installiert?...

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 20:45 Uhr wurde um 20:50 Uhr ergänzt:

3.8 läuft genauso gut wie 3.0 ... wenn man richtig flasht.

Facebook und Co. laufen jetzt auch...bin aber weiterhin bei der 3.0 Version geblieben. Nach der heutigen 3.9, kommt als nächstes wieder eine Stable Version?

Und welchen Kernel empfiehlt ihr für Slimkat wenn es um Akku sparen geht?
Den Standard Slimkat Kernel, Alucard oder doch Ktoonsez?
Hab den Ktoonsez drauf und hab als Govenour den SmartassH3 am laufen.
Gerade die 3.9 geflasht.
Macht einen soliden Eindruck, und sehr minimalistisch. Gefällt mir gut! ;-)

Gibt es zufällig eine Option für den Ausschalteffekt?
Einstellungen > Display > CRT Animation

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 13:11 Uhr wurde um 13:12 Uhr ergänzt:

Solid9 schrieb:
Hab den Ktoonsez drauf und hab als Govenour den SmartassH3 am laufen.

KT = Slim Standard Kernel ...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Steb
Ist etwas neues an Features dazu gekommen?
Da hilft ein Blick in den Changelog (der übrigens nur wenige Beiträge vorher steht ;))

Fix SystemUI memory leak and some cleanup
  • Fix linnked volumes does not persist on reboot
  • Fix possible NPE and missing expandable panel
  • Fix lockscreen slider logic
  • Recents do not kill favorite apps
  • Fix kill all recents fc
  • Check if faceunlock is disabled
  • Change sql to improve performance
  • Various small fixes for DSPManager
  • Dialer/UnCallUI/Telephony code cleanup
  • CM upstream to keymaster
  • Quite Hours automatic switch
  • Add "is starred" to quite hours
  • Disable keyguard widget frame
  • Lockscreen rotation optional
  • Fix pin-layout
  • Fix palm rejection (Galaxy Note devices)
  • Fix possible ANR and navigation freeze
  • Fix possible denial with selinux
  • Fix Gallery permissions for extsdcard
  • Massive update to frameworks av, frameworks native, system_core, audio-caf, display-caf, media-caf. for caf devices from cm
  • Various tweaks to jf and d2 devices
  • G2 lots of kernel and device changes
  • Upstream for smdk4412 camera driver
  • P51xx/P3100 fix sim-pin
  • Fix Xperia Z1 6902 ril problem
  • Mako/geeb: Update kernel to 3.4.83 && tune CPU boost
  • Hammerhead: small kernel fixes
  • d2lte: various network fixes
  • Update various translations
  • Gapps: update Google Play Services, added Google Music TRDS version, Playstore TRDS fixes, update Google+

P.S.: Hatte irgendwer irgendwann schon mal Probleme mit dem eingebauten Superuser? TB zickt ja immer rum, man solle doch bitte auf SuperSU umsteigen ;)
Ich konnte z.B. gerade nicht eine App in eine Systemanwendung umwandeln, und frage mich, ob das damit zusammenhängt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die Changelogs sind für 98% sinnlos, weil damit kann man eh nix anfangen. Vielleicht können die versierten User es übersetzen bzw die wichtigsten Sachen wiedergeben.

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