[ROM][I9505][4.4.4] *29.12.14* Slim Kat 9 [FINAL]

  • 2.353 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Die neue 3.3 Weekly wird sich aufgrund technischer Probleme verspäten!

We have postponed the weekly 3.3 release as we have an issue which needs to be solved.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: rotali20, Steveria, Alleshaber und eine weitere Person
Hat noch jemand das Problem, dass wenn ich neu starte und kein Internet an habe, dass dann die Uhrzeit und Datum völlig falsch sind?
Keine Ahnung, Habe time ~ daemon gelöscht unter system ~ bin!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: beicuxhaven
beicuxhaven schrieb:
Hat noch jemand das Problem, dass wenn ich neu starte und kein Internet an habe, dass dann die Uhrzeit und Datum völlig falsch sind?
Vielleicht ist in der Recovery die Uhrzeit falsch eingestellt. Ich weiß leider auch nicht woher er die Uhrzeit nimmt, wenn er mal kein Internet hat nach dem Reboot.
Wer hat denn bitte kein Internet? :flapper:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: beicuxhaven
Changelog 3.4

Builds are building now and will be available in the next hours, please check the Homepage from time to time and read the whole information about the new build.

Need to sleep now , thread update tomorrow.


Framework: Speed up booting on multicore devices.
Framework: Finish fixing Zygote descriptor leakage problem
Framework: A background started service is removed from mStartingBackground
Framework: Remove java.io.tmpdir assignment in AndroidRuntime.
Framework: Fixed a possible infinite loop in JsonReader#skipValue()
Framework: Structure device not freed in error case
Framework: Tethering: Skip link local addresses when enabling NAT
Framework: Fix, MountService now only sends one onShutDownComplete
Framework: Release locked buffer when it fails to acquire graphics buffer
Framework: EGL14.eglCreateWindowSurface should set producerControlledByApp
Framework: Notification Reminder Interval && Fixes (1/2)
Framework: Slim recent app screen
Framework: SlimRecents - add TRDS
Framework: Do proper recent preload on hw key rebinding.
Framework: Signal strength: add more checks to signal strength,
Framework: Fix GSM signal strength
System extras: Avoid underflow on an unsigned int when computering bg overrun
System extras: libpagemap: fix memory leak in pm_process_destroy()
System extras: use BIONIC implementation of mmap64
System extras: procrank: Use %zu for size_t and %d for pid_t
System extras: procmem: Use size_t instead of int to remove a potential bug.
Hardware ril: libril: Provide support for legacy ril
Libhardware: hwcomposer: Add HWC_BLIT compositiontype value
Libhardware: Add sound card status parameter
Art/dalvik/system core: Remove old fork-and-specialize API
Browser: Fix the problem that the favicons on the history page are shown ramdomly
Cardslib: Rework expanded/collapse feature on listviews
Cardslib: add tiny optimization and use a viewholder + cleanup
Cardslib: use viewholder in the different card layouts
Cardslib: add trds drawables
Frameworks av: Major upstreams
Frameworks native: Major upstreams
Translations: A lot updates
General: as usual a lot fixes and device work and upstream. Check the build specific changelog for it
Ist jetzt downloadbar.

So, cache und Dalvic cache gewiped and drüber geflasht, soweit alles top....wie man es halt gewöhnt ist von dem Team. :thumbup:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: beicuxhaven, rotali20, Steveria und eine weitere Person
Bin ich eigentlich der einzige Elefant, der sich auch mal für Änderungen interessiert und nicht einfach nur blöde drüberflasht und dann hier alle mit "ist ... neu?" nervt?
2014-03-04 | Revert "jflte: blobs" [Lars Greiss]2014-03-03 | bump for weekly (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]
2014-03-03 | Tethering: Skip link local addresses when enabling NAT [jiaguo]
2014-03-03 | Structure device not freed in error case [Henrik Baard]
2014-03-03 | Remove java.io.tmpdir assignment in AndroidRuntime. [Narayan Kamath]
2014-03-03 | Release locked buffer when it fails to acquire graphics buffer [lina.x.pi]
2014-03-03 | Frameworks: SlimRecents - add TRDS [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-03 | Frameworks: Slim recent app screen [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-03 | Frameworks: Notification Reminder Interval && Fixes (1/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-03-03 | Frameworks: Do proper recent preload on hw key rebinding. [Lars Greiss]
2014-03-03 | Fix, MountService now only sends one onShutDownComplete [Rickard Helldin]
2014-03-03 | Fixed a possible infinite loop in JsonReader#skipValue() [Calin Juravle]
2014-03-03 | EGL14.eglCreateWindowSurface should set producerControlledByApp [Takahiro Aizawa]
2014-03-03 | A background started service is removed from mStartingBackground when timeout. Fix is to make sure mStartingBackground is updated to remove one. [Junu Kim]
2014-03-03 | [1/2] Speed up booting on multicore devices. [Kyrylo Mikos]
2014-03-02 | VendorSetup: Bringup Sony Xperia Z [rebelos]
2014-03-02 | Finish fixing Zygote descriptor leakage problem [Dave Platt]
2014-03-01 | qseecom: Validate the pointer returned by ion_import_dma_buf [Hariprasad Dhalinarasimha]
2014-03-01 | [media] media: Init the reserved fields of struct media_link_desc [Deva Ramasubramanian]
2014-03-01 | Lower incall volume [arcardinal]
2014-03-01 | kswapd: reduce time spent in congestion_wait [Liam Mark]
2014-03-01 | init.g2.rc: let the kernel control gov [arcardinal]
2014-03-01 | init.g2.rc: disable mpd for bricked [arcardinal]2014-02-24 | p700: hardware key rebinding (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [tudorsirb]2014-03-03 | Hun Translations updated [klasszsrac]
2014-03-01 | g2: up call speaker volume [Jake Whatley]
2014-03-01 | g2: ueventd: fix permissions for rtc0 and ttyHS99 [houst0nn]
2014-03-01 | g2.mk: Add missing volume steps [arcardinal]
2014-03-01 | g2: init: create directory for bluetooth [houst0nn]
2014-03-01 | g2: fix audio distortion at high volumes [darkobas]
2014-02-28 | Settings: Notification Reminder Interval (2/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-02-28 | ondemand: add sysfs entry for down_diff_multi_core [Krishna Vanka]
2014-02-28 | mm: vmscan: Move pages that fail swapout to LRU active list [Olav Haugan]
2014-02-28 | Hun Translations updated [klasszsrac]
2014-02-28 | fs: sync: enable fsync by default. [franciscofranco]
2014-02-28 | fs: sync: add missing return if fsync is disabled from userspace. [Francisco Franco]
2014-02-28 | cpufreq: ondemand: Remove unnecessary synchronization attempt [Srivatsa Vaddagiri]
2014-02-28 | cpufreq: interactive: Use default min_sample_time if SDF is zero [Rohit Gupta]
2014-02-28 | cpufreq: interactive: Modifying sync_freq implementation [Rohit Gupta]
2014-02-28 | cpufreq: interactive: Fix null pointer dereference in interactive governor [Vijay Ganti]
2014-02-28 | Cardslib: Do not consume touchevents on swipe down event [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-28 | Added fsync on/off support. [franciscofranco]
2014-02-27 | use BIONIC implementation of mmap64 [Andrew Boie]
2014-02-27 | SELinux: include definition of new capabilities [Eric Paris]
2014-02-27 | readahead: make context readahead more conservative [Fengguang Wu]
2014-02-27 | procrank: Use %zu for size_t and %d for pid_t [Ashok Bhat]
2014-02-27 | POWER: fix compile warnings in log_wakeup_reason [Ruchi Kandoi]
2014-02-27 | Power: add an API to log wakeup reasons [Ruchi Kandoi]
2014-02-27 | mm, vmalloc: use well-defined find_last_bit() func [Joonsoo Kim]
2014-02-27 | mm, vmalloc: remove useless variable in vmap_block [Joonsoo Kim]
2014-02-27 | mm/page-writeback.c: fix dirty_balance_reserve subtraction from dirtyable memory [Johannes Weiner]
2014-02-27 | mm/page-writeback.c: do not count anon pages as dirtyable memory [Johannes Weiner]
2014-02-27 | mm/kmemleak.c: remove obsolete simple_strtoul [Abhijit Pawar]
2014-02-27 | mm: fix anon vma naming [Colin Cross]
2014-02-27 | mm: change freepage state correctly in __isolate_free_page [Laura Abbott]
2014-02-27 | Linux 3.4.82 [houst0nn]
2014-02-27 | Linux 3.4.81 [houst0nn]
2014-02-27 | libpagemap: fix memory leak in pm_process_destroy() [Carton He]
2014-02-27 | kmemleak: use rbtree instead of prio tree [Michel Lespinasse]
2014-02-27 | kmemleak: Replace list_for_each_continue_rcu with new interface [Michael Wang]
2014-02-27 | jbd2: optimize jbd2_journal_force_commit [mrg666]
2014-02-27 | fs: fuse: Add replacment for CMA pages into the LRU cache [Laura Abbott]
2014-02-27 | Framework: Fix GSM signal strength [Ricardo Cerqueira]
2014-02-27 | fix false disconnect due to a signal sent to the reading process [keunyoung]
2014-02-27 | fat: limit the number of error prints [Asutosh Das]
2014-02-27 | ext4: speed up truncate/unlink by not using bforget() unless needed [Andrey Sidorov]
2014-02-27 | deadline: Allow 0ms deadline latency, increase the read speed [xiaobing tu]
2014-02-27 | Cardslib: use viewholder in the different card layouts [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-27 | Cardslib: Rework expanded/collapse feature on listviews [Gabriele Mariotti]
2014-02-27 | Cardslib: add tiny optimization and use a viewholder + cleanup [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-27 | Avoid underflow on an unsigned int when computering bg overrun [Ken Sumrall]2014-03-04 | Revert "d2lte: blobs" [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-26 | Signal strength: add more checks to signal strength, [Shareef Ali]
2014-02-26 | Disable CONFIG_STRICT_MEMORY_RWX (github/stable/cm-11.0) [Dave Daynard]
2014-02-24 | SystemUI: Add DE-Translation [silvesternet]2014-03-03 | [2/2] Speed up booting on multicore devices. (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Kyrylo Mikos]2014-03-01 | add trds drawables (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-24 | Settings: DE-Translation [Andreas B]2014-02-24 | FileManager: Fix possible NPE (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]2014-02-26 | LatinIME: make secondary chars better visible at TRDS dark keyboard (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]2014-02-25 | [1/2] Telephony: Add setting for YellowPages Canada reverse lookup provider (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-02-27 | track new repos (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4-caf) [Lars Greiss]2014-02-27 | procmem: Use size_t instead of int to remove a potential bug. (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Ashok Bhat]
2014-02-24 | Remove old fork-and-specialize API (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Dave Platt]2014-02-25 | Add f2fs to list of partition types in common.py (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [dhacker29]2014-02-23 | Remove old fork-and-specialize API (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Dave Platt]2014-03-02 | Remove snd_soc_msm_Taiko This is only for stock lg. Not needed in AOSP. (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]
2014-02-24 | msm: Fix compiler error due to CONFIG_HIGHMEM being disabled [Neeti Desai]
2014-02-24 | mm: make is_vmalloc_addr lockless [Laura Abbott]
2014-02-24 | gpio: qpnp-pin: map interrupts only when required [Abhijeet Dharmapurikar]
2014-02-24 | Frameworks: Notification Reminders (1/2) [Jubakuba]
2014-02-24 | frameworks/base: translation - RU [gwindlord]
2014-02-24 | Bump 3.2 Weekly [Josue Rivera]
2014-02-24 | arm: vfp: always clear vfp_current_hw_state when forcing reload [Yuanyuan Zhong]
2014-02-24 | ARM: update FIQ support for relocation of vectors [Russell King]
2014-02-24 | ARM: smp: fix incorrect per-cpu definition of regs_before_stop [Syed Rameez Mustafa]2014-03-01 | gpio_input: convert from wakelocks to wakeup sources (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/cm-11.0) [Todd Poynor]
2014-02-24 | ARM: poison the vectors page [Russell King]
2014-02-24 | ARM: poison memory between kuser helpers [Russell King]
2014-02-24 | ARM: move vector stubs [Russell King]
2014-02-24 | ARM: mm: update __v7_setup() to the new LoUIS cache maintenance API [Santosh Shilimkar]
2014-02-24 | ARM: make vectors page inaccessible from userspace [Russell King]
2014-02-24 | ARM: kernel: update __cpu_disable to use cache LoUIS maintenance API [Lorenzo Pieralisi]
2014-02-24 | ARM: Flush the caches for non panicking CPUs in case of a kernel panic [Syed Rameez Mustafa]
2014-02-24 | ARM: fiq: change FIQ_START to a variable [Shawn Guo]
2014-02-24 | ARM: allow kuser helpers to be removed from the vector page [Russell King]
2014-02-24 | ARM: 7816/1: CONFIG_KUSER_HELPERS: fix help text [Nicolas Pitre]
2014-02-24 | ARM: 7735/2: Preserve the user r/w register TPIDRURW on context switch and fork [André Hentschel]
2014-02-24 | ARM: 7693/1: mm: clean-up in order to reduce to call kmap_high_get() [Joonsoo Kim]
2014-02-24 | apps/Settings: translation - RU [gwindlord]
2014-02-24 | apps/Settings - translation: RU [gwindlord]
2014-02-23 | USB: core: hub.c: Fix bug in accessing freed memory [Vijayavardhan Vennapusa]
2014-02-23 | sec-battery: let's override the charging mode only for LPM [Dave Daynard]
2014-02-23 | Prima [Dave Daynard]
2014-02-23 | Cardslib: use ViewCompat instead of v.hasTransientState(boolean) [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-23 | Cardslibg: Fix list is jumping on corner cases [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-23 | Cardslib: Fix possible NPE on customsource loader [Lars Greiss]2014-02-26 | libril: Provide support for legacy ril (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Arne Coucheron]2014-02-28 | switch do_fsync() to fget_light() (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Al Viro]
2014-02-23 | Cardslib: fix parents lose after animation [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-23 | Cardslib: fix crash on swipe expanded card and dismiss [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-23 | Cardslib: change again the default expand button pressed [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-23 | Cardslib: add stack from bottom listview support for expanded/collapse animations [Lars Greiss]
2014-02-22 | xen-blkfront: handle backend CLOSED without CLOSING [David Vrabel]2014-02-24 | Remove old fork-and-specialize API (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Dave Platt]2014-02-25 | [2/2] Dialer: Add YellowPages Canada reverse lookup provider (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-02-22 | IMPORTANT: apps/MMS: Fixed issue with arrays strings presence, which caused incorrect keyboard options showing (HEAD, m/kk4.4-caf, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]2014-02-23 | Revert "SamsungServiceMode: ES translations" [Michael Bestas]2014-03-01 | Settins: ES translations (Not. reminder) [Carlos Solano]
2014-02-22 | usb-storage: restrict bcdDevice range for Super Top in Cypress ATACB [Alan Stern]
2014-02-22 | usb-storage: enable multi-LUN scanning when needed [Alan Stern]
2014-02-22 | usb-storage: add unusual-devs entry for BlackBerry 9000 [Alan Stern]
2014-02-22 | usb: option: blacklist ZTE MF667 net interface [Raymond Wanyoike]
2014-02-22 | USB: ftdi_sio: add Tagsys RFID Reader IDs [Ulrich Hahn]
2014-02-22 | usb: ftdi_sio: add Mindstorms EV3 console adapter [Bjørn Mork]
2014-02-22 | tty: n_gsm: Fix for modems with brk in modem status control [Lars Poeschel]
2014-02-22 | time: Fix overflow when HZ is smaller than 60 [Mikulas Patocka]
2014-02-22 | staging:iio:ad799x fix error_free_irq which was freeing an irq that may not have been requested [Hartmut Knaack]
2014-02-22 | spi: Fix crash with double message finalisation on error handling [Geert Uytterhoeven]
2014-02-22 | s390: fix kernel crash due to linkage stack instructions [Martin Schwidefsky]
2014-02-22 | s390/dump: Fix dump memory detection [Michael Holzheu]
2014-02-22 | ring-buffer: Fix first commit on sub-buffer having non-zero delta [Steven Rostedt (Red Hat)]
2014-02-22 | raw: test against runtime value of max_raw_minors [Paul Bolle]
2014-02-22 | power: max17040: Fix NULL pointer dereference when there is no platform_data [Krzysztof Kozlowski]
2014-02-22 | Modpost: fixed USB alias generation for ranges including 0x9 and 0xA [Jan Moskyto Matejka]
2014-02-22 | md/raid5: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration [Oleg Nesterov]
2014-02-22 | mac80211: fix fragmentation code, particularly for encryption [Johannes Berg]
2014-02-22 | lockd: send correct lock when granting a delayed lock. [NeilBrown]
2014-02-22 | Linux 3.4.82 [Greg Kroah-Hartman]
2014-02-22 | KVM: return an error code in kvm_vm_ioctl_register_coalesced_mmio() [Dan Carpenter]
2014-02-22 | IB/qib: Add missing serdes init sequence [Mike Marciniszyn]
2014-02-22 | genirq: Add missing irq_to_desc export for CONFIG_SPARSE_IRQ=n [Paul Gortmaker]
2014-02-22 | fs/file.c:fdtable: avoid triggering OOMs from alloc_fdmem [Eric W. Biederman]
2014-02-22 | block: add cond_resched() to potentially long running ioctl discard loop [Jens Axboe]
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Rosa Elefant schrieb:
Bin ich eigentlich der einzige Elefant, der sich auch mal für Änderungen interessiert und nicht einfach nur blöde drüberflasht

Ja! :thumbsup::flapper:
SlimRecents ist klasse!
nach installation des Updates Builds 3.4 ständig aus unerklärlichen Gründen immer wieder soft Reboots.

Bin auf Backup zurück die läuft echt Stabil ;)

weiß wer woran das liegen könnte????
Dobermann1A schrieb:
nach installation des Updates Builds 3.4 ständig aus unerklärlichen Gründen immer wieder soft Reboots.

Bin auf Backup zurück die läuft echt Stabil ;)

weiß wer woran das liegen könnte????
Beste Möglichkeit ein unsauberer Flash.
Ohne fullwipe keine reboots alles bestens!

Format boot
Install bluemak script
Cache wipe
Dalvik wipe
Flash Rom
Cache wipe

Läuft perfekt
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Dobermann1A
Keine Reboots seit Ewigkeiten.

Hab sie vor 15 Minuten installiert. :p
Ja was heißt unsauber???

Ich habe gewipet vor und nach dem flash, cash u. Dalvik.

blumak script weiß ich nicht was das ist und was das bewirkt.
und Format boot ist mir auch neu ;D.

Aber man lernt ja nie aus!!!

Ich bin es gewohnt zu wipen und das wars.;)
Bluemak wird ein Kernel Cleaning Script sein, denke ich. Stock Kernel? Ich ja. Ich laufe auf ART. Wenn ich eine Reboot habe, melde ich mich.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Steveria
ja habe auch stock Kernel.

So jetzt nochmal installiert das Update, mit Format boot ;) und den wipes .

Ma kucken ......... sooooo es funkt habe auch keine mehr, vieleicht lag es echt an format boot hmmmm, man weiß es nicht ;DDDD

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: beicuxhaven und Steveria
Keine Reboots hier seit Januar.....
Kann man das Design Recent apps umstellen? Hab da noch nichts gefunden, das neue gefällt mir nicht so

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505
Hm, habe heute paar freezes gehabt mit Whatsapp. Aber keine Reboots. Hat das noch jemand?

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