- 14.784
Letzteres, wipe cache/dalvik,fertig.
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
Kosake77 schrieb:- Videos werden nur mit ~15 FPS aufgezeichnet, solange die Lichtverhältnisse nicht absolut optimal sind.
- Release 21 should (DOES from our testing!) pass safety net and allow playing of Pokémon & Mario plus banking apps.
- The included version of Magisk is 12.
- If you have Magisk problems refer to the Magisk support thread here.
- Good thread of hints and tips for Magisk by Didgeridoohan here
- Debug options esp. ADB over USB should be disabled if you are trying to get a safetynet pass.
- Do not use Magisk Busybox or Host hiding, they seem to be the cause of root disappearing / Safetynet pass not being attainable. If you need busybox, the Stericson version from playstore works fine.
Adaway 3.2 is the recommended host filtering solution.
- For Release 21 use ARISE Deuteronomy 3.31 SwanSong Modular from here.
- It is also necessary to use version 2.3 or newer of the Arise compatibility module from here.
- If you find you cannot boot after installing the compatibility module try to use the LS (Late Start) version.
- DO not install Arise as part of an initial Clean install - has been observed that wifi connectivity has been lost due to this. Do first install as ONLY rom + Gapps, let OS boot and settle / install apps THEN boot back into twrp and do a dirty flash with Arise + compat module.
- Arkamys audio is now broken and should not be used (from my testing anyway).
- Don't be scared of it not being an aroma installer - it is actually easier and more flexible once you are used to it.
- Place your edited arise_customize.prop into the root folder of your internal SD card.
- The procedure for a full dirty flash with Arise then becomes: boot into twrp and flash: Rom, Gapps, Arise3.31, Arise compat 2.3+, clear cache, reboot.
- My arise_customize.prop for 3.31 is attached as an example to this post. You may notice it has been simplified. Try it!
- It is setup for: Installed using 331 prop: Core install, ViPER4Arise, v4a_profiles, Delete deep_buffer, Qualcomm effects=ANDROID_O, DIRAC, Uninstall Arkymys & MusicFX.
Viper4Arise settings: Convolver ON (DFX metal rap big bass), Viper Bass ON (Freq 60Hz, Boost 12db), Viper Clarity ON (Natural, 3.5db)
Big Gapps:
- Large Gapps packages can now be installed with our larger system volume, saving valuable /data space by allowing you to fill un-used /system space with Google apps you normally install from the play store.
- However, do not just install the full super package and expect there to be no impact on the fluidity of your system. Installing everything will bog your system down with too much unnecessary crap.
- Recommended: setup a gapps-config.txt file to customise what gets installed to your preference and use the full Super Gapps file. Using this I delete some un-necessary apps for me from the rom (trebuchet launcher, aosp keyboard, live wallpapers, exchange, calendar) and add in about 400 Mb of google apps I normally install anyway.
- The basic idea for setting up the config-gapps file is: Core gapps are automatically installed, so you don't bother with them. Add the Pico and Nano apps as you prefer. Add all the Google apps you normally install from the playstore.
- Gapps-config.txt needs to be in the same folder as the gapps file you will be using.
- Careful you do not delete essential apps for boot : you need to have a launcher and keyboard, otherwise you won't be able to do anything on first boot. Watch out for apps which delete others when added (launcher, keyboard, etc.).
- My gapps-config.txt file is attached as an example. It won't be correct for you but gives a good idea how to do it.
Alternate Root
- It is possible to remove and replace Magisk if you want. I have not tried it and it is not supported however:
- You can either Flash:UnSU by osm0sis from here .
Magisk uninstaller by topjohnwu from here.- Another completely and utterly untested idea is to open up the rom zip before flashing, replace the /magisk/ file with your preferred root solution, renamed to, then flash normally.