I9505 [ROM][7.1.2_r36] Resurrection Remix 5.8.5 FINAL Rel 40 [Rootless]

  • 412 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Das hoffe ich auch. Ich gehe aber optimistisch davon aus, dass rovo89 neben der freiwilligen Softwareentwicklung vielleicht andere Dinge zu tun hat, um die er sich primär kümmern muss. Ich kenne Android N zwar nicht so gut, aber ich kann bisher nicht erkennen, dass der technische Schritt von Marshmallow zu Nougat sooo groß ist. Der dürfte vorher von Lolli zu Marshmallow größer gewesen sein, schon allein wegen der neuen Speicherbehandlung. So glaube ich eher an die Möglichkeit, mir eines Tages Nougat aufs Fon schmieren zu können. :rolleyes2:
Jetzt bin ich über etwas gestolpert:
[TOOL][ZIP FLASHABLE] microG unofficial installer
Ich weis nicht wann ich dazu komm das zu testen.
Ich kannte microG bisher nur als apk.
Ich versteh noch nicht ganz was der playstore dabei soll, weil genau das will man ja nicht haben. Wird man aber bestimmt wieder runterhauen können...
xposed für Nougat wäre aber eigentlich ein eigenes Thema ;)
-Release 11-

Major Changes:
  • Doze able to deep sleep again
  • Pulse "lava lamp"
  • Hotspot QS client #
  • Number of framework fixes
  • CM & RR code picked up 8:00am gmt Wednesday 25th January


project device/samsung/jf-common/
b4d882b play with doze

project frameworks/base/
8982290 Merge pull request #173 from Jcfunk/nougat

project frameworks/opt/hardware/
d355b50 cmhw: Allow LiveDisplay to check if GPU transform is used

project hardware/ti/wlan/
f75d24a wl18xx: fix logical error (single bracket --> double bracket) in scripts file
b3e137b wl12xx: fix some builds breaking for devices depending on this file

project packages/apps/CMParts/
f1dfd8c Update colors.xml
fc15436 CMParts: Improve stats collection summary
86a5b4a [1/3] CMParts: Add CM charging sounds settings

project packages/apps/Settings/
a66231e Typos and add falcon maintainer (#673)
ad8c7b6 Merge pull request #672 from chrisc93/settings_custom

project packages/apps/SetupWizard/
d86ccbe Temp: Always disable D2D since its broken atm

▼ 01/24/2017

project android/
8e4f782 Update README.mkdn
a57fa4b Update README.mkdn
743bdf4 Update README.mkdn

project build/
e83832d core: Fix unified trees with no TARGET_OTA_ASSERT_DEVICE
c7145b8 core: include libf2fs_fmt_host_dyn in otatools
333c62e ota_from_target_files: Remove device dependent arguments
575c969 releasetools: support reading release keys out of some sort of command
5bc92b0 releasetools: Add script to sign zips

project device/samsung/jf-common/
7f874f4 Merge pull request #5 from ItsOnlyBinary/cm-14.1

project device/samsung/qcom-common/
e7fb74f qcom: doze: Remove extraneous meta-data

project external/ffmpeg/
6faf050 ffmpeg: libavcodec: Revert sdclang workaround

project external/fsck_msdos/
df221ce Revert "fsck_msdos: Don't use Snapdragon LLVM"

project frameworks/av/
ebc5aae Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of GitHub - LineageOS/android_frameworks_av into nougat

project frameworks/base/
5723440 telephony: Add state check for LteOnCdma to isGsm and isCdma
adb4745 Add Pulse Lava Lamp start and end colours (1/3)
9262ae1 Allow lid to send a generic COVER_CHANGED broadcast
ebdaee4 SystemUI: HotspotTile: Don't reset the number of connected clients

project packages/apps/CMParts/
37a7661 Update contributors cloud db
75d1b0d CMParts: Add reading mode strings

project packages/apps/DUI/
570bda5 Add Pulse Lava Lamp start and end colors (2/3)

project packages/apps/Settings/
eff50bb Show full proc/version information
d03c83d Add Pulse Lava Lamp start and end colors (3/3)
1a00398 Remove my devices
d396dae Update resurrection_device_maintainers_strings.xml (#670)
2d30943 rpas: add Note 3 maintainer (#668)
1bfdeec rpas: add HTC 10 maintainer (#667)
6973068 SoundSettings: Prevent NPE due to linked volumes change

project vendor/cm/
2848078 İmprove README

project vendor/cmsdk/
5eb2779 Add generic support for Lid Cover Apps

▼ 01/23/2017

project android/
63bac0a Add image to README

project frameworks/base/
fafc051 fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in AccessibilityManagerService..manageServicesLocked
e4f6bb8 [BUG]fix OutOfBoundsException in DisplayContent.java
9ce4e22 Fix clipping for date and time on QS
f99eb9b StorageManager: Improve exception handling
49ce624 Fix window transformation related issue
e7802c7 missing includes
11f7f8e Fix accounting for .vdex in dumpsys meminfo
3144696 Add support for opening JAR/ZIP files via FD.
3ead980 Automatic translation import
519c44f Fix deprecated range_x calls.
56645ab Avoid starving RT anims
1784ebe Fix a memory leak.
13966df QS - Fix race condition in accessibility
575728c Dumps total size of primary storage.
12e7202 Fix a use-of-uninitialized-value warning.
239cced PackageDexOptimizer: fix typo in log message.
3385bd5 Enable mobile data always on.
5b23f4b Lockscreen charging: Formatting improvements
626e0de Lockscreen charging: mAh to mA
9f89d04 [2/3] Re-introduce custom charging on/off sounds
ef670ca [fingerprint]: make sure that daemon.cancelAuthentication() only execute once.
b55443e DefaultPermissionGrantPolicy: Pass correct arguments
9475c37 Fix visibility of single-line view in expanded group notification
60eea3e Fix gear not showing when rotation or RTL changed
7b088bd Fix FAB not disappearing in multiwindow
c609353 Adjusted animation timing
918c760 Fix clipping for edit screen of Quick Settings
d4a7353 Frequently used OpenGL ES methods whitelisted for fast JNI path
473224a Add advanced location tile

project hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/
37f832f Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.3.6_rb1.12' into cm-14.1-caf-8952
a2549f5 hal: Shush some debug logging

project hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8952/
5826a44 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.3.6_rb1.12' into cm-14.1-caf-8952

project hardware/samsung/
4cd47df cmhw: Add reading mode

project packages/apps/Dialer/
ba75689 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
3f3287f Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/
ee3afca Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/
da9ff72 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Settings/
d6abee5 Merge branch 'nougat' of https://github.com/ResurrectionRemix..._apps_Settings into nougat
508ec6a Revert "Settings: dashboard tile layout config"
2443104 Revert "Settings: Remove Dashboard summary Switch from Dashboard Settings"
a01b6a7 Automatic translation import
65fab28 Merge pull request #666 from RMarchetto96/patch-1
ab88990 Revert "[3/3] Settings: Add CMParts charging sound settings preference"
c1b0933 Update resurrection_device_maintainers_strings.xml
02d5ca4 Settings: Remove Dashboard summary Switch from Dashboard Settings
873c87a Settings: dashboard tile layout config
a8d314a [3/3] Settings: Add CMParts charging sound settings preference

project packages/apps/Snap/
e0a3c03 Correctly return to film strip after editing a picture.

project system/extras/su/
bce2976 su: Enable Wall and fix build

project vendor/cm/
b598f4a Features fix format add image to README
dd27ec3 Gello: fixed (#67)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Holomen und djhooker
Hab die neue Version eben mal geflasht,läuft bis jetzt gut:thumbsup:
.Mal sehen wie es den Tag über so läuft
Was ist mit den Fehler die die Version vorher hatte?
Konnte bisher keine Bugs erkennen.Auch der Fehler das das Handy kurz nach der Pineingabe selbstständig aus und wieder einloggt hat ist weg.:scared::thumbup::thumbsup:
Er zeigt jetzt auch auf dem Sperrbildschirm die Ladespannung(Volt) und Stärke(Ampere) an.
Ging bei der letzten Version auch noch nicht.Und das Menu in Deutsch wurde weiter verbessert.
Soweit ich sagen kann ALLES TOP:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: bis jetzt.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Fifaheld
Und wie ist die Rom so nach ein Paar Stunden Nutzung?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Christian120687
Gibt es bei dieser Version updates über das ota oder muss Man die dann immer selber machen. Mfg
Also ich muss sagen das die Rom gut und ohne Fehler bei mir läuft.:scared: :thumbsup:
OTA funktioniert soweit das man die neueste Rom nur komplett über AFH oder Sourceforge runterladen kann :glare:.
Wäre schön wenn man auch nur die Neuerungen downloaden könnte und diese dann per Recovery installieren könnte anstatt immer die ganze Rom laden und installieren zu müssen.
Hallo Leute hab hier ein kleines problem seit der letzten version. Wenn ich auf das GPS in der Statusleiste klicke wird nicht GPS An und Aus geschaltet sondern es erscheint ein Menü in dem ich dann genauigkeit bzw. verbrauch auswählen kann dort kann ich dann GPS An/Aus schalten. Das war vorher nicht so es hat vorher direckt geschaltet... weiß jemand wie ich das ändern kann???


  • Screenshot_20170128-004522[1].png
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  • Screenshot_20170128-004536[1].png
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Bei Wlan in den Schnelleinstellungen hab ich das auch so gehabt,das kann man aber im Menu unter Konfiguration ->Schnelleinstellungen ->Erweitert umstellen.
Bei GPS geht das (bis jetzt) leider nicht.:crying:
Weiß jemand wie ich die TTY Anzeige in der Statusleiste wieder wegkriege:confused2: :cursing:
Sie erscheint immmer wenn ich das Headset anschließe :thumbdn: :thumbdn:
[doublepost=1485708982,1485708552][/doublepost]Habs gerade hinbekommen unter Anrufe ->Einstellung->Bedienungshilfen da dann nur TTY abschalten:scared::laugh:


  • Screenshot_20170129-173512.png
    33,9 KB · Aufrufe: 265
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Fifaheld
Sicherlich eine sehr schöne Rom - zumindest das was ich auf Youtube gesehen habe. Leider bisher anscheinend wie LineAge noch ohne ThemeEnge - mal gucken ob & wann diese kommt. Sobald diese endlich integriert ist, werde ich den Wechsel von CM13 wagen - leider ist mir das Standart-Theme in den Einstellungen eindeutig zu hell :) Oder bietet jene auch einen DarkMode o.ä. an?
Was ist das jetzt wieder? ThemeEnge?
Ich vermute mal, die Autokorrektur hat das "in" vor dem letzten Buchstaben bei "Enge" verschluckt ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Keemo
Keemo schrieb:
Sicherlich eine sehr schöne Rom - zumindest das was ich auf Youtube gesehen habe. Leider bisher anscheinend wie LineAge noch ohne ThemeEnge - mal gucken ob & wann diese kommt. Sobald diese endlich integriert ist, werde ich den Wechsel von CM13 wagen - leider ist mir das Standart-Theme in den Einstellungen eindeutig zu hell :) Oder bietet jene auch einen DarkMode o.ä. an?

Mit Substratum und dem Domination Theme kannst du es dir selber Dark machen... Substratum gibt es im Play Store und das Domination Theme auch... Tipp Domination Theme gibt es bei den xda´s im Thread kostenlos :)

Hier ein link Download im Post 4
[THEME][CMTE/Substratum]Domination theme for CMTE/Substratum compatible ROMs

PS: Warnungen kannst du ignorieren funzt bei mir seit Tagen :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Keemo und weini
Vielen lieben Dank, das klingt doch schon mal mehr als interessant :) Werde ich in jedem Fall, die nächsten Tage mal ausprobieren :)
Das mit dem Domination Theme ist ein sehr guter Hinweis. Nur wenn ich alles Schwarz mache sind mir 3 Sachen aufgefallen: 1. wenn ich zurück Button gedrückt halte (als App beenden eingestellt) rebootet das Phone. 2. Bei Kontakte ist die Schrift auch schwarz (beim Call-Log nicht) 3. Benachrichtigungen werden auch Schwarz (Schrift nicht lesbar). Beachtet man das funktioniert es bis jetzt.
Resurrection Remix Nougat Ver 5.8.1 Changelog
-Release 12-​
Major Changes:
  • OMS support
  • Gello returned
  • Fast(er) charge implemented
  • Fix one handed mode triggering tapjacking protection
  • CM & RR code picked up 6:30am gmt Tuesday 31st January
▼ 01/31/2017

project android/
f25eb12 manifest: update for OMS

project build/
13ab327 Always copy bootable images in BOOTABLE_IMAGES/
97c2e92 Revert "releasetools: Don't extract BOOTABLE_IMAGES when signing target files"
5b8790b Move ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint to build.prop

project device/samsung/jf-common/
9e41ca3 revert camera 2

project frameworks/av/
586b55f Merge remote-tracking branch 'lineage/cm-14.1' into nougat

project frameworks/base/
b4498c2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'private/oms-final' into nougat
0d693b9 core: remove duplicate symbol
29e5562 SystemUI: Disable statusbar superuser indicator by default
daa2993 Base: Fix hot reboot issues that caused by color HEX
f6adaf4 Base: Update colors for RR OMS (1/2)
ea6e1cb Expose external qs tile tint color
a10f3df PackageSettingBase: underp setUserState()'s parameters
1718a1d Rework dashboard settings [2/2]
280bbd0 Dashboard summaries double lines toggle [1/2]
8fe80d8 Dashboard tile layout config [2/2]
dc80299 FWB: Dasboard customizations
f4d2730 doze: allow grayscale even if invert boolean is false
0f9165d SystemUI: Expose switch bar title
f596124 OMS: Introduce MODIFY_OVERLAYS permission for user apps
da09181 Themes: Expose QS battery
f243d40 OMS7-N: ApplicationsState: add filter for Substratum icon overlays [1/2]
4224259 OMS7-N: ApplicationsState: add filter for Substratum overlays [1/2]
8001a84 N-Extras: AudioService: Allow system effect sounds to be themed
517557f N-Extras: Add dynamic theme fonts support
29fc612 N-Extras: Add dynamic theme BootAnimation support
9edecbb SystemUI: Use own drawables for QS expand icon
2ea5fe9 OMS7 compatible 'Ambient notification inversion'
2743ee8 Allow prevention of doze notification color inversion
0f30012 Notification dynamic colors bool compatible with OMS7
f1fbc9d Notifications: Expose a bool to disable dynamic colors
e8bdc24 Themes: Expose various QuickSettings text colors
0650141 Allow custom alpha for notification shade bg color
d168925 SystemUI: Expose QS edit item decoration background color
4587ae1 Themes: Allow Navbar ripple color to be themed
a083316 Themes: Allow Permission Icons to be fully themed
87a0e02 Themes: Allow Immersive cling colors to be fully themed
9c07b9f Themes: Expose resolver hardcoded colors
e510c1a OMS7-N: Implement multi-target enable/disable and disable-all [11/11]
c214769 OMS7-N: Do not enforce code policy limiting overlay installation [10/11]
4f371d1 OMS7-N: Persistence on boot through OverlayManagerServiceImpl [9/11]
a099049 OMS7-N: Disable Zygote preloaded drawables [8/11]
8fefb60 OMS7-N: installd: add command 'rmidmap' [7/11]
0cf2542 OMS7-N: Fix memory leak during idmap creation [6/11]
b3416be OMS7-N: idmap: suppress print for padded resources [5/11]
d9c7f5e OMS7-N: Set EXTRA_REPLACING correctly in ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED [4/11]
09a364e OMS7-N: Integrate OverlayManagerService into framework [3/11]
89fad15 OMS7-N: Introduce the OverlayManagerService [2/11]
467768a OMS7-N: Support tagging resources as OK to overlay [1/11]
99dee22 Revert "Support AOSP service to scan carrier resources"
4921eda Revert "Framework: Add regional carrier bootanimation"
98c518d Correctly name LID_STATE_CHANGED broadcast
1233532 Automatic translation import
9e9b22f Disable lock screen blur by default
6e5987b Revert "Add overlay option for Settings.System.ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION_ANGLES"
f59351a Fix incorrect FIFO cgroup assignment.
4af5174 Make sure Zygote is running at process priority 0 after VM has started.
9c14710 Automatic translation import

project frameworks/native/
46cc87f Merge remote-tracking branch 'rr/nougat-oms' into nougat
33c1848 Merge remote-tracking branch 'lineage/cm-14.1' into nougat

project hardware/samsung/
8414bd2 audio: Allow targets to override the deep buffer device
d23c6b5 audio: Move card specfic defines to a header
757ac41 audio: Factor out offload code
0612a4e audio: Rename header guard macro
c8502b9 audio: Update module name/author
052094b audio: Remove dummybuf headphone GPIO code
2f6f858 audio: Remove HTC acoustic amplifier code
297a636 audio: Import N HAL from flounder

project packages/apps/Contacts/
b641709 Merge branch 'nougat' of GitHub - ResurrectionRemix/android_packages_apps_Contacts: Android Contacts application into HEAD

project packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
ff08d44 Merge branch 'nougat' of GitHub - ResurrectionRemix/android_packages_apps_ContactsCommon into HEAD

project packages/apps/Dialer/
8c959cc Themes: InCallUI dialpad digits color
09bb139 Themes: Separate background color from text color

project packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
dbaca56 Merge GitHub - SubstratumResources/platform_packages_apps_ExactCalculator into HEAD

project packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
a2afd1b Merge branch 'n-mr1-oms7' of GitHub - SubstratumResources/platform_packages_apps_PhoneCommon into HEAD

project packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/
ebde8fd Stats: Constants: v5.8.1

project packages/apps/Settings/
697d612 Merge branch 'private/oms' into nougat
97f6e25 Settings: Don't crash in SUW if no talkback service is installed
15a2742 Automatic translation import
2073b35 Settings: Disable lock screen blur by default
53652d9 Handle SubSettings instance leaks in Index.java

project packages/apps/Snap/
9936197 Fix thumbnail sometimes not being shown initially in video mode.
7cf0bf3 Fix shutter button pressed state tracking issues.

project system/sepolicy/
2d20429 Merge pull request #1 from ashoksoni/nougat
e2c98e2 Add policy to SELinux to allow ViPER4Android in enforcing mode
3696098 OMS7-N: Add service 'overlay' to service_contexts

project vendor/cm/
d87df53 rr: version 5.8.1
7f4d5c4 apns: Remove differentiation between FreedomPop GSM APNs
cd4b865 apns: Correct FreedomPop US LTE APN
e035d26 envsetup: Use GNU sed commands if GNU sed is detected
acdd10c apns: Add differentiation to FreedomPop Global GSM APN
1239f72 apns: Add FreedomPop US LTE sim APN
5332b34 apns: Correct FreedomPop Global GSM APN

▼ 01/30/2017

project device/qcom/common/
58bf7c3 extractors: Set INITIAL_COPYRIGHT_YEAR

project device/samsung/jf-common/
c0fc5e0 add gello back and try camera 2

project frameworks/av/
e690119 libstagefright: Restore AOSP's handling of 24/32-bit wav files

project frameworks/native/
05d0499 Fix one handed mode triggering tapjacking protection *also clean up pointless whitespace from one hand merge
fdbb6db Fix one handed mode triggering tapjacking protection *also clean up pointless whitespace from one hand merge

project vendor/samsung/
496afff Merge pull request #1 from TheMuppets/cm-14.1

▼ 01/29/2017

project packages/apps/Settings/
a7e4f75 Fix Derp (#676)
0690417 Add missing </PreferenceCategory>
9cf8a21 Added Nougat Maintainer For LeEco Le 2 (s2) (#675)
ae17381 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Snap/
a425da8 Snap: store module index
2bc5051 Snap: Fix NPE when parameters.getSupportedVideoSizes() is null

▼ 01/28/2017

project bootable/recovery/
171e4bd Fixup custom bootloader msg offset in block misc

project frameworks/base/
b5c81a4 Automatic translation import

project hardware/broadcom/libbt/
4ee210c Broadcom BT: Add support fm/bt via v4l2.

project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
942cc81 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/
3a8d955 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Settings/
f19df0f Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/masquerade/
b5b1004 Release 20P: Initiate the caller package checking system

project vendor/samsung/
5778e4b gts2: Import fingerprint blobs
d47c7e5 gts2: Import mobicore blobs
12c7f69 msm8976-common: fingerprint.default.so -> fingerprint.vendor.default.so
79162c4 msm8976-common: camera.msm8952.so -> camera.vendor.msm8952.so

▼ 01/27/2017

project bionic/
2ca6bea linker: allow text relocations on user builds

project hardware/samsung/
41cab35 Revert "allow override of cabc file via property"

project packages/apps/OmniStyle/
6edea6f [2/2] OmniStyle: header pack config enhancements

project packages/apps/Settings/
2fc27e7 Add Lenovo Vibe K5 (A6020) (#674)
76e40ef Settings: Update cofigurations fab button background

project packages/apps/SetupWizard/
a0cd247 SetupWizard: Update test app icon

project vendor/cmsdk/
05c8e52 Merge pull request #9 from sayeed99/nougat
69113e6 cmsdk: cmhw: Deprecate TAP_TO_WAKE feature

▼ 01/26/2017

project device/samsung/jf-common/
b4d882b play with doze

project frameworks/opt/hardware/
50db0be Revert "Add tap-to-wake class definition"

project hardware/samsung/
c2ff40e Automatic translation import
ccd970d power: Make boostpulse_warned static
58f2ca0 power: Add PROFILE_MAX to enum
d928574 power: Directly compare chars
e9b45af Added new murata, semco and wisol addresses

project kernel/samsung/jf/
6a3375b f2fs: declare static function for __build_free_nids
1c31a97 f2fs: call f2fs_balance_fs for setattr
a7e8ea8 f2fs: count dirty inodes to flush node pages during checkpoint
eb3abd4 f2fs: avoid casted negative value as shrink count
f88dcf5 f2fs: don't interrupt free nids building during nid allocation
c54ab28 f2fs: clean up free nid list operations
4086441 f2fs: split free nid list
6158f33 f2fs: clear nlink if fail to add_link
b1739a3 f2fs: fix sparse warnings
297415d f2fs: fix error handling in fsync_node_pages
6b53924 f2fs: fix to update largest extent under lock
178052c f2fs: be aware of extent beyond EOF in fiemap
7897c3a f2fs: don't miss any f2fs_balance_fs cases
26e2fee f2fs: add missing f2fs_balance_fs in f2fs_zero_range
d906e55 f2fs: give a chance to detach from dirty list
4fb9f8f f2fs: fix to release discard entries during checkpoint
a792fd8 f2fs: exclude free nids building and allocation
450685f f2fs: fix overflow due to condition check order

project packages/apps/AudioFX/
2baaf7e Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Bluetooth/
cf8c96d Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Browser/
99f5e4c Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/CMBugReport/
94ff9c7 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/CMFileManager/
8cf2b73 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/CMParts/
6eeccc9 Fix icon tint

project packages/apps/CMUpdater/
4b122c0 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Calendar/
1ffaf69 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
982f013 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Contacts/
38dc136 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
7328811 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Eleven/
4feae4e Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Email/
bc8c771 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Gallery2/
581c0bd Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Gello/
15c3b34 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
11eeb5d Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
f2bbe9e Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Profiles/
e900fa7 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Screencast/
23c2162 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Settings/
1caf227 Setting: Update colors for RR OMS (2/2)

project packages/apps/SetupWizard/
70bfefd Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Snap/
166d4df Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
c2b50b0 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
3e714b2 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
c846068 Automatic translation import

project packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
024599b Automatic translation import

project packages/providers/DataUsageProvider/
479fd88 Automatic translation import

project packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
ae28f35 Automatic translation import

project packages/providers/MediaProvider/
ef31411 Automatic translation import

project packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
841405e Automatic translation import

project packages/providers/WeatherProvider/
c5a0f79 Automatic translation import

project packages/resources/devicesettings/
21da045 Automatic translation import

project packages/services/CMAudioService/
904c90c Automatic translation import

project packages/services/LiveLockScreenService/
e767bd9 Automatic translation import

project packages/services/ThemeManagerService/
aa8afb9 Automatic translation import

project packages/services/WeatherService/
12ace37 Automatic translation import

project packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
effdc0f Automatic translation import
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Holomen und djhooker

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