- 622

Hier könnt ihr über die offizielle Version der CyanogenMod 13 für unser S3 diskutieren!
Rom [Nightlys]: CyanogenMod Downloads
XDA-Thread: [ROM][OFFICIAL] CyanogenMod 13 Nightlies for i9300
GApps: The Open GApps Project
SuperSU: EXPERIMENT: Root without modifying /system #2: Automation - Post #3
Xposed: [OFFICIAL] Xposed for Lollipop/Marshmallow [Android 5.0/5.1/6.0, v78, 2015/11/15]
Boeffla-Kernel: http://boeffla.df-kunde.de/sgs3/boeffla-kernel-cm/cm13.0_download/Test/
TWRP Recovery: Download TWRP for i9300
- In die Recovery booten [TWRP 2.8.7.X]
- Full Wipe (Wipe data, cache, dalvik und system, optional auch den internen Speicher) / Factory Reset durchführen
- Rom flashen
- GApps flashen (optional)
- SuperSU flashen (optional)
- Wipe cache und dalvik
- Neustarten, fertig
Hier stelle ich euch die inoffizielle Version der CyanogenMod 13 für unser S3 vor!
Quelle: [ROM][6.0][i9300][ALPHA] Unofficial CyanogenMod 13 - Build 4
- In die Recovery booten [TWRP 2.8.7.X]
- Full Wipe / Factory Reset durchführen
- Rom flashen
- GApps flashen (optional)
- SuperSU flashen
Einige User auf XDA berichten immer wieder von Bootloops. Deswegen kann es auch helfen die Rom dirty über eine CM12.1 Rom zu flashen!
Rom: [ROM][6.0][i9300][ALPHA] Unofficial CyanogenMod 13 - Build 4
GApps: [GAPPS][DAILY] Open GApps for Android 5.1,5.0,4.4; arm,arm64,x86,x86_64
SuperSU: [BETA][2015.10.10] SuperSU v2.52
Xposed: [OFFICIAL] Xposed for Lollipop/Marshmallow [Android 5.0/5.1/6.0, v78, 2015/11/15]
Build 2:
- Fix video playback in most apps - DRM'd content is still broken, so apps like Play Movies won't work.
- Fix video recording
Build 3:
- Fix RIL brokenness from last build
- Maybe fix sim lock - hopefully someone who knows their PUK can confirm
- Enable uid_cputime in the kernel
Build 4:
- Fix 'optmising apps' on every boot
- Merge screen mirroring fixes (hopefully it'll work, I can't test)
Build 5:
- Android 6.0.1 ("MMB29M") + December security patches
- 720p front-facing camera recording
- fix p2p wifi (screen mirroring should work now)
- fix network dropouts on hang up
Build 6:
- Fix GPS
- Fix DRM
- Fix some sepolicy denials
Build 7:
- Fix init.d (should fix camera for the most part, etc.)
- Fix 2G/3G toggle
- Enforcing SELinux
- Doze enabled
Quelle: [ROM][6.0][i9300][ALPHA] Unofficial CyanogenMod 13 - Build 4
- In die Recovery booten [TWRP 2.8.7.X]
- Full Wipe / Factory Reset durchführen
- Rom flashen
- GApps flashen (optional)
- SuperSU flashen
Einige User auf XDA berichten immer wieder von Bootloops. Deswegen kann es auch helfen die Rom dirty über eine CM12.1 Rom zu flashen!
Rom: [ROM][6.0][i9300][ALPHA] Unofficial CyanogenMod 13 - Build 4
GApps: [GAPPS][DAILY] Open GApps for Android 5.1,5.0,4.4; arm,arm64,x86,x86_64
SuperSU: [BETA][2015.10.10] SuperSU v2.52
Xposed: [OFFICIAL] Xposed for Lollipop/Marshmallow [Android 5.0/5.1/6.0, v78, 2015/11/15]
Build 2:
- Fix video playback in most apps - DRM'd content is still broken, so apps like Play Movies won't work.
- Fix video recording
Build 3:
- Fix RIL brokenness from last build
- Maybe fix sim lock - hopefully someone who knows their PUK can confirm
- Enable uid_cputime in the kernel
Build 4:
- Fix 'optmising apps' on every boot
- Merge screen mirroring fixes (hopefully it'll work, I can't test)
Build 5:
- Android 6.0.1 ("MMB29M") + December security patches
- 720p front-facing camera recording
- fix p2p wifi (screen mirroring should work now)
- fix network dropouts on hang up
Build 6:
- Fix GPS
- Fix DRM
- Fix some sepolicy denials
Build 7:
- Fix init.d (should fix camera for the most part, etc.)
- Fix 2G/3G toggle
- Enforcing SELinux
- Doze enabled
Bitte beachtet, dass ich kein Entwickler bin! Ich stelle diese Rom hier nur rein, damit die, die z.B nicht bei XDA sind auch daran teilhaben können!
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