[ROM][I9300][4.4.4] Temasek's UNOFFICIAL CyanogenMod 11

  • 5.275 Antworten
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Nicht nur angekündigt sondern auch released.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Yprh
diginix schrieb:
Nicht nur angekündigt sondern auch released.

Das stimmt, konnte nur eben noch nicht auf seiner seite nach schauen. Und wegen coming soon habe ich mal gesagt "Angekündigt".
Stelle gleich einen zippy link zum download rein.

Zippylink um temas download server etwas auszulasten:


Hier schon mal das changelog:

Changelog since v40:

Add "Slims Hardware Key Rebinding" - SlimROM
- Revert CM hardware key rebinding
Possible mapping are:
ACTION_SEARCH (in app search)
Add last TRDS 3.0 - Calendar
frameworks/base: added national roaming for Saunalahti in Finland
frameworks/base: Disable proximity sensor when screen goes on in ActiveDisplay/PocketMode.
- Active Display (in Pocket Mode) currently only switches off the proximity sensor in some cases.
- If the user switches on the screen itself, the sensor is left running. This change
stops the sensor as soon as the screen goes on. Active Display already started the sensor each time the screen goes off.
frameworks/base: use on virtual POWER_KEY own global menu handling
- we use the POWER_KEY down event to call the global menu from SlimActions
to allow to add shorcuts to the global menu.
- Handle this undependent of non virtual key events and call the global menu
directly without vibration and without delay.
- Just put it into the message que and done
frameworks/base: SystemUI: Pimp-up Media Tile (1/1)
- Allow double-click to start a sleep timer for the currently playing media.
frameworks/base: TRDS change auto detect light conditions method
- Currently on critical light conditions it still switches to often between
on and off which results in bad UX and in worse cases to unusable phone
due that it is permanently switching. To prevend that slacken the light mode
level detection and set it when it goes to dark mode way more higher (LIGHT_CONDITION) and when into light mode back to lower level (DARK_CONDITION)
frameworks/base: FLAG_PRIVILEGED disappears if privileged app is updated and rebooted
- Since Kitkat, an app pre-loaded under /system/priv-app/ has FLAG_PRIVILEGED. However, if the app updated and the device rebooted, privileged flag is unset from pkgFlags. This patch fix issue to assign privileged flag when scanning the updated packages.
- Bug: 12640283
frameworks/base: Only send storage intents after boot complete
- It is not possible to send a broadcast before the system boot is completed. If you do it anyway you will get an IllegalStateException: Cannot broadcast before boot completed.
- If a memory card is inserted or removed while the phone is booting up, there is a risk that the MountService will try to broadcast a storage intent too early, and cause the device to crash.
- Use FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT to avoid problems with too early broadcasts.
frameworks/base: Telephony: Modify code to check that PUK code length is always 8.
- As per 3GPP TS 31.101 Release 11 section 9.6, the number of digits for UNBLOCK PIN (PUK) is always 8.
frameworks/base: Alarm: Add one more RTC alarm type for poweroff alarm.
- Now we use type of RTC_WAKEUP for the poweroff alarm. Actually lots of other applications also use this type. But these applications never expect the device will power on after it has been shut down. So we need to add dedicated alarm type for the Deskclock or similar applications.
frameworks/base: alarm: add JNI interface for clearing alarm
- Add the JNI for clearing cancelled alarm, otherwise kernel driver would know nothing about the alarm status. E.g. power-off alarm would not be really cleared in alarm driver even it is cancelled in the apps/framework.
frameworks/base: Bringup NSRM(network socket request manager).
- NSRM is a feature to synchronize app socket requests to reduce network signalling and there by save some power.
frameworks/base: Fix alarm wakelock not being released.
- Alarm wakelock was not released when the pending intent was served by the package with a uid not the same as the one which created the alarm.
- Remove advanced for loop from PowerManagerService since the list is modified during iteration and thus resulting to ConcurrentModificationException error
frameworks/base: Wifi: wifi not connecting, once the APN gets disabled state
- APNs are disabled on select network and they are enabled on receiving connected event. But forgetting an APN before the connected event is received,will result all the remaining APN to be in disabled state and they never connect. So, Enabling all the disabled APN on forget network will help to connect automatically to a saved APN.
frameworks/base: Audio: SetForceUse config check in AudioService
- Audio is routed to headset when BT is turned off while audio is played on speaker
- Mediarouter does not have setForce device information when app forces audio to speaker. So while disconnecting BT, MediaRouter is routing audio to headset instead of speaker.
- Added check for setforce config in AudioService.
- CRs-Fixed: 578316
frameworks/base + Settings: Added sahlnaskh arabic font and give it higher precedence than DroidNaskh
- sahlnaskh font is a fork of DroidNaskh font with some issues fixed.
- Details of fixes are in https://github.com/khaledhosny/sahl-naskh
- This should fix Jira issue: Log in - OMNI
frameworks/base: AppOps: Forward port ops from cm-10.2
Squash of:

Author: Sam Mortimer
Date: Fri Sep 27 21:30:34 2013 -0700
[2/2] AppOps: Add alarm wakeup op
When alarm wakeups are denied/ignored,
the alarm types are remapped as follows:
Change-Id: I3a5023e1f6260004319290e776bdb2daf73e9fdf

Author: Kun Liang
Date: Fri Aug 30 23:56:59 2013 -0700
AppOps: Add data connect control into AppOps
Check user permission before enabling/disabling mobile data.
Change-Id: I6e1895b130788dfccbc0a8523dadf1559b698988

Author: Shashank Mittal
Date: Thu Sep 5 17:24:44 2013 -0700
AppOps: Add Bluetooth enable control into AppOps
Check user permission before enabling bluetooth.
Change-Id: Iefa4ea3319b33b2639beaf38d261d83649bbcf85

Author: Shashank Mittal
Date: Tue Sep 3 19:23:10 2013 -0700
wifi: Confirm user permission before toggling wifi.
Check user permissions before enabling/disabling wifi.
Change-Id: I1ddae6e47f42b6d3fc831c2c135ece75cf9e935d

Author: Qaweck
Date: Dec 6, 2013 06:21
Fix bluetooth and data enable with ProfileManager
Handle the case of system uid in AppOpsManager
Change-Id: I5f9c3ba2e2ed0b1c825b995bf2724066ae796bb4
frameworks/base + Settings: AppOps: Add per Op allowed and ignored counters
- Port from cm-10.2
frameworks/base + Settings: AppOps: Add BOOT_COMPLETED operation.
- Add BOOT_COMPLETED operation in AppOps.
- This operation is used to allow user to control auto start of applications and services at bootup.
frameworks/base: Revert "Turn off carrier provisioning by default"
frameworks/base: Allow override of DUN settings
- Allow override of system DUN settings by setting persist.sys.dun.override
to one of the following values:
2 = not set, 0 = DUN not required, 1 = DUN required
- If the prop is not set or is set to an invalid value the system setting will be used.
frameworks/base: Keyguard: Fix PIN layout on sw320dp-mdpi devices
- Fix a long standing lockscreen layout problem that was introduced in 4.2
- Before: http://i.imgur.com/9sVKHRR.png
- After: http://i.imgur.com/DLY4DRu.png
frameworks/base + Settings: don't disable lockscreen widgets on low memory devices
frameworks/base: Don't confuse stat and stat64.
- Cherry-picked from AOSP: https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/79462/
frameworks/base: Fix incorrect name in eglSwapBuffers log wrapper
frameworks/base: Webkit: add to support file uploading
- This change adds one function in WebChromeClient for supporting uploading file in browser. In Android 4.4, browser is based on chromium not webkit engine, chromium engine support uploading file and will callback to client to show file chooser, but android_webview client has empty implementation within this callback for file chooser.
- So we solve this issue by adding implementation in framework chromium
client which extends android_webview client, function in framework
webkit client and corresponding functions in browser app.
frameworks/base + Settings: Drop Lockscreen vibrate option
- It doesn't make sense to keep haptic feedback on, but disable it only for that little unlock icon. This option didn't do anything more than that.
Let's drop it and don't confuse users.
frameworks/base: lights: Add music light support
frameworks/base: Set Settings.Global.WIFI_SUSPEND_OPTIMIZATIONS_ENABLED default value
- To be able to customize the "WiFi optimization" setting we need to set a default value.
frameworks/base: Perform NTP lookup at Mobile data connections
- If NITZ isn't supported by the current carrier the Android framework relies instead on a remote NTP server to set the system clock. The NetworkTimeUpdateService class polls for NTP time during the first 4 minutes after boot, failing to get NTP time within these minutes will increase the polling interval to 24 hours. Hence, if a data connection isn't activated directly after boot it can take a long time for the system clock to be updated. To prevent this situation, NTP lookup is scheduled as soon as a Mobile data connection has been established.
frameworks/base: Appears black screen fix for a while
- This issue is side-effect of added google patch on KK MR1.
- Fix a couple of issues with mOpeningApps.
- [Reproduce path]
Settings -> Location -> Location OFF -> Location ON -> "Location consent Dialog" Popup-> "Agree btn" press
-> Black screen appears for a while
frameworks/base: AppOps: Enable MODE_IGNORED for OP_WAKE_LOCK
*) Kitkat commit log highlights that the current
implementation state is for auditing only

*) We go one step further and honour MODE_IGNORED
when for OP_WAKE_LOCK.
frameworks/base: handle for our navigation bar recentspreload in the button
- Recents screen is since some time wonky. With new hardwarekey rebinding
it showed now only more how wonky it is due that home button does not
cancel the preload always to keep the hwkey button logic alive.
As well a problem is that if you bind recents to whatever other navbar
button the preload takes no effect at all (is only binded from google to
the recent tagged view)
- Whatever to solve this let the buttons itself decide dependend on the
action if a preload or cancelpreload is needed an peform the action.
- This solves all the weird recent screen behaviours and we will need it for
the new recents screen which is in development as well
- It looks a bit weird to aquire the statusbar service here for this but in the
button itself there are not much other alternatives. In theory we could set listeners like google but instead to all buttons and fetch the action from there to decide but this gives a problem to get if it was a longpress recents or a normal press recents.
- So this way seems to be ok.
frameworks/base: handle globalmenu in SlimActions not over Powerbutton anymore
- We used till now a hacky workaround to show up the Power menu which worked but is indeed not the best way. Last tweek on it broke 3rd party root application which use similar hackish workaround.
- Whatever make global menu over wm service available and call it from
SlimActions directly. This respects of course the usual security checks
if the device is provisioned etc
Settings: Fix one NPE in tethering setting
- Once we not declare BT feature, go Setting->more->tethering will trigger this NPE.
- Cherry-picked from AOSP: https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/63695/
Dialer - Full theme capabilities
Email - Full theme capabilities
smdk4412-common: camera: Hold 25 msec between preview cycles on restart
- If doing a preview restart with an active listener, give said listener a bit of time to clean up before starting up the preview again. This should be sufficient to prevent shutdown/start race conditions during externally triggered restarts.
Updated cm source - Quite a fair bit. Read on your own
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Kani_23 und KingJames23
Habt ihr schon den stable Boeffla kernel ? Hab ihn gerade erst gesehen.
Ich antworte mal für mich, nope :D. Nutze Yank's nicht Boeffla's
Ich habe ihn drauf und läuft alles absolut geschmeidig! :thumbsup:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Kani_23
Muss mich mir bzgl. der Hardware Keys aus der v40 meine Belegung notieren oder wie läuft die Einbindung in v41?
diginix schrieb:
Muss mich mir bzgl. der Hardware Keys aus der v40 meine Belegung notieren oder wie läuft die Einbindung in v41?

Wäre ratsam. Bei mir sind alle belegungen abhanden gekommen aber ich nutze die Standard belegungen sprich long press home button = Recent apps, weshalb ich das nicht unbedingt musste. Aber bei spezifischen würde ich es machen.
Long press home ist bei mir jetzt aber Suche. Von daher bleibt auch bei Standard nicht unbedingt alles dabei. Ein Screenshot der vorherigen Einstellungen kann also helfen. Bis v40 sind die Eisstellungen unter "Tasten". Seit v41 dann unter "Softkeys" > "Hardware Buttons".

Edit: Recend Apps (Anwendungsverlauf) gibt es bei mir nicht mal in der Auswahl. Daher war Home long press auch anders belegt.
Bei v40 war es aber so. Verdammt.

Edit2: Oh man, es heißt auf Deutsch nun "vor kurzem geöffnet". Habs also gefunden.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
funktioniert die Kamera bei der V41 ohne Patch?
billygeen schrieb:
funktioniert die Kamera bei der V41 ohne Patch?

Also ich hatte bei der letzten Version das Problem, dass die Bilder nicht scharf waren nach der Aufnahme. Das ist auf jeden Fall wieder in Ordnung.
Einen Absturz hatte ich bei meinem kurzen Test auch noch nicht!
Auch CameraZoom FX läuft ohne Probs und somit sicher auch andere Kamera Apps. Ich flash schon viele builds kein Cam Fix mehr.
Kann einer mal testen ob Spiele wie Simpsons Tapped Out laufen??
Geht nicht. Wird sofort beendet.
" navigation -> Hardware Buttons" - Wo soll dass denn sein? Ich kann das nicht finden.
Einstellungen -> Softkeys -> Hardware Buttons
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mopp
Ich hab das Gefühl die v40 tötet meinen Akku... in 10 min Display on etwa 5%. Hab auch keine wakelocks die das verursachen. Das zieht nur bei Display on so krass. Hoffe mal v41 ist da etwas besser..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300
Toxic11 schrieb:
Ich hab das Gefühl die v40 tötet meinen Akku... in 10 min Display on etwa 5%. Hab auch keine wakelocks die das verursachen. Das zieht nur bei Display on so krass. Hoffe mal v41 ist da etwas besser..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300

Das Gefühl hatte ich bei der v40 auch. Mit der v41 fühlt sich das nach 3 Stunden testen schon wieder besser an! :biggrin:
Gerade die v41 Rauf und gleich wieder runter.... Rsap funktioniert bei mir nur bis zur v37.1.....help
Danke für die Info Ghost
GhostDog75 schrieb:
Einstellungen -> Softkeys -> Hardware Buttons
Ach die Option ist gemeint. Ich hab mich schon gewundert. Danke :thumbup:

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