[ROM][I9300][4.4.4] Temasek's UNOFFICIAL CyanogenMod 11

  • 5.275 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Bin ich blind oder wie aktiviert man dass man die letzten App bzw Task Manager bei Langen Druck auf dem Homebutton sieht ?
Schau mal unter Softkey dann Hardware Button
Unter Einstellungen > Softkeys > Hardware Buttons > Home Key

Tema hat für morgen v50 angekündigt :D

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
  • Danke
Reaktionen: megafabian03 und Toxic11
Kann man die Timeout-Zeiten in den “Kacheln“ ändern? 15 Sekunden / 1 Minute / 5 Minuten / Never
Ich hoffe es kann mir jemand helfen. Und zwar möchte ich gerne die Lenovo camera installieren. So weit so gut. Im xda thread steht
Installations Steps:*Install the "app/LenovoCamera.apk" as user app. Copy everything in "lib/*.so" to your "/system/lib" and set permission to*0.0 (root:root) and 644 (rw-r-r)

Hat das schon jemand gemacht und kann mir sagen wie genau das gemeint ist? Ich habe keinen Ordner mit dem alleinigen Namen lib außer in System. Ist da der Pfad gemeint data/app-lib und da in dem Lenovo Ordner?

Ich hoffe es findet sich jemand der mir helfen kann
Du kannst sie auch normal installieren, habe ich auch ;)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Also ich hab die Lenovo camera auch drauf und sie läuft ohne Probleme.
Hallo ohne mit den Dateien umzukopieren? Und läuft alles soweit?
einfach installieren und läuft :)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Sangel schrieb:
Hallo ohne mit den Dateien umzukopieren? Und läuft alles soweit?

Alles top soweit.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
...und morgen gibt's die V50 :sly:
diginix schrieb:
Ich stell mal wieder die Frage ob schon mal jemand mit Temasek im Ausland war und Daten Roaming genutzt hat? Hab den Eindruck keiner hier verlässt das Land ;-)

Ich war in Kroatien und Bosnien und habe in Kroatien ne T-Mobile Croatia SIM drin mit der ging alles ohne Probleme. Wohne an der Slowenisch-Italienischen Grenze kann also was testen wenn du willst. Vor allem in Italien da dort 3AT genau so funkt. wie in AT ohne Extra kosten.
kiki2010 schrieb:
...und morgen gibt's die V50 :sly:

Schon gepostet eine Seite vorher ;)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Wow ich bin begeistert :D bin nach längerer zeit abstinenz wieder zurück auf CM11 von Temasek und muss sagen ich bin begeistert was sich seither getan hat :D
V50 gibt's heute schon!!!:sly:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Popey900
build v50

hlte: Md5sum: D5e72d095ef0a76f9ee3968a5223ffc6
i9300: Md5sum: 5f53bfd34ad3318ede27882bd6e9f924

changelog since v49

  • hlte: V50 comes with temasek kernel v2.04
  • add "change density on the fly" - slimrom
    - due to possibly my poor porting, i have to inject a systemui restart to complete it if not at times the statusbar doesn't get resized.
    - this density change will survive reboots & reflashing of roms
  • add "wakelock blocker"
  • add "speed up booting on multicore devices."
    1. Add multithreading support to installer/installd.
    2. Parallelize package scanning.
    3. Parallelize boot dexopt.
  • add "day and week on data usage"
    - adds the ability to set day and week on when the data usage graph resets, instead of just month.
  • frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Add sdk apis for wipower and peripheral feature
    - changes needed for wipower and periferal features.
    - crs-fixed: 587811
  • frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Handle exceptions for bluetoot socket read
    - handled io exception in read function of bluetootsocket, and also introduced a null check for msocketis.
    - crs-fixed: 605606
  • frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Add power apply enable event handling
    - add wipower power apply enable related event handling in frameworks
    - crs-fixed: 612628
  • frameworks/base: Tethering: Skip link local addresses when enabling nat
    - only one entry is allowed to be added to route table 60 for all interface ipv6 link local addresses, so skip ipv6 link local addresses on all interfaces when enabling nat
  • frameworks/base: Structure device not freed in error case …
    - in case of an error in the call usb_device_get_fd() the memory created by usb_open_device() is never freed.
    - added a call to usb_device_close in case of error to release the allocated memory.
  • frameworks/base: Fixed a possible infinite loop in jsonreader#skipvalue() …
    - bug: https://code.google.com/p/android/is...etail?id=65846
  • frameworks/base: Remove java.io.tmpdir assignment in androidruntime. …
    - this value is overridden by the framework anyway (see activitythread.handlebindapplication). Besides, it doesn't seem like a great idea to let tools clutter /sdcard/ with temp files.
  • frameworks/base: Egl14.eglcreatewindowsurface should set producercontrolledbyapp …
    - interface of surface class changed. To reflect the change for egl14, add producercontrolledbyapp flag. Similar change can be seen in 0fa257f
  • frameworks/base: Release locked buffer when it fails to acquire graphics buffer …
    - the jni buffer in imagereader_imagesetup is not released when it fails to acquire graphics buffer. After all jni buffers are exhausted, acquire_max_images will be returned and leads to error. The jni buffer should be released when it fails to acquire graphics buffer.
  • frameworks/base: Add 2 apis (suspend/resume) in mediaplayer …
    - api:suspend() will just pause the player and release all the decoders
    to replace release() which will release the whole player
    - api:resume() will just init the decoders again,
    then start() will be called to start to play the streaming
  • frameworks/base: Videoview: Implement the suspend/resume operation in videoview …
    - to use the new apis (suspend/resume) of mediaplayer
    - add a new status "suspended"
  • frameworks/base: Mediarecorder: Add pause interface …
    - add pause in java level
    - add pause in jni level
    - crs-fixed: 587051
  • frameworks/base: Revert "added sahlnaskh arabic font and give it higher precedence than droidnaskh"
  • frameworks/base: Revert "added sahlnaskh arabic font to android.mk & fonts.mk files to actually get the font installed"
  • frameworks/base: Revert "data usage cycle length"
  • hlte: Improve boot speed
    - start with noop, finish with row. Similar to stock.
  • hlte: Add custom audio_effects.conf
    - enable offload for visualizer
  • hlte: Hlte: Enable sim hotswap
    - even though this isn't possible due to the battery location, it is possible for an invalid sim to cause a persistent modal dialog to be presented upon boot. This works around it.
  • hlte: Add qcmediaplayer to the build
  • updated cm source - lots of camera, bluetooth, av...commits.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Popey900, HammDefy und KingJames23
Naja, der Vollständigkeit zu liebe. ;)

Build V50
MD5 Checksum i9300: 5f53bfd34ad3318ede27882bd6e9f924

CHANGELOG since cm-11-20140226-UNOFFICIAL-temasek-i9300-V49.zip:
  • hlte: V50 comes with temasek kernel v2.04
  • Add "Change density on the fly" - SlimROM
    - Due to possibly my poor porting, I have to inject a SystemUI restart to complete it if not at times the statusbar doesn't get resized.
    - This density change WILL SURVIVE reboots & reflashing of ROMS
  • Add "Wakelock Blocker"
  • Add "Speed up booting on multicore devices."
    1. Add multithreading support to Installer/installd.
    2. Parallelize package scanning.
    3. Parallelize boot dexopt.
  • Add "Day and week on data usage"
    - Adds the ability to set day and week on when the data usage graph resets, instead of just month.
  • frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Add SDK apis for Wipower and Peripheral feature
    - changes needed for Wipower and Periferal features.
    - CRs-fixed: 587811
  • frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Handle exceptions for bluetoot socket read
    - Handled IO exception in read function of BluetootSocket, and also introduced a null check for mSocketIS.
    - CRs-Fixed: 605606
  • frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Add Power apply enable event handling
    - Add Wipower Power apply enable related event handling in frameworks
    - CRs-fixed: 612628
  • frameworks/base: Tethering: Skip link local addresses when enabling NAT
    - Only one entry is allowed to be added to route table 60 for all interface ipv6 link local addresses, so skip ipv6 link local addresses on all interfaces when enabling NAT
  • frameworks/base: Structure device not freed in error case …
    - In case of an error in the call usb_device_get_fd() the memory created by usb_open_device() is never freed.
    - Added a call to usb_device_close in case of error to release the allocated memory.
  • frameworks/base: Fixed a possible infinite loop in JsonReader#skipValue() …
    - Bug: https://code.google.com/p/android/is...etail?id=65846
  • frameworks/base: Remove java.io.tmpdir assignment in AndroidRuntime. …
    - This value is overridden by the framework anyway (see ActivityThread.handleBindApplication). Besides, it doesn't seem like a great idea to let tools clutter /sdcard/ with temp files.
  • frameworks/base: EGL14.eglCreateWindowSurface should set producerControlledByApp …
    - Interface of Surface class changed. To reflect the change for EGL14, add producerControlledByApp flag. Similar change can be seen in 0fa257f
  • frameworks/base: Release locked buffer when it fails to acquire graphics buffer …
    - The JNI buffer in ImageReader_imageSetup is not released when it fails to acquire graphics buffer. After all JNI buffers are exhausted, ACQUIRE_MAX_IMAGES will be returned and leads to error. The JNI buffer should be released when it fails to acquire graphics buffer.
  • frameworks/base: Add 2 APIs (suspend/resume) in MediaPlayer …
    - API:suspend() will just pause the player and release all the decoders
    to replace release() which will release the whole player
    - API:resume() will just init the decoders again,
    then start() will be called to start to play the streaming
  • frameworks/base: VideoView: Implement the suspend/resume operation in VideoView …
    - To use the new APIs (suspend/resume) of MediaPlayer
    - Add a new status "SUSPENDED"
  • frameworks/base: MediaRecorder: Add pause interface …
    - add pause in java level
    - add pause in jni level
    - CRs-Fixed: 587051
  • frameworks/base: Revert "Added sahlnaskh arabic font and give it higher precedence than DroidNaskh"
  • frameworks/base: Revert "Added sahlnaskh arabic font to Android.mk & fonts.mk files to actually get the font installed"
  • frameworks/base: Revert "data usage cycle length"
  • hlte: Improve boot speed
    - Start with noop, finish with ROW. Similar to stock.
  • hlte: Add custom audio_effects.conf
    - Enable offload for visualizer
  • hlte: hlte: Enable SIM hotswap
    - Even though this isn't possible due to the battery location, it is possible for an invalid SIM to cause a persistent modal dialog to be presented upon boot. This works around it.
  • hlte: Add qcmediaplayer to the build
  • Updated CM Source - Lots of camera, bluetooth, av...commits.

cm-11-20140226-UNOFFICIAL-temasek-i9300-V50.zip @ AndroidFileHost
cm-11-20140226-UNOFFICIAL-temasek-i9300-V50.zip @ MediaFire
cm-11-20140226-UNOFFICIAL-temasek-i9300-V50.zip @ hopto.org
cm-11-20140226-UNOFFICIAL-temasek-i9300-V50.zip @ Dev-Host
cm-11-20140226-UNOFFICIAL-temasek-i9300-V50.zip @ ZippyShare

(ZippyShare Upload einmal gepackt (*.rar) - vor dem Flashen entpacken - Build ist untouched!)

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Popey900 und KingJames23
Hab die V50 gerade mal ein bisschen angetestet. (Boeffla beta4 Kernel)

-nach dem ersten Bootvorgang bin ich auf Dalvik zurück gefallen, wieder auf ART umgestellt -> läuft ohne Probleme
-Der Bootvorgang läuft IMHO nicht merklich schneller ab mit der Multicore Unterstützung.
-Der density change wäre eine feine Sache, bin aber schon eine ganze Weile über die Build.prop auf 245 und kann nun die Einstellung nur nach unten anpassen (245 ist das Maximum, 241 das Minimum))
-Mein Bluetooth Headset connected endlich wieder mit 320 kbit/s über SBC (nice):thumbsup:
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