[ROM][I9300][4.4.4] Temasek's UNOFFICIAL CyanogenMod 11

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Dann kommt wohl bald ne neue Version!!!
Es sollte auch die V44.1 bzw. 44.2 kommen, aber wegen irgendwelcher Probleme nun doch nicht. Zumindest stand es so im xda Thread.
Die verschwindet immer wenn eine neue ansteht. Die alten findet man in dem Ordner OLD KANG.
Tema hat ja auch gesagt das er die 44.x überspringt und direkt eine v45 raushaut. Bleibe gespannt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Weiß nicht wie lange ich es noch ohne flashen durchhalte :-D
Aber ich bin total begeistert von Temasek und froh das er weiter macht. Beste Rom die ich kenne und ich bleibe ihr treu und warte geduldig ab was uns noch an zusätzlichen Funktionen geboten wird. Lieber ein paar Tage warten als irgendwann nur unter Bugs zu leiden.
Kani_23 schrieb:
Weiß nicht wie lange ich es noch ohne flashen durchhalte :-D
Aber ich bin total begeistert von Temasek und froh das er weiter macht. Beste Rom die ich kenne und ich bleibe ihr treu und warte geduldig ab was uns noch an zusätzlichen Funktionen geboten wird. Lieber ein paar Tage warten als irgendwann nur unter Bugs zu leiden.

Haha ja kenne ich. Flashe einfach ein paar Fonts und bootlogos, das befriedigt meine sucht immer wenn es zu hart wird xD
Temasek überspringt ein build und
testet gerade V45.

Sollte die inordnung sein,
stellt er sie sehr bald ins Netz.
Das i9300 - sprich S3 - wird als
erstes in den Genuss kommen.
BackUps werden nach wie vor
empfohlen, damit nachher keiner
in Tränen ausbricht.

Ob nach wie vor ein
Fullwipe bzw sauberes Flashen
empfohlen wird kann ich noch nicht sagen,
wird aber sicher beim Preisgeben des
Changelogs erwähnt.

Freundliche Grüße

Gesendet via GALAXY S3 / Android 4.4.2 (Temasek's Build)
So nun ist v45 online. Ich werde wohl ein Full Wipe machen, da ich doch ganz gerne SlimPIE ausprobieren möchte. :)

This instructions are for i9300 / tilapia & grouper only, hlte family not affected.

SlimPIE implementation prior to cm11 was different and as a result affected your preferences and may triggers a Settings FC. When this happens, as a normal user you are required to perform a FULL WIPE.

Who needs a FULL WIPE?

1. Flashing V45 and selecting SlimPIE in Navigation triggers a Settings FC. If you don't use SlimPIE then you don't have to wipe but if you wants SlimPIE then pls backup your apps+data, perform a FULL WIPE and then flash your V45/gapps/kernel again.

Who doesn't needs a FULL WIPE?

1. Flashing V45 and selecting SlimPIE in Navigation does NOT trigger a Settings FC.

Chagelog V 45
Add "Open source google dialer and more" - SlimROM
This is an open source variant of the well known google Dialer which gives the
ability to show nearby places and revese lookup. It uses default the Google
engine to do this. As well you have the ability to use other providers.

Providers which are currently available:

lookup/nearby places:

Reverse lookup:
OpenCnam (US-only)
WhitePages (US-only)
YellowPages (US-only)
ZabaSearch (US-only)
Add "Lockscreen Notifications: Custom Background color" - AOSB
Revert "ActiveDisplay (rework interface)"
- SystemUI FC on my tilapia
- Will re-visit this later
Revert "Add Dialer suggestions and reverse lookup" - OmniROM
- This revert is to give way to open source dialer.

frameworks/base: EdgeGestureService give abbility to reduce the left and right trigger height if IME shows up
- This patch gives the abbility that features can set the IME_CONTROL flag in addition to the position flags to enable reducing trigger heights on the left and right edge to avoid conflicts with swipe keyboard.
- Although the inputfilter lets come presses to the application trough the normal user behaviour is to start keyboard swiping before they really even pressed the char button which results in conflicts with whatever feature is using the left and right edge as trigger.
- Features who want to use it need to set IME_CONTROL flag. As well if notification drawer was pulled down or global menu is shown on top of the IME keyboard the original size gets restored till they are dismissed/closed
- This patch adds only the support for it.
frameworks/base + Settings: SlimPie give user ability to reduce trigger heights if IME keyboard shows
- Add a user option to reduce left and right trigger of SlimPie if keyboard shows up (especially usefull for swipe keyboard which most keyboards are nowadays). Enabled by default user can disable it in settings.
frameworks/base: TRDS fix possible UI freeze on auto mode change
- only call on theme mode change when auto mode changes. Under special conditions
it can happen that it is called twice
- ensure that whenever a mode change is really done to close the notification shade
- minor cleanup

Browser: blue to grey browser's progress bar - SlimROM
Dialer/Telephony: Add WhitePages Canada reverse lookup provider
Updated cm source

Changelog 44.1
Added "SlimPie" - SlimROM
- Well first I want to thanks again for the ideas Jens Doll, Kyrylo Mikos and PA gave us on 4.3 allready to make our own SlimPie possible. We used partly code from them and added and changed it in our Slim way to have it for us most usefull.
- Well as known SlimPie advantage to other PIEs is that it can bind on every button press and longpress action like the user want. All SlimActions are available for every button (so all possible shortcuts we have + apps etc). Of course as well available are custom icon images or system icons. Other unique thing of SlimPie is that 2 rows are available. First row user can setup up to 5 buttons. On the second row up to 7 Buttons.
- Of course the user can setup the style to their like and still theme engine related things are respected.
- Pie is activated present on non expanded Desktop as well
- For 4.4 we reworked a lot of the frameworks base code mainly. Changes compared to 4.3
- We use now a edge detection service (thanks a ton to Jens and Kyrylo). We tweaked it only very minor due that it works allready out of the box. Two reasons why we want to use it.
1. We do not have detection overlays on the borders anymore. Means the user is not disturbed by it and we do not need to add workarounds like we did before to avoid accidental swipe ups (eg old IME reduce triggers). As well it is not needed anymore that the user can setup thikness etc. The default values are allready quiet good. If a device has detection problems the dm can adjust them via overlay. As said main main main advantage that no dead zones are present
2. we will use this service for other upcomming features as well (eg new Recents)
- Centralized and adapted the code to 4.4 and some changes we did in our central classes
- reduced observer to an absolutly minimum. If PIE is disabled it does not observe any value
- A lot small fixes and tweaks
- Change default colors to KK style
- If navbar is present the navbar gets animated with the background to give a full screen overlay
feeling to the user. Especially now with kk transparency way better.
- Full keyguard support
- complete reworked edge disable detection
- and a lot more
Add "ActiveDisplay (rework interface)" - OmniROM
- really fix AD buggy stuff
- tested with Music play
- tested with No lockscreen
- tested with faster screen turn off
- check all sensor going off if AD not Showing or Disabled
- fix notification posted/removed
- make AD using System Window so it will covered all screen
- fix Navbar translucent if Lockscreen Blur merged :p
- now using Rounded Image
- also introduce new RoundedImageView widget
- courtesy of @vinc3m1 (thanks)

Updated temasek kernel to v1.03
FIXED - YouTube buffering issue.
- Revert "AudioMixer: Remove tracks from enabledTracks after reseting outTemp"
- This reverts commit 0debbf6, it's apparently the cause of the recent audio buffering issues with YT across multiple platforms.
- Policy Hal: Fix video stutters.
- NULL cannot be used as a third arg for property_get. This was causing the offload properties to be ignored forcing offload during streaming video.
Settings: Fix PG Showing Duplicate SMS
- Clarify the SMS permission split for Read & Write from Send/Receive
Settings: Don't hide home category if user has a settings capable lanncher
- By default the settings app hides the home category if it notices the user
has 1 launcher. Due to the ability to have settings per launcher, if the
user only has one launcher which happens to support settings, hiding this
category renders that feature useless.
- So now we check if the user has < 2 launchers AND whether they support
a settings panel.
Settings: Create Omni audio theme's SoundPacks folder if necessary
Settings: Fix QS unsupported options are shown if called from outside
Settings + frameworks: Add user protection and pie/navbar toggle to Temasek Actions
- Slim original is SlimActions, renamed as Temasek Actions in temasek build
- Add drawables for it and enable it for navbar, pie, hwkeys
and GlobalMenu and whatever other shorcutfeature want to have it
Keep the user save and do not allow to disable all navigations to keep
the device usable. User will be notified
- In Settings user get the choice to enable the other navigation method. Of course only on navbar devices due that hw key devices always have a working navigation
Settings: Add Temasek Actions to Shortcuts
Settings: Fix Potential NPE in QS

OmniSwitch: service life-cycle tweaks
- Service must no be killed

frameworks/base: Add MORE smoothness (again). Feel the difference
frameworks/base: keyguard: fix delay lock screen sound
- JIRA: CYAN-3362
- Issue: https://jira.cyanogenmod.org/browse/CYAN-3362
frameworks/base: Addition of automobile profile and group apps
- An automobile profile to improve the OOB experience
- New apps to the profile groups...Google Calendar, Google Hangouts
frameworks/base: Revert "frameworks: Hope systemui improved battery life"
frameworks/base: Revert "Frameworks: Add Fast Charge QS Tile"
frameworks/base: Add EdgeGesture service.
- Needed for SlimPIE
frameworks/base: fix qs and notification shade toggle on expanded desktop
- If expanded desktop is enabled and statusbar hidden the toggle does not force
the statusbar to show before it pulls down the shade
- fix it with just requesting the the statusbar to show up before we actually
peform the action
frameworks/base: Imagehelper...do a nicer resize with better quality
frameworks/base: BroadcastQueue: fix class typo of next receiver
- nextReceiver should be cast to ResolveInfo instead of ActivityInfo since it's ResolveInfo that is pushed into List r.receivers. Otherwise nextReceiver will always be null as there is no ActivityInfo in r.receivers.
frameworks/base: Make sure to turn off led after pulse()
- setLightLocked() will update mColor. This will cause the led to not be turned off after the pulse. When notificationManager starts a attention pulse the led will be kept on. Since attention is of highest prio nothing can turn it off. This is fixed by resetting mColor back to 0 after the call.
frameworks/base: fix navbar and pie icons for tablets and RTL
- well due that we use a completly other attempt then googles navbar we do not
need to rely on different sized icons for portrait and landscape. So just a square
icon fits our needs perfect (which is so or so everwhere in AOSP default to use square ones).
- Whatever recents pie feature showed us that we still forgot to size the pictures for our tablets and as well for RTL user.
- So let us do it now to fix any resizing issues on navbar and or SlimPie
frameworks/base: clean up the AOSP tablet icon mess
- well.....on grouper the overlay size for the navbar is/was 56dp...so google added bigger icons then the usual ones into the sw600dp folders. Well newer tablets have 48dp as default like the phones so the slightly bigger icons do not fit 100% correct. It is not much but it is noticable.
- So all devices have same navbar default height...so all icons should have same size as well. Just remove the overlay icons so that the system automatically chooses the right one from the default screen qualifier.

MMS: Enter key: force newline
- Provide an option to force newline (instead of send).
- For some keyboards (eg. SwiftKey) the shift+enter solution doesn't work.
Mms: Add Text Area Size preference
- This commits add the ability to set the size of the editable text are for composing messages.

Arbitrary Restrictions:
Min Limit - 2
Max Limit - 15

Updated cm source
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: DerTester und PassiMC
Waaaaaaas SlimPie :sly: ja dann muss ich gleich mal flashen!

Dann brauche ich kein full wipe :D. Die pie control hat mich nie interessiert

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Kann das Einer mal übersetzen/erklären bitte? Was ist denn die PIE Control? :D
AlonsoRudolfo schrieb:
Kann das Einer mal übersetzen/erklären bitte? Was ist denn die PIE Control? :D

Hier einmal ein Link dazu unter dem Punkt SlimPIE
Slim Bean Features

Wenn man dann an eine bestimmte Stelle auf dem Bildschirm druckt erscheint dieser Halbkreis mit den unterschiedlichen Flächen, auf denen man verschiedene Apps legen kann. Ähnlich wie das Menü bei der Kamera-App.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: AlonsoRudolfo
Hallo zuammen,

PieControl funktioniert ja super :thumbsup::thumbsup:. Mein PlayStore funktioniert nicht, ich bekomme immer Fehler 403 wenn ich etwas runterladen möchte? Gibt es neue gApps? Ich habe die von der Startseite genommen "pa_gapps-modular-mini-4.4.2-20140207-signed". Für was braucht man eigentlich die "pa_gapps-modular-mini-4.4.2-20140207-signed.zip.md5"?

Vielen Dank!

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hm eigentlich sind das die aktuellsten soweit ich weiß.
Vielleicht noch einmal die Gapps drüber flashen. Hast du Wipe Cache und Wipe Delvik nach dem flashen gemacht?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: kiki2010
Jetzt funktioniert es!!!
kiki2010 schrieb:
Jetzt funktioniert es!!!

Sehr gut! :thumbsup:

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 15:35 Uhr wurde um 15:41 Uhr ergänzt:

Jetzt verstehe ich das ganze erst. :biggrin:
Wenn man SlimPie bisher noch nicht genutzt hat kann man auch eine Dirty Installation machen, da es dann noch nicht in der Database ist.

Sehr gut, habe erst vor ein paar Tagen einen Full Wipe gemacht und nicht schon wieder Lust gehabt.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: HighEnd 4 50 cent
Zwei Fragen hätte ich noch, kann man mit den Volumentasten den Cursor steuern und gibt es auch eine Batteriebar?

kiki2010 schrieb:
Zwei Fragen hätte ich noch, kann man mit den Volumentasten den Cursor steuern und gibt es auch eine Batteriebar?


Cursorsteuerung via volume buttons ist möglich, hierfür
in die Systemsettings gehen und dort über "Sprache & Eingabe"
zu den erweiterten Optionen navigieren.
Ganz unten findet man dann "Lautstärketaste Cursorkontrolle".

Das süße S3 Mini meiner Frau weicht nun einem iPhone 5C. :(

Naja.. krieg das Ding schon irgendwie kaputt. ^^

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: kiki2010
Wie kommt die denn dazu ein Samsung gegen so ein abgebissen Apfel zu tauschen?:confused:

Gesendet von meinem HTC Desire mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Habe alles einfach drüber installiert...erst ROM, dann Boeffla Kernel... läuft. Auch SlimPie geht ohne Probleme. Habe es wieder deaktiviert, da ich es nicht nutze...


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