Ambitioniertes Mitglied
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Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de oder der Entwickler dieses ROM übernehmen die Haftung für eventuelle Schäden an eurem Gerät!

ParanoidAndroid 4+ Rom basiert auf Android KitKat 4.4.4.
Immersive Mode/ Pie Control
CM11 Theme Engine
Neuer Lautstärkeregler (optisch an Hover angelehnt)
Screen Recorder
Neue Recents
Dynamic System Bars
1.Ins Recovery booten (ggf. Recovery aktualisieren)
2.Factory Reset (von einer anderen Rom kommend)
3.Rom installieren
4.Gapps installieren (optional)
5.Wipe Cache/ Dalvik
Beim Update von PA 4+ ist kein Factory Reset nötig. Ich empfehle dennoch nach einigen Updates euer Smartphone komplett neu aufzusetzen um Fehlern vorzubeugen.
PA 4.6 Beta 5 22.10.2014
- Provide a better flow for bar transitions and DSB
- Add the _experimental_dsb_frequency_ setting (for now)
- Include a pair of themeability changes
PA 4.6 Beta 4 09.10.2014
Make all Quick Settings tiles act similarly in edit mode
- Add a new default AOSPA wallpaper
- Improve speed and stability of the core
- Adapt to the Peek standalone application package name change
PA 4.6 Beta 3 01.10.2014
- Clean up DSB icon animations
- Crop thumbnails of portrait floating windows
- Dismiss the redesigned recents menu on touches outside of the thumbnails
- Tweak the design of the volume panel and Pie QS toggles
- Merge Theme Engine changes by CM.
PA 4.6 Beta 2 25.09.2014
- Clean up DSB animations
- Reduce DSB screen polling
- Correctly update the lock screen track information
- Improve the general graphical performance
- Update the OPO drivers and add other minor improvements
- Follow CM's changes for TE
PA 4.6 Beta 1 03.09.2014
- Introduce Dynamic System Bars
- Introduce the swipe-up gesture to dismiss Hover
PA 4.5 Beta 4 30.08.2014
This one fixes beta 3 screw ups
- theme engine issues that caused reboots
PA 4.5 Beta 3 27.08.2014
- Fixed blank screen in recents
- Fixed transparent status bar in recents
- Misc fixes to theme engine.
PA 4.5 Beta 2 12.08.2014
- Design improvements for recents
- The calculator was made themeable
- Merged upstream Theme Engine changes merged
PA 4.5 Beta 06.08.2014
Changes in this weeks beta release
- Significantly increased the stability of recents
- Patch Google bug 13678484 aka Fake ID (https://gerrit.paranoidandroid.co/4656)
- Make PA specific features work nicely on multi-user (https://gerrit.paranoidandroid.co/4654)
- Include the latest CM changes for the theme engine
- Fix the "clear all recents" bug
PA 4.5 ALPHA 3 29.07.2014
New Recents Late Preview
- Improved performance a bit
- Lighter shadows
- Removed bottom recents label
- On-The-Spot selectable style for Recents (Stock/New)
- Code cleanup
PA 4.45 & 4.5 ALPHA 3 29.07.2014
- Theme Engine upstream patches
- Misc fixes for our hidden battery feature
- Fix Hover icon size (fits QS Edit one now, a point more for UX)
- Some devices related low level misc fixes
PA 4.44 22.02.2014
New Recents (PA 4.5 Alpha 2)
- Reworked zoom animations
- Smoother animations
- Transparent background
- More visible shadows (not yet finished)
- Other small cleanup
Common Diff
- Merged Theme Engine upstream patches and bug fixes
- Fixed transparent navbar
- Possibility to hide battery in status bar (option stored in battery style settings chooser)
PA 4.43/ 4.5 Alpha 1 17.07.2014
Common Releases Changelog
- ParanoidOTA fixes and cleanup
- Fix daydream duplicates
- Theme Engine upstream patches
- Quicksettings fixes
- Pie will be activated in apps that use immersive mode if pie is enabled via on the spot.
4.5 ALPHA1 Additional Diff
- Recents CardStackView Redesign Preview
PA 4.42 09.07.2014
So whats new this week?
- Various low level bug fixes (were still working on many bug tracker tickets)
- New translations thanks to crowdin contributors
- Upstream merges for Theme Engine
- Fixed light theme support (WiFi Settings FC)
- Provide a better flow for bar transitions and DSB
- Add the _experimental_dsb_frequency_ setting (for now)
- Include a pair of themeability changes
PA 4.6 Beta 4 09.10.2014
Make all Quick Settings tiles act similarly in edit mode
- Add a new default AOSPA wallpaper
- Improve speed and stability of the core
- Adapt to the Peek standalone application package name change
PA 4.6 Beta 3 01.10.2014
- Clean up DSB icon animations
- Crop thumbnails of portrait floating windows
- Dismiss the redesigned recents menu on touches outside of the thumbnails
- Tweak the design of the volume panel and Pie QS toggles
- Merge Theme Engine changes by CM.
PA 4.6 Beta 2 25.09.2014
- Clean up DSB animations
- Reduce DSB screen polling
- Correctly update the lock screen track information
- Improve the general graphical performance
- Update the OPO drivers and add other minor improvements
- Follow CM's changes for TE
PA 4.6 Beta 1 03.09.2014
- Introduce Dynamic System Bars
- Introduce the swipe-up gesture to dismiss Hover
PA 4.5 Beta 4 30.08.2014
This one fixes beta 3 screw ups
- theme engine issues that caused reboots
PA 4.5 Beta 3 27.08.2014
- Fixed blank screen in recents
- Fixed transparent status bar in recents
- Misc fixes to theme engine.
PA 4.5 Beta 2 12.08.2014
- Design improvements for recents
- The calculator was made themeable
- Merged upstream Theme Engine changes merged
PA 4.5 Beta 06.08.2014
Changes in this weeks beta release
- Significantly increased the stability of recents
- Patch Google bug 13678484 aka Fake ID (https://gerrit.paranoidandroid.co/4656)
- Make PA specific features work nicely on multi-user (https://gerrit.paranoidandroid.co/4654)
- Include the latest CM changes for the theme engine
- Fix the "clear all recents" bug
PA 4.5 ALPHA 3 29.07.2014
New Recents Late Preview
- Improved performance a bit
- Lighter shadows
- Removed bottom recents label
- On-The-Spot selectable style for Recents (Stock/New)
- Code cleanup
PA 4.45 & 4.5 ALPHA 3 29.07.2014
- Theme Engine upstream patches
- Misc fixes for our hidden battery feature
- Fix Hover icon size (fits QS Edit one now, a point more for UX)
- Some devices related low level misc fixes
PA 4.44 22.02.2014
New Recents (PA 4.5 Alpha 2)
- Reworked zoom animations
- Smoother animations
- Transparent background
- More visible shadows (not yet finished)
- Other small cleanup
Common Diff
- Merged Theme Engine upstream patches and bug fixes
- Fixed transparent navbar
- Possibility to hide battery in status bar (option stored in battery style settings chooser)
PA 4.43/ 4.5 Alpha 1 17.07.2014
Common Releases Changelog
- ParanoidOTA fixes and cleanup
- Fix daydream duplicates
- Theme Engine upstream patches
- Quicksettings fixes
- Pie will be activated in apps that use immersive mode if pie is enabled via on the spot.
4.5 ALPHA1 Additional Diff
- Recents CardStackView Redesign Preview
PA 4.42 09.07.2014
So whats new this week?
- Various low level bug fixes (were still working on many bug tracker tickets)
- New translations thanks to crowdin contributors
- Upstream merges for Theme Engine
- Fixed light theme support (WiFi Settings FC)
TWRP Recovery
SuperSu 2.46
Alternativer Kernel: Boeffla
Im XDA-Thread wurde beschrieben, dass der Omni Kernel für PA besser zugeschnitten ist. CM11 läuft aber auch auf PA 4+.
Einzelne Apps lassen sich von Hover, Peek und Floating Windows ausschließen (App-Infos -> Blacklist)
Greenify um Prozesse, die im Hintergrund laufen, komplett zu schließen.
"qemu.hw.mainkeys=0" in der build.prop hinzufügen um die Navbar zu aktivieren.
AOSP/ Google, Cyanogenmod Team, Goo, XDA, Liquid, giannisgx89, Krebsmilk, AOKP, gokussjx und viele weitere.
i9300 XDA-Thread
PA auf XDA
PA Blog
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