[ROM][AOSP][LINARO] CarbonRom 1.8 JB 4.2.2 [01. AUG]

  • 132 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
jo, und sowas von mega :)

nur komischen android os drain hab ich (und freund) :-(
Bei mir läuft die V1.8 super. Da gibt es nix zu meckern.
Habe das Sys mit Googy-Kernel laufen.

Vielleicht ändert ein Mod mal den Titel, damit der Rest der Welt auch mal erfährt, das die ROM geupdated wurde...
Die letzte Änderung vom TE war ja im Februar - ich gehe mal davon aus, das der TE gar kein S3 mehr hat. Sollte man vllt einen neuen Thread erstellen, der dann gepflegt wird oder gar diesen Thread an jemand übertragen, der noch ein S3 hat bzw. diese Rom nutzt?
laufen schon super, aber der Android os drain ist nicht normal :-(

nutzung im anhang 2h45min screen.


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Gut, dazu kann ich noch nicht viel sagen - hab das System gestern auf nem "gebrauchten" Akku installiert und bisher noch keine Zeit gehabt zu laden. noch habe ich 34%. Das muss sich ja erst etwas einpendeln - denke da kann man morgen oder übermorgen mehr zu sagen.
Wie lange hält denn dein Akku so?

Ich meine hochgerechnet sind das knapp 23-24 stunden
(11 Stunden Nutzung = 46% Restkapazität) Das sieht in meinen Augen gar nicht mal sooo derbe aus - gut,vllt bin ich verwöhnt - das Note sowie das S3 halten bei "meiner" normalen Nutzung meist nur einen Tag. (Morgens 8 Uhr bis abends 1 Uhr) teilw. weniger...
hab den 3000er akku drin :)

sonst wär schon lang ebbe ;)

komm so auf 5-6h display in 16-18h
okay... ich nicht.
Ich wechsel die Akkus immer - das finde ich das tolle an den Samsung Phones - Akku wechselbar!!
Ja wie gesagt - ich lade das Handy heute nacht mal auf und lass das Sys mal laufen. Mal sehen wie der Drain sich bemerkbar macht bei mir.

Vielleicht kommt eine Nightly und die bessert das aus?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: diddsen
Hab keine Probleme mit Android OS

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App


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komisch das bei 3 anderen wo ich kenne genau das gleiche ist :-D

na egal... bin wieder auf sammy, so hats keinen wert
So sieht es zur Zeit bei mir aus:


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jo, sag ich doch ;-)
schau mal wieviel andr. os davon genau :-D
Siehe Screenshot

Habe vom Googy auf Yank gewechselt gestern Abend.
Dann einmal frischen leeren Akku rein - über Nacht geladen.
OC auf 1600 Rest mehr oder Minder "normal"


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
jo, und das bei nur 2,5h Laufzeit... :-(
Ich bin ja bei Carbon neu - war das bei ner älteren Version auch schon so?
hab auch jetzt erste mal...
denke ist 4.2.2 im allgemeinen... auch sammy nicht so toll.
Akku neu geladen mal schauen was danach kommt

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App


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Noch 71%... geht eigentlich...
Ich meine, prognostiziert komme ich über den Tag = also wie immer^^
Nicht zu vergessen - hab ja auch noch OC. Es fühlt sich jetzt also nicht so extrem Hungrig an... vllt was erhöht. Aber ohne Euren Hinweis wär mir das nich aufgefallen.

Wie gesagt, wenn ich über den Tag komme reicht mir das - kann ja dann nur noch besser werden^^


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Nochmal kurzes Update:


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Bei mir ist so

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App


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Neue nightly online

Changelog for CARBON-JB-NIGHTLY-20130813-2217-i9300.zip

-- 13-08-2013

project android/
| Commit: a71a3d3 | Title: Add d2 stuff. | By: winner00
| Commit: 503caf7 | Title: Track our own d2-common. | By: winner00
| Commit: deb6dc0 | Title: Track smdk4412 kernel. | By: winner00

project bionic/
| Commit: e3a60de | Title: libc: Optimize strcat/strcpy, small tweaks to strlen | By: Christopher Ferris
| Commit: 878fb35 | Title: libc: Update to latest cortexa15 memcpy code. | By: Christopher Ferris
| Commit: 4e0378f | Title: Fix assembler errors in generic arm strlen.c. | By: Christopher Ferris

project bootable/recovery/
| Commit: 0c328c7 | Title: Shrink cid | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: e19f1d8 | Title: v6036 | By: Koushik Dutta

project build/
| Commit: 14ed794 | Title: Prepare upcoming GCC 4.8 release. | By: Ben Cheng

project device/asus/flo/
| Commit: 1d47a31 | Title: flo: Add new power modes | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: fa8eef0 | Title: flo: Update media codecs | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 409277d | Title: flo: Enable hardware audio codecs and additional tuning | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: ef3b1cc | Title: flo: Disable the experimental HWUI tweaks | By: Steve Kondik

project device/samsung/d2-common/
| Commit: b1f5c5c | Title: d2: set permissions on flash device for torch | By: ajrty33
| Commit: ef4cfc6 | Title: Apexq: run hci_qcomm_init at boot | By: David Daynard
| Commit: 92d1fba | Title: apexqtmo: set permissions on flash device for torch | By: David Daynard
| Commit: b241758 | Title: Merge "d2-common: Move Camera overlay settings to Gallery2 Adjust settings for 10.2 camera" into cm-10.2 | By: Shareef Ali
| Commit: 75da054 | Title: Remove CM pie overlay. | By: winner00

project frameworks/av/
| Commit: 7043f6b | Title: Fix typo | By: Pavel Kirpichyov

project frameworks/base/
| Commit: 14409df | Title: Display options: allow configuration of wake on plug behavior (2/2) | By: Jon Evans
| Commit: 2ff4476 | Title: Re-order Power menu a bit more | By: slickrick
| Commit: 9e42028 | Title: Add 2 APIs (suspend and resume) in MediaPlayer | By: huiy
| Commit: 5bf895f | Title: Pfff git pull... | By: aways
| Commit: c864254 | Title: Generalize vectorization of Bitmap operation | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 10d515b | Title: Improve resolver layout in case package name is shown. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 4128f8f | Title: webkit: Manage video playing state properly when browser goes to background | By: Rajshekar Eashwarappa
| Commit: 2daa186 | Title: Fix ordering of home keypress handling | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: f48249a | Title: Clean up lockscreen target configuration code (1/2) | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: d6e9526 | Title: Fix fetching icons from packages. | By: Danny Baumann

project frameworks/native/
| Commit: 9abbe5c | Title: fix a dead-lock in sensorservice | By: Mathias Agopian
| Commit: db4b27d | Title: [toroplus] Add missing method called by ril which breaks radio | By: wjb
| Commit: 2b02474 | Title: Add correct XHDPI heap size Conflicts: build/phone-xhdpi-1024-dalvik-heap.mk | By: Kyler

project hardware/ti/wlan/
| Commit: b0d6db5 | Title: Merge "wlconf: Fix compilation" into cm-10.2 | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project kernel/lge/mako/
| Commit: 85920ac | Title: lm3530: Add a toggle for the CABC PWM | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project kernel/samsung/d2/
| Commit: 2c62d55 | Title: Prima | By: David Daynard
| Commit: 98d88e8 | Title: apexq: update defconfig | By: David Daynard

project kernel/samsung/smdk4412/
| Commit: 9c135ab | Title: isa1200: move sysfs node for pwm level | By: sbrissen

project packages/apps/CarbonFibers/
| Commit: 99e4e19 | Title: Little re-ordering | By: slickrick
| Commit: fcd7307 | Title: Fix interface FC. | By: winner00
| Commit: 8962ed3 | Title: Settings: RTL layout fixes | By: Or Harambam
| Commit: 0cb21c2 | Title: Clean up lockscreen target configuration code (2/2) | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: ea908c8 | Title: Avoid NPE if icon assignment failed for whatever reason. | By: Danny Baumann

project packages/apps/DSPManager/
| Commit: e9263f4 | Title: Merge "Don't sign DSPManager with the platform certificate." into cm-10.2 | By: Danny Baumann

project packages/apps/Gallery2/
| Commit: 862f0a9 | Title: Merge "Gallery2: Port additional camera resolutions from CM10.1" into cm-10.2 | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 8275431 | Title: Camera: Fix the dimensions for 13 Mpx | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project packages/apps/Settings/
| Commit: 1b33287 | Title: PBAP: Fix device name update on authorization prompt from Notification. | By: Ashwini Munigala
| Commit: 6107a39 | Title: Bluetooth : Remove out of range devices after ScanComplete | By: Pradeep Panigrahi
| Commit: fb9296d | Title: Fix coding style. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: e5aa54b | Title: FLAG_ONE_SHOT is not guaranteed to update the extras. | By: Danny Baumann

project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
| Commit: 9d9cfd0 | Title: Merge "Update sw600dp default_workspace_no_telephony for proper layout" into cm-10.2 | By: Jorge Ruesga
| Commit: 0519958 | Title: Merge remote-tracking branch 'github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Trebuchet/cm-10.2' into jb3 | By: aways

project system/vold/
| Commit: 7d5bb0c | Title: Do not print misleading completion messages on trim failure | By: Oleg Drokin

project vendor/bn/
| Commit: 8538843 | Title: encore: remove powervr.ini from proprietary blobs | By: Steven Luo
| Commit: 5fe4624 | Title: Merge pull request #12 from steven676/cm-10.1 | By: ciwrl

project vendor/samsung/
| Commit: 2cbb7c9 | Title: apexq: update prima firmware | By: David Daynard
| Commit: d439c5a | Title: Apexq: update hci_qcomm_init | By: David Daynard
| Commit: 53950c3 | Title: Merge pull request #275 from nardholio/cm-10.2 | By: Shareef Ali

-- 12-08-2013

project android/
| Commit: 66cf31f | Title: back to cm's yaffs2 + libphonenumbergoogle | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 7bcbd62 | Title: Track DSP | By: Daniel MM

project bionic/
| Commit: 132108c | Title: libc: arch-arm: strlen: Illegal ARM entries fixed | By: Paul Beeler

project device/htc/m7-common/
| Commit: 8cb31bd | Title: Merge changes from CM from branch "cm-10.2" | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: b6df2b7 | Title: Build DSPManager for great eq experience. | By: Daniel MM

project device/samsung/d2-common/
| Commit: 868502e | Title: d2: Enable SELinux | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 7fe87ec | Title: d2: Remove this audio_effect.conf | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 006d8a9 | Title: d2: Update audio policy | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 58d8ff8 | Title: d2: Add VOIP devices | By: Steve Kondik

project device/samsung/i9300/
| Commit: 0525ec5 | Title: i9300: remove DeviceSettings | By: codeworkx
| Commit: fc291e5 | Title: i9300: rename sysfs node for pwm level | By: Daniel Hillenbrand

project device/samsung/msm8960-common/
| Commit: 7349cc6 | Title: msm8960: Use retire fence from MDP driver | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 2571f9e | Title: msm8960: Use dualmic device for VOIP calls | By: Steve Kondik

project external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
| Commit: 7276846 | Title: Merge branch 'jb_mr2' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/external/bluetooth/bluedroid into cm-10.2 | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: f7bcea6 | Title: Disable interleaved scan feature by default. | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 43d82ba | Title: Disable BTC by default, only WCN needs this. | By: Steve Kondik

project external/koush/Superuser/
| Commit: fdc28d8 | Title: always start daemon, as that is the default behavior. | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: be9c080 | Title: Superuser: SK translation | By: Ondrej Zima

project external/sepolicy/
| Commit: d3aa058 | Title: Give zygote execute access to ashmem | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 6048f74 | Title: Fix the theme manager's context lookup | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project frameworks/av/
| Commit: e7507fe | Title: audioflinger: Fix for race conditions in direct audio track | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju

project frameworks/base/
| Commit: 12442fa | Title: ScreenShot QuickTrash | By: aikons
| Commit: 0285d47 | Title: AudioService: Restore volumes after boot and when a headset is plugged | By: maxwen
| Commit: 81a6c45 | Title: Merge branch 'jb3' of https://github.com/CarbonDev/android_frameworks_base into jb3 | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 8069832 | Title: SystemUI: Add ethernet network icon | By: Steven Davies
| Commit: ac0021b | Title: SystemUI: Fix missing context var | By: Jorge Ruesga
| Commit: c21f2eb | Title: ScreenShot QuickTrash | By: aikons
| Commit: 44548b8 | Title: Statusbar Brightness Control (AOKP impl) (1/2) | By: Roman Birg
| Commit: fdec30a | Title: Merge branch 'jb3' of https://github.com/CarbonDev/android_frameworks_base into jb3 | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: a48a555 | Title: New profiles icon | By: gmillz
| Commit: a30abe2 | Title: Status Bar: Fade CM widgets on Low Profile mode | By: Thiago Vinícius Freire de Araújo Ribeiro
| Commit: c5032d3 | Title: Quick Settings: Fix flip-to-settings animation | By: Thiago Vinícius Freire de Araújo Ribeiro

project frameworks/native/
| Commit: 1b79a15 | Title: sf: virtual display clean up | By: Amara Venkata Mastan Manoj Kumar
| Commit: 0ba5511 | Title: libgui: Fix building with QCOM_BSP + CAF display | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 09bd375 | Title: fix a possible deadlock when removing a layer and destroying a client | By: Mathias Agopian

project hardware/libhardware/
| Commit: f8aeb0c | Title: Bluetooth: Security: Handle authentication rejected error status | By: Pramod Sivaraman

project hardware/qcom/audio-caf/
| Commit: 00b2903 | Title: msm8660: Add msm8660 hardware config and routing calls | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: a325d29 | Title: mam8660: Cleanup makefile | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: ae4e454 | Title: msm8660: Fix featurization of Samsung VOIP routing | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 72f2cb7 | Title: msm8660: Code cleanups, fix potential crashes | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 6cf886a | Title: msm8660: Add AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_COMMUNICATION to primary input | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: b7d4839 | Title: Revert "alsa_sound: Calculate proxy port latency" | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 7c6f509 | Title: legacy/alsa_sound: Return bytes written to HAL for tunnel playback. | By: Srikanth Katta
| Commit: 5f2d318 | Title: alsa_sound: Untangle VOIP/voice speaker handling | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: cd26b13 | Title: alsa_sound: fix for out-of-order deadlock in AudioSessionOut | By: Amit Shekhar
| Commit: 195e30b | Title: alsa_sound: Allow dual-mic device to be used for VOIP calls | By: Steve Kondik

project hardware/ti/wlan/
| Commit: 3951c22 | Title: wl12xx: fix unbalanced wakelock in IRQ-while-suspended path | By: Steven Luo

project kernel/htc/m7/
| Commit: 900e7fb | Title: Merge changes Id6f1da87,I9007c6c9,I4ca60be0 into cm-10.2 | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: b3c2ce0 | Title: msm: kgsl: Use the kmalloc/vmalloc trick for the sharedmem page array | By: Jordan Crouse

project kernel/samsung/d2/
| Commit: de6ff57 | Title: msm: display: command mode panel release fence | By: Naseer Ahmed
| Commit: f10a3c6 | Title: msm: mdp: Change msmfb kworker to kthread | By: Naseer Ahmed
| Commit: a05a8b4 | Title: msm: mdp: Update sync pt. behaviour | By: Naseer Ahmed
| Commit: 54ff435 | Title: msm: kgsl: Use the kmalloc/vmalloc trick for the sharedmem page array | By: Jordan Crouse
| Commit: d703d72 | Title: ASoC: msm: Reduce min buffer size for low latency | By: Mekala Natarajan
| Commit: 9e99591 | Title: ASoC: msm: Change QOS value for low latency path | By: Mekala Natarajan
| Commit: 303482e | Title: Revert "ASoC: msm: Decrease the playback period size of PCM driver" | By: Ajay Dudani
| Commit: a0f61ed | Title: ASoC: msm: Flexible period size for pcm playback | By: Mekala Natarajan

project packages/apps/Bluetooth/
| Commit: f11668e | Title: Merge branch 'jb_mr2' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/packages/apps/Bluetooth into cm-10.2 | By: Steve Kondik

project packages/apps/CarbonFibers/
| Commit: ba35cac | Title: AOKP's Statusbar Brightness Control | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 7b5585f | Title: Display options: allow configuration of wake on plug behavior (1/2) | By: Jon Evans
| Commit: 70d1aed | Title: Settings: Lockscreen Targets Icon Revamp | By: Stevespear426

project packages/apps/DSPManager/
| Commit: 0878d8a | Title: DSPManager: EL translations | By: Michael Bestas

project packages/apps/Dialer/
| Commit: 7dcf2d6 | Title: Dialer: EL translations | By: Michael Bestas

project packages/apps/Gallery2/
| Commit: 7c84d7a | Title: Camera: Bring Samsung camera fixes and features to 4.3 | By: Shareef Ali
| Commit: fe1982d | Title: Always use recording dimensions for preview | By: lbdroid

project packages/apps/LockClock/
| Commit: 3f13adf | Title: cLock: EL translations | By: Michael Bestas

project packages/apps/Settings/
| Commit: e6cf982 | Title: Settings: Headset Category | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: d814095 | Title: Derp duplicate entries | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 3c169ec | Title: Fix Resource error | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 01b3c44 | Title: appops first draft | By: drcmda
| Commit: 17eb7c8 | Title: suÃper derp | By: drcmda
| Commit: d77216d | Title: Make app ops more usable | By: drcmda

project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
| Commit: 0cfc98f | Title: Get rid of duplicate backgrounds | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: 2231069 | Title: DO NOT MERGE Fix bug where folder was almost transparent | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: 3a397cb | Title: Fix build breakage from syntax errors | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: 0ad71cd | Title: Fix jumps in the beginning of animations | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: 110df2a | Title: Fix crash caused by unregistering animation listener | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: fa2a20f | Title: Fixing issue where drag view is jumping when you scroll from hovering over an edge. (Bug 8522679) | By: Winson Chung
| Commit: 8f25a8c | Title: Fix crash in draw listener | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: e36bef0 | Title: Fix occasional widget flashing | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: bf79d51 | Title: Fix bug where folder open animation gets finished early | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: a0d9541 | Title: Fixing issue with qsb icons not being sized correctly. (Bug 8543618) | By: Winson Chung
| Commit: 9f882cf | Title: Fixing issue where accessibility was reporting items behind an open folder. (Bug 8331717) | By: Winson Chung
| Commit: aea1117 | Title: Only postpone animations if app is visible | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: 4447d2a | Title: Fixing issue where FastBitmapDrawable is not scaling the drawing into the correct bounds. (Bug 9075810) | By: Winson Chung
| Commit: 64cf2fd | Title: Don't use text shadows inside folders and all apps | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: 105fabe | Title: Use less HW layers in All Apps | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: 00d82d3 | Title: Disable clipping where unnecessary | By: Romain Guy
| Commit: 1e9788c | Title: Prevent CellLayouts from making calls to saveLayerAlpha() | By: Romain Guy
| Commit: 89591fc | Title: Improve All Apps --> Workspace performance | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: bbd454d | Title: Trim widget names | By: Michael Jurka
| Commit: 02678cd | Title: Don't set redundant content description for widgets | By: Michael Jurka

project packages/apps/VoicePlus/
| Commit: c190f56 | Title: Voice+: RU translation | By: pvolkov

project vendor/carbon/
| Commit: fb0c232 | Title: New APN for DTAC Trinet | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan

project vendor/samsung/
| Commit: 8e250c1 | Title: P31xx/P51xx: Update blobs | By: Jiangyi
| Commit: d07cf45 | Title: Merge pull request #274 from Jiangyi/cm-10.2 | By: Shareef Ali

-- 11-08-2013

project android/
| Commit: 51deb53 | Title: Remove tracking of mako prebuilt kernel | By: Daniel MM

project bionic/
| Commit: b08f9e3 | Title: Bionic: Add AOSP master cortex optimizations | By: Will Newton
| Commit: 9537c3d | Title: libc: Use the fast strlen on Scorpion too | By: Steve Kondik

project build/
| Commit: 03333b7 | Title: envsetup: Fix giant derp | By: Steve Kondik

project dalvik/
| Commit: 1edce84 | Title: Fix merge error | By: dhacker29

project device/htc/m7-common/
| Commit: 159efcd | Title: m7-common: Add controls to long-press and double-tap of the home button to match HTC One GE edition | By: Shane Passmore
| Commit: aebb10e | Title: m7: refine sepolicies | By: Daniel Hillenbrand
| Commit: 478007a | Title: m7: refine sepolicies | By: Daniel Hillenbrand
| Commit: f1d4366 | Title: m7: selinux: bluetooth policies | By: Daniel Hillenbrand
| Commit: 9eae898 | Title: m7-common: Configure double-tap Home button as Menu | By: h8rift

project device/lge/mako/
| Commit: f4c3b9a | Title: Carbonize | By: Daniel MM

project external/koush/Superuser/
| Commit: 72d5412 | Title: sanitize inputs. verify mallocs. | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 2c92504 | Title: Fix potential trust issues by using SO_PEERCRED. | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: f9cee64 | Title: Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/cm-10.1' into cm-10.2 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 6aba49a | Title: v1021 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: ed2bc86 | Title: Merge remote-tracking branch 'koush/master' into cm-10.2 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 0fc942f | Title: update WHATS_NEW | By: Koushik Dutta

project frameworks/av/
| Commit: a206c3e | Title: Fix SoundPool.play() looping regression in 4.3 DO NOT MERGE | By: Glenn Kasten
| Commit: c2e65a4 | Title: libmedia: Featurize QCOM's VOIP feature | By: Steve Kondik

project frameworks/base/
| Commit: 720aedd | Title: Reimplement AOSP's home-key behavior configuration | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 729e97f | Title: Bluetooth: Disable bluetooth only if BT Sevice is connected | By: Nitin Shivpure
| Commit: 41b6df5 | Title: Build error fix | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 546d9c5 | Title: SystemUI: Add ethernet network icon | By: Steven Davies
| Commit: 743eb0e | Title: SystemUI: Fix missing context var | By: Jorge Ruesga

project hardware/qcom/audio-caf/
| Commit: 46bb6a8 | Title: audio/msm8660: Change default audio sample rate | By: Sidipotu Ashok
| Commit: 81c0df9 | Title: audio/msm7627a: Fix for event thread not exiting | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju
| Commit: ef08706 | Title: msm8660: Fix routing for all AudioSessionOut types | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: e68c6f1 | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix for voice call mute during voip | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju
| Commit: 61f7046 | Title: audio/msm8660: VOIP bringup and add support for vocoders. | By: Y Mehta
| Commit: a39c5d5 | Title: audio/msm8660: Change getInputBufferSize to take channel count as parameter | By: Shashi Kumar
| Commit: 57a1790 | Title: msm8660: Reject PCM recording other than 8k during voice call | By: Manish Dewangan
| Commit: 13a94de | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix for voice call mute during voip | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju
| Commit: c3b8f96 | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix wrong condition for VOIP sampling rate | By: Sriranjan Srikantam
| Commit: 14f5fcc | Title: audio/msm8660: Set proper device for Voip routing commands | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju
| Commit: b8ae097 | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix for improper LPA playback after seek | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju
| Commit: 5e9a401 | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix LPA playback issue after continuous seek | By: Deepa Madiregama
| Commit: c253220 | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix native crash during rapid seek operations | By: Sriranjan Srikantam
| Commit: 40b198c | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix dragging voice and deadlock in VOIP call. | By: Sriranjan Srikantam
| Commit: 84da211 | Title: audio/msm7627a: Changes to support voip on different paths. | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju
| Commit: a3830b9 | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix for crash in Voip conference call | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju
| Commit: 9e65913 | Title: msm8660: Additional routing fixes | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 8544516 | Title: audio/msm8660: Move fsync to LPA event thread | By: Shashi Kumar
| Commit: b051939 | Title: audio/msm8660: Ensure to check mvs fd value before voip read | By: Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju

project hardware/qcom/display-caf/
| Commit: f76952f | Title: gralloc: Use new ION API by default | By: Chirayu Desai

project packages/apps/DSPManager/
| Commit: 8181b4d | Title: dsp: Updated compatibility with the effects API | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project packages/apps/Dialer/
| Commit: e4a4ac9 | Title: Dialer: ES translations | By: djMesias

project packages/apps/LockClock/
| Commit: c24571e | Title: Merge "LockClock: DE translations" into cm-10.2 | By: Danny Baumann

project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
| Commit: 6a22997 | Title: Update sw600dp default_workspace_no_telephony for proper layout | By: dhacker29

project packages/apps/VoicePlus/
| Commit: be0df81 | Title: VoicePlus: German translation | By: jackmu95
| Commit: c18dbcd | Title: VoicePlus: NB Translation | By: Odin Ugedal

-- 10-08-2013

project android/
| Commit: 69da237 | Title: Track CM | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 521d108 | Title: Bluetooth fix for some device? | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 143f233 | Title: [Test] Tracking Slim branches instead. | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 78b08ed | Title: Revert "[Test] Tracking Slim branches instead." | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 4cd4caa | Title: Track our own Trebuchet | By: Daniel MM

project bionic/
| Commit: b462ed7 | Title: libc: Add Scorpion-optimized memcpy and memset | By: Steve Kondik

project build/
| Commit: fe815ec | Title: envsetup: Fix installrecovery for new fstab format | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 66b3152 | Title: build: Cleanup CPU-specific optimizations | By: Steve Kondik

project device/htc/m7-common/
| Commit: 5b7582e | Title: m7-common: Add controls to long-press and double-tap of the home button to match HTC One GE edition | By: Shane Passmore

project device/samsung/d2-common/
| Commit: b6d9a5f | Title: Enable TARGET_DISPLAY_INSECURE_MM_HEAP | By: Shareef Ali
| Commit: 58d449a | Title: d2-common: Move Camera overlay settings to Gallery2 Adjust settings for 10.2 camera | By: Desterly
| Commit: 282032a | Title: qcom: fix vibrator | By: Shareef Ali

project device/samsung/qcom-common/
| Commit: 8bb60dd | Title: qcom: fix vibrator | By: Shareef Ali

project device/samsung/smdk4412-common/
| Commit: a7af906 | Title: smdk4412: hardware tunables: vibrator support | By: codeworkx
| Commit: b52337f | Title: Merge "smdk4412: hardware tunables: vibrator support" into cm-10.2 | By: Daniel Hillenbrand

project external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
| Commit: 7c3f127 | Title: bluedroid: Remove ALSA check on sample rate setting | By: Steve Kondik

project external/libphonenumbergoogle/
| Commit: 01b5479 | Title: makefile | By: Koushik Dutta

project frameworks/av/
| Commit: c10acef | Title: libstagefright: Add 2 APIs (suspend and resume) in Mediaplayer | By: jmeng
| Commit: 1b09ce9 | Title: libstagefright: HTTP Streaming fixes | By: ApurupaPattapu
| Commit: ca2273a | Title: libstagefright: Fix AV sync issues | By: Shalaj Jain
| Commit: 741a3df | Title: libstagefright - Fix timestamp overflow | By: Eric (Quic) Ho
| Commit: e2f3687 | Title: libstagefright: Add fix for mpeg4 data partition clips | By: jmeng
| Commit: 139ff50 | Title: libstagefright: Fallback to software encoder for high resolutions | By: Mahes Lanka
| Commit: 1ebf214 | Title: libstagefright: dynamic port reconfig handling | By: Haynes Mathew George
| Commit: a28fc8b | Title: libstagefright: Checks before freeing buffers on a port | By: Haynes Mathew George
| Commit: 4545b92 | Title: audio: Add A2DP notification support | By: Steve Kondik

project frameworks/base/
| Commit: 7643858 | Title: Merge branch 'jb3' of https://github.com/CarbonDev/android_frameworks_base into jb3 | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 2d80184 | Title: Add seinfo parsing to PackageManagerService. | By: rpcraig
| Commit: 22a7e45 | Title: Added SELinux enforcing status and booleans keys to secure system settings. | By: Stephen Smalley
| Commit: 751ad13 | Title: Add APIs to allow Device Admins to change SELinux settings | By: Joman Chu
| Commit: 7bb1a6f | Title: Remove SELinux additions from public API | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: feab047 | Title: Simplify check during admin removal for whether to cleanup SELinux | By: Joman Chu
| Commit: 178e436 | Title: Apply MMAC changes from master. | By: Stephen Smalley
| Commit: c5ed7d5c | Title: Implement Device Admin API for MMAC | By: Joman Chu
| Commit: 64335e1 | Title: Proper security labeling of multi-user data directories. | By: rpcraig
| Commit: 734b6ef | Title: Update location of policy files | By: William Roberts
| Commit: a41ceb2 | Title: Change DPMS code to accommodate enforce states on boot. | By: Robert Craig
| Commit: 367e18c | Title: Move seinfo and install-time changes to inside PMS. | By: Robert Craig
| Commit: 10464ba | Title: Bring install-time code inline with AOSP. | By: Robert Craig
| Commit: d91658d | Title: Follow AOSP behavior for seinfo assignment. | By: Stephen Smalley
| Commit: 8b18aff | Title: Add data validation on seinfo labels. | By: Robert Craig
| Commit: ef6f155 | Title: Replace SEAndroid with SELinux. | By: Stephen Smalley
| Commit: d4548a0 | Title: Drop "SE Android" from strings. | By: Stephen Smalley
| Commit: 43a1d02 | Title: Restore support for labeling non-system apps based on their certificate. | By: Stephen Smalley
| Commit: 9566db9 | Title: Fix SELinux.java doc errors | By: Richard Haines
| Commit: 3204ece | Title: Allow device admin policy to override policy boolean state. | By: Robert Craig
| Commit: 3c46d7a | Title: Remove HAVE_SELINUX guards | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: a192447 | Title: Remove obsolete installd | By: Fused
| Commit: 912c7a5 | Title: Build fixes | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 31435d1 | Title: Power Menu: Re arranging | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 155be50 | Title: platform: Remove mapping of android.permission.CAMERA to camera group | By: Shuzhen Wang

project hardware/qcom/audio-caf/
| Commit: 199eab2 | Title: msm7627a/msm8660: Port heap mask change to ion | By: Swaminathan Sathappan
| Commit: 6657293 | Title: audio/msm8660: Add support for Tunnel Playback. | By: Sidipotu Ashok
| Commit: d8d962b | Title: audio/msm8660: Fix for pause and resume failure. | By: Sidipotu Ashok
| Commit: 1515332 | Title: msm8660: Update audio policy | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 2a8cfe5 | Title: msm8660: Use a larger sample buffer for LPA | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: f552394 | Title: msm8660: Add latency support for LPA | By: Kalyani polepeddy

project hardware/qcom/media-caf/
| Commit: da280a0 | Title: mm-core: Remove double declaration of OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.aac | By: Arne Coucheron

project hardware/samsung/
| Commit: 6ff2cd5 | Title: Merge "xmm6262: Use xmm6262 libril for xmm6360 modem as well" into cm-10.2 | By: Daniel Hillenbrand
| Commit: a56fc7f | Title: remove hw class flag | By: Daniel Hillenbrand

project kernel/htc/m7/
| Commit: 78795a9 | Title: sched: Fix select_idle_sibling() bouncing cow syndrome If the previous CPU is cache affine and idle, select it. The current implementation simply traverses the sd_llc domain, taking the first idle CPU encountered, which walks buddy pairs hand in hand over the package, inflicting excruciating pain. | By: Mike Galbraith
| Commit: 1281091 | Title: msm: smsm: Rename LTE Coexistence Bit | By: Mekala Natarajan
| Commit: 6cf9665 | Title: msm: smsm: Add processor AWAKE signaling This processor-awake signaling can be used by remote processors to determine if the Apps processor is asleep and if so, if it wants to send data to the Apps processor that would trigger a wakeup sequence. | By: Mekala Natarajan

project kernel/samsung/d2/
| Commit: 145e178 | Title: Merge "d2: add support for new sysinterface" into cm-10.2 | By: Shareef Ali
| Commit: 6990ccd | Title: Merge "ApexQ: minor usb fix" into cm-10.2 | By: Shareef Ali

project kernel/samsung/smdk4412/
| Commit: a858383 | Title: max8997: move sysfs node for pwm level | By: Daniel Hillenbrand
| Commit: fcd2c1e | Title: mshci: disable MMC_CAP_ERASE on u1 | By: Daniel Hillenbrand

project packages/apps/CMFileManager/
| Commit: 91e6990 | Title: CMFM: EL translations | By: Michael Bestas

project packages/apps/LockClock/
| Commit: 517d637 | Title: LockClock: DE translations | By: elektroschmock
| Commit: 79de35e | Title: Merge "LockClock: ES translations" into cm-10.2 | By: Jorge Ruesga

project packages/apps/Mms/
| Commit: 2abd45d | Title: Mms: EL translations | By: Michael Bestas

project packages/apps/Settings/
| Commit: 7ea8024 | Title: Fix derp build error | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 4369968 | Title: Add a quick SELinux mode toggle | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: b536f13 | Title: Fix app selection when adding apps to app groups. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: f826019 | Title: CRT animation user-defined settings | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: ef62265 | Title: Settings: appwidgetloader...load all providers to do a proper filter | By: Lars Greiss
| Commit: 62d683d | Title: Added fastsroll to the manage application screen so you don't need to scroll so much if you have alot of apps and want to go to the bottom of the list. | By: Jimmy
| Commit: 29c724d | Title: DreamSettings : Insert help url | By: Danesh Mondegarian
| Commit: a340f72 | Title: Settings : Insert missing help urls | By: Danesh Mondegarian
| Commit: e8bbcdc | Title: Fix switching running/cached apps with memory bar | By: Thiago Vinícius Freire de Araújo Ribeiro

project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
| Commit: 0303e30 | Title: add support for statusbar/navbar transparency | By: Roman Birg

project packages/apps/VoicePlus/
| Commit: f81c461 | Title: Voice+: FI translations | By: Niko Koivu

project system/core/
| Commit: 52e1dea | Title: Revert "Revert "Remove HAVE_SELINUX guards"" | By: Daniel MM

-- 09-08-2013

project android/
| Commit: 9c7835e | Title: Build HTC m7ul | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 34ab3e6 | Title: fetch error fixed | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: ef80ed3 | Title: Add Cm's fw_opt_hardware | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 2edf4f7 | Title: Dont track AOSP flo prebuilt kernel | By: slickrick

project device/asus/flo/
| Commit: 58d20b7 | Title: flo: Add Webkit flags | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: ef466b2 | Title: flo: Enable use of CAF driver variants | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 6cfa224 | Title: flo: Use retire fence from MDP driver | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 1ab57c5 | Title: Disable prebuilt kernel setup | By: slickrick

project device/htc/m7-common/
| Commit: 8740223 | Title: Merge "m7: selinux support" into cm-10.2 | By: Daniel Hillenbrand
| Commit: 8969ae1 | Title: m7-common: Remove DeviceSettings/DeviceParts | By: Shane Passmore
| Commit: fa388fd | Title: Revert "m7-common: show overflow button by default" | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 450a790 | Title: m7-common: update hardware keys available | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: ad90d7c | Title: m7-common: support vibrator tuning | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: ef6370c | Title: Merge "m7-common: set network attributes" into cm-10.2 | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: fe92e98 | Title: Merge "m7-common: support vibrator tuning" into cm-10.2 | By: Ethan Chen

project device/htc/m7ul/
| Commit: 753864b | Title: Carbon 4.3 Time! | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: b0514e8 | Title: Remove dependencies | By: Daniel MM

project device/samsung/qcom-common/
| Commit: 610a926 | Title: qcom-common: Disable fancy HWUI tweaks | By: Steve Kondik

project device/samsung/smdk4412-common/
| Commit: 006c95d | Title: smdk4412: remove DeviceSettings | By: codeworkx

project external/koush/Superuser/
| Commit: f1adc4c | Title: Superuser: fixed FI translations | By: Niko Koivu
| Commit: 72bebe6 | Title: Superuser: fixed FI translations | By: Niko Koivu

project external/libphonenumbergoogle/
| Commit: a38f718 | Title: Debian: Changelog edit | By: lararennie@google.com

project frameworks/av/
| Commit: 6865fb3 | Title: libstagefright: Add legacy LPAPlayer | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 52c1239 | Title: libstagefright: Fix to free buffers in error scenarios | By: Jayasena Sangaraboina

project frameworks/base/
| Commit: ae499b7 | Title: Profiles: Fix turning bluetooth on/off when its in intermediate state | By: Jo De Boeck
| Commit: bbf9808 | Title: [2/2] Add bluetooth triggers to profiles | By: Jo De Boeck
| Commit: 543492b | Title: AssetRedirectionManager: Accept redirections only for whitelisted resource types | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 086ffec | Title: Add 2G/3G option to profile connections (1/2) | By: Jo De Boeck
| Commit: 86fcc77 | Title: Fix lock screen timeouts | By: Robert Burns
| Commit: 967e5d5 | Title: (12) Framework: Forward port the ability to enable/disable keyguard with Profiles | By: DvTonder
| Commit: 6ff4859 | Title: Don't consider input restricted when the lockscreen is disabled by an app. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 171cbe8 | Title: When DPM is updated while lock screen is inhibited, don't unconditionally enable lock screen. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 658e220 | Title: Fix deadlock of WebViewCoreThread | By: Yuya Aoki
| Commit: e479967 | Title: Fixed incorrect calculation of dirty invalidation area | By: Johan Viktorsson
| Commit: d9060c9 | Title: Avoid adding FORWARD_LOCK flag to an updated system app | By: Masanori Ogino
| Commit: 364b9c3 | Title: Fix misspelling of getLteSignalStrenght. | By: Wink Saville
| Commit: e0268f2 | Title: Avoid unnecessary FindClass("java/lang/String"). | By: Vladimir Marko
| Commit: ba1f1cf | Title: Profile: Filter on NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED instead of SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED | By: Jo De Boeck
| Commit: ca87ee9 | Title: Also backup profiles file via backup manager. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 566d860 | Title: Port wimax support changes from CM9. | By: Mike Kasick
| Commit: 6154fe6 | Title: SystemUI: Request CHANGE_NETWORK_MODE permission | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: ae128f5 | Title: systemui: Add CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL permission | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 856bb9f | Title: more getLTEstrength typos | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: c95da9e | Title: Re-add auto brightness configuration UI (1/2) | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 96632cb | Title: Align the status bar date to the bottom | By: Veeti Paananen
| Commit: a03b2ba | Title: Bring back two-line layout for status bar date. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: e64d350 | Title: BroadcastReceiver : Get sender of broadcasts | By: Danesh M
| Commit: 7d49903 | Title: core: fix cpu variant board flag | By: Dheeraj CVR
| Commit: c611d83 | Title: Fix empty page being activated if music controls are disabled and music is playing. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 6f9a914 | Title: couple of fixes | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 0347f54 | Title: Add missing ic_sysbar_recent_land.png to SystemUI | By: Wouter Heijligen
| Commit: f7df8d6 | Title: Merge pull request #1 from Carbon-Xperia/jb3 | By: aways
| Commit: 9d50249 | Title: Cleaner profile dialog in power menu and tile | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: a968bab | Title: Framework: Forward port Fix Profiles Insecure lock screen not working | By: DvTonder
| Commit: 09810c0 | Title: Keyguard: remove duplicated code | By: Buga Dániel
| Commit: 36a2ff6 | Title: LockPatternUtils: isSecure: respect profile settings | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 4b82514 | Title: Profile: respect DPM when overriding screen lock (1/2) | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: a7a2585 | Title: Guarantee that all db related files are deleted together. | By: jangwon.lee
| Commit: 40f0968 | Title: When wifi wants ASCII lowercasing, it needs to ask for it. | By: Elliott Hughes
| Commit: c82fa62 | Title: If graphics wants ASCII lowercasing, it needs to ask for it. | By: Elliott Hughes
| Commit: 81b9602 | Title: If media wants ASCII lowercasing, it needs to ask for it. | By: Elliott Hughes
| Commit: 2c3daaf | Title: If frameworks wants ASCII casing, it should explicity ask for it. | By: Elliott Hughes
| Commit: 2e8d1ec | Title: Set subscription_mode in the database to a default value | By: Naveen Kalla
| Commit: 7149054 | Title: When deleting a db file, Context.deleteDatabase() has to be called instead of File.delete() to guarantee all db related files like journal, wal, shm, etc are deleted together. | By: jangwon.lee
| Commit: 8828669 | Title: Remove possible leak when exception occurred. | By: You Kim

project frameworks/native/
| Commit: 0dca0d1 | Title: Squashed commit of installd changes | By: ctso
| Commit: b6e6318 | Title: Surface: Fix gralloc flags conflicting values. | By: Saurabh Shah

project frameworks/opt/hardware/
| Commit: fe8bc91 | Title: Support multiple source paths | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project hardware/qcom/audio-caf/
| Commit: 69b4d8e | Title: alsa_sound: Additional updates for MR2 | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: e0f7b47 | Title: msm8660: use policy manager from ALSA | By: Mike Grissom

project hardware/qcom/display-caf/
| Commit: f84fa2e | Title: gralloc: Backward compat for devices using older camera heap | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 60ccbae | Title: display: Add flag to allow legacy allocations from MM heap | By: Steve Kondik

project hardware/qcom/media/
| Commit: 9de5acb | Title: dashplayer: Squashed update from CodeAurora | By: Naupada Dharmendra Patnaik

project hardware/samsung/
| Commit: 935de41 | Title: Samsung: Add common class for vibrator | By: Shareef Ali
| Commit: 8ee5a6b | Title: xmm6262: Use xmm6262 libril for xmm6360 modem as well | By: Ethan Chen

project kernel/asus/flo/
| Commit: e1dbb1e | Title: msm: kgsl: Use the kmalloc/vmalloc trick for the sharedmem page array | By: Jordan Crouse
| Commit: 57778d9 | Title: msm: kgsl: Use the correct length when looking for address collision | By: Shubhraprakash Das
| Commit: 7e86984 | Title: msm: kgsl: Prevent race conditions when freeing memory | By: Shubhraprakash Das
| Commit: 17270f7 | Title: msm: kgsl: Only reference the rb_node after taking spinlock | By: Shubhraprakash Das
| Commit: 806ec8b | Title: msm: kgsl: Only initialize process structure once | By: Shubhraprakash Das
| Commit: 71d5c52 | Title: msm: kgsl: Do not hold memory spinlock when calling find region function | By: Shubhraprakash Das
| Commit: d832c78 | Title: msm: kgsl: Add a missing mutex unlock | By: Harsh Vardhan Dwivedi
| Commit: cdd0cf1 | Title: msm: kgsl: Skip perf counters and Sync lock for A2xx. | By: Rajesh Kemisetti
| Commit: 9adb9e4 | Title: msm: kgsl: Always resume the GPU regardless of its state | By: Suman Tatiraju
| Commit: bcd1c08 | Title: msm: kgsl: generate descriptive names for kgsl-timeline | By: Fred Fettinger
| Commit: 2c8931a | Title: msm: kgsl: show timestamp in sync dump | By: Fred Fettinger
| Commit: 1ac09a7 | Title: gpu: msm: Fix context name | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: eefdad6 | Title: msm: kgsl: Map sync lock variables to every pagetable | By: Rajesh Kemisetti
| Commit: 8199015 | Title: msm: kgsl: Add a check to free the kgsl_timeline object. | By: Rajesh Kemisetti
| Commit: ee463f1 | Title: msm: kgsl: Wake up gpu on kgsl_ioctl_timestamp_event only if necessary | By: Vladimir Razgulin
| Commit: 516e70e | Title: msm: kgsl: Do not try to resume the device from INIT state | By: Lucille Sylvester
| Commit: e83ff40 | Title: gpu: msm: Allow retries for 0 order allocation | By: Olav Haugan
| Commit: a3bee3c | Title: msm: kgsl: Properly record the size of the sglist in the memdesc | By: Jordan Crouse
| Commit: c2c043c | Title: Merge branch 'cm-10.2' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_kernel_google_msm into jb3 | By: slickrick

project kernel/htc/m7/
| Commit: cd8f4eb | Title: synaptics: remove logo2menu, sweep2wake, etc | By: h8rift

project kernel/samsung/d2/
| Commit: 48ed09f | Title: Apexq: Update panel color offset application. | By: lbdroid
| Commit: afb8304 | Title: d2: add support for new sysinterface | By: Shareef Ali
| Commit: 90459ce3 | Title: apexq: add support for panel color shifting based on a sysfs interface | By: lbdroid
| Commit: 9c20fbf | Title: ApexQ: minor usb fix | By: David Daynard

project kernel/samsung/jf/
| Commit: 731ff4a | Title: jf: add support for new sysinterface | By: Shareef Ali

project packages/apps/CarbonFibers/
| Commit: 4d416cc | Title: Change toggle setup text to white | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 9e98aed | Title: Add hardware keys support | By: Daniel MM
| Commit: 365a70b | Title: Fix adding apps to lockscreen targets without explicit icon selection. | By: Danny Baumann

project packages/apps/LockClock/
| Commit: 0ed8454 | Title: LockClock: ES translations | By: djMesias
| Commit: 768ee29 | Title: LockClock: Fix lookahead event display | By: Rescue9

project packages/apps/Settings/
| Commit: 6d76d17 | Title: First pass at generic hardware tunables support | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 433f2fb | Title: Add back backlight curve adjustment. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 373fd52 | Title: Some post-merge cleanup for automatic brightness adjustment | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: f49a242 | Title: Settings: fix incorrect value in autobrightness adjustment | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 1f1f222 | Title: Overhaul auto-brightness level UI. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 10d9db4 | Title: Correctly restore brightness customize dialog hierarchy. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: a13ab04 | Title: Make menu item title and help text consistent. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 0c101c6 | Title: Improve brightness curve preview | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: ff4bb0d | Title: Re-add auto brightness configuration UI (2/2). | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 249cdd8 | Title: Allow changing auto-brightness responsitivity. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 283fda0 | Title: Settings: fix profiles TabManager | By: Jorge Ruesga
| Commit: ea25cb8 | Title: Profile: respect DPM when overriding screen lock (2/2) | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 7d04251 | Title: Show application's package name in the "App info" screen. | By: Chirayu Desai
| Commit: 18170f5 | Title: [2/2] Add triggers to change profile based on AP | By: Jo De Boeck
| Commit: 915d016 | Title: [1/2] Add bluetooth triggers to profiles | By: Jo De Boeck
| Commit: 6912be3 | Title: Add 2G/3G option to profile connections (2/2) | By: Jo De Boeck

project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
| Commit: 2a8c7c8 | Title: Trebuchet : Live folder fixes | By: Danesh M

project vendor/carbon/
| Commit: 64f33af | Title: Build and bundle the hardware framework | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project vendor/htc/
| Commit: 7930c8b | Title: evita: use original NFC firmware path | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: f5c76c0 | Title: m7-common: remove NFC firmware for on-chip version | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 298e1e0 | Title: m7-common: remove unused mfg.bin | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: de3e582 | Title: m7-common: update adreno from mako | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 01af300 | Title: m7-common: update camera proprietary files | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 822cb2f | Title: m7-common: add libgeofence.so | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: c8eb2a5 | Title: s4-common: add libgeofence.so | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 7a4d979 | Title: s4-common: Add hci_qcomm_init binary | By: Shane Passmore

-- 08-08-2013

project android/
| Commit: 21f2acb | Title: remove shooteru | By: Derek Gelinas
| Commit: 8fb1966 | Title: Track Babel dependencies + superuser from CM | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 1577289 | Title: Externals for NTFS & exFAT support | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 02be06b | Title: Fuse for linaro | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 6f60bf5 | Title: Track gson; needed by Babel | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: a03c384 | Title: Lets track CM's kernel for Mako. | By: winner00
| Commit: 911ce17 | Title: Derp | By: winner00
| Commit: 6b110ef | Title: Track our own kernel for Mako. | By: winner00
| Commit: 2c2068b | Title: Add Babel + use our gson for now | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: bc93190 | Title: Track CM sepolicy | By: winner00
| Commit: c0ee074 | Title: Babel to VoicePlus | By: winner00
| Commit: 3f4d104 | Title: track cm opt/telephony | By: Matt Bloomfield
| Commit: dc019c1 | Title: Use our aries-common | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: bb9e298 | Title: Nvm.. CM merged what i needed :) | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 5e3ff11 | Title: Track our own system/vold. | By: winner00
| Commit: af61f3a | Title: Back to CM vold since trim didn't work. | By: winner00
| Commit: 163f4e7 | Title: 4.3 manifest. | By: winner00
| Commit: 62adca7 | Title: Track our own bionic. | By: winner00
| Commit: 8ee275f | Title: SSH, SunBeam & some cleanup | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 24f08fe | Title: back to https | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: ac925c3 | Title: use our SunBeam | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: f618681 | Title: Update to jb3. | By: winner00
| Commit: a416ddd | Title: ditch a few packages | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 4264378 | Title: track CM fw_suppport | By: Andros Rosa

project bionic/
| Commit: e74dd8b | Title: Use GCC's __attribute__((const)) to reduce code size | By: Jim Huang
| Commit: fed0963 | Title: getopt(): fix missing carriage return on bad parameters | By: Tanguy Pruvot
| Commit: ee22854 | Title: headers: Unbreak some ARM syscalls | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 364c957 | Title: armv6: REX routines are currently broken, use alternatives | By: Paul Mongold
| Commit: cc8a530 | Title: libc: krait: Use performance version of memcpy. | By: Brent DeGraaf
| Commit: 9ef0a0f | Title: libc: krait: Use performance version of bcopy and memmove | By: Brent DeGraaf
| Commit: d22231e | Title: libc: krait: Restore prior version of strcmp. | By: Brent DeGraaf
| Commit: 8f2e92b | Title: libc/arm: add cortex-a8 cpu variant | By: Rom Lemarchand
| Commit: ce769d1 | Title: Bionic/libm: fast neon pow() for small x,y. | By: Lucas Crowthers
| Commit: 8645612 | Title: Bionic/libm: Prefer branches and VFP ABI. | By: Lucas Crowthers
| Commit: 62d1833 | Title: Bionic/libm: add assembly versions of sin/cos. | By: Lucas Crowthers
| Commit: 39c3496 | Title: Bionic/libm: Pow optimizations and bug fixes. | By: Lucas Crowthers
| Commit: 28ef28c | Title: Bionic/libm: Add precision-correct de-serialize sin/cos. | By: Lucas Crowthers
| Commit: 9833967 | Title: libm: optimistic pow calling. | By: Lucas Crowthers
| Commit: 3cb7d86 | Title: libm: sqrt and sqrtf via ARM vsqrt instruction | By: Lucas Crowthers
| Commit: 94ec4aa | Title: Bionic/libm: Remove extra vmov from sin/cos. | By: Lucas Crowthers
| Commit: cb2659c | Title: Bionic/libm: enable optimized math functions on more QCOM targets. | By: Wei Wang
| Commit: 0166263 | Title: libm: Fix multiple inclusion warning | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: d509501 | Title: linker: restore prelink support | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 210babb | Title: Add new optimized strlen for arm. | By: Christopher Ferris

project bootable/recovery/
| Commit: 64615ee | Title: SELinux: don't suppress the "no file_contexts" message on the UI | By: Chirayu Desai
| Commit: ab60a07 | Title: add --headless mode | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 38a4356 | Title: Merge "add --headless mode" into cm-10.1 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: a81817c | Title: more headless fixes | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 8736cc1 | Title: Remove "fix permissions" option | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: b9ecf64 | Title: Add power off & reboot to bootloader mode in advanced menu | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: f427a7d | Title: cwm: Add liblog dependency | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 62c6902 | Title: Add a recovery version variable | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 1a6c91f | Title: Use fstab v1 as a default. | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 96d9f22 | Title: Remove "fix permissions" option | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: 05ad6a1 | Title: Add power off & reboot to bootloader mode in advanced menu | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: d56d0fd | Title: Fixes for Superuser | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: ebecbc6 | Title: Fixes for Superuser | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 912b6d9 | Title: su installation and detection updates for 4.3 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: ab6769d | Title: 6035 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: a2aac83 | Title: add su daemon runner | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: bf44d1e | Title: Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/cm-10.1' into cm-10.2 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 04f02c5 | Title: 4.3 detection fix | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: ab43813 | Title: Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/cm-10.1' into cm-10.2 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 37566e2 | Title: unset immutable bit on install-recovery.sh | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 00857c9 | Title: Don't treat link-time warnings as errors when linking with libbusybox | By: Steven Luo
| Commit: 8b26c06 | Title: Fix roots.c to use fs_mgr | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: d9b4033 | Title: move key loading to verifier code | By: Doug Zongker
| Commit: 2ad4587 | Title: recovery: save logs from the last few invocations of recovery | By: Doug Zongker
| Commit: 4dc0a95 | Title: Revert "Use fstab v1 as a default." | By: Chirayu Desai
| Commit: c70c202 | Title: recovery: ignore voldmanaged volumes | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 935a504 | Title: Update wipe data option confirmation | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: 7e87f26 | Title: Add sdparted option to partition in ext4 fstype | By: philz-cwm6
| Commit: fce3e08 | Title: Merge "Revert "Use fstab v1 as a default."" into cm-10.2 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: cb9b7a6 | Title: Merge "Add sdparted option to partition in ext4 fstype" into cm-10.2 | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 985324f | Title: unlink() equals remove() in this situation can cause data loss and filesystem corruption if some data is not sync when mount sdcard | By: philz-cwm6

project build/
| Commit: 2393c84 | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: b955041 | Title: "JSS09" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 0104e31 | Title: "JSS09B" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: a3d60ae | Title: Merge "Revert "Remove mediarouter v7 support library from SDK."" into jb-mr2-dev | By: Jeff Brown
| Commit: a2c9902 | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 0e6cd79 | Title: "JSS10" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: e5bdddf | Title: Fixes for Xcode 5 and OSX 10.9. kernel.mk: Put elf.h into the include path on Darwin builds. | By: Koushik Dutta
| Commit: 751f517 | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: e17c7f4 | Title: "JSS11" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 29b849f | Title: "JSS11B" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 69a2040 | Title: JSS11C | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 4e9b763 | Title: "JSS11D" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: cce09ab | Title: "JSS11E" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 7712d0c | Title: JSS11F | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 1adb5ed | Title: "JSS11G" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 1162218 | Title: "JSS11H" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: ba9636d | Title: Establish the built module dependencies on prebuilt shared library | By: Ying Wang
| Commit: dff14e5 | Title: "JSS11I" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 7197530 | Title: emulator: use ext4 instead of yaffs | By: Chirayu Desai
| Commit: 6fe65c4 | Title: update emulator's recovery.fstab | By: Chirayu Desai
| Commit: 6490b2b | Title: Merge "lets make the lunch list look a little neater" into cm-10.1 | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 3396411 | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 566c698 | Title: "JSS15" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 2460df9 | Title: JSS15B | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: fc248ca | Title: "JSS15C" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 8048266 | Title: "JSS15D" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 10bd266 | Title: "JSS15E" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 6cd5f43 | Title: Add auditd to SELinux-enabled builds | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 4962f14 | Title: JSS15F | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: d496200 | Title: roomservice: Bump devices per page to 200 | By: William Roberts
| Commit: 276ef9a | Title: "JSS15G" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 1a35c22 | Title: "JSS15H" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 863f612 | Title: "JSS15I" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: d90fa5d | Title: "JSS15J" | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: ff41d07 | Title: releasetools: use prebuilt boot image if using a custom boot image makefile | By: Chirayu Desai
| Commit: 42342f3 | Title: Bionic optimization for Cortex A5 | By: sakindia123
| Commit: 7d15161 | Title: envsetup: add a helper to fix "out/target/common" not being really common | By: Chirayu Desai
| Commit: 96e1ccd | Title: Merge tag 'android-4.3_r2.1' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build into cm-10.1 | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: dc65ba7 | Title: Update for Carbon | By: winner00
| Commit: fe4e46c | Title: Revert "recovery: choose between available fonts based on device density" | By: winner00
| Commit: 7b24f5e | Title: Clean up a little | By: winner00
| Commit: 04351e4 | Title: build: Allow building with OpenJDK | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 67415cf | Title: build: fix merge derp | By: Shareef Ali
| Commit: 706452e | Title: more carbon | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: 5effe9c | Title: eat: Support v2 fstabs | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: a9f11fa | Title: Add auditd | By: Chirayu Desai
| Commit: 054dbc4 | Title: Fix zip name. | By: winner00
| Commit: 3a31502 | Title: Fix backuptool? | By: winner00
| Commit: 1721443 | Title: Bring back squisher. | By: winner00
| Commit: b5195b6 | Title: CopyFile adds package_extract_file to the updater-script for the single files that need to be copied | By: matt
| Commit: c196e80 | Title: Support complex toolchains | By: mnazim
| Commit: 3f623a2 | Title: repopick: fix patches that reference paths that don't exist | By: David Ferguson

project cts/
| Commit: def8a30 | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: d8836bb | Title: Cts test for DumpFileProvider. | By: Chiao Cheng
| Commit: 5de0edd | Title: am d8836bb1: Cts test for DumpFileProvider. | By: Chiao Cheng
| Commit: b7af615 | Title: am 5de0eddd: am d8836bb1: Cts test for DumpFileProvider. | By: Chiao Cheng
| Commit: f8b5318 | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger

project dalvik/
| Commit: 8bab453 | Title: Add support for ARMv6J and ARMv6-VFP processor target | By: Arne Coucheron
| Commit: 210ad49 | Title: DexOpt anything in /system on /cache | By: ctso
| Commit: 3805305 | Title: Exclude sha1.c when building libdex for device | By: Jim Huang
| Commit: 7970603 | Title: [PATCH] Basic KSM Support | By: showp1984
| Commit: a1369ff | Title: dalvik: fix a bug in redundant branch elimination | By: Wei Wang
| Commit: a116150 | Title: ThumbVFP.cpp:231:10: error: variable 'wide' set but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable] | By: Android Meda
| Commit: 2a2b997 | Title: Added missing for gcc-4.7.1 | By: xkonni
| Commit: 1a081c4 | Title: dalvik: Update ARMv6 code to compile and bring in line with ARMv5 | By: Lalit Maganti
| Commit: 39f592b | Title: Support debug info in dexmerge and fix max blowup of annotations | By: Elliott Hughes
| Commit: 63c83cc | Title: dalvik: update ARMv6 code to bring in line with ARMv5 | By: Lalit Maganti
| Commit: a4c5743 | Title: Zygote: Restrict slave mountspace so Dalvik apps can mount system-wide volumes | By: Mike Kasick
| Commit: 01ad455 | Title: dvm: Bring back the ANDROID_DATA override | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 8b1ed30 | Title: debug: allow ability to hide GC freed lines in logcat | By: Tanguy Pruvot
| Commit: 90a21c4 | Title: JIT: Allow use of cbz/cbnz for conditional branch gen. | By: Anders O Nilsson
| Commit: c25f3dd | Title: JIT: Combine shift & sub for monitor unlock. | By: Anders O Nilsson
| Commit: 25b9429 | Title: JIT: Use rsb and shift in easy multiply. | By: Anders O Nilsson
| Commit: d49ca93 | Title: JIT: Hoist loop load operations above loop. | By: Henrik Smiding
| Commit: 96d80ee | Title: JIT: Combine add with shift. | By: Anders O Nilsson
| Commit: a9ecd84 | Title: JIT: Combine add with shift and offset for array load & store. | By: Anders O Nilsson
| Commit: 87a198e | Title: Revert "Support debug info in dexmerge." | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 8d30a74 | Title: Excessive JNI: Dump HPROF dump. | By: Karthikeyan Periasamy
| Commit: be687ce | Title: Add barriers for proper observation sequence. | By: Xin Qi
| Commit: 692e1ca | Title: GC triggering performance optimizations | By: Wei Wang
| Commit: 59e79c4 | Title: Disable /cache/dalvik-cache (temporarily?) | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 2504595 | Title: Revert "Disable /cache/dalvik-cache (temporarily?)" | By: Fused

project development/
| Commit: edeeb63 | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: b7a2e33 | Title: Load ES3 functions with eglGetProcAddress, not dlsym | By: Jesse Hall
| Commit: 8b51a39 | Title: Merge "Revert "Remove mediarouter v7 support library from SDK."" into jb-mr2-dev | By: Jeff Brown
| Commit: 93e117c | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 4b57125 | Title: Merge "Load ES3 functions with eglGetProcAddress, not dlsym" into jb-mr2-dev | By: Jesse Hall
| Commit: 38d9178 | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: c726d58 | Title: Development: Show up new qualifier | By: Lars Greiss
| Commit: 5e7718e | Title: Fix AMotionEvent_getHistorical* to take const AInputEvent* motion_event | By: Andrew Hsieh

project device/asus/deb/
| Commit: a875cfe | Title: JSR78D | By: Jean-Baptiste Queru
| Commit: 3f73173 | Title: JSS15J | By: Jean-Baptiste Queru

project device/asus/flo/
| Commit: 8b6f03a | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: 0aa0e8f | Title: wlan: update Deb Wi-Fi R2P table to meet the regulatory testing. | By: andy2_kuo
| Commit: 669b12d | Title: merge in jb-mr2-zeroday-release history after reset to jb-mr2-dev | By: The Android Automerger
| Commit: ce14b58 | Title: flo: set correct value for battery.capacity | By: Iliyan Malchev
| Commit: 253b337 | Title: wlan: change 5G STO timer from 1400usec to 1600usec. | By: andy2_kuo
| Commit: d392208 | Title: flo: set swappiness to zero | By: Iliyan Malchev
| Commit: 16ebedb | Title: Added writing DDR.bin to DDR partition during flo OTA | By: johnny1_lin
| Commit: c078655 | Title: Update to carbon. | By: winner00
| Commit: 5fe1e0c | Title: Build kernel from source. | By: winner00
| Commit: b7e7958 | Title: Bring in some things from CM. | By: winner00
| Commit: 657724e | Title: Revert "flo: Use legacy recovery.fstab" | By: Steve Kondik

project device/asus/grouper/
| Commit: 068e63b | Title: Merge tag 'tags/android-4.3_r2.1_' into jb3 | By: winner00
| Commit: 9c518c7 | Title: A few fixes. | By: winner00

project device/common/
| Commit: 94e39fa | Title: libbt: BT USB support | By: ravindranath
| Commit: 0301abc | Title: Merge tag 'android-4.3_r2.1' into cm-10.2 | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project device/htc/m7-common/
| Commit: 9e58811 | Title: m7-common: remove unused entries | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: c636ee1 | Title: m7-common: add widevine proprietary libs | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: e0713c4 | Title: m7-common: restart adb on adb root | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: a637ba8 | Title: Merge "m7-common: add widevine proprietary libs" into cm-10.1 | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 5fae8bc | Title: m7-common: fix recovery initscript name and copy | By: David Hays
| Commit: 6db75e1 | Title: Merge "m7-common: restart adb on adb root" into cm-10.1 | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 05a3758 | Title: m7-common: update init scripts for CIR | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: b6f2d15 | Title: m7-common: set HSL2 permissions | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 26f6eb9 | Title: m7-common: remove redundant audio effects config | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 58c1834 | Title: m7-common: remove NFC firmware for on-chip version | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 0894b07 | Title: m7-common: remove unused mfg.bin | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 1b32b18 | Title: m7-common: update gps.h | By: kristofpetho
| Commit: fb0a762 | Title: m7-common: remove unused wifi p2p overlay option | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 10f6e19 | Title: m7-common: upgrade fstab files for 4.3 | By: ¨Kristof
| Commit: 12f74c4 | Title: m7-common: use auto file type for external USB mount | By: ¨Kristof
| Commit: e2a5cc3 | Title: m7-common: update proprietary list to use mako adreno | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 76fa1b2 | Title: m7-common: remove legacy CWM hack | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 02323e2 | Title: m7-common: remove discard option | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 9819327 | Title: m7-common: remove camera hack as we are using 4.2 libs | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 72e5a09 | Title: m7-common: update camera proprietary file list | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 356408e | Title: m7-common: Support for hardware geofencing | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 4bae7fa | Title: m7-common: update power profile from Google Edition | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 24ea8a0 | Title: overlay-cdma: update network types for world phone. | By: jared caliendo
| Commit: ee4fa04 | Title: m7-common: Add low latency audio permission file | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 2a3533f | Title: m7-common: add BTLE permission file | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 0c3b206 | Title: m7-common: set /proc/cmdline permissions | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: d6bcfce | Title: Merge "m7-common: add BTLE permission file" into cm-10.2 | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 930c15e | Title: m7: Enable I2SPCM slave mode for SCO | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 5ad8aaf | Title: m7-common: set OpenGL ES version to 3.0 | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: f6b8e36 | Title: m7-common: remove old camera flags | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: f707901 | Title: m7: selinux support | By: Daniel Hillenbrand
| Commit: 7e30368 | Title: m7: Underp BT tethering | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 7beaac7 | Title: m7: Fix Bluetooth sleep bugs | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 553219a | Title: m7-common: show LTE icon instead of 4G | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 6ddf149 | Title: m7-common: remove deprecated overlay options | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: eb9846d | Title: m7-common: set network attributes | By: Ethan Chen

project device/htc/m7ul/
| Commit: 74ba46e | Title: m7: update build description, id, fingerprint | By: kristofpetho

project device/htc/msm8960-common/
| Commit: 68760c3 | Title: msm8960-common: remove redundant live wallpaper permission | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 5e709f7 | Title: msm8960-common: remove unused hdmid package | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 66b2f21 | Title: msm8960-common: add TARGET_CPU_VARIANT | By: kristofpetho
| Commit: ecd2ab3 | Title: msm8960-common: enable extra qualcomm AV features | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: f058b68 | Title: msm8960-common: use legacy QCOM audio | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 7b647cf | Title: Revert "msm8960: Enable tunnel audio feature" | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: d68bf91 | Title: Revert "msm8960-common: use legacy QCOM audio" | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 7bc201c | Title: msm8960-common: remove old alsa library | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: d5712f8 | Title: msm8960-common: move OpenGL ES version to device trees | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 7adf481 | Title: msm8960-common: remove old camera flags | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 4c3d83b | Title: msm8960-common: update libril to 4.3 | By: Ethan Chen
| Commit: 0853eef | Title: msm8960-common: Use retire fence from MDP driver | By: Ethan Chen

project device/lge/mako/
| Commit: 8022c32 | Title: Merge branch 'seandroid-4.2' into cm-10.1 | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 91c7e9e | Title: selinux: Fix access to camera socket | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 83dae65 | Title: Merge tag 'android-4.3_r2.1' into cm-10.2 | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 2f66295 | Title: Updated prop list | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 1de8290 | Title: Update signatures from JWR66V | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: d047bbb | Title: Revert "Updated prop list" | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 3944d58 | Title: mako: Specify the socket name for PowerHAL | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 993f0b2 | Title: Fix touch boost socket name. | By: Danny Baumann
| Commit: 13e681c | Title: gps: Prevent building from source | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 9aef451 | Title: sepolicy: kickstart_checker is gone, adapt to updated kickstart init | By: Ricardo Cerqueira
| Commit: 463abb8 | Title: Initial support for the hardware tunables framework | By: Ricardo Cerqueira

project device/samsung/aries-common/
| Commit: 889f4e5 | Title: Enhance liblights to support touchkey backlight | By: Araemo
| Commit: ad85cfb | Title: Merge "releasetools: remove boot.img handling" into cm-10.1 | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 003e96f | Title: aries-common: 4.3 bring up | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 1d07ed7 | Title: aries-common: fix fstab.aries partition | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 153090a | Title: libcamera: touch-to-focus fixes | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 775663c | Title: libcamera: properly advertise lack of scene mode | By: Pawit Pornkitprasan
| Commit: 0e783f2 | Title: Remove make_ext4fs from PRODUCT_PACKAGES | By: Alberto96
| Commit: a21072f | Title: Disable GL scissor optimization for aries (SGX540) | By: Alberto96
| Commit: 6db339d | Title: aries-common: remove unused ARCH_ARM_HAVE_TLS_REGISTER | By: Alberto96
| Commit: da8201c | Title: Include specialized copy of

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Gibt es bei XDA schon einen Thread für die Carbon Rom und CM10.2?

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