[ROM][AOSP JB 4.1.2] Codename Android 3.7.0 Stable [13.10.2012]

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Ich möchte euch hier eine neue Rom für unser Galaxy S3 vorstellen


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Weder ich noch Android-Hilfe.de übernehmen jedwede Verantwortung für Schäden die bei unsachgemäßem Umgang entstehen könnten.


* Based off of Clean Android 4.1.1 Rev6 (JRO03R)
* File Manager Included

* T-mobile Theme Manager (tmobile, CyanogenMod, xoomdev)
* T9 Dialer/Landscape/Dialpad Settings (CyanogenMod)
* Trebuchet Custom Launcher (CyanogenMod)
* Ability to set custom ringtone delay (in phone settings - Netboy)
* Framework: added support for caller name display (kenshin)
* Framework: added HSPA+ support (shows H+ icon on status bar when connected to hspa+ - Bajee11)
* Framework: ability to set custom carrier label (Netboy)
* Browser: option open tab in incognito mode (Arham Jamal)
* Browser: option to close all other tabs (Arham Jamal)
* Browser: unhid the user agent settings
* DeskClock: added stopwatch and countdown timer (Jorge Ruesga)
* DeskClock: added settings to do nothing/snooze/dismiss and alarm by flipping the device (maurodec)
* DeskClock: you can set an alarm to switch your profile (jorge ruesga)
* Email: added meeting time to email invitation tab (erezak)
* Email: added option to enable/disable LED notifications per email account (apohl79)
* Keyboard: ability to use the volume buttons to move the cursor (romanbb)
* Settings: ADB over Network (enable TCP/IP debugging over Network interfaces (WiFi, Usb networks)
* Settings: Added option to disable volume adjustment sound (Settings -> Sound - StevenHarper)
* Settings: Option to change the devices hostname
* Settings: Hardware info in about phone (romanbb)
* Settings: Added nfc poling (sethyx)

* Custom Camera App: (CyanogenMod)
- Continuos focus
- Iso Support
- Support for red eye reduction
- Ability to use the power button to take pictures

* Customizable Messaging App:
- Added the ability to display a pop-up QuickMessage when an Sms message is received (DvTonder)
- Added call sender and quick reply notification actions (DvTonder)
- Added Emoji patch from CM MMS app (Robert Burns)
- SMS Templates (rciovati)
- Custom Vibrations (mssmison)
- Timestamp Options (aravance)

* Customizable Phone App (CM)
- Advanced Phone settings (optional vib on outgoing or incoming call or every 45 seconds)

* Customizable Power Menu (codenamedroid)
- Reboot Menu
- Profile Switcher
- Screenshot
- Airplane Mode
- Navigation bar toggle
- Silent toggle

* Customizable Status Bar: (Miui, CyanogenMod, romanbb, sethyx, kejar, syaoran12 ,romanbb, Stevespear426, Kyle Teague, Whitehawkx)
- Battery Icon style
- Battery Icon in notification bar
- Miui style battery bar
- Clock style
- Customizable Clock Color
- Clock Am/Pm style
- Clock Day of the Week
- Customizable Signal Text
- Customizable WiFi Signal Text
- Ability to slide your finger across the status bar to control brightness
- Notification counter

* Customizable Notification bar:
- Notification bar Power Widget (Cvcps, DvTonder – CyanogenMod)
- Notification bar Toogles (AOKP - romanbb)

* Customizable Navigation Bar: (Zaphod-Beeblebrox, KhasMek, romanbb, akellar)
- Ability to enable/disable the navigation bar (enable toggle in power menu settings)
- Customizable navigation button actions
- Custom navigation bar ring targets (Team Eos, modified by Codenamedroid)
- customizable navigation bar color (Team Eos, modified by Codenamedroid)
- Customizable navigation button and button glow color
- Menu button visibility and location
- Number of navigation buttons
- Order of navigation buttons
- Navigation bar size
- Navigation bar transparency

* Customizable Lockscreen:
- Up to eight configurable lockscreen targets (Codenamedroid)
- Added optional centered lockscreen layout (Codenamedroid)
- Optional centered lockscreen clock
- Option to disable vibration on the lockscreen (StevenHarper)
- Customizable number of lockscreen targets (CyanogenMod)
- Configurable lockscreen wallpaper (Danesh M)
- Option to always show lockscreen battery (Blunden)
- Add weather to the lockscreen (DvTonder, Danesh M, Marius Volkhart, Rick C, Aokp)
- Add calendar reminders to the lockscreen (David Morgan)
- Lockscreen before secure unlock (Danesh M)
- Ability to unlock with menu (CyanogenMod)
- Quick pin unlock (unlock with pin/password without pressing ok – CyanogenMod)

* Customizable Sound Settings:
- Customizable volume panel (Stevespear426)
- Configurable ascending ringtone (Danny Baumann)
- Safe headset volume (CyanogenMod)
- Volume rocker music controls (CyanogenMod)
- Ability to customize action taken when connecting a headset (syaoran12)
- Face down actions (syaoran12)

* Customizable Display Settings: (CyanogenMod)
- Customizable Rotation Modes
- Customizable LED Pulse (Duration and Color)
- Volume wake (tap either the up or down volume key to wake your phone from sleep)
- Volume music controls (long press volume buttons to skip tracks)

* Custom Profiles (CyanogenMod)
- assign different profiles to change the behavior of your phone to your liking

* Quiet Hours (CyanogenMod)
- the ability to set when notification sounds, haptic feedback, vibration and notification light will function[/color]

* Performance Settings:
- Start-up tweaks (kejar, Jrummy)
- Processor Speed (xoomdev)
- Voltage controls (xoomdev)
- Kernel controls (kejar, Jrummy)

* Developer Options:
- Propmodder (Jdkoreclipse)
- Spare Parts
- Development app
- Testing Settings

* SuperSU
* Busybox
* Bash
* Nano[/color]

Codename Android Webstie
Codename Android Twitter

ROM Download Link

Download Link: Google Apps

Donation Link: Codename Android

(donations are very appreciated and keep the roms coming :) )
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pho3n1x, m4dd0gg, ehrles und 2 andere
Changelogs und Downloads:

Changelog V3.6.6.

Codename Android 3.6.5 – 3.6.6 Changelog

* enables custom navigation bar keys and ring on 10inch tablets (Stevespear426)
* added the option to change the soft keyboard type when composing messages (GzFighter):
Gives the user the option to change the keyboard from Emoji to enter or a
new line or enter to send. The setting has no effect on the hardware keyboard.
* increased the default number of sms messages sent in checking period (TeamBAMF)
* added screenshot option to navbar settings (Stevespear426)

* updated navbar color picker (Patrick L)

* fixed audio wakelock on galaxy s3
* fixed reverting to 700mhz on screen on galaxy nexus
* fixed QuickMessage popup force closing when receiveing Mms and QuickMessage themeing support
* fixed switching custom navbar icons without resetting the navbar

Codename Android 3.6.5:

Goo.im Downloads - Downloading Codename-Android-3.6.5-GS3-INTL.zip

* new Codename(Android) wallpapers -
(Codenamedroid, LordGarlicbeard, Paranoid Android)
* custom navbar icons - (Zaphod-Beeblebrox, modified to work with CNA)
* notification wallpaper - (xoomdev, modified to work with CNA)
* statusbar transparency - (Paranoid Android)
* re-added navbar color
* added force tablet and dpi change
(dagr8 - Settings -> Interface -> Gerneral UI)
* added alternate signal layout
(Zaphod-Beeblebrox - Settings -> Interface -> Status bar)
* added IME switcher and Ring/Vibe toggle as navring target
(Boris Bershadskiy)
* added IME toggler as Navbar target (Boris Bershadskiy)
* increased themeability of the statusbar (Zaphod-Beeblebrox)
* added the advanced calulator features from cm
* add alow mock sms to developer settings (jruesga)
* new command line tools:
htop, lsof, powertop, nano, vim

korean translations (franco-c)
czech translation (Kynio89)


Codename Android 3.6.0 – 3.6.2:

Goo.im Downloads - Downloading Codename-Android-3.6.2-GS3-INTL.zip

[fixes - Galaxy S3]
* Booting without flashing another kernel
* Both stable data and WiFi
* Working camera on all builds

Codename Android 3.5.0 – 3.6.0 Changelog

[Phones added] (Stable):
Galaxy S3 International - i9300

[Phones added] (Beta):
Galaxy S3 Att
Galaxy S3 Sprint
Galaxy S3 T-Mobile
Galaxy S3 US Cellular
Galaxy S3 Verizon

* updated AOSP base to 4.1.1_r6 (JRO03R)
* seperated the ability to center the lock screen widgets and the lock screen targets widget
* better performing wifi connection
* wifi will no longer avoid poor connections if not connected to a mobile network
* HTML 5 video user experience and stability fixes and network optimizations
* better text rendering
* enabled fdatasync for SQLite

* added 720p recording support to the nexus 7 (Mark Kennard)
* added theme, smiley, emoji, strip unicode and date support for Mms Quick Message
* added sms over bluetooth (i.e. ability to read sms via car stereo)
* added feature to configure wifi idle timeout (Entropy512)
* added the ability to have up to 5 customizable ring targets (Steve Spear)
* lockscreen widgets can now be on the right, centered, or on the left (FaultException)
* added timer snapshot support to the camera (Jonathan Steadman)
* added burst mode to the camera (Jared Caliendo - up to 20 pictures at a time)
* added jpeg quality settings to the camera (Jared Caliendo)
* added settings for enabling and disabling WebGL in the browser
* added option for preloading media in the browser

* better multilanguage support
* moved ring targets feature into the navigation bar settings
* re-organized all phone settings
* power widget no longer shows data options if they arent supported
* added landscape layout for the color picker

* Updated Galaxy Nexus Kernel - Faux 21 Mainline Series
* Updated Nexus S Kernel - Air Kernel 211

* fixed navigation bar settings force closing on the xoom
* fixed weird black line about Mms text feild
* fixed small down arrow when keyboard is up and phone is in landscape
* fixed wi-max power widget toggle
* fixed export-to-storage function in contacts
* bluetooth audio streaming should be fixed across all music apps and hardware
* fixed tethering issue that was occurring on some devices
* reverted to previous CPU Settings while preserving the new voltage settings (more universal, should fix weird issues on Nexus S)
* automatic lock screen weather refresh will no longer cause freezes

** source now also build-able on Linux Mint as well in OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion
*** CNAWallpapers will not be included as it has been rebuilt and updated for jellybean and we are still working on re-sizing them for all the different device sizes
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Wenn ihr von einer anderen AOKP/AOSP Rom kommt:

-CNA herunterladen und auf die SD Karte kopieren
-In den Recovery Mod booten
-Install zip
-Rom auswählen und flashen
-Gapps nachflashen
-Reboot und fertig

Wenn ihr von einer Stock Jelly Bean kommt:

Hier kann es unter Umständen zu Problemen mit dem WIFI kommen.
Um dies zu umgehen, solltet ihr zuerst eine ICS Stock Rom flashen.
Dann diese Rom hier flashen wie oben beschrieben.

Wenn euch die Navigationbar Buttons fehlen:

Um dieses Problem zu lösen, solltet ihr euch erst eine andere AOSP/AOKP Rom flashen bei der diese Buttons funktionieren, diese dort auch anschalten und dann wie oben die CNA drüberflashen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Läuft seit einigen Stunden und bin begeistert :)


Send from my S3 with Tapatalk :)
Welche Google Gapps muss ich jetzt laden. Die standart JB Gapps oder wie.

Ne Flash Anleitung wäre net schlecht gewesen.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2
Nimm die normalen Gapps.
Flashanleitung trag ich heute oder morgen nach.
Halt wie jede Rom, dachte nicht, dass man dies immer explizit aufführen muss;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: stephan1977
Wie immer: wirklich schöner Thread @ mareis. Dagegen sehen meine immer aus wie Kraut und Rüben :D

Und sehr geiles Rom.

I am Weasel
- - - - - - - - - - -
and you've been SPANK'd by a S3
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mareis1973
Gapps ohne Gmail :thumbdown: , uncool...

Der erste Eindruck ist aber sonst richtig gut !

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2
Hast du die gmail, oder soll ich sie dir in schwarz uppen?!

Mal aus Interesse, kann ich mir unter dieser Zeile

* custom navbar icons - (Zaphod-Beeblebrox, modified to work with CNA)


Option A) Es sind irgendwo Custom Navbar Icons versteckt
Option b) Die vorhandenen sind schon custom?!
Die Temasek-Gapps funktionieren, aber danke ;) .

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2
No Problemo :D

Wir können auch bald einen geschlossenen Flasher Zirkel aufmachen ;)
Gute Idee:D , die anonymen Flashoholiker VIP-Group :thumbup: .

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2
  • Danke
Reaktionen: gewürzwiesel
:lol: Chairman: mareis1973
gewürzwiesel;4172811 schrieb:
Hast du die gmail, oder soll ich sie dir in schwarz uppen?!

Mal aus Interesse, kann ich mir unter dieser Zeile


Option A) Es sind irgendwo Custom Navbar Icons versteckt
Option b) Die vorhandenen sind schon custom?!

Das bedeutet, dass die Navbar Icons geändert werden können und zwar in den Einstellungen wenn du auf das Icon drückst.

gewürzwiesel;4172857 schrieb:
No Problemo :D

Wir können auch bald einen geschlossenen Flasher Zirkel aufmachen ;)

Jupp, bin dabei.

ehrles schrieb:
Gute Idee:D , die anonymen Flashoholiker VIP-Group :thumbup: .

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

mit Gesichtskontrolle am Eingang

gewürzwiesel;4172931 schrieb:
:lol: Chairman: mareis1973

  • Danke
Reaktionen: gewürzwiesel
Download link geht nicht.
500 - Internal Server Error:mad::mad:
mareis1973 schrieb:
Das bedeutet, dass die Navbar Icons geändert werden können und zwar in den Einstellungen wenn du auf das Icon drückst.
Alter, wie geil ist das denn bitte?!?!
Und vorallem wie hast DU, der nicht mal eine NavBar hatte, das rausgefunden? ;)

@ ARDesign

@ gewürzwiesel

Vielen Dank :drool:
Gerne :D
ehrles schrieb:
Gute Idee:D , die anonymen Flashoholiker VIP-Group :thumbup: .

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

Ich trete bei! Und die Rom werden ich heute noch testen! Cna ist am Nexus S immer super gelaufen! :D

sent by Cm10 powered S3
Auf meinem Nexus lief die andere Rom des Devs auch geschmeidigst, daru mhab ich mir die hier überhaupt angeschaut :D

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