- 3.246
Ich möchte euch hier eine neue Rom für unser Galaxy S3 vorstellen
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Weder ich noch übernehmen jedwede Verantwortung für Schäden die bei unsachgemäßem Umgang entstehen könnten.
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Weder ich noch übernehmen jedwede Verantwortung für Schäden die bei unsachgemäßem Umgang entstehen könnten.
* Based off of Clean Android 4.1.1 Rev6 (JRO03R)
* File Manager Included
* T-mobile Theme Manager (tmobile, CyanogenMod, xoomdev)
* T9 Dialer/Landscape/Dialpad Settings (CyanogenMod)
* Trebuchet Custom Launcher (CyanogenMod)
* Ability to set custom ringtone delay (in phone settings - Netboy)
* Framework: added support for caller name display (kenshin)
* Framework: added HSPA+ support (shows H+ icon on status bar when connected to hspa+ - Bajee11)
* Framework: ability to set custom carrier label (Netboy)
* Browser: option open tab in incognito mode (Arham Jamal)
* Browser: option to close all other tabs (Arham Jamal)
* Browser: unhid the user agent settings
* DeskClock: added stopwatch and countdown timer (Jorge Ruesga)
* DeskClock: added settings to do nothing/snooze/dismiss and alarm by flipping the device (maurodec)
* DeskClock: you can set an alarm to switch your profile (jorge ruesga)
* Email: added meeting time to email invitation tab (erezak)
* Email: added option to enable/disable LED notifications per email account (apohl79)
* Keyboard: ability to use the volume buttons to move the cursor (romanbb)
* Settings: ADB over Network (enable TCP/IP debugging over Network interfaces (WiFi, Usb networks)
* Settings: Added option to disable volume adjustment sound (Settings -> Sound - StevenHarper)
* Settings: Option to change the devices hostname
* Settings: Hardware info in about phone (romanbb)
* Settings: Added nfc poling (sethyx)
* Custom Camera App: (CyanogenMod)
- Continuos focus
- Iso Support
- Support for red eye reduction
- Ability to use the power button to take pictures
* Customizable Messaging App:
- Added the ability to display a pop-up QuickMessage when an Sms message is received (DvTonder)
- Added call sender and quick reply notification actions (DvTonder)
- Added Emoji patch from CM MMS app (Robert Burns)
- SMS Templates (rciovati)
- Custom Vibrations (mssmison)
- Timestamp Options (aravance)
* Customizable Phone App (CM)
- Advanced Phone settings (optional vib on outgoing or incoming call or every 45 seconds)
* Customizable Power Menu (codenamedroid)
- Reboot Menu
- Profile Switcher
- Screenshot
- Airplane Mode
- Navigation bar toggle
- Silent toggle
* Customizable Status Bar: (Miui, CyanogenMod, romanbb, sethyx, kejar, syaoran12 ,romanbb, Stevespear426, Kyle Teague, Whitehawkx)
- Battery Icon style
- Battery Icon in notification bar
- Miui style battery bar
- Clock style
- Customizable Clock Color
- Clock Am/Pm style
- Clock Day of the Week
- Customizable Signal Text
- Customizable WiFi Signal Text
- Ability to slide your finger across the status bar to control brightness
- Notification counter
* Customizable Notification bar:
- Notification bar Power Widget (Cvcps, DvTonder CyanogenMod)
- Notification bar Toogles (AOKP - romanbb)
* Customizable Navigation Bar: (Zaphod-Beeblebrox, KhasMek, romanbb, akellar)
- Ability to enable/disable the navigation bar (enable toggle in power menu settings)
- Customizable navigation button actions
- Custom navigation bar ring targets (Team Eos, modified by Codenamedroid)
- customizable navigation bar color (Team Eos, modified by Codenamedroid)
- Customizable navigation button and button glow color
- Menu button visibility and location
- Number of navigation buttons
- Order of navigation buttons
- Navigation bar size
- Navigation bar transparency
* Customizable Lockscreen:
- Up to eight configurable lockscreen targets (Codenamedroid)
- Added optional centered lockscreen layout (Codenamedroid)
- Optional centered lockscreen clock
- Option to disable vibration on the lockscreen (StevenHarper)
- Customizable number of lockscreen targets (CyanogenMod)
- Configurable lockscreen wallpaper (Danesh M)
- Option to always show lockscreen battery (Blunden)
- Add weather to the lockscreen (DvTonder, Danesh M, Marius Volkhart, Rick C, Aokp)
- Add calendar reminders to the lockscreen (David Morgan)
- Lockscreen before secure unlock (Danesh M)
- Ability to unlock with menu (CyanogenMod)
- Quick pin unlock (unlock with pin/password without pressing ok CyanogenMod)
* Customizable Sound Settings:
- Customizable volume panel (Stevespear426)
- Configurable ascending ringtone (Danny Baumann)
- Safe headset volume (CyanogenMod)
- Volume rocker music controls (CyanogenMod)
- Ability to customize action taken when connecting a headset (syaoran12)
- Face down actions (syaoran12)
* Customizable Display Settings: (CyanogenMod)
- Customizable Rotation Modes
- Customizable LED Pulse (Duration and Color)
- Volume wake (tap either the up or down volume key to wake your phone from sleep)
- Volume music controls (long press volume buttons to skip tracks)
* Custom Profiles (CyanogenMod)
- assign different profiles to change the behavior of your phone to your liking
* Quiet Hours (CyanogenMod)
- the ability to set when notification sounds, haptic feedback, vibration and notification light will function[/color]
* Performance Settings:
- Start-up tweaks (kejar, Jrummy)
- Processor Speed (xoomdev)
- Voltage controls (xoomdev)
- Kernel controls (kejar, Jrummy)
* Developer Options:
- Propmodder (Jdkoreclipse)
- Spare Parts
- Development app
- Testing Settings
* SuperSU
* Busybox
* Bash
* Nano[/color]
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Donation Link: Codename Android
(donations are very appreciated and keep the roms coming )
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