[AOSP-ROM][KK][4.4.4] *22.10.14* ParanoidAndroid 4.6 [Beta 5][OFFICIAL][OTA]

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Changelog laut xda-forum:

AOSPA 4.2 Beta 5 <2014-04-22>

Additional battery status option
Removed custom lock screen wallpaper (requires updated UI)
Added transparency to incoming call screen
Bug fixes

AOSPA 4.2 Beta 4 <2014-04-08>

Added open source dialer lookup <SlimROM>
Do not show advanced reboot options on secure lock screens
Fixed rare Pie’s freeze
Fix a LTE issue for Toro/Toroplus
Updated lightbulb notification drawable
Other Bug fixes

ausprobiert habe ich es immer noch nicht:cool2:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pr0TuRk38
Gibt es eigentlich Neuigkeiten zu den Hyrid Settings? Dies ist das einzige, was die PA ROM ausmacht.
Also mich interessiert mehr Pie und Peek . :winki: Aber soweit ich gelesen
habe kommen die Hybrid-Settings in veränderter Form noch...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pr0TuRk38
Oh korrigiere dich beta 2 draußen... Stand heute...
Changelog :

AOSPA 4.3 Beta 2 <2014-05-01>
Ability to disable IME notification
Fix two finger pull down bugFix
some Hover bugsUpdated in call UIBug fixes
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
4.3 Beta 3 ist draußen

4.3 Beta 3

- Additional/Updated language translations, thanks to the community and all of their contributions
- Fixed issues with Documents/Downloads crashing while opening a file
- Fixed issue with launcher loading as a recent app while using the quick switch feature of the recents button
- Added ability to launch apps from recents as floating (long press on a recent item and select floating mode)
- Added ability to go directly to floating mode from notification drawer (long press on a notification)
- Added root access modes available in Developer options (disabled, apps only, adb only, apps and adb)
- Removed AppOps category tab, as we only offer one category in App privacy
- Bug fixes throughout
- Hover blacklist added (found in app info)
- Hover improvements/Bugfixes
- Awesomeness increased by 3% (ladies will like you more)

- Awesomeness increased by 3% (ladies will like you more) schön....
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pr0TuRk38
Opener, Changelog und Thread-Titel wurden aktualisiert.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
  • Danke
Reaktionen: t_bone
ParanoidAndroid 4.3 Beta 4 ist da

AOSPA 4.3 Beta 4 <2014-05-13>
Hover - swipe to dismiss
Optional low battery warning settings
Update circle battery design

Bug fixes
QS tile text alignment
Incoming call answer ring position
Launch floating mode from recents
Hover blacklist
Hover notification button transparency
Beta 6 ist verfügbar:

Late is better than not.

- Logic improvements
- Don’t show on sim pin
- Implement blacklist feature

- Logic improvements
- Don’t show on sim pin 
- Fixed notification clicker on some notifications
- In call improvements
- Once expanded current hover notification stay there until you touch outside or de-expand it. 
  When incoming call notification drops down is locked and no other notifications are 
  processed until call’s end. To dismiss it (hide), decline/accept call clicking the buttons or open 
  the dialer tapping on the notification
- Fix some spam
- Hide on dismiss (even from a button inside notif, reflects live parent android notification removal)

Floating window: 
-Implement blacklist feature

- Complete Italian translations of public git source (thank you crowdin contributers)
- Dismiss IME when floating window is dismissed
- Keep app when opening floating window from recents panel
- Some upstream fixes
- PAOTA fixes
Changelog für 4.3 Beta 7:


* Fix all reported bugs
* Revamped showing logic
* While hover is expanded, tapping outside will not insta hide
* Fix random invisible notifications.
* Prevent another notification from showing over current one.
* Fix handling of phone call notification in hover.


* Added support for Peek app
* Fixed an AOSP bug affecting hover
* Cleaned blacklist code
* New blacklist interface in apps settings
* Fix crashes with incoming calls
Update verfügbar:

P.S. This is still 4.4.2. We have merged and are testing 4.4.3 internally but it was released too close to our release to allow enough time for adequate testing.*

P.S 2 Like the Themes shown off in the image below they were made by our own +Matt Flaming* and *+Lo Huot* and are available on the play store (PiazzA will be available soon). Show them some love.

- Translated into over 30 languages!
- Backported numerous fixes from AOSP master.
- Improved quicksettings.
- Removed lockscreen blur feature in favour of custom lockscreen background from*Theme Engine (it will come back as a component of theme engine in the future).

Theme Engine
- Bring full CM11 theme engine. (First AOSP based ROM!!)
- WARNING: Home button gets refreshed only after reboot or by force killing SystemUI *if you want to *a avoid reboot. Will be fixed in next build.

- Stable status!!
- Removed Jank (its a technical term)
- Fixed remaining bugs, including spam and invisible notifications.
- Fully working and improved inCallUi.
- Restored default swipe to dismiss behavior. An upcoming swipe up gesture will let you dismiss*hover as was replacing the old behavior.

- Fixed immersive API Thanks for the developers who helped diagnose the issue
- Vastly improved triggering, and allow you to trigger from any area on the edge on tablets.
- Pie now rotates like the navBar (will appear on short edge).
- Enabled pie only on immersive mode enabled by quick settings tlie (not in app immersive).
- Fixed AOSP immersive bug issue where apps would register a touch when swiping statusBar*and/or navBar.
- Fixed numerous freezes.

WARNING: We recommend a clean flash this time due to massive changes

Builds: http://paranoidandroid.co/roms

Bugs: https://paranoidandroid.atlassian.net

Kraken Icon Pack: https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...h.kraken.icons

Paranoidandroid 4.4.3 RC1 ist da...


4.4 RC1 - Kitkat 4.4.3

Dose of awesome sauce on this week from PA Headquarters, again. As you may know
we merged 4.4.3 into our source. If coming from 4.4.2 ROM(s) (and your device has
received updates for radio and bootloader) you will need to flash new bootloader,
radio, along with Gapps and update to latest recovery before going forward. Many
bugs have been also resolved on our bug tracker thanks to community’s reports,
less to go.

After many months, many revisions and many concept’s debates we are really
proud to finally release first public Hover state. Still some visual things to do
but we achieved a great point :) Original idea and first developed revision by
+Jesús David Gulfo Agudelo, subsequently lead by +Carlo Savignano till current
revision. Due to popularity demand from the community we’ve added a couple
of great suggestions:
- If current notification showed in hover is from current foreground app, don’t
reopen it in floating.
- Ticker now shows for apps that are blacklisted from Hover.
More sauce to come.

Theme Engine
As you may know as for last monday release, we brought to you CyanogenMod
Theme Engine. As for who asked it during this week, we’ll keep Theme Engine
up to date with its upstream state. It will be a 0-Day upstream line. We’ve also
added support for some AOSP base components as home button refreshing.
More to come, since some AOSP components (as stock navigation bar) behaves
differently. Nothing to worry about though, because right now only navigation
bar’s background isn’t refreshed when applying a theme (needs rebooting).

RC1, what that means?
We achieved an almost stable state for this branch (PA 4.4), no special reasons :)

New Googly style by +Yamil Ghazi, based on +Austin Hill redesign idea:

Goo.im Downloads - Browsing i9100

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pr0TuRk38
komme noch von einer 4.1.2 (GoA Rom :D) und hab mich mal endlich dazu entschlossen eine neue Rom aufzuspielen und diese hier zu nehmen.
Was muss ich dabei beachten da ich ja von der 4.1.2 version komme oder reicht es, die Rom runter zu laden, auf den internen Speicher zu tun und einen Fullwipe zu machen?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Update verfügbar:

4.6 BETA 5 - Release Playful Pitaya*
This week, PA team members have worked overtime to unravel the previously encountered DSB issues. The product is back to the usual stability, with a bunch of tweaks all around, but still deserving the beta tag.

Most of the work was put into hardening DSB, but an additional configuration option was also added as an experiment mainly for those interested in increased speed. This is more of a "power user" setting as it can have an influence on the battery life - you have been warned - and is not guaranteed to stay around for later releases. To mess around with the setting, just run _adb shell su -c 'settings put system experimental_dsb_frequency 2'_ on your computer, replacing the 2 with any other number of choice. If you find frequencies that seem to work fine for you and still provide solid battery life, feel free to share them.

*Quick pointers for the setting:*

- The default value for a newly set up device is 2.
- Lower numbers mean slower, higher numbers mean faster.
- You probably don't want to go into negative numbers. It's the ones that are lower than 0.
- The counter caps out at 20. That is CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL.
- Going above the maximum of 20 is not going to change anything... Trust us... Just don't try it at home.

*Changes new in this release:*

- Provide a better flow for bar transitions and DSB
- Add the _experimental_dsb_frequency_ setting (for now)
- Include a pair of themeability changes
- Tweak OPO device-specific code
[Change Log] Paranoid Android [AOSPA]
Hallo Zusammen !

Ich wollte nur mal wissen wie lange bei euch der Akku hält, unter ParanoidAndroid 4.6.

Kernel : Apolo 7.1 FINAL

Die Rom an sich läuft Top.
Nur der Akku hält nicht lange..

ich wollte nun wissen ob es noch möglichkeiten gibt die Akku laufzeit zu verbessern ohne einen anderen Rom zu verwenden.
Vielleicht anderen Kernel ?!
wo finde ich die Paranoid 4.4 Final Rom zum download?
Ich bin noch auf der Suche nach einem passenden Gapps link!

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